Become a Fairy

Chapter 907 Ghost Chrysalis War

(It stands to reason that it's time to conceive a baby at this time, but during this period of time, the manuscript was rushed, and many places were coded out without having time to think carefully. Deleting repeated codes is troublesome, so let's post it first. There is still a plot to explain here. After this wave and conceived a baby.)

"Damn human race, how dare you destroy the generals under this commander." Huyou, the leader, yelled loudly, descended from the cloud in person, opened his mouth, and a pair of deep-set gray eyeballs almost protruded. The emerald green phosphorous fire spewed out, forming a tiger's head pattern, and rushed towards the silver armored woman.

"If you want to use more to fight less, do you mean to deceive me that there are no people in the human race?" A young man in black armor held Fang Tian's painting stem, and hit the leader Huyou in the air.

It was Di Yao, one of the best monks in the Golden Core of the War Moon League.

The mighty devilish energy gushes out from the stem of Fang Tian's painting, wrapping the tiger's head pattern formed by the emerald green phosphorous fire, wrestling with each other.

"Looking for death!" The leader of Huyou stared, and two gray lines thicker than his hands appeared in his eyes, and he rolled towards Fang Tianhua, and smoothly wrapped around Fang Tianhua.

A sneer flashed across Di Yao's face, and Fang Tian's painting, which was entangled with the gray thread, suddenly shattered inch by inch, turning into nothingness.

Not good, the leader of Huyou was startled suddenly, only to feel that the aura beside him was a bit strange, as expected, a few feet away from his side, the cracked Fang Tian painting stem appeared again, chopping towards the head of leader Huyou.

The black robe on the leader of Huyou is actually a defensive ghost weapon. It looks ordinary on the outside, but inside it has ghost patterns inherited from the Huyou ghost clan. It can not only confuse the enemy, but also be used for defense. The phosphorus fire that envelops the body of the Huyougui clan will not spread.

The leader of Huyou saw that Fang Tian's painting was acting strangely, so he got into the black robe directly, but he was in a hurry after all, so he got hit on the head. When it got out from under the black robe again, some dark green juice came out of its head. Screaming again and again.

Di Yao became a powerful and unforgiving ghost, and hurriedly chased after him.

As for the twelve generals led by Huyou, only half of them were left after being culled by the silver armored woman.

The leader of Huyou couldn't help but feel great pain in his heart. He also killed several golden core monks of the human race. It was even more serious, and even his own deity was seriously injured.

As for Xiao Qingyu of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and a thousand disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, they were also blocked by another wave of skeletons at this time, and the two sides fought fiercely.

"Hu Qun, you son of a bitch, these two powerful human races were all blocked by me. Do you have any backup? If you don't, you will be punished by the ghost king, and I will not accompany you!"

The leader of Huyou who had suffered a great loss was terrified by Di Yao's killing. Although he was not ranked at the top in Guishuai's late stage, he was considered a strong one, but he couldn't do a few tricks under the hands of this black armored boy. He was killed and defeated.

"Of course there is, Mr. Zhan Ming, please show it, we can't hold it anymore!" The ghostly handsome skeleton called Hu Qun shouted.


At this time, there was a sudden surge in the ground, and cracks suddenly appeared on the originally solid ground in the distance. It seemed that something was moving forward at an astonishing speed underground.

"Be careful." Xiao Qingyu's face was serious, and he called the foundation-establishing disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect to pay attention to the movement on the ground.

A large amount of black air emerged from the cracks in the ground, boom, the soil was blown away, and a huge white skeleton emerged from the black air, a huge bone chrysalis with wings on its back and a height of several feet, with a huge bone chrysalis as its head. head.

"It's just that a few golden core monks from the human race forced the two of you like this. It seems that you two guys still need to go back and practice hard." Zhan Ming, the leader, jumped into the air after the huge bone chrysalis broke through the ground. , mouth wide open.

A male cultivator of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, who was relatively close to him, was shocked when he saw this, and wanted to fly away, but after seeing the cold light in the bone eyes that accounted for more than half of his head, the male cultivator suddenly felt The magic power in his body was not running smoothly, and before he had time to react, he was bitten by the opponent.

Looking at the two-winged Bone Pupa fighting against the Mingshengyan Human Clan, even the strong Di Yao and the silver-armored woman felt chills in their hearts.

Skeleton Hu Qun snorted coldly in his heart, secretly thinking that although you are strong in Zhan Ming, you may not be able to please this human kid. Although the ghost clan is very powerful, how can there be no outstanding people in the human race?

As Zhan Ming broke through the ground, hundreds of other bone chrysalis also flew from the ground to the air, and more than a dozen golden core-level bone chrysalis took the lead.

"Boy in black armor, you are quite strong, let's fight against each other." Zhan Ming swallowed the male cultivator who built the foundation, but still felt unsatisfied, fluttering his bone wings, he rushed towards Di Yao at an extremely fast speed, The leader of Huyou said, "You and Hu Qun go and hold the silver-armored woman, don't beat me to death, after I deal with this kid, I will enjoy the silver-armored woman and Thunder-Treading Pegasus."

"Arrogance!" Di Yao's face darkened, but a ghost cultivator at the golden core level dared to speak such wild words, and the number of golden core monks who can be compared with him in the great immortal world is less than five fingers, and can stabilize him The one at the other end is the freak from Lingxiao Palace, other than that, Di Yao has never served anyone else.

However, the aura of this ghost pupa fighting against the dark is not simple, Di Yao dare not be careless, abandoning the leader of Huyou, Fang Tian comes here with a halberd, a real demon blocking the moon.

"Boy, it's really not that simple, but after all, your manpower is a little short." Zhan Ming smiled when he saw Di Yao make a move, secretly thinking that the strength of this human race is not inferior to his own, which is really rare, but this time he You are not alone.

Fighting with Di Yao a few times, Zhan Ming was secretly startled, this kid is still stronger than him, and then glanced at Hu Qun's side, although there are many people, but he can't help that girl in silver armor. The human race has already reached such a level, even if there are many ghost commanders, there are not many who can reach the level of these two.

But fortunately, he brought enough people this time, which is beyond the reach of the current human race.

"Ghost chrysalis slaughtering spirit array!" Zhan Ming blocked Fang Tian's painted halberd with the bone hairpin in his hand, and while Di Yao was being held back by him, he shouted loudly, and the dozen or so ghost commanders he brought with him stood in a mysterious formation , the bony eye covering half of the area on the head emits a white cold light, congealing into one piece. Call Di Yao.

Di Yao's eyes were fixed, and with a move with his left hand, another black real magic bottle appeared, and the magic energy burst out from it, forming a black mirror, blocking the white cold light,

It's just that he has to control the True Demon Bottle and then resist Zhan Ming, which is a bit stretched and powerless. In a haste, he took a few more blows from the opponent. The blockade of the mirror hit Di Yao's body.

"Oops!" Di Yao suddenly felt that his mana was not running smoothly, although with his strength, it would take him some time to break free of this restraint, but how could the Ghost Chrysalis Zhanming give him this time.

"Haha, you know how powerful I am. Presumably with your strength, your ranking is not low among the golden core monks of the human race. If you swallow you, my strength will increase again, enough to overwhelm the other guys." Seeing the shock on Di Yao's face, Zhan Ming laughed wantonly, but the smile on Zhan Ming's face soon froze on his face.

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