The mother and daughter hugged each other, crying excitedly and laughing happily. It lasted for more than ten minutes before they calmed down.

Then, Leila said embarrassedly: "Sorry, Mr. Mayor."

Loss smiled and said: "It's too polite to call me Mr. Mayor. Daryl and I are friends. You can call me Ross in private."

Leila said happily: "Okay, Mr. Ross, I... I really don't know how to thank you."

Loss said casually: "Darryl is my friend, Tracy is a citizen of this city. No matter what the reason, curing Tracy is what I, the mayor, should do."

"Your nobility, your greatness, and your kindness make us feel extremely grateful and respectful." Leila immediately felt very admired and moved.

After being cured of this terminal illness, the mayor was still so peaceful and did not ask for any return. The legendary apostle of God is just like this, right?

Then, with constant gratitude and thanks, Los said goodbye: "Okay, it's getting late, I should go back."

"Would you stay for dinner? Daryl is probably coming back soon." Leila hurriedly tried to keep him.

Tracy also hurriedly said: "Would you like to have dinner together?"

Los didn't want to confront Daryl here, and said helplessly: "I really don't have time today. I just took office and there are still many things to deal with. You should also know that I don't have enough qualifications and rely on bloodline to get to the top. Many people don't believe me."

"So at this time, I don't have time to slack off."

Hearing this, Leila and Tracy understood, and could only send Los away with great disappointment and reluctance.

After Los left, Tracy's eyes full of light kept blinking, looking at everything around her with joy and novelty.

"Mom, Mr. Arkham is the greatest benefactor of my life. I won't allow anyone to say bad things about him! Those people with shallow vision don't know the greatness and kindness of Mr. Arkham at all."

Lila happily touched Tracy's golden curly hair and comforted her: "Tracy, we can't make everyone recognize what we recognize, but we can protect and stick to the people we believe in."

"I believe that as long as Mayor Arkham is given some time, he can win more people's praise and recognition."

Tracy nodded seriously: "This is inevitable, but during this time, the mayor also needs someone to help and protect him. I want to be such a person."

"My child, you are only sixteen years old and just in high school. There are many things you can't control. What do you want to eat today? I'll prepare it. We have to celebrate today."

Tracy agreed with her mouth after hearing this, but she was thinking about how to repay her gratitude in her heart.

Until now, she can't forget the figure of the handsome young man with a gentle smile and sunset when she just opened her eyes after being blind for two years. She thought in her heart that she would never forget such a figure in her life.


At the city government, after a four-hour meeting, he reached an unprecedented consensus with the eight municipal commissioners for the first time in ten years and determined the policy to impeach Los after work tomorrow.

He was still worried as he walked back to his home along the street. Los's calmness and smile at that time made him feel frightened until now.

"Robbery!" A lady screamed in the corner near the public square.

It's a pity that no one cares about this, even though the police station is less than 200 meters away at 302 Amici Street.

This is the daily routine in Arkham City now. The police know how complicated the strength behind these gangsters is. If they are not careful and go too deep, maybe their bodies will be thrown into the garbage dump in an alley at this time tomorrow.

Daryl frowned slightly when he saw this, but he didn't care much, although he could easily subdue the robber.

He didn't like this kind of atmosphere. Although he was born as a spy and didn't have the integrity of a policeman, he still yearned for a relatively safe life. After all, he didn't want his wife and daughter to encounter these when they went out.

When he was sent here ten years ago, he was also full of vigor and wanted to use his own strength to rectify Arkham City.

Unfortunately, he completely underestimated this town. Now the loss of time has wiped out his edges. Now he just wants to make money, earn enough money to take his wife and daughter away from here, and go to the capital of the empire to seek the best medical technology.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and strode home.

When he walked to the door of his house, he heard a burst of happy smiles and chats from inside the door. He thought he had walked into the wrong house. After all, his home had not been so lively for a long time.

He looked up at the house number with black background and white letters. It was indeed 305. At this time, the key successfully opened the door.

Daryl, who was weird in his heart, just opened the door and saw his baby daughter Tracy standing at the door. Her face was no longer dull and gloomy as before, but full of youth and vitality.

Her face was white and ruddy, full of luster, and the dull golden curly hair had regained the dazzling brightness of a few years ago. The most important thing was that the pair of emerald green eyes were full of agility and divine light at this time.


The briefcase in his hand fell to the ground, Daryl opened his mouth wide, and the expression on his face was so complicated that it was indescribable, as if he saw a male gorilla who couldn't understand the scene.

"Dad!" Tracy opened her arms and hugged her father tightly.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! God, what's going on?" Daryl was so excited that he couldn't describe it. Tears couldn't help but flow down, and his body was shaking constantly.

Tracy said happily: "Dad! My eyes are healed!"

Daryl hugged his daughter and walked into the house. He held her shoulders with both hands and looked at her eyes carefully. With his keen insight, he found that not only Tracy's eyes were healed, but her whole physical condition had changed unprecedentedly.

"Oh my God! Leila! Leila! What's going on? Is it the gods who showed up?" Daryl said excitedly.

Leila, who came out of the kitchen, said: "It's the mayor of Arkham. He came here in the afternoon and healed Tracy's eyes in just forty minutes."

Hearing this, Daryl's expression froze, and a flash of fear and disbelief flashed in his excited eyes.

"Who?" He asked stiffly.

Tracy said, "It's the mayor of Arkham, Los Arkham, a kind and great man."

When Daryl heard this, he felt his head exploded. The joy and excitement just now turned into fear and coldness, as if he fell into an ice cave.

Looking at the admiring and happy faces of his wife and daughter, Daryl quickly changed his expression and asked hurriedly, "Mayor... did he come here to cure Tracy and leave?"

"Yes, he said he was the mayor. No matter what his identity was, he should save me. He is a great man. He did not ask for any reward and hurried back home to handle official business." Tracy said, with admiration on her face.

Daryl asked hurriedly, "How did he cure you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Tracy was stunned: "Dad, what's wrong with you? I feel very comfortable now. I feel healthier than ever. Mayor Arkham cured my eyes through a special injection therapy."


Daryl's heart sank to the bottom, because he thought directly of the blood therapy mentioned by Los today.

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