Become a Fairy

Chapter 737

The infant monk who had just escaped from the trap was startled when he saw the large amount of Vatican spiritual fire released by Lu Xiaotian. Obviously, he also thought of the fight between the two of Xiang Lian'er's Dujie last time, so he knew that Lu Xiaotian actually only After using the power of the formation, if he also used the Vatican spirit fire, it's hard to say whether he can escape.

Vatican's spiritual fire rolled away, and quickly opened up an open space in the surging moxibustion spirit ground flames. Even the yellow light released by the tenth-order demon beast caused serious and supernatural mana power due to the gravity of the center of the earth. Luo Linghuo was also seriously distorted under the burning of Luo Linghuo. The huge suction force was suddenly reduced.

Everyone felt the lightness on their bodies, and they were overjoyed immediately, and they ran out desperately. Lu Xiaotian's body flew, and he temporarily left the most dangerous area in a blink of an eye.

"No!" A shrill voice came from behind.

Xiang Sicheng, Lu Xiaotian and the others looked back in shock, and saw that the giant claws of the tenth-level monster from behind covered Jin Changdao, who escaped a little slower, and crushed him down from top to bottom.

Jin Changdao raised his face and waved the centipede stick in his hand. Three golden centipedes frantically bit the giant claw that fell from the tenth-level demon. It's just what you want. No matter how crazy the three golden centipedes were, they couldn't stop the giant claws from closing in, pinching Jin Changdao directly in the claws.

"Ants!" The tenth-level demon uttered two words coldly, and slowly closed its giant claws. Jin Changdao circulated all the magic power in his body, and his face flushed immediately, but he couldn't stop the tighter and tighter restraint. Power.

With a bang, Jin Changdao's body was directly pinched and exploded by the tenth-rank Yaoya, who stretched out a snake-like scarlet tongue from the mouth of the Yaoya, and rolled all the blood mist into his mouth.

Even someone as bold as Lu Xiaotian felt a chill in his heart. At this time, everyone no longer had the slightest nostalgia, and ran away desperately.

Booming, just at this moment, behind the tenth-order monster, there was a sound of shaking the ground.

"Fortunately for you, next time I come back, I'll have to kill you all." The Tiethorn-backed demon grunted, turned around and left, leaving everyone with an arrogant but life-long back.

But at this moment, everyone didn't dare to look back. After all, the group of them had suffered too many casualties just now, but the tenth-order demon beast didn't hurt a single hair, and they were facing an overwhelming massacre.

Until he was about to escape to the position where the second team of Xiangsi City set up an ambush, Lu Xiaotian stopped suddenly and stopped moving forward.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, why are you doing this?" Xiang Sicheng was originally quite annoyed that Lu Xiaotian followed him closely when he was in danger, but now seeing Lu Xiaotian's abnormal behavior, he asked curiously.

"I'm thinking, since that iron-backed monster can kill us so easily, why did it turn around suddenly?" Lu Xiaotian said calmly.

"Maybe other monks or monsters appeared. Just now there was a thunder-like sound from behind, which should have threatened the lair of the tenth-level demon." Old monster Mu still looked undecided at this time.

"Other monsters? Monsters have a stronger sense of territory than our human race. It's a bit far-fetched to talk about monsters. Maybe other human races may also take advantage of our side to restrain the iron-backed demon beast, so as to take advantage of the opportunity Fishing in troubled waters."

Lu Xiaotian shook his head and said, in fact, the reason why he stopped was not because he really thought that there were other human monks, but because he saw a very interesting scene through Qiantian Yumu, the iron-backed monster who had already withdrawn from everyone's sight turned back The previous strong and invincible, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a large pool of blood. The originally majestic and murderous fierceness suddenly turned into a sluggish look.

Under Qian Tianyu's eyes, the Iron Thorn Back Demon Rabbit suddenly clutched the deep bone scar on his chest, looking very painful.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian suddenly realized that the ferocity of the Iron Thorn-backed Demon Rabbit just now was all externally strong and internally capable, and it was all a faux pas. In fact, he has suffered serious injuries.

According to the records handed down by those ancient monks, monsters of the tenth rank can already be called demon cultivators, and their spiritual wisdom has been developed, no less than ordinary human monks. At this time, Lu Xiaotian felt the same way, the cunning of the tenth-order iron spine-backed monster is better than that of the human race.

Just now, even Lu Xiaozai was killed by the iron-backed monster, and he was extremely terrified. If he hadn't happened to find out that this monster was fooling people through Qiantian Yumu, Lu Xiaotian would never have dared to stay. It's about running as far as you can. After all, no matter how good the baby fruit is, it is only valuable if you get it alive, and Lu Xiaotian will never take a risk easily with a tenth-level demon that cannot be defeated at all.

Lu Xiaotian himself didn't expect that Xiang Sicheng might cross the river and demolish the bridge after Qiantian Yumu was originally used to guard against the baby fruit, but he didn't expect to see such a dramatic scene by inadvertently inserting willows and willows into shades.

"Oops! We've been discovered." Lu Xiaotian's assistant soul was condescendingly watching the iron-backed monster through Qiantian's fish eyes, and accidentally made such a big discovery.

It is inevitable that Lu Xiaotian's consciousness will fluctuate a bit, but he did not expect that there is such a long distance, and there is a magic circle restriction set up in the middle, and the iron spine back monster still senses something is wrong.

Lu Xiaotian was a bit depressed. The treasure of Qiantian Yumu is usually not very useful. If it is not arranged on the top of the towering mountain and separated by prohibition, it is very easy to be found in another place.

However, in such a specific environment as before, the role it can play is irreplaceable. I didn't expect to be discovered by the Iron Thornback Demon.

The tenth-order monster really deserves its reputation. As a Golden Core cultivator, Lu Xiaotian has seen some powerful things about the tenth-order monster from the old books, but after all, he only listened to the records in the rumors. He only has personal experience of its power Only after that can one realize its horror even more. The huge gap between the tenth-level monster and the Golden Core cultivator was even wider than originally imagined.

Lu Xiaotian secretly sighed in his heart. However, to his surprise, the Iron Thornback Beast found that the surrounding conditions were beneficial. There was something on the top of the distant mountain that had been watching it just now.

The iron thorn-backed monster thought that the weak state under the serious injury just now was exposed to the sight of others, and a trace of panic suddenly flashed in the originally cold eyes, and the figure accelerated, and the speed of retreat was accelerated in strides.

"This is just your guess. Do you really expect us to follow you to die?" The baby monk who claimed his life had barely survived death before, and had little interest in the suggestion of returning again.

"That's right, since that's the case, then I'll go back and have a look first." Lu Xiaotian knew that the current rhetoric was really hard to convince a few monks who were still in shock, so he didn't bother to say much, and as soon as he lifted his footsteps, he was several feet away.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Lu Xiaotian's actions, but they didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary guy in front of them was the most daring one among them.

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