Ross shook his slippery tentacles, which seemed to indicate the secret that the two people had just tacitly shared.

A serious look appeared on the female vampire's pale and thin face.

She originally thought this was a mutated superhuman, but now it seems that she discovered that this guy has completely broken away from the human form and evolved into another existence.

Because she knew very well that no man would turn that part into a ferocious and thick tentacle. This was beyond the common sense of human self-perception.

She has a lifespan of more than 260 years. She has wandered around the world, killing humans and being expelled by humans at the same time. Her long life and extensive knowledge allow her to easily pass by the eyes of bystanders. From this perspective, we can see many things that humans do not recognize themselves.

However, now with Los, she found that the bottom lines and rules she had summarized before had completely disappeared.

This guy is truly out of touch with human thinking.

Los stretched out his hand: "Give Danny's head back to me. Look at this poor little guy, he's about to die."

"He's dead!" The female vampire squeezed Danny's head and whispered.

Los smiled: "That's not okay. I didn't let him die. How could he die?"

Hearing these domineering words, the first thing the female vampire felt was not Ross's domineering power and charisma, but a tingling sensation in her scalp.

This feeling is an instinctive reaction that she can only show when she sees the natural enemy she fears.


The next second, the female vampire screamed and threw her head to Los. At the same time, her body turned into a black shadow and disappeared out of the window.

Los grabbed Danny's head, looked at the direction where the female vampire disappeared and sighed: "Are you so scared? I won't catch you and barbecue you by the river."

"The risk of eating bats is still quite high."

Ross lowered his head and muttered, then turned to look at the bathrobe left on the ground and sighed: "It's such a long night, it's so hard to be alone!"

The night passed quickly, and the guards outside prepared the relevant materials, such as a large pot, sugar, beef, etc., the next morning.

Ross, who has put back Danny's head here, has already issued an order to gather all seven senior leaders of Danny's gang here to prepare for a meeting.

No one felt anything unusual. Although the seven senior leaders were a little surprised, they naturally had to be present when the boss spoke.

"Is the boss suddenly summoning us for any big move?" "Locomotive" North, the leader of the Danny Gang in charge of transportation, asked in a low voice.

Six-finger Jerry, who was in charge of the casino, shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I heard from the guard that the boss seemed to have captured Los Arkham last night!"

While the seven of them were thinking, a guard came out and said, "Follow me. The boss is waiting for you in the underground interrogation room."

Hearing this, the seven people were not surprised. Danny liked to interrogate people after they were tortured to the point of collapse, and it was common to hear their reports there.

Follow the guard to the spacious basement below the villa. It is a large area with cells and interrogation rooms integrated into one.

However, at this time, the old cages had been cleaned out and replaced with four iron pots that were larger than a bathtub, and a fire was already burning underneath.

Just when they felt doubtful, Ross, who was carrying Danny's head, came over and said with a smile: "My subordinates, welcome here to meet your new attitude."

Naturally, these leaders are not good people. The perceptive "Six Finger" Jerry growled: "You are not the boss! Who are you!?"

The others immediately drew their weapons and pointed them at Los.

Ross calmly took off the head, replaced it with his own head in their panic, and said, "Of course he is your lovely, dedicated, hard-working and kind mayor."

Bang bang bang!

What responded to him was a series of gunshots.

Naturally, these firearms cannot cause any harm to Ross.

At this time, Carrington quietly appeared behind him, holding a bag in his hand and said: "Master, I just visited the unnamed cemetery in the North District. The family was very hospitable. Before I left, You must put your head into my hand."

As he spoke, he poured the eight ghoul skulls onto the ground.

Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Help me thank that hospitable family."

"I have thanked them on your behalf and expressed your sincere gratitude by sending them to heaven." When Carrington spoke, he had quietly come to the side of the seven people.

"You monsters!"


What happened next was, of course, a cliché. The spirits of the seven bosses were quickly tortured by these two monsters until they collapsed.

Then, under their watchful eyes, Los transformed Danny, who had completely suffered a mental breakdown, into a ghoul through the method of stewing with alien gods. At the same time, he also added a drop of blood that had been diluted by Mursi's special treatment, which was equivalent to normal blood. A tenth drop of the case.

On the one hand, because Danny is a superhuman, rebirth requires more energy. On the other hand, it is also for insurance. As long as he ingests Los's blood, there will no longer be any possibility of betrayal to Los.

Six hours later, amid the shock and disbelief of the seven people, Danny O'Banion, whose head was missing, was completely reborn.

His figure is still so tall and strong, and the surface of his body is covered with pale white skeletal armor, which is quite different from a normal ghoul.

Danny's figure is no longer so bloated, and his previously spherical head now has edges and corners. The most important thing is that he has four bone horns on the top of his head, which match his majestic limbs, ferocious claws, and the spine extending from the end of his spine. A long skeletal tail that was two meters long made him look like a skeletal demon.

Excellent ingredients... no, it was the excellent foundation plus the blood of the ancient gods and enough energy that allowed Danny to complete a complete evolution and rebirth, becoming a ghoul lord.

The Ghoul Lord not only has good growth potential, but his current initial level has reached level 32.

The seven people were completely dumbfounded when they saw that the boss who had been stewed for six hours had become so powerful.

Danny jumped out of the pot and looked around. Immediately, the linkage of blood brought him directly in front of Los. Then he knelt down respectfully: "Thank you, great master, for giving me a new form and life."

Ross nodded with satisfaction and said: "Your name is still Danny O'Banion, and you will still help me manage the entire Danny Gang."

"Understood, my master." Danny nodded respectfully, and then turned into O'Banion again.

Los then turned to look at the other seven people and asked, "Who wants to accept such a gift?"

The seven people looked at each other and saw the heat in each other's eyes.

I came back from my hometown today and took a train for a day. Let’s start with a chapter for now.

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