Become a Fairy

Chapter 837 Survival by luck

And in this monster sea storm, the lethality in every place is not so terrible, otherwise all the creatures in the monster sea storm will be wiped out, that's not bad.

boom! Another wave hit, and something fell on the monster sea clam, which made Lu Xiaotian dizzy and tinnitus.

Lu Xiaotian quickly collected his mind, put all these messy thoughts out of his mind, and tried his best to hide in the monster sea clam, closing the two and a half shells of the monster sea clam, so that the impact he received would be all Blocked by this hard shell.

Even if he was hit and injured by something, he couldn't care less about it. It's better to be hit directly than to be hit directly.

Lu Xiaotian hid in this monster sea clam, feeling as if he would fly into the sky for a while, and be thrown into the sea for a while, even if he hid inside, he had to maintain it extremely hard.

Even with his physique, he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit.

It’s just that this disgusting feeling is not fatal after all, there was a slight tremor on the Consonance Conch, Lu Xiaotian frowned, thinking that Luo Ping’er was worried about his safety, and started to transmit sound to him, Lu Xiaotian replied, telling Luo Ping’er not to use it. Worry. After replying, Lingxi Faluo trembled a few times, and was suddenly blown to pieces.

Lu Xiaotian's complexion changed, but he quickly recalled that the force field in the monster sea storm must be too strong, and the difficulty of consonance and magic conch connection was increased by hundreds or thousands of times. When it reached the limit, it exploded directly.

It seems that we can't get in touch for the time being, but it doesn't make much sense whether we get in touch in this situation, and Luo Ping'er is worried for no reason.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Xiaotian was overwhelmed on the shell of the monster sea clam. Even the primordial spirits of the five paths felt boundless distress, supported to the limit, and Lu Xiaotian was still controlling the clamshell to close tightly just by subconscious actions. But he didn't know how long he could last. It's just that later it seemed that the waves were a little smaller, or that he was swept to the edge of the demon sea storm, no matter what, it was a good thing after all. With such thoughts in mind, Lu Xiaotian fell into a deep lethargy.

When he woke up again, an eighth-level monster crocodile was floating beside him. Lu Xiaotian was startled, but saw that there was a fist-sized hole on the demon shark's body, and on the side of his body, Ziye Zhenwu was falling. to the side.

Lu Xiaotian suddenly came to his senses, he should have fainted, this monster crocodile wanted to swallow him, it was Ziye Zhenwu who turned into a scabbard to save him, Ziye Zhenwu needed the master's command ability in most cases He exerted an extremely strong combat power, but this kind of combat power could not last long. This time Ziye Zhenwu took action on his own, which shows how critical the situation is.

Seeing Ziye Zhenwu who had fallen into a deep sleep, Lu Xiaotian was speechless for a while, and silently put Ziye Zhenwu away. After re-observing the surrounding environment, I found that I was still floating on the sea, but the place I was in was still inside the shell of the monster sea clam, but the shell was floating on the sea.

At this time, the demon sea storm has disappeared, and the sky and the earth are clear and clear, and the wind and sun have returned to their appearance. The blue sky is like washing, the wind is clear and the clouds are light.

It looks extraordinarily beautiful, but Lu Xiaocai, who has experienced this monster sea storm, knows that this sea area is terrifying, and it has boundless power that can turn the world upside down.

There is nothing left or right, the mana in the body has already been almost exhausted, but the five primordial spirits have experienced the previous consumption, and now they have recovered, but they have become more diligent, and it is a blessing in disguise. At his current stage, unless he breaks through In the Nascent Soul stage, it is difficult for the Yuanshen to grow any more.

"Finally broke through this terrifying monster sea storm." Lu Xiaotian felt lingering fear, and opened the storage bags of Chi Tianhong and Chi Tianfeng at this time. After killing these two people before, they have been busy escaping , I have never seen it.

I rummaged inside for a while, and there were a lot of things. That guy Chi Tianfeng is really not a thing. He actually collected a lot of female nuns' underwear, bellybands and the like. Everything was thrown at sea.

As the sons of Patriarch Chi Jie, there are quite a lot of spiritual objects on them, but Lu Xiaotian's current vision is completely different from that of the Golden Core cultivator, and almost nothing can enter his eyes.

"Extreme baby-forming pill!" Lu Xiaotian's face flashed a gleam of joy, and finally, in a pile of pill bottles, he found the pill he had refined. Patriarch Chi Jie still gave the pill to his son.

Holding this lost and recovered elixir, Lu Xiaotian was overjoyed. Although the process was tortuous and thrilling, fortunately, there is finally a relatively satisfactory result.

Sending the elixir into the barrier, Lu Xiaotian was greatly relieved. Sitting upright on the hard shell of the Kraken clam, Lu Xiaotian swallowed a few pills that would help restore mana.

, secretly thinking that I have brewed a large amount of drunken wine in the enchantment, which can restore mana in a very short period of time, but the drunken wine must be kept in the kiln for at least two hundred years to have this effect. Now it has been more than a hundred years since he brewed this spiritual wine, and it is less than two hundred years, so it is naturally not necessary for the time being.

It is estimated that the chance of using this drunken fairy brew is relatively small.

Now he has reached the pinnacle of the later stage of Jindan, besides the top-quality Yingying Pill, he also has the Yingying Pill that was refined when he was under house arrest by Patriarch Chi Jie and Heyin Sanren, except for a few for Luo Ping'er, For the Yingying Pill alone, I still have eight.

When the opportunity is right in the future, Lu Xiaotian plans to start trying to hit the Nascent Soul Realm. In a hundred years, it is estimated that by the time the drunken fairy wine can be used, he will either have survived the catastrophe and become a monk of the Nascent Soul, or he will have died in the thunder catastrophe.

Lu Xiaotian smiled helplessly, but it was nothing, Zuixianniang was just a backup that he had prepared at the beginning, the road to immortality is difficult and long, and with sufficient preparation, it is natural to be prepared. But in most cases, not all preparations can come in handy.

After recovering his mana, he input a large amount of mana to be absorbed by Ziye Zhenwu. Ziye Zhenwu turned around, but his mana was exhausted, and there was no serious problem. As for the two hard shells of the Demon Sea Clam, they were of inestimable value, so they naturally put them away.

Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the surrounding sea area, which was extremely strange, no matter what, he had to figure out where he was first before talking.

The best way is undoubtedly to find the nearby monks to question, or to find the nearest small island with people.

Lu Xiaotian just sacrificed the ground-splitting knife and walked through the air. As for the ancestor Chi Jie and the Heyin Sanren, Lu Xiaotian was not too worried. After all, not everyone is lucky to survive such a terrible demon sea storm. Of course, Although the possibility that the other party is still alive is not ruled out, the probability of landing in the same sea area as him is too low.

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