Become a Fairy

Chapter 62 Lingxiao Palace

The journey from Wangyue City to Lingxiao Palace is quite long, the magic weapon used by Hou Sanfeng and others flies very fast, if there is not a layer of light shield to protect them, I am afraid that people like Lu Xiaotian will be directly blown down by the high-altitude wind go.

I took a few breaks along the way, but it wasn't that Qian Dayong and the others were weak in mana, and flying at this level didn't consume much mana. But Lu Xiaotian and these new disciples were so hungry that they couldn't bear it, and they didn't have Bigu Pill, so they had to stop to replenish food. Fortunately, there are many birds and animals in the mountains and wild fruits. After a brief replenishment, the flight continued.

After repeating this for more than ten days, while Lu Xiaotian was cultivating, he looked into the distance and saw a group of undulating mountain peaks in the distance covered by clouds and mist. Like a palace floating among the clouds.

Lu Xiaotian was amazed to see it, probably only a person who cultivates immortals can create such a miracle.

"Haha, I've been driving for more than ten days, and I'm finally here." Hou Sanfeng, who was in front of Yu Jianfei, yelled, and flew towards one of the mountain peaks.

Hou Sanfeng, Qian Dali, Wang Juan, Zhao Zhong and others dispersed separately, ending the ten days of walking together.

The mountains near the Lingxiao Palace are full of aura, relatively speaking, the peaks of those luxury residences of CCB are even more so, but I am afraid that only people with higher status are eligible to live there.

Qian Dali led the crowd to stop in front of a bamboo hut and motioned for them to come down. There is a plaque on the bamboo house, which says Qinglianfeng Jieyin Hall. Inside was a young monk in a gray robe with a good face. He seemed to be taking a nap. When he heard the movement outside, he opened his eyes and hurried over, "Master Qian, you're back. These guys are newcomers." disciple?"

"Well, take them to familiarize themselves with the environment around Qinglian Peak, explain the rules of the sect, choose a place to live, and after they settle down, bring Lu Xiaotian to my cave." Qian Dali said, and threw a black token to Brother Mianshan. card, and then flew away with the treasure gourd.

"Yes, uncle!" Brother Mianshan nodded and bowed, and left with a gift of money.

"Brothers, my name is Yu Bao. You can just call me Senior Brother Yu. Now I will take you to familiarize yourself with the gate rules of Lingxiao Palace and the environment of Qinglian Peak." Said Yu Bao, a monk of Mianshan.

Driven by Yu Bao, the monks present got to know each other for a while. He Yulong, the one with the highest spiritual root qualification, was a handsome young man, a monk with a 80% chance of refining Qi in the wind system, and his strength was tyrannical. Willing to be in the company of others.

The other six were Peng Dayong, Sun Bin, Zhou Yiqing, Jiang Wei, Jiang Ruoxiu, and Liu Wu. How many people are in groups of three, or in groups of two. Although He Yulong is aloof and arrogant, Jiang Wei and Jiang Ruoxiu, two female disciples, will show courteousness to He Yulong from time to time. Only Lu Xiaotian stood alone on one side.

"Although our Lingxiao Palace ranks seventeenth among all the immortal sects, our property is also very large. There are thousands of Lingxiao peaks and valleys. The most famous of them is Lingxiao Peak, which stands thousands of feet high and reaches into the clouds. On Lingxiao Peak, there is also a Lingchi Pond with countless rare and exotic beasts. The main hall of Lingxiao Palace is located on this peak, and the Patriarch Wei Litian, the palace master of our sect, sits in charge in person."

"In addition, the gate is divided into areas by the hilltops where more than a dozen Jindan Patriarchs sit. Our area is Qinglian Peak where the Green Snake Patriarch is located."

"Green Snake Patriarch, wouldn't we be able to see the patriarch's demeanor often when we go to Qinglian Peak? If the patriarch favors him and accepts him as his disciple, he will reach the sky in one step. In the future, the way of cultivating immortals will be like walking on flat ground." Peng Dayong said with a look on his face. He said eagerly, and the other disciples also showed anticipation on their faces.

"Let's dream, even if I've been a beginner for six years, I haven't been able to see the ancestor of the green snake." Yu Bao said with a sneer.

"Why is this?" Several people asked in surprise.

Yu Bao explained, "The ancestor of Jindan has lived for five or six hundred years, and he often retreats for several years, or even more than ten years. Usually, he doesn't pay attention to common things. The masters and uncles of the master presided over it. Only when the uncle of the foundation master encounters problems that cannot be solved, will he seek a solution from the ancestor of Jindan. Besides, the main peak of Qinglian, without permission, the disciples in the qi refining period will go up at all."

Through Yu Bao's explanation, the disciples had a general understanding of Lingxiao Palace.

Lu Xiaotian and others walked up the steep stone ladder, the ancient road was deep, and moss grew on many places on both sides after the rain. If ordinary people are not careful, they are very likely to fall off the cliff. It will take some time, but there is no great danger.

In the distance, the sound of eagles chirping and cranes chirping could be heard endlessly. Passing a zigzag-shaped corner of the ancient road, I saw a relatively flat mountain road not far away, with various spirit eagles and spirit cranes flying up and down, and some even had monks on their backs. These spirit eagles and spirit cranes are not high-level, most of them are first-level spirit birds, and only a few are second-level.

"Is that the spirit beast domesticated by the brothers? It's amazing. I don't know when I will have my own flying spirit beast." Jiang Wei said enviously.

"Those spirit beasts don't have much combat power except for flying, so they are suitable for large-scale breeding. There are spirit beast halls in every area of ​​our fairy palace, and some are responsible for raising mountain-protecting spirit beasts. But most of them are this kind of spirit birds, because the fairy palace It occupies quite a large area, with scattered peaks and valleys. Of course, there is nothing wrong with those foundation-building seniors who can fly with swords, but our disciples in the Qi refining period are about to lose their legs. Therefore, the fairy palace has set up a spirit beast hall to raise spirit birds. It is provided to disciples in the Qi refining period, and the price is relatively cheap. It only costs one low-grade spirit stone to rent a first-level spirit bird. Since the road is a bit far away, I will not take you there. Poultry will be much more convenient and faster.”

Yu Bao stood on the mountainside and pointed in the direction of the Spirit Beast Hall.

"Did you see the small hill on the northeast side of the Spirit Beast Hall? That's the Hall of Miscellaneous Workers. You new disciples will need spirit stones for the pills and spirit weapons you will use in your future cultivation. The sect will not keep you in vain. , just to provide you with a relatively safe cultivation environment, but you need to do your own work to earn everything you need for cultivation. Unless you can stand out from the tens of thousands of disciples in the Qi refining period of Lingxiao Palace and shine in the martial arts competition , was accepted as a disciple by Senior Zhuqi. Once you have a backing, you will have a stable source of spiritual stones in the future. Or if you successfully build a foundation, you will naturally jump into the dragon's gate. However, the probability of this is too low, and you should not rush too far for now. good."

Speaking of this, Yu Bao smiled, and then slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "By the way, I almost forgot, and I'm going to take you to choose a place to live. Quick, you come with me."

After finishing speaking, Yu Bao used the Wind Control Technique and galloped down the stone steps of the Green Onion Ancient Road, with his clothes fluttering, he quickly ran several feet away.

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