Elizabeth was very surprised. She had thought that Ross would do something in the club, but she found that everyone there was normal and there was no problem at all. This made her feel incredible.

But after three days of contact, she suddenly discovered that there was no need for Ross to do anything, because the brand-new model, brand-new techniques, and effective fitness methods were enough to completely bind every noble lady. All body and mind.

"This guy is so dangerous. Even if he doesn't use those weird powers, he can easily control these ordinary people by just taking out these things." Elizabeth was full of vigilance.

While she was deep in thought, her subordinates hurried in and said, "Chief, there is news from the queen."

Elizabeth hurriedly picked up the white paper and looked at it, then said with a serious face: "This is troublesome."

"What's wrong?" the subordinate asked tentatively.

Elizabeth whispered: "There seems to be some movement on the part of the military faction. They mobilized nearby troops through the high-ranking officials of Massa Province and came this way."

"Are they crazy?"

"No, they just said they were preparing for an exercise, but the scope of the exercise surrounded the entire city of Arkham."

Speaking of this, Elizabeth said solemnly: "Something big is about to happen in Arkham!"


Greenleaf Farm, a suburb on the northern side of Arkham.

Dr. Morgan, a doctor of archeology from Miskatonic University, was sitting quietly in his chair, seemingly waiting for something.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Dr. Morgan stood up hastily and walked over to open the door.

There were six people standing outside the door. These six people, four men and two women, were wearing very ordinary work clothes and carrying bags on their backs. They looked like workers who came from the countryside to work in the city.

"Come in!" Morgan said, hurriedly welcoming the six people in.

The six people nodded. After entering the room, Morgan looked around curiously: "Where is Captain Kingston?"

Captain Kingston, 42 years old, is the backbone of the Green Covenant. Now he has reached the extremely powerful level 40. He is one of the veterans of the Green Covenant's reorganization.

Among the six people, a young man with smooth blond hair and a hijab style said: "The captain found a crazy super human and went after him. He will probably be back soon."

Morgan nodded after hearing this, and before he could recover, a lively and sunny girl in her early twenties with a few freckles jumped up and hugged Morgan, and said happily: "Uncle Morgan! "

Morgan was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Kama?"

The girl blinked and said, "Yes! It's me!"

Kama was once a very ordinary girl. Three years ago, due to a supernatural incident, her family was killed by a monster. Morgan led the people of the Green Covenant to kill the mutated monster and rescued the girl.

Then the hopeless Karma left Arkham with the Green Covenant, vowing to drive out all the crazy monsters in the world.

"Oh my God! You have grown so big in three years!" Morgan said happily.

At this time, a mature elder sister who was about twenty-five years old grabbed Kama by the back collar and said, "Okay, you look like an A-level team member."

After hearing this, Karma stuck out his tongue, loosened his arms and said, "Uncle Morgan, it's my turn to protect you this time!"

After Kama finished speaking, the hijab young man just said: "Hello, Dr. Morgan, my name is Joseph Qiu, and I am the deputy captain of this operation."

"Joseph the Goshawk?" Morgan was shocked when he heard this.

Goshawk Joseph, a level 35 superhuman, is one of the outstanding rookies of the Green Covenant in the past two years. Legend has it that he has a pair of special eyes, which not only has powerful vision, but also has sharp fingers that can easily pierce steel plates.

It is even said that he can fly short distances for a period of time.

Joseph nodded slightly: "Time is tight this time. We can only stay here for three days, and then we will go to Innsmouth, so if there is anything that needs to be dealt with, please explain it as soon as possible."

Morgan said: "Let's wait until Captain Kingston comes back!"

"I'm back!"

At this time, a confident and heroic voice sounded, and then a handsome man with a height of 1.8 meters, a well-proportioned figure, chestnut hair and a light stubble opened the door and walked in.

This one is Captain Kingston, known as the Titan, a handsome, cheerful, and kind-hearted uncle.

"Captain, where is that lunatic?" the mature elder sister asked.

Kingston said with a pity look on his face: "There was nothing I could do. I sensed that there were other superhuman beings around and the troops passing by in the distance, so I withdrew in time."

"Army!?" Morgan was stunned.

Kama said: "The Massa Military District is going to conduct a military exercise near Arkham. All roads leading to the interior have been controlled by the army. Don't you know?"

Morgan blinked: "I don't know! I just heard about it."

Joseph said: "Don't worry about this little thing, let's talk about the current situation."

Now that everyone was here, Morgan directly explained the matter in detail.

"Dealing with the Hand of Chaos, healing girls and doctors, how come they don't sound like bad people!" Karma asked, blinking.

The mature elder sister on the side said calmly: "Don't look at the surface of everything. Mayor Arkham directly took over the Rhodes Guild afterwards, which means that his target is the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. Destroying the Hand of Chaos is just to remove obstacles."

Kingston sighed: "I didn't expect George's son to eventually become the monster he feared the most."

"By the way, what about Dr. Armitage?"

Morgan said: "Dr. Armitage is old. He talked with Arkham for a while that day, and was bewitched by Arkham's words. He thought he was not a monster, but a qualified mayor. I don't think he is suitable to participate in this incident."

"Then let him retire. The people in the organization must maintain a firm will, otherwise a little misjudgment is likely to cause inevitable consequences." Joseph said firmly.

Mature Kingston shook his head: "This matter cannot be concluded so hastily. Have you two used the expulsion spell to test it?"

Morgan shook his head and said: "I was afraid of alerting the enemy, so I didn't do it casually."

"Very good, then let's see what kind of monster this is!" Joseph said with his eyes burning with fighting spirit and his fists clenched.

Morgan whispered, "We need to be careful. From what we can see now, he has many very powerful subordinates. I heard that the police bullets and bombs in the city are useless to them."

"Superhuman police? Really?" Everyone immediately expressed disbelief.

The two sides will start contact tomorrow. Guess whether the expulsion spell that can expel the offspring of the evil god will work on Los?

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