Ivan Ruger was very busy that night. When the terrorist attack happened, he was investigating the missing goods in the East District, and was discovered by an Innsmouth man.

Fortunately, he is now level 15. After killing the Innsmouth man, he quickly left the East District and returned to his residence in the central district.

As soon as he came back, he received a call from the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. When he heard about the gunfight in the central district, he was shocked. You know, this is important material and intelligence, and he actually missed it! ?

Not only that, he was scolded by the editor-in-chief, saying that if he didn't come up with some useful news tonight, he would be fired.

Although Ivan was very angry, he had no choice but to go out obediently despite his tiredness.

He was just a foreigner who had just come to Arkham for a month, and this Arkham was a very conservative and exclusive place.

If you don't get acquainted and have good relationships here now, you can't live here at all.

If you don't have enough references and reputation, you can't get a loan from the bank. If you know few people, you can't find a suitable job, and no one is willing to rent you a house.

Without good relationships, those barbers, tattoo artists, and waiters will not be nice to you.

In their circle, Arkham is a place that should be avoided if possible.

However, compared with the complexity here, all the rewards are very high.

He took two tasks this time. One was to investigate the whereabouts of the batch of drugs. The reward was 500 Rosa coins, which was not a small amount. It was enough for him to buy a good car.

The other bigger task was to investigate the entrance to the underground ruins of Arkham. This task has been circulated in their circle for a long time. Even if some clues are found, there is a reward of 1,000 Rosa coins.

But if you want to investigate the entrance to the underground ruins, you must have a sufficient understanding of this place and get to know enough people.

Ivan used to be a clown in a circus, with good physical coordination, conversation skills, and the ability to read people's expressions.

He came here to make full use of these advantages. It cost him 20 Rosa coins and 20 days to become a low-level reporter of the Arkham Gazette.

He also hoped that this identity would bring him enough reputation and connections to complete the tempting task.

The monetary reward is one thing, but more importantly, it gives me the opportunity to evolve.

"If I find the entrance, I can even get a special blood that will allow me to directly reach level 25. At that time, I will be one of the strongest people in Massa State." Ivan, holding the notebook, thought about it and started his work.

They belong to a special organization. They investigate things for that mysterious organization, and they can get a lot of money and some special abilities beyond human beings from it.

He joined this organization when he was on the verge of death, and successfully completed several investigation tasks.

After tasting the sweetness, he couldn't stop, because the rewards given by that organization were too tempting and generous, and no one could refuse those fantastic rewards.

Concentrating his spirit, Ivan went back and forth between various places in the city and began to conduct a detailed investigation.

As the investigation deepened, he found more and more the weirdness and power of Los Arkham, as well as those terrifying policemen.

He vaguely found that he was not the opponent of those policemen.

In the morning, Ivan, who was tired, looked at the detailed information in his hand, and felt a little fear in his heart.

He has special insight skills. With his knowledge in this area, he would not fail in most cases. However, he failed miserably with the mayor yesterday morning, which caused him to have nightmares all night and his mental state was very bad.

He thought it was because he was too scared at the time. Now thinking about it, Ivan was suddenly afraid. The mayor's strength was far beyond his imagination.

"This ghost place is really the same as the legend. It's too evil." Ivan had already retreated in his heart, but his greed and luck were still tempting him.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer." Ivan thought to himself and walked quickly into the door of the newspaper.


At this time, Los was sitting at his desk and opening the information Elizabeth sent to him.

Elizabeth, who has a strong self-esteem and is very competitive, acted very quickly after Los's continuous stimulation, and wanted to prove her ability to Los.

The detailed information from Ivan Ruger is all here.

"Originally named Terra Rust, born in Newt State, with five years of experience as a clown, he offended the gang for saving two children, and then was chased to a desperate situation and suddenly disappeared for half a month."

"After reappearing, he suddenly gained strong fighting ability and economic foundation, secretly taught the gang a lesson and disappeared again."

"A week later, he suddenly appeared in Rice State, participated in the investigation of a mysterious murder case, and then became a private detective."

"The last time he appeared in Gar State, he showed a strength of about level 15, and joined forces with at least five people to burn half of the town. Due to insufficient evidence, he was arrested and released."

"He was helping an organization with an investigation mission, and then gained superhuman powers, which means that he was not another time traveler, but an indigenous investigator."

Continuing to flip through the information, Los saw a related organization: Eye of Insight.

"A very covert intelligence agency with considerable strength. Its members are all over the world, and most of them are superhumans. The strongest superhuman currently affiliated with this organization has reached level 45, and his true strength is unknown."

There is not much information introduced, the rest are events related to Ivan and the Eye of Insight.

These include blowing up half the city, looting a police station, controlling a plane to straf a fishing village... and so on.

They always appear suddenly in some town and cause major accidents.

This organization was even involved in the Dunwich incident seven years ago.

After reading these contents, Ross leaned on the chair and closed his eyes.

In the silence, a pair of soft palms gently placed on his temples and kneaded them gently.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a pile of tall and straight things filling his field of vision.

Lilith's face turned slightly red and she asked, "You seem a little troubled."

Los shook his head and said, "It's not really a worry. Suddenly I feel that this world is much more interesting than I imagined, so I plan to use my brain and play this game well."

After listening, Lilith squatted in front of Los's legs, raised her head and looked at Los with admiration and said, "I am willing to follow you forever, until the end of the world."

ps: Didi didi! Recommended votes are needed to pave the way! ! w(Д)w

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