Become a Fairy

Chapter 8 Escape from danger

When the wolves saw Lu Xiaotian's change, several wolves rushed towards Lu Xiaotian and the spirit beast Leopard first.

Roar! The spirit beast Leopard opened its mouth fiercely and directly bit the opponent's throat, killing the opponent.

Lu Xiaotian's face turned cold, he drew out his dagger and slashed at the wolf's head that was rushing, woo! There is a slit on the wolf's head diagonally from the ear to the nose. In a blink of an eye, two wild wolves were killed. However, in the white mist in the distance, there were more than a dozen wolves of different shapes and sizes gushing out.

"Escape!" Lu Xiaotian gave such an order to the spirit beast Huabao, swung his sword to force the other wild wolf back, grabbed the rope with one hand, and jumped off the cliff decisively. There are too many wild wolves, and there are one or two monsters among them. The momentum is not much worse than that of the leopard. If you persist in this place, you may not be able to escape the end of being eaten by a pack of wolves. So Lu Xiaotian chose the wolf and leopard to escape without hesitation. As for whether he can escape with his life, it depends on the fortune of the leopard itself.

The leopard looked back and saw that Lu Xiaotian had jumped off the cliff, howled fiercely, and rushed towards the thin place of the opposite wolf pack.

The pack of wolves above kept howling, and Lu Xiaotian noticed a change in the rope in his hand when he was sliding down. When he looked up, two wolves started to bite the rope. These animals were not low in intelligence. Lu Xiaotian cursed, accelerated the speed of his descent, and at the same time kicked a rock on the cliff hard, using this force to swing to the ivy growing on the cliff. Grab the ivy with one hand. As soon as he took advantage of the strength, the rope above was bitten off by the wild wolf.

Lu Xiaotian cried out how dangerous it was, grabbed the broken rope and landed safely on the protruding rock of the cliff with the strength of the ivy.

On the cliff, several wild wolves wandered back and forth for a while, howled a few times in disappointment, and then left one after another.

I don't know how the leopard is doing now. Soon Lu Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head again, he couldn't protect himself now, so he couldn't care less about the leopard.

Putting the broken rope aside, Lu Xiaotian raised his head and looked up. The owner of the ivy on the cliff was about five or six feet away from the top of the cliff. He climbed up along the ivy, and then threw the broken rope onto the cliff and hung it The tree trunk on the cliff can still get out of danger, and there is no worry about retreating, Lu Xiaotian is relieved, what is needed now is to be patient with the wolves.

Although the wolves could not be heard from above, according to the experience of going into the mountains with my father when I was young, wolves are the most vengeful animals. Although there are no wolves howling on the cliff for a while, these wild wolves may not really leave. Maybe there is still a wolf waiting for warning on it.

Temporarily getting rid of the crisis, Lu Xiaotian felt pain in his shoulders, elbows, and chest.

He lifted up his clothes and brushed his sleeves to see that there were many bruises and purple-red color on his arms and chest caused by the trauma. There were still some bloodstains oozing from many places, which were caused by the rocks that hit the cliff when I jumped off the cliff just now. Fortunately, no bones were injured, and it passed after a while.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian quickly discovered that the current situation is not good. He was trapped in an inexplicable terrain before, and then was chased by wolves. When he fled here, he had completely lost his direction. Taking a seat and recovering some vitality, he soon found that the sky was getting darker, and in the middle of this cliff, the cold wind was gradually getting stronger, whistling in his ears.

Every night in the canyon, the temperature suddenly drops, not to mention that this is a cliff. I still have an empty stomach at this time, and I am afraid that it will be even more difficult when I am cold and hungry at night.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaotian searched left and right on the rocks that were about ten meters square, and finally his eyes fell on a little withered yellow color between the green vines growing on the cliff, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He drew out his dagger, walked to the green vines, and pushed aside the green vine leaves outside, revealing many dead vines inside.

"It should be the vines that have grown here for many years, and finally withered. They can be used to make fire, warm the body, and the night is not so difficult."

Click! Lu Xiaotian swung his sword and chopped off a dead vine. Just as he was about to reach out to grab the severed dry vine, a slight low hiss made the hairs on his back stand on end.

Lu Xiaotian withdrew his left hand like lightning, and took a closer look, and found a grass snake with khaki and green mottled swimming among the withered vines, spitting scarlet snake letters at him. The triangular snake head expands and contracts endlessly. This grass snake was hidden among the vines, if it hadn't been actively attacking just now, it would have been really hard to find if it was lying still inside.

Lu Xiaotian secretly cried out that it was dangerous, if he hadn't practiced the "Hunyuan Jing", his senses were much more sensitive than before, and he might have been bitten by this unknown grass snake at this time.

After finally escaping from the pursuit of wolves, he almost died in Shekou again. The canyon is really dangerous, and if he is not careful, he may encounter unknown dangers.

The grass snake swam out from among the vines, revealing its body thicker than an arm. The grass snake raised its head angrily. Approaching the intruder.

Lu Xiaotian squinted his eyes, some predators in the forest have a strong sense of territory, it seems that he broke into the territory of this grass snake.

But he was already desperate, this protruding stone was only about ten meters square, and there was no way to avoid it. If so, he had to fight hard.

Hiss! The grass snake made a low noise and bit Lu Xiaotian's face. Lu Xiaotian hurriedly shook his head to avoid it, and at the same time swung the dagger he had already grasped tightly.

With a low sound, the head of the triangular snake fell to the ground, and the body of the grass snake twisted between the vines for a while before falling down, bleeding profusely.

Lu Xiaotian untied his backpack, took out the small iron pot and salt inside, and then picked up the snake body from the ground as if he had found a treasure, drained the blood, and then quickly peeled off the snake's skin with his hands and feet, and chopped the snake into dozens of pieces. short paragraph. Throw into the cast iron skillet.

Then he carefully pulled out the withered vines from among the green vines. After tidying them up a bit, he lit a fire with flint and fried the snakes directly. Unfortunately, there was not enough water, otherwise it would be even more delicious to make snake soup. Fortunately, the fog in the canyon is heavy. When we wake up every morning, a lot of dew will accumulate on the leaves, so that we will not die of thirst.

Lu Xiaotian patted his stomach with his belly bulging. It seems that we have to spend the night here tonight, the little green ants in the cave have not been fed, and it is estimated that there will not be a few left when we go back.

Lu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled wryly, mocking himself secretly, in this situation, it is still unknown whether he can go back, and he still has the leisure to worry about the little green ants in the cave. The black-robed old man has no human touch, and he is not interested in handing him over to him. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t go back to that boring cave, or he will be whipped if he goes back. The black-robed old man is extremely hard-hitting, and the last time the whip almost didn’t beat him die.

Not going back! Lu Xiaotian made this decision silently.

As the night deepened, the cold wind howled on the cliff, and the temperature dropped extremely low. This kind of biting cold wind kept blowing, and he couldn't fall asleep at all.

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