Ivan went crazy, but he finally escaped from Arkham.

With a weird cry and a crazy expression, Ivan rushed into the mountains in the north along the street on the north side.

In the darkness, Hina's expression had returned to normal, and Zeke also changed from a ghoul to a normal human image.

"Master, are you just going to let him go?" Zeke asked tentatively.

In the darkness, Ross walked out with a smile and looked at the direction where Ivan disappeared and said with a smile: "This is just a bait."

Hina on the side explained: "What he investigated is related to the people of Innsmouth. We know very little about him. Letting him go crazy like this can attract the attention of more Eye of Insight investigators."

"If they are curious enough and confident enough, they will come back here again, but their investigation focus will be on the Tide Pirates instead of us in the central area. At that time, we can further understand the true strength of both sides through their battles."

Zeke heard this and realized that the original plan for the past ten days was for today.

During these ten days, Hina often went out to the East District at night to investigate some situations, and then came back to study something with Dr. Murthy.

Then last night, after Ivan finished his investigation and successfully got rid of the pursuit of the group of Innsmouth people, Hina disguised herself as an Innsmouth person, caught up with Ivan with three dogs developed by Dr. Murthy, and bit him.

This bite can completely arouse his fear, and then he will want to retreat.

After tonight's strike while the iron is hot, a poor investigator who was scared crazy by the Innsmouth people was completed.

"How is the investigation of that batch of banned drugs?" Los asked.

Hina nodded and said: "It's clear that it's a batch of drugs belonging to Dekans Pharmaceutical Company, but it's not actually a drug, but a large amount of advanced nutrients."

"Advanced nutrients?" Zeke was stunned.

Xina nodded: "Today's three empires all have signs of cooperating with advanced races. According to the information obtained by our intelligence department, the advanced race cooperating with the Rosas Empire Military Intelligence Department is called the Urs. They are good at integrating and transforming human bodies with other species."

"And this transformation process requires a lot of biological energy and nutrition."

"In other words, this Dekans Pharmaceutical Company is just one of the external shells of our Imperial Military Intelligence Department." Los laughed.

It seems that his enemies are not just the two empires outside. He is also isolated and helpless within his own empire.

Xina nodded: "Yes, Dekans Pharmaceutical Company often recruits volunteers for paid drug testing. In fact, these people were eventually sent to secret research institutes and became human test subjects."

While these people were talking, several shadows in the dark night quickly came here, and then Dr. Laban, who was wearing sunglasses, came here with three other young men wearing black suits and holding guns.

"Mayor!?" Seeing Los, Dr. Laban was obviously stunned, and his cold expression just now changed instantly, revealing surprise and caution.

He was very wary of this mayor who never showed his true colors. He had at least three powerful superhumans under his command, so this mayor was definitely not an ordinary person.

Los smiled and asked: "Oh! My dear municipal commissioner, Dr. Laban, are you okay?"

Laban shook his head: "Thank you for your concern, Mayor. I wonder if you suddenly came to the North District late at night. What's the matter?"

Los said directly: "I recently received an order from the Empire to help the Empire investigate a batch of hijacked drugs. My police found relevant clues here."

As he said that, he pointed to the claw marks and saliva on the ground.

Dr. Laban looked down and his expression became solemn.

He naturally knew what this thing represented. It was a beast raised by the group of monsters.

Then, Los looked at Laban with a smile, but said in a very calm tone: "Besides, are you making a lot of noise here?"

Laban's breath was choked, and then he smiled and said: "That's why we need your help. After all, the North District is also part of Arkham."

Loss asked indifferently: "That's what I said, but after these ten days, my police told me that you don't seem to be willing to assist them in solving the case. Instead, you keep sending them to the French Mountains to let them investigate there."

Laban was stunned: "Misunderstanding, this should be a misunderstanding."

"Is it a misunderstanding, Zeke?" Los asked.

Zeke turned his head to look at Dr. Laban and replied respectfully: "It depends on Dr. Laban's actual performance."

In the past ten days, the police from the central area have gradually entered the North District, but they were completely isolated by the people of the Redemption Society. Their goal is naturally not to let the police move in, but to let the police help them deal with the witches in the French Mountains.

Not only did they not allow the police to conduct a detailed investigation, they also always sent them to or led them to the French Mountains for various reasons.

Los, who had seen through his intentions long ago, was just pretending, waiting for the opportunity to mature.

Now the influence of the Redemption Society around the world cannot be underestimated, and this organization is not an overly radical one. Before he develops, Los at least does not intend to tear his face with them directly.

Dr. Laban smiled: "Don't worry, Officer Jike! Maybe we didn't communicate well in the past. If we communicate more in the future, we will definitely be able to annihilate this damn cult in one fell swoop!"

Ross smiled and said: "That's good, but to prevent some accidents from happening to the citizens of the North District, it would be better for us to make a joint statement tomorrow. What do you think, Dr. Laban?"

"Yes! You are right." Dr. Laban nodded.

After talking about the matter, Los led the people and turned around and left.

After taking a few steps, Los suddenly turned around and asked: "Dr. Laban, be careful of those pirates, they are very vicious."

"Thank you, mayor, for reminding me!" Dr. Laban replied.

Watching Los and the others disappear into the night, Dr. Laban turned to look at Ivan's original home.

"What do those Innsmouth people want to do? They actually reached out to us?" Dr. Laban frowned slightly.

The young man on the side asked in a low voice: "Doctor, do we really want to allow them to fully enter the North District?"

"This is naturally impossible. What you did before was too rough. Next, we need to be more careful and don't expose our core members."


"But don't conflict with the police. Our current goal is to use the city government's means to get rid of the Forbidden Door. Don't forget that the Forbidden Door has not been removed, but we have a conflict with the government! Do you know?"


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