Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 38 Will people die if their heads are beheaded?

The terrifying storm began to accumulate in the central area of ​​Arkham. After this incident, all the forces of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce began to gather and impose martial law, like a beast with its whole body tense and ready to fight at any time.

Reagan Rhodes, who was in the rich area and heard the news, no longer looked calm and confident as yesterday.

The calm and confident attitude he showed yesterday had disappeared. Looking at his ugly face now, it seemed as if he had just been forced to eat a handful of shit, and he felt an indescribable discomfort.

The servants at home who heard the news also looked abnormal at this time, and vaguely felt that the sky of the entire central area was about to change.

In the dead silence, the woman belonging to the Hand of Chaos appeared again.

"The Pope said that he would start to take over all the businesses of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and firmly control the assets. We now hold the lifeline of the central area, and Los dare not act easily."

Hearing this, Reagan asked hoarsely: "We...really can't deal with this guy?"

"How dare you question the Pope!?" The woman suddenly shouted sharply.

Reagan hurriedly lowered his head and dared not speak.

The woman snorted coldly and explained, "It's not that we can't handle it, but if we continue to fight hard, it will not be good for us. If we make a big fuss and let other forces take advantage of the situation, or attract the attention of the empire's top leaders, it will be troublesome, understand?"

Reagan nodded slowly, indicating that he understood.

Although this explanation is very reasonable, he still feels that his master is powerless now, because such a defensive posture is not his master's style of doing things.

"Los Arkham... Where did you get such a powerful power from!?"


In the morning, Los successfully transferred all his hatred to the Hand of Chaos. Although this means a direct war with the Hand of Chaos, he doesn't care.

Through these two battles, he can probably estimate the real strength of the Hand of Chaos now. The strongest person in the entire church should not exceed level 50.

Not to mention himself, even Lilith can't beat him.

But he doesn't plan to directly wipe them out. What he is facing now is not a game of mowing the grass with no parallels, but a game of simulated management.

What he needs now is to build his own power and improve the strength and knowledge of his subordinates.

So, after finishing the work in the morning, Los came directly to Arkham Sanatorium to build a special force with extraordinary power.

The crazy gang members who attacked Los's house last night and the gang members who attacked Daryl's house are now here.

In the next period of time, they need to face death and rebirth after death.

Now the materials are ready, and Carrington has just returned from the wilderness cemetery in the suburbs, where he robbed a large nest of ghouls and took away some of their things.

Carrington threw a large bag on the ground, in which he could see the heads of about thirty or forty ghouls.

"The young master is really kind, just let me take their heads and don't let me hurt their lives."

"The heads have been taken away...haven't they hurt their lives?" Kurvin on the side was confused.

Carrington was stunned after hearing this, and slapped his head and said, "Oh! I forgot about this. Oh! Yes, under normal circumstances, most creatures will die after their heads are removed."

"???" Kurven had never seen Los' headless form, and had no idea what this meant.

Lilith quietly emerged from the darkness at this time: "So you really die after your head is cut off? I really learned something new today."

"Me!???" Hearing what these two people said, Kurven suddenly felt that in his 30-year life, all the common sense about human body structure he had learned was in vain! !

When Kurven was confused, Los walked down the stairs and asked, "Are you ready?"

Kurven quickly gathered his mind and said, "Everything has been prepared according to the proportions you gave me, and we are just waiting to put it in the pot."

At this time, in this huge space, ten large pots had been set up on the fire.

Los nodded: "Throw the skull of the ghoul in and you can start stewing."

Then Kulven was responsible for throwing the skull of the ghoul in, and Carrington was responsible for understanding the evil life of these gang members.

Lilith was very close to Los: "Master, I interrogated these people briefly while playing games last night. Guess what I found?"

How could Los guess, so he smiled and said: "I would rather you tell me with that beautiful voice."

"You... are really good at talking." Lilith was a little shy, and then explained: "I found one of the bases of the Hand of Chaos now, and they seem to have found the entrance to an underground maze near the old church on the south side. Now their main members are deciphering and researching there."

After listening, Los raised his eyebrows: "Oh? These guys are really capable. They actually found the entrance to the dungeon maze."

"Do you want me to drive them in and seal the door? It must be very interesting to let them kill each other inside." Lilith's face showed a very strong interest.

Ross touched her hair, which felt amazing, and said, "No hurry, let's deal with the backbone of our future Arkham first."

"Go check the seasoning...the proportion of the ingredients." Ross said.

Lilith nodded and walked away briskly, very interested in this interesting task.

Just stewing a human corpse like this, can you stew a powerful ghoul? She couldn't understand it.

Kurven came over here mysteriously and asked in a low voice: "Master, is there something wrong with Carrington and Lilith's worldview? They actually think that people will not die after being beheaded."

"Ah? Will people die after being beheaded?" Los was suddenly shocked.

"Ah!??" Hearing this, Kurven was completely confused.

Then in his confusion, Los directly pulled off his head and hugged it to his chest: "Look, you won't die!"

"I # %¥% # %" In great horror, Kurven spoke a long string of their hometown dialects to express his shock and incomprehension.

At this time, Kurven, a strong man like a black bear spirit, was frightened and his eyes widened. With a plop, he sat down on the ground.

Seeing his look, Los smiled happily and said, "Kulvin, you have to change your mindset. For ordinary people, being beheaded will indeed lead to death, but the world we live in is not the world of ordinary people, understand?"

Kulvin, who had never suffered such stimulation and common sense shock, nodded dully, and it was unknown whether he had listened or not.

At this time, another person came down the stairs. It was Dr. Mursi who was invited by Los to come and witness the miracle.

In his plan, Dr. Mursi will be his capable assistant in scientific research in the future.

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