Become a Fairy

Chapter 652 Epiphany, awakened

At this time, it can no longer be called Jianzhu, or it is more appropriate to say that Jianwan, but at this time the Jianwan is far from formed, and does not have much attack power. The power of this sword pill is promising.

The only thing that made Lu Xiaotian feel a little doubtful was the misty sword energy that entered his body, and he still didn't get rid of it from his body until the sword pill condensed. At first, he spent a lot of time refining the demon-suppressing tower. I don't have much energy to practice other things. Even now, most of the practice of Piaomiao Sword Art is to suppress the remaining Piaomiao sword energy in his body. It's just that this problem has not been solved until now, even after repeatedly searching for the previous Piaomiao sword energy in the newly formed sword pill, there is still nothing, Lu Xiaotian can't help but sink. He had a hunch that if he couldn't find it, it probably meant that the previous Piao Miao sword energy had been hidden deeper.

After repeated searches several times, Lu Xiaotian temporarily gave up. Although the problem cannot be fundamentally solved at this time, as long as he continues to practice the Piao Miao Sword Art for the time being, the Piao Miao Sword Qi will not easily break out. At this moment, we can't find the crux of the matter, so we can only leave it for later, maybe in the future, Piao Miao's sword art will be more advanced, and the matter of Piao Miao's sword energy will be solved easily.

As always, Lu Xiaotian is not good at cultivation. The newly acquired "Tiger King Xuanxin Jue" and "Ape Shape Twelve Transformations" Lu Xiaotian is quite familiar with it without spending much effort. "Taihao Battle Body" and "Soul Swallowing Dafa" once again Demonstrated great tolerance. Lu Xiaotian practiced these two exercises like a fish in water. It did not cause the consequences of being greedy and chewing. After all, the combat power blessing brought by "Soul Swallowing Dafa" is indispensable for Lu Xiaotian.

At this time, the relevant exercises that Lu Xiaotian learned already include ape shape, bear shape, eagle shape, and snake shape. At this time, with the addition of tiger shape and ape shape, the number has reached five. As for why "Hunyuan Jing", "Taihao Battle Body" and "Soul Swallowing Dafa" have such a strong tolerance is also a question that Lu Xiaotian has been thinking about. It's just that these exercises have not brought any negative effects so far, and Lu Xiaotian has no intention of giving up for the time being.

As a result, Lu Xiaotian had more things to do, he practiced during the day and refined sword pills. At night, Lu Xiaotian entered the abandoned dry well to reshape the silver-leaf photong wood, and continued to refine the demon-suppressing tower. From time to time, I will take some time to go to Wushang City. Inquiring about Lingquan Amber, but no matter how hard Xu Ying, Cao Bao and others worked hard, after inquiring a few pieces of news, the news of Lingquan Amber was like a mud cow.

There was no way to find it for a while, and even in the two Jindan cultivator trade fairs after Jindan, there was still no news about Lingquan Amber. some. For the first time, he felt the importance of power without enough sources. In this regard, especially in the Chiyuan Continent, where immortal cultivators are highly integrated with the secular state system, the major immortal cultivating families are operating around a common immortal dynasty system. Power is more important than before in Mochizuki's world of cultivating immortals. Of course, all power comes from one's own strength, and in Chiyuan Continent, and even in Wushang City, there are hundreds of Golden Core cultivators. With his current cultivation base and living a life like a hermit, it is true that Has certain limitations.

In this way, Lu Xiaotian's full of hope can only be turned into a ray of emotion, even Jindan cultivators have too much helplessness, and it is impossible to cover everything. Compared with the Lingquan Amber, which is no longer available, it is obviously more important to continue refining the Demon-Suppressing Tower and Sword Pill.

In a blink of an eye, spring has passed and autumn has come, and it is already ten years later.

In a certain snowy sky, Lu Xiaotian walked on the snow casually, without using mana, but walking in the snow like a mortal, with one foot deep and the other shallow. Seeing the fluttering flying snow flying into the swaying reed flowers, Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt a sense of understanding, the three sword pills in his body groaned softly, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his left hand, and several sword qi were in the palm of his hand. Entangled, in a cloud of misty mist, it is like a nimble little dragon rolling.

Lu Xiaotian pushed forward with his left palm, and several streams of flowing sword energy sank into the flying snow. Lu Xiaotian turned around and continued walking towards the Hou's Mansion. After a long time, in the undulating snow ridge behind him, the towering trees kept collapsing, and even a section of the mountain was cut off. There is no need to look back, Lu Xiaotian also knows the situation behind him.

Every time he took a step, looking at the snowflakes falling all over the sky, Lu Xiaotian felt that every time he took a step, the fine snowflakes disappeared into the white swaying reed flowers, and disappeared among the dense jungle. It seems that his comprehension in the way of the sword has become more and more profound.

"Stop!" Amidst the sound of the horse's hooves, there was a roar of shouting, which shocked Lu Xiaotian's vague perception into nothingness.

A murderous intent flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, and several snow sparrows flew up from the snow bushes screaming.


It was Cao Bao who came, and the sixth-order spirit horse under him stood up in shock, his limbs were weak, if Cao Bao on his back hadn't been properly controlled, he might have fallen to the ground.

"It's you, former," Cao Bao just wanted to call out the word senior, when he suddenly thought of the two slaps Lu Xiaotian slapped him back then. This Jindan cultivator is alone, and the situation has changed, so there is no need to be afraid.

"Your Excellency, is it a bit disrespectful to take action against a junior?" A middle-aged bearded man, with a lot of bloody aura on his body, quickly blocked Cao Bao in front of Cao Bao, and Lu Xiaotian All traces of murderous intent were blocked.

"Third Uncle, this is the person who beat me seriously many years ago, and now he has murderous intent on me again." Cao Bao appeared a middle-aged man with a beard a year ago, and Cao Bao's heart that was so frightened was pounding at this time. It was settled again.

"Really? Not to mention the third son of my Zhenweihou Mansion, he is just an ordinary servant. How can you, a Jindan cultivator, teach you a lesson if you can teach him a lesson?" Cao Guang, a middle-aged bearded man, was full of blood. , coming towards Lu Xiaotian with overwhelming momentum.

A smile flashed across Lu Xiaotian's face, originally he was thinking of trying not to cause trouble, but he didn't expect that the people from the Cao Mansion had already made a move first. Seeing the slovenly appearance of this bearded man, the bloody aura has not disappeared from his body, and the murderous aura on his body is almost uncontrollable. He is also called the third uncle by Cao Bao. It is obvious that the Golden Core cultivator in Zhenweihou's mansion has ended the fight against the beast tide The war that broke out has returned to Wushang City again.

Originally, he had been cautious and tried not to cause trouble, but the epiphany just now caused him to be a little distracted, and his vigilance was somewhat reduced, but this kind of epiphany is also the most sensitive to changes in the outside world, almost instinctive reaction. It even happened to be Cao Bao.

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