Become a Fairy

Chapter 692 Small Town, Karst Cave

The small city is not big, with a radius of only a few hundred miles. For Lu Xiaotian and others who have seen such large fairy cities as Blood Lion City and Wushang City, this area is no more than the area occupied by an ordinary family of cultivators in Wushang City.

It's just that Tuobahong brought Lu Xiaotian and others to a cave, followed Tuobahong into the cave, and Lu Xiaotian discovered that there is another universe in this small town.

"Why, can't you imagine that the small town outside is just the tip of the iceberg. This cave is the real place for our Jushi clan's activities and cultivation. My Jushi clan was born with stones and lived in caves since childhood. The great mountain god bestowed With the powerful power of our Jushi family, we can fight powerful monsters, grow stronger among countless threats, and stand between heaven and earth." Tuoba Hong said proudly.

"Your Jushi clan's close-combat skills are indeed extraordinary, and your group combat skills are also very unique. In close-range combat, it is really difficult for us to get cheap. Of course, strong men like Brother Lu are an exception." Huo Ying heard Tuobahong is so proud of his own race, thinking of the humiliation he received before, he first praised a few words, and then brought the topic to Lu Xiaotian, using Lu Xiaotian to frustrate Tuobahong's spirit.

"You're right. Brother Lu is indeed the most powerful fighter below the tenth rank I've ever seen." Tuoba Hong didn't hear Huo Ying's implication, but agreed with it very much.

Huo Ying curled his lips when he heard that, Tuoba Hong's extraordinary fighting power was still higher than him, but his mind seemed a bit simple.

Tuobahong made no secret of his admiration for Lu Xiaotian, which made Lu Xiaotian a little embarrassed. On both sides of the road, from time to time, other Jushi people looked at Lu Xiaotian and others with strange eyes, and Lu Xiaotian also saw it in some wooden cages. These megalithic people also captured other monks who entered this place.

After entering the cave, the gravity inside is a bit stronger than outside, Lu Xiaotian shakes his body, and expels that discomfort from his body.

It's just that Yu Dongbao and Huo Ying were originally injured, and they were already a little uncomfortable in this small town. After entering the cave, the feeling brought by the extraordinary gravity made them even more uncomfortable. After all, they needed to mobilize After a part of mana prevents the discomfort caused by the abnormal gravity, the body's self-healing ability will naturally drop a lot.

"Here, Mr. Tuobahong, can you arrange a place for me outside?" Shao Zixia showed a troubled look on his face, stopped and stopped walking.

"Well, how can this be done? The master told you that you are all distinguished guests and need good hospitality." Tuobahong said in surprise.

This Tuobahong is really a muscle, but he appreciates this kind of honesty, at least he doesn't have to think hard when dealing with other monks.

"The cultivation methods of my few friends are different from those of your giant stone clan. What they cultivate is mana, unlike your giant stone clansmen, who have a strong physique. They are quite uncomfortable with this extraordinary gravity, so in the It's more suitable for them to rest outside."

"So that's the case, I kind of ignored it." Tuobahong slapped his forehead and suddenly came to his senses, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for you, but Brother Lu, you must go to the cave with me. There are levels outside the city. It's a lowly place where soldiers live, brother Lu, if you live outside, the master will definitely punish me when he comes back."

"Okay, I'll go to the cave with you." Lu Xiaotian nodded, the cultivation method of this Jushi clan is unique, and their physique and close combat ability are so strong, they must have their own way. With the blessing of the Soul Swallowing Dafa, in terms of physical strength alone, it is estimated that he does not have any advantage compared to these people.

Now that he is here, if he has the opportunity, Lu Xiaotian also wants to see the cultivation methods of the Jushi clan, maybe there is something worth learning. Tuoba Hong called two clansmen, who seemed to be of high status, and after he confessed, the two clansmen nodded repeatedly.

"These are my two clan brothers. They happen to be in charge of patrolling, and they can take you to a place to rest."

"You guys are resting outside, I will come to you if there is anything." Lu Xiaotian told Shao Zixia and others.

"Brother Lu, then you should be more careful." Shao Zixia said worriedly.

"Since you have come, you will be safe. When you get here, there is no big difference if you are not careful." Lu Xiaotian smiled, and under Tuoba Hong's urging, he turned around and left with Tuoba Hong.

After entering the cave, Lu Xiaotian discovered that the cave was far bigger than he imagined. Before entering the ground from the surface of the swamp, I found another independent space underground, but I didn't expect this space to be so huge. It can be called another world. It's just that monsters and beasts are rampant outside, and not many people can come here, even if they come here and encounter groups of giant stone tribesmen, in this specific environment, most of them will only suffer.

Just the passing places, coupled with the detection of spiritual consciousness, the space inside the cave is at least dozens of times larger than the small town outside. Along the way, you can see a large number of unique caves, in which many members of the Jushi tribe rest, or practice combat skills, or catch each other and fight each other.

Along the way, Lu Xiaotian also ran into Tuo Bahai, who was injured by him before, and when Tuo Bahai saw Lu Xiaotian, he couldn't help shouting, and hundreds of other Jushi clansmen swarmed over, looking at Lu Xiaotian fiercely. Look eager to try. But these people were all reprimanded by Tuo Bahong, and after hearing Tuo Bahai's remarks, they looked at Lu Xiaotian with respect and a fanatical fighting spirit. Only that Tuo Bahai still looked at Lu Xiaotian with hatred like a poisonous snake in his eyes, Lu Xiaotian's heart shuddered, and he secretly wrote down Tuo Bahai, and it is estimated that he will prevent this person from stumbling him later.

At this time, a burly man who was as tall as Tuo Bahong came out, "Dear guest, I am Tuo Chiyu from the Jushi clan, and I am a strong man who can stay in the ninth-level meteorite cave for more than three days. I heard that You defeated Tuo Bahai, I want to have a fair chance to compete with you."

Hearing Tuo Chiyu's challenge, the other members of the Jushi clan shouted loudly, shouting and cheering, full of enthusiasm.

"Nine-level star meteor cave?" Lu Xiaotian looked at Tuoba Hong in surprise, not knowing where this place was, and it looked quite dangerous.

"The Star Meteor Cave is a place where the powerful members of our Jushi family practice and exercise their muscles and bones. There are a lot of sharp winds inside, and there is also a super suction force that is no less than a hundred times the gravity, or even a thousand times the gravity. Only the ninth-level fighters Only those who are strong can survive in it, and those who can stay for more than two days are the best among the ninth-level fighters, and Tuo Chiyu is one of them. He also defeated Tuo Bahai, but there is no brother Lu The amazing level you have achieved, this person is extremely aggressive, so he wants to compete with you." Tuobahong explained.

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