Become a Fairy

Chapter 921 Kill!

At first, the extermination of the Yin corpse old monster only thought of the old devil who hated the sky, and was a little shocked. He just saw his own corpse demon screaming under the slash of the sword light, and the corpse breath spit out by the devil was constantly being slapped by the knife. mans consumption. The strength has been greatly damaged, although the possibility of being backlashed by this corpse monster has been greatly reduced, and the extermination of the old monster is another pain in the heart.

He loves and hates the three corpses. If the strength of the three corpses drops too much, it will cost a lot to raise them back again. In short, keeping this monster is sharp when facing the enemy, but it is also a double-edged sword.

That is to say, the three corpse demons consumed too much when they fought against the Bikong ghost king before, and they are far from recovering now, otherwise it would not be so bad.

The other two purple lightning snakes bit and fought the corpse in the air. In this level of fighting, the silver armored woman and Di Yao couldn't intervene, otherwise they might be accidentally injured by the lightning element or the sword light, after all, it was not their own power.

At this time, the fight between Lu Xiaotian and the Extinct Yin Corpse old monster was extremely dangerous. Countless blood gangs collided with the opponent's strong corpse aura.

Puffy, Lu Xiaotian shot back backwards, hit the opponent twice on the chest, the corpse gas dissipated in Lu Xiaotian's chest, a large piece of flesh was rotten, the wound was deep enough to see the bone, a cyan flame ignited on Lu Xiaotian's chest, and it was about to explode. The scattered corpse aura is wrapped up to prevent it from spreading.

"But that's it, come again!" Lu Xiaotian let out a clear whistle, not paying attention, and rushed towards Juejue again, "Two fellow daoists, work harder, now this old monster has reached the end of his strength!"

Just now he received two extermination blows, the strength of the opponent was not strong, but the corpse aura was extremely powerful, if Lu Xiaotian hadn't reacted slowly and wrapped it up with the Vatican spiritual fire in time, I am afraid that even the heart would be corroded at this time Fall, die.

Lu Xiaotian acted relaxed, but it was a trick to attack the heart, and he didn't want the extermination old monster to see his embarrassment.

"Huoxiao True Arrow!" The silver-armored woman could see a trace of pain in the corner of Lu Xiaotian's eyes when his chest was festering, and while secretly admiring her, she saw corpse energy billowing from the fan-like hands of the Extinct Yin Corpse, and once again forced Lu Xiaotian. Come on, I was startled, Lu Xiaotian, as the main force among the three, has alone carried the attack of extinction until now, if Lu Xiaotian made a mistake, she and Di Yao would have no room to resist.

A pair of single phoenix eyes of the woman in silver armor opened slightly, white light flashed in her hand, and a small fiery red arrow the size of a palm appeared, with a magic talisman attached to the small arrow, and the woman in silver armor shot a few shots at the talisman The talisman, the talisman turned into starlight, disappeared, while the fiery red arrow suddenly magnified ten times, and a real fire blazed above it. Turning into a fire shadow, it shot towards the corpse aura shot out by the exterminating Yin corpse old monster.

The strong corpse aura touched the rocket, and it was sizzled by the real fire.

Huoxiao's real arrow pierced through the strong corpse aura and hit the exterminated Yin corpse old monster's left chest. With a bang, a big hole was also blasted out. The wound looked much more serious than Lu Xiaotian's.

The extermination Yin Corpse old monster screamed again and again, but it was an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years. Under the great pain, he still did not forget his situation. A huge blue shield appeared in his hand, and the blue shield flashed, just blocking the emperor behind him. Yao used the third Heaven-Hateing Saber Qi released by the True Demon Bottle.

It's just that when the saber qi slashed on the shield, it still staggered the seriously injured ancestor of the Extinct Yin Corpse.

A gleam of joy flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, he took advantage of the situation to stick it up, and punched out several times. Shaking away the Juejue Lao monster's big fan-like hand, he punched the Juejue old monster's mouth directly, and a blood gangster spewed out from the back of the Juejue Yin Corpse old monster's head.

"I want to go!" Lu Xiaotian heared, he had long been preventing the Nascent Soul from fleeing, and with a thought, several soul arresting nets blocked him tightly.

It's just that the exterminated old monster Yuanying in the middle stage of Yuanying is also extremely fierce, and even stretched out his small hand to tear open a soul arresting net.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian is not a person who is easy to give, and he has already become proficient in capturing the primordial spirit. As soon as the soul arresting net was torn, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his fingers and popped out another one.

Lu Hong, the thunder-riding flying horse of the silver-armored woman, also hated the extermination old monster. The tentacles on his head flickered with lightning, and a huge thunder ball hit the extermination old monster Nascent Soul again. Ordinary monk Yuanshen, who was hit by this thunder ball, would probably end up being frightened, but the ferocity of this Yuanying is the only one Lu Xiaotian has seen in his life.

After being struck by the thunder ball, the half-foot-tall Nascent Soul of the Juejue monster screamed pitifully, and the baby's body shrank by a circle, but it did not receive a fatal blow.

It's just that this extermination old monster couldn't escape when he was the strongest, let alone got hit by a thunder ball. Lu Xiaotian controlled the soul arresting net to block the escaped Nascent Soul again. A thunderball hit.

At this time, the extinct Yuanying finally panicked and begged for mercy loudly, but the two sides have completely torn each other, there is no possibility of reconciliation.

After repeating this several times, another thunder ball completely annihilated the Nascent Soul that had shrunk to no more than the size of a finger. A strong man in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul was besieged to death by Lu Xiaotian, a few Jindan juniors, and the Thundering Pegasus.

On the other side, the two demon heads with human corpses had been greatly weakened by the thunder and lightning transformed by the thunder snake. The woman in silver armor pierced one of the demon heads with a single shot. The other demon head was chopped off by Di Yao with Fang Tian's painting halberd.

The last demon head had half of its head cut off by the knife light, and its ferocious flames were greatly reduced, but it managed to shoot away with all its strength.

The silver-armored woman frowned and glanced at the head of the corpse demon, seeing that Lu Xiaotian was unmoved, secretly thought that the fierce battle had consumed a lot of energy just now, and Lu Xiaotian's chest injury had not yet stabilized, and she and Di Yao wanted to chase the escaped The devil already has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Lu Xiaotian's attention was not on the fleeing zombie head. When he looked at the black-robed skeleton nailed to the mulberry tree by the bone sword before, he found that the black-robed skeleton had disappeared.

Lu Xiaotian thumped in his heart, the eleventh-order Frost Flood Dragon Spirit had only a small half of its power left unused, the monster power on his body gradually receded, Lu Xiaotian's body was weak for a while, but at this time, he didn't care about his injuries, his body flashed, Then quickly flew forward.

"Brother Lu, where are you going?" The silver-armored woman hurriedly asked when she saw that Lu Xiaotian was about to leave. Although they were enemies before and had no friendship, the three of them fought side by side just now and killed the exterminating Yin corpse monster together. , this friendship is naturally also typed out. Coupled with the fact that several people are trapped here, she and Di Yao are helpless, and there is no way to get out. Only Lu Xiaotian, who has been hiding everything, cannot be judged by common sense. Seeing Lu Xiaotian hurriedly want to leave, the silver armored woman Ask naturally.

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