Become a Fairy

Chapter 952: Solution

"Junior Sister is too serious. Speaking of it, it should be my Fire Crow who caused the trouble. You scold Yue Wu like this, which makes me look wrong." Lu Xiaotian waved his hand and said, "Tell me, my little Fire Crow Did you steal your spiritual fruit again?"

"It's not just stealing spirit fruit? Uncle Lu, this thief, this little fire crow has committed all sorts of crimes in Lingxiao Palace. The entire fire-type spirit fruit garden in Lingxiao Palace has been patronized by the little fire crow. The disciples didn't dare to do anything with it, but the annoyance is that the little fire crow just eats the spirit fruit, and often takes a bite or two of a spirit fruit and then stops eating, so it's a waste."

"It was my mother who brought me a blood-crested firefalcon from outside two years ago. I managed to collect a fire-tear spirit peach and planned to use my blood-crested firefalcon to advance. As a result One inattentive, this little fire crow snatched the Huolei Spirit Peach."

Xiao Yuewu saw that Lu Xiaotian didn't seem to be as strict as he imagined, and seemed to be quite talkative, so he picked out some serious things that Little Huoya had done in Lingxiao Palace these years like an upside-down bamboo tube. , such as treating the orchard of Lingxiao Palace as one's own back garden, it is commonplace to spoil spirit fruits.

What's more, bullying other monks' fire-type spirit beasts and spirit birds, robbing each other's food, and occasionally croaking for a while if they find it unpalatable, all kinds of evil deeds are beyond description. At first, the little fire crow was a little bit afraid of the monks in the palace, but this guy was very smart. Seeing that the monks were only chasing it away, and didn't dare to hurt it lightly, he recovered and immediately intensified.

Lu Xiaotian's complexion turned dark when he heard that, he never thought that during the years of his retreat, Little Fire Crow's reputation in Lingxiao Palace turned out to be a household name, not inferior to his own.

Glancing at the little fire crow, the thief bird had already left behind him, standing quietly on a branch of a willow tree, looking up at the sky, with a cold look, it seemed that what Xiao Yuewu said had nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do. But Lu Xiaotian knows that this guy can really do it nine out of ten. With him, the ancestor of the Yuanying, in the Lingxiao Palace, as long as he is a disciple of the Lingxiao Palace, who will really do anything to this little fire crow.

"This little fire crow raised by senior brother is a bit stubborn by nature, but he has extremely high intelligence and extraordinary talent." Xiao Xiangyu glared at Xiao Yuewu and told her to stop talking nonsense.

"Junior sister doesn't need to cover up for my little fire crow. I just made it mess up a little bit. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome. Later, I will tell Senior Brother Chen that the sacrifice given to me by the palace will be compensated to those who have suffered losses. Disciple." Lu Xiaotian wanted to restrain Little Fire Crow, but he might not be able to restrain him, he would have a headache tied to him, instead of hurting himself, let the juniors in the palace have a headache. Lu Xiaotian thought irresponsibly.

"Senior Brother Lu, how did this happen? You have done so many things for the palace gate, not to mention that the fire crow eats some spiritual fruits, even if it destroys the entire orchard, at least not to cultivate a piece of it, there is no need for this." Xiao Xiangyu Thinking that Lu Xiaotian was serious, his eyes warned Xiao Yuewu sternly, telling him not to talk nonsense. Lu Xiaotian quickly persuaded Lu Xiaotian in his mouth.

Cultivator Yuanying doesn't care about common affairs, and the offerings in the palace gate are also a lot of money for Xiao Xiangyu. Although Lu Xiaotian is powerful, but the stronger the person, the greater the daily practice will naturally be.

Xiao Yuewu also felt that it was a bit too much, seeing her mother's more stern eyes, she didn't dare to say any more.

"The worship in the palace gate is of little use to me. If it is used for the juniors in the palace, I can pull a few more people up. That's it. This bottle of Beast Spirit Pill should be enough for you. The Blood Crown Fire Falcon is for promotion." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, flicked his finger, and a pill bottle flew towards Xiao Yuewu.

Xiao Yuewu's face was a little moved, but she didn't know whether to accept it, so she looked at Xiao Xiangyu for help.

"Since senior brother told you to accept it, then accept it." Xiao Xiangyu calmed down and said. "Senior brother is all about thinking about the palace gate. It is really a blessing for me in Lingxiao Palace. No wonder Senior Brother Chen has always praised you, Senior Brother Lu, and Senior Sister is not as tolerant as Senior Brother."

"Junior Sister Xiao, your situation is different from mine. Besides, I may not have much time to stay in Lingxiao Palace in the future, and I don't have time to take the offerings in the palace gate. If there is nothing left, it is better to let more disciples in the palace gate." opportunities."

Lu Xiaotian shook his head, although this retreat is only ten years old, but relying on retreat alone in the future can no longer make great strength in strength, relying on Lu Xiaotian's usual experience, he is very quiet and thinks about moving, it is time to go out for a walk, and Wangyue City Over there, he has fought with the ghost clan for many years, and he has almost passed the time to consolidate his cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, and it is also time to meet the strong ones in the ghost clan. When the ghost clan first broke out of the ghost cave, after the earth-shattering battle between the two sides in Wangyue City, there was rarely a war of that scale, which allowed the newly promoted Nascent Soul monks of the human race to consolidate their realm for a period of time.

Just as he was talking, a sound transmission talisman flew from the sky, Lu Xiaotian took a look at the sound transmission talisman, his face changed, this guy could be regarded as coming.

"I still have some things, Junior Sister, do it yourself." After speaking, Lu Xiaotian flew towards his cave.

"This Uncle Lu is quite easy to get along with, not as difficult to get close as your mother said." After Lu Xiaotian left, Xiao Yuewu curled her lips and said.

"As far as you are talking, Senior Brother Lu is easy to talk about, but don't think that everyone will act like Senior Brother Lu. In the future, you have to think twice, and don't be as reckless as you are now." Xiao Xiangshi warned, thinking She also breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid of having a disagreement with Lu Xiaotian, now it seems that this senior brother who has never met a few times, although he doesn't have much contact with him, is easier to get along with than most people.

"Understood." Xiao Yuewu stuck out her tongue and said.

In the depths of the cave, after passing through several restrictions, in an ancient silver pagoda, a round blue Gu worm was lying weakly inside. Seeing Lu Xiaotian coming, he opened his eyes immediately, and the blue Gu worm Chong mouthed words, "Lu Xiaotian, you bastard, how long are you going to lock me up?"

With a thought in Lu Xiaotian's mind, in the tower, a few wisps of spiritual fire landed on the Blue Gu King, and the Gu King screamed terribly.

"If your senior brother doesn't have what I want, I will kill you today." The screaming blue Gu is naturally the Jiesheng Gu king who combines human Gu, or Jie Wuya is more appropriate, abandoning the human body, If it wasn't for the fire luan's tail feathers, Lu Xiaotian would have killed this inhuman monster long ago, so why bother suppressing it with the Demon Suppressing Tower for more than ten years. It took a lot of his energy for nothing.

However, Jie Wuya also suffered more than ten years of torture in the Zhenyao Pagoda. After all, Jie Wuya's own injuries will recover, so every time, Lu Xiaotian will use the Vatican spirit fire to roast him again. . Return to his original form the injury he had finally recovered from. So much so that for more than ten years, Jie Wuya was dying like a tuberculosis in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

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