Become a Fairy

Chapter 730: Promise

"You are the alien who guided the cultivation of Tuo Qingshi and Tuo Qingying, and captured Tuo Bahai alive?" A middle-aged man with a rather rough figure strode up behind him, looking Lu Xiaotian up and down. The breath is very strong, obviously stronger than Tuo Qingying and the other two.

"Yes, Third Uncle, this is what I called Big Brother Lu, and Big Brother Lu's strength is not inferior to that of Third Uncle." Tuo Qingying said with a grin, "I joined hands with Qingshi, and under Big Brother Lu The subordinates can't do a few tricks."

"It's normal to be able to capture Tuo Bahai alive, and his ability is higher than that of the third uncle. Although Tuo Bahai is a bit annoying, his ability is not too strong, but he is not considered mediocre. I am Tuo Qing Huiyan, my favorite It's a pleasure to meet you as a powerful friend." Tuo Qing Huiyan said enthusiastically.

"I'm also very glad to meet you. As long as you're not the kind of guy like Tuo Bahai who must pay for everything, your boulder clan's willfulness and unpretentiousness are very suitable for me."

Lu Xiaotian chuckled, and gave a bear hug to Tuo Qing Huiyan who was striding over.

"Well said, I, Tuo Qinghuiyan, will make you my friend." Tuoqing Huiyan was very helpful when he heard Lu Xiaotian's words.

"Let's go, I finally met, and I just hunted and killed two monsters, let's get drunk and rest."

"No, this time I came here to ask for something. There are many opportunities after drinking, and I happen to have a few jars of good wine here." Lu Xiaotian said straight to the point.

"What's the matter, brother Lu, but it's okay to say, as long as we can do it, we will never say anything." Tuo Qingying and the other two agreed first, with an obligatory look.

Lu Xiaotian's heart warmed up. The Jushi clan rarely had contact with the outside world, and the family style was simple. It was much easier to get in touch with these people than those outsiders who had to intrigue from time to time.

If it's not forced, Lu Xiaotian doesn't want to take so many detours, he just needs to get straight to the middle, that's great.

"I have a spiritual object that I must get, and it's in this area, but there are still some people who have the same idea as me, so I came here to ask for your help."

Lu Xiaotian roughly explained the matter of the tenth-order monster, and Tuo Qingying and Tuo Qingshi immediately agreed without saying a word, but in this matter, Tuo Qinghuiyan seemed to be much more mature. He didn't immediately nod in agreement.

"Third Uncle, you just said something. Brother Lu treated me and Qingying frankly. Now that Brother Lu is in need, how can we stand by and watch?" Tuo Qingshi urged Tuo Qing back to Yan and said impatiently.

"You two guys are frizzy, and you will suffer a lot sooner or later. Lu Xiaoyou, it just so happens that the elders of our family have fought against that monster and the ghost clan successively. The injuries suffered are no less serious than that monster. I can't draw a hand. Let's do this, the opponent who can be valued by you must not be simple in strength. I will send a few friends in my family who are not inferior to me to come and help you. How do you think? " Tuo Qing Huiyan thought for a moment and said.

"Sure, maybe you don't need to do anything at that time, as long as the other party knows that I am not alone, they may not dare to act rashly. If the tenth-level monster is successfully killed, then I will bring you something. .”

Lu Xiaotian said, it can be seen that Xiang Sicheng is quite a scheming person, if he is not sure of winning, he will not do it easily, when the time comes when his side will have more fighters from the Jushi clan out of thin air, Xiang Sicheng wants to turn his face, Also have to think twice.

"Haha, okay, Xiaoyou Lu is really a straightforward person, so it's settled." Tuo Qing Huiyan laughed loudly when he heard this.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, and explained to Tuoqing Huiyan, consciously that the time agreed with Xiang Sicheng was approaching, so he left without stopping.

"Third Uncle, Big Brother Lu brought us the dragon and lion. He is the great benefactor of the entire Jushi clan. During the time in the Xingyun Cave, he gave me and Qingying guidance. This small request, You are not happy with your promise."

After Lu Xiaotian left, Tuo Qingshi couldn't help complaining to Tuo Qing Huiyan.

"You know what a fart, Lu Xiaotian's aura is secretive, even more mysterious than those alien monks I've seen, and he can capture Tuo Bahai alive in a face-to-face meeting. Do you think you two can really help him by going up there? ?”

"It's good to be able to make up the number, but people don't want to say it publicly. You two, don't want to improve your strength, but blame me instead."

Tuo Qing Huiyan said unhappily, but he did not say some things, in fact he was indeed a little worried.

After all, the tenth-order demon beast was a tyrannical existence that seriously injured the elders of the clan. With the strength of Tuo Qingshi and Tuo Qingying, if they were a little careless, they would end up in ruins.

Tuo Qinghuiyan really didn't want the two of them to take this risk, but fortunately, Lu Xiaotian didn't want them to make a real move, and he didn't ask them to help deal with the tenth-order monster.

Otherwise, he really didn't know how to answer. This line of work might be a bit dangerous, and maybe even he was just making up the numbers. Tuo Qinghuiyan could also feel that Lu Xiaotian did not fully pin his hopes on them, and felt a little bit regretful about the reply just now. The Jushi clan is the most forthright, but why is he a bit timid.


After returning from Tuo Qingshi, Lu Xiaotian carefully returned to the area near the tenth-order demon beast.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian stood quietly on a towering giant tree, looked around, and looked at the surrounding terrain.

In the valley in the distance, the birds left the jungle, and the herds of beasts ran, Lu Xiaotian was startled, he quickly restrained his breath, and fled to a place farther away. At this time, he came to the vicinity again to check the terrain. Going up to the tenth-rank iron spine-backed demon beast will surely die. It's just that it's too far away, and setting a restriction won't have the effect he wants.

After the storm subsided, Lu Xiaotian appeared again from a hidden bush. After looking around for a while, his eyes fell on a nearby highest mountain. His eyes lit up, his body moved, and his clothes fluttered. In a moment, Lu Xiaotian had already landed on this mountain.

At the same time, two black mountain sculptures with high strength also fell on the top of the mountain. They were not low in strength, and they were a little far apart. Lu Xiaotian couldn't estimate the strength of the mountain sculptures preparedly, but vaguely felt that they were between the eighth and ninth ranks.

The mountain eagles had bad eyesight, and flapped their wings to rush towards Lu Xiaotian, but after Lu Xiaotian took out the fire bow and arrows and pointed them at them, the two mountain eagles felt a great threat, screamed a few times, let go of Lu Xiaotian and left quickly.

"The reaction is not slow." The distance was a little closer just now, and Lu Xiaotian had already noticed that the two mountain eagles were only eighth-level monster birds. Since the other party knew each other, Lu Xiaotian didn't bother to chase them down. Now Lu Xiaotian has no interest in this eighth-order monster bird. What's more, it's still at this time.

Although this mountain is high, it is not very big when it reaches the top. Lu Xiaotian walked around the mountain, condescending, and through the thin clouds, he could even faintly see the position of the iron-backed monster.

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