After hearing this, Lilith's old past that had been buried for many years suddenly emerged.

She still looked like that, but in the next second, she suddenly raised her right hand, and then a cold light flashed past, and Los's head fell off her neck.

Then, an extremely twisted and ferocious smile suddenly appeared on Lilith's face.

The eyes widened and the corners of the mouth opened, revealing the pale teeth and scarlet tongue inside. It was hard to imagine that a human could look like this.

"Stupid guy! Do you really think you can tame me by locking me up for ten years!? Do you really think I will treat you special!? Los Arkham! Your arrogance and arrogance will make the entire Arkham Mu has caused countless troubles!”

At this time, she changed from her previous intellectual and elegant appearance to an extremely ferocious and crazy appearance, as if she had completely changed into a completely different person.

Holding the sharp table knife in her left hand, she stretched out her hand and tapped on the bookshelf, as if calling for something.

But after two minutes, nothing changed.

"What's going on?" Just when Lilith felt confused, a teasing voice came.

"Stop knocking. The four people you control have been captured by me."

Hearing this voice, Lilith suddenly felt as if she had been bitten by a poisonous snake. Her body froze, and then she suddenly looked back.

Under her gaze, Los, who was beheaded by her, stood up from the ground very calmly, holding his head with one hand and patting the dust off his body with the other.

"What!?" Seeing this scene, Lilith's blood-red eyes tightened, and her face showed shock.

Ross held his head with his left arm and looked at Lilith with a sarcastic smile: "Who is arrogant and conceited? Do you really think you are the only special person in this world?"

"You don't really think that... what you see and what you foresee is the so-called reality of this world, right?"

When Lilith was shocked, a large number of ferocious tentacles suddenly appeared on the cross section of Los's neck, and some granules also appeared under his head.

Connected to each other, the tentacles pulled Los's head and fixed it on his neck again.

Lilith saw the pupils tighten for a while, but then she didn't have any fear, but showed indescribable excitement and excitement.

"Little sister, you are still too naive." Lose said with a smile.

Lilith is forty-five years old this year, and Los's memories and souls in the two worlds combined are already fifty years old. It's not too much to call her little sister.

"Little sister!?" Lilith was stunned when she was called that. Over the years, she had been called various names.

Virgin, devil, mother, witch, devil, savior, bloody butcher...

But she has never been called that by anyone.

"Who are you?" At this moment, Lilith felt her heart beat faster, her face and ears felt hot, and the blood in her body began to flow faster.

Seeing Lose's ferocious inhuman form, she... actually felt a heartbeat.

She thought this form was so wonderful and perfect, the ferocious tentacles were so cute, and the weird shape was so handsome.

Los squatted down again and looked at her: "Los Arkham, the mayor of Arkham City."

Suddenly, Lilith leaned forward suddenly, and then her red lips pressed directly on Los's mouth.

This immediately stunned Ross: "What the hell!?"

Looking at her proud look, Ross was afraid that she would yell next: "I didn't expect it, Ross, your first kiss was with me, Lilith!"

But the reality was much more exciting than Ross expected.

At this time, Lilith's eyes flashed with a strange light, staring at him and said: "Los Arkham, I like you!"

"???" Loss was completely confused this time.

He designed Lilith's character, so he knew all the secrets.

In the previous design, Lilith's character design was based on his favorite female villain as the core template. He focused on her dark and bloody childhood and twisted personality, but did not design her aesthetic views and habits.

Because in his design, this is a crazy person without any love.

But... reality once again strayed from his original design.

"Do you like...these tentacles!?" Los said, and his palms turned into five flexible tentacles again.

Lilith looked at this wonderful form with crazy eyes. She reached out and gently touched the weird tentacles and said, "No, I like you with this form."

After speaking, she suddenly opened her hands and said, "This is a sad world, a helpless world."

"I know very well that my mental state has broken away from the boundaries of human beings and has become a whole new level. However... this vulgar world has restricted my evolution and development with this miserable body."


She suddenly looked at Los with eyes full of excitement: "Now you are different! You have broken the pathetic shackles of the ordinary, and you have a body that far exceeds mine! You let me see a brand new hope and future!"

After a pause, she opened her mouth wide and her eyes widened. The expression on her face was mixed with madness, obsession, admiration, and even a hint of ferocity: "Los Arkham, I really love you to death!"

Seeing Lilith at this time, Ross couldn't help but take a breath. Although he was mentally prepared, the degree of distortion in Lilith's heart was still beyond his imagination.

After he felt that his normal thinking could not deal with her, Los pulled out his head again, gave up being a human, and used his inhuman thinking to fight her.


So, Los, who surpassed humans, laughed happily.

"Lilith! You gave me too many surprises and fun today! A person's spirit can mutate into this form, which makes me a little surprised and more happy."

"Lilith, I can tell you clearly that I have a good impression of you now. You are really a perfect woman who fascinates and makes people curious!"


So, the two guys who were not human faced each other and laughed very strangely at the same time.

To deal with crazy people, you must use crazy attitudes and thinking.

After a pleasant chat, Lilith asked: "My dear Los, what is your purpose in coming here today? You must know that it is the consensus of all the major forces in Arkham to control me here. If you take me out rashly, you will become the public enemy of all of them."

"In this sanatorium, whether it is medical staff or patients, they all have their spies."

At this time, Los's headless body approached and "stared" at Lilith and said: "What I have to do now is to control all the forces in my hands, and then establish a new order for me in Arkham! These people have become my enemies."

Hearing this, Lilith's eyes flashed: "This must be a very interesting thing."

"So I came here. Today, I want to let you truly break free from the shackles of this world, let you have a brand new form, and let you embrace your true self."

As he said, dozens of tentacles extended from Los's hands and even his neck.

"After this, your body, your soul, your will, everything about you will belong to me and become my personal collection of Los Arkham!"

Loss now understood that to deal with such a woman, he must be strong, powerful, weird and crazy enough.

Facing such an inhuman form, listening to such a tyrannical and domineering language, Lilith was completely addicted to it.

She happily accepted it with a ruddy face: "Dear Loss, if you can help me achieve the form I dream of, then from now on, Lilith Carrier will be your personal collection!"

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