Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 251: Small fresh campus style

In the summer vacation, you don’t need to wear school uniforms. If you wear school uniforms at that time, I’m afraid it will really make people feel that something is wrong...

As it was the end of the term, Zhao Youyue finally clarified that she was not a top student from a poor family, and she was on vacation before it was spread. So many people thought of Zhao Youyue, but "Xu Jing" came to mind. The image of this character.

But they only need to think carefully, and they can discover their mistakes. After all, Zhao Youyue's winning the provincial violin competition's gold medal is not a fake. If this family is in a poor family, how can he be able to learn a musical instrument?

However, for some people with big brains, they can go to the brain to make up for Zhao Youyue's fall in the family. When she was a child, she might be rich, but now she is so poor that she can't afford extra clothes...

It can only be said that you will never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

After Zhao Youyue understood this, she didn’t bother to pay attention to what others thought of her. Anyway, she still had to follow her original style, and she didn’t have to deliberately prove anything. Last time, she bought drinks and sent magazines for the whole class, but she paid it back. She was considered to be a fat man with a swollen face, and she was also drunk.

But it's nothing. Her bigger purpose was originally for Amway's "April is Really Beautiful". As to whether she can prove that she is not poor, it depends on what each classmate thinks.

Zhao Youyue felt that with the exception of a few pretending to be sleeping, most of her classmates could still clearly judge whether her family was poor or not.

But thinking that she worked so hard to give the classmate Amway "April is Really Beautiful", now Chu Luoxun was written to death by Leng Zi... She could not help but shudder, and the misfortune that Jiang Chao was cast aside by friends came to mind. The picture, who asked him to recommend it indiscriminately.

This time, she won't have to face the anger of the classmates, because she knows that her Amway effect is still very good. Except for those top students who regard learning as life, other students should try it out. The quality of this work should be easy for everyone to enter the pit...

As a result, Chu Luoxun is dead now!

Zhao Youyue's heart moved, thinking of Chu Luoxun's dressing up in the novel. She usually wears that kind of custom-made gorgeous long skirt when she is on stage. As a dress, it is like those female stars attending the premiere and awarding awards. The dress worn on the red carpet during the ceremony.

And she will definitely not be able to wear this kind of dress tomorrow, even if her long dress is much more upscale than Chu Luoxun's. After all, the goddess Chu is not a big lady, and her family is not as good as Zhao Youyue, she can only be regarded as rich.

Chu Luoxun usually likes to dress up, is a pure white shirt on the upper body and a small suit, the lower body is a short pleated skirt, and the shoes are school-style ladies' leather shoes or canvas shoes. This kind of fresh campus-style dress is The description of her in the novel.

In fact, Zhao Youyue rarely dresses up like this. How can I say that this dressing is a typical male author's yy image of the campus goddess. Anyway, it is a pure and pure female high school student.

When Zhao Youyue does not wear school uniforms, she is often a luxury brand of women's clothing, which makes her more mature and fully highlights her aristocracy. Therefore, Su Li, Ye Hai and other talents will feel that she is not like a high school student at all. At least college students...

In fact, Zhao Youyue is indeed much more mature than her peers. Don’t forget that she not only lives her own life, she also experiences another kind of life in the “gate of dimension”. It can be said that her life experience is that of her peers. Many times.

But this time, Zhao Youyue chose such a fresh campus style. She decided to perfect the goddess of Chu. Now her long hair is also retained. Tomorrow, she will not need to tie a ponytail, she will wear her long hair directly, and don't make another hair. Clip, then it fits Chu Luoxun's appearance even more.

Chu Luoxun in the novel is indeed dead, then I will be in reality, and I will give you all a Chu Luoxun... Zhao Youyue thought so.

The next day came very soon. Zhao Youyue, dressed in a fresh campus style, looked in the mirror, inexplicably shameful, as if she was pretending to be tender, but it must be admitted that a 16-year-old female high school student like her, It should be dressed like this.

Then Zhao Youyue suddenly felt that her bag was a bit inconsistent. The female high school student obviously couldn't carry these tens of thousands of luxury brand bags, so she chose an ordinary small backpack, and then carried the violin bag, she was right Smiling in the mirror, well, the three-dimensional Chu Luoxun appeared!

When the driver Liu Zhongcheng saw Miss Zhao with a sudden change in style, he was stunned. He said that today's eldest lady is a little bit like a high school girl, but he never said much, he still worked hard for Zhao Youyue. Drive.

On this day, Zhao Youyue did not let her ride in the top luxury car worth more than three million Chinese yuan deliberately parked far, but drove directly to the school gate. Although the weather is not as hot as July, it is still the same. It's over thirty degrees, it's still quite hot.

After all, the car Zhao Youyue is sitting in is not a super sports car or a domineering off-road vehicle like Zhao Hao's. Its pure black color and the standard appearance of a car are still very low-key, similar to the Mercedes-Benz S600 in another world.

So not many people watched the excitement. In this hot day, of course, I hurried into the classroom to blow on the air Zhao Youyue got off the car, opened the parasol, and after still thanking Uncle Liu, he walked to the classroom. Go.

Her short pleated skirt today is shorter than the one she wore last time, exposing her knees, her perfect leg skin is completely exposed to the air, and her legs are also perfect. Open your eyes.

She didn't wear knee socks, which is really rare in the three-dimensional world. She wore black medium stockings, which grew below the knees, which perfectly restored the description in the novel.

When Zhao Youyue walked into the classroom, she met Zhu Ran, the monitor who was distributing some documents.

Zhu Ran was stunned when he saw Zhao Youyue with long hair loose. He blurted out, "This classmate, are you in the wrong class?"

When he said this, he felt wrong, because Zhao Youyue's face was still familiar to him, but Zhao Youyue with short hair, how could Zhao Youyue, who is now black and straight, give people an amazing feeling, the visual effect is too different!

Not to mention, Zhao Youyue’s dress today has a taste of first love for all male classmates, without any sense of distance...

Zhao Youyue smiled and said in her gentle and healing voice: "Sir, I am Zhao Youyue, I didn't go to the wrong class."

After speaking, Zhao Youyue walked to her seat.

Zhu Ran only felt a fragrant wind passing by his side. He sniffed and couldn't help but look at Zhao Youyue's back, his eyes rested uncontrollably on her white legs under her short skirt...

The class that was originally a little noisy, at the moment when Zhao Youyue appeared, it turned out to be silent!


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