Become a Fairy

Chapter 612 Seventh-level Buddha, Enlightenment Sword Stele

Piaomiao sword energy is extremely stubborn in the body, Lu Xiaotian tried to erode it with mana, but the purity of his mana is countless times lower than the solidification of Piaomiao sword energy, the mana is constantly being consumed, but Piaomiao sword energy is still lingering move. On the contrary, due to the excessive consumption of mana, the injury that had been slightly stabilized showed some signs of deterioration. Under the destruction of the misty sword energy in his body, Lu Xiaotian's own mana defense was barely enough, and he would suffer some trauma from time to time. The mana in the bead is constantly repairing the body, and the two are engaged in a tug-of-war. After suffering several losses, Lu Xiaotian never thought of getting rid of it completely. For the time being, stability is the main priority.

This misty sword qi is very tricky, Lu Xiaotian showed a look of distress, with his current means, he was helpless against the few misty sword qi in his body. And these several sword qis showed signs of becoming one. By the way, before being teleported away, they picked up two things that fell from the Buddha monk. A stone tablet, a jade slip, I don't know if it is useful.

Several hours later, Lu Xiaotian briefly read all the content in the jade slips, and what he obtained was actually the training method of the Buddha monk. There are some obscure points in it, and it is naturally difficult to understand them all after several hours of effort. Speaking of which, these two kinds of exercises are quite useful for the injuries in his body, but the monk of the Buddha practiced both dharma and body, especially the dharma body of the Buddha, which was cultivated to the extreme and was incomparably powerful. It also introduces an extremely powerful magic weapon refining technique, "Futu Zhenyao Pagoda", also known as Futu Pagoda, or Zhenyao Pagoda.

There are a lot of spirits for refining the demon pagoda of Futu town, but the silver-leaf Buddha pagoda is one of the best materials. The practicing monks mainly practice the body training method of Buddha's real body, supplemented by magic tools, but they don't need to practice from scratch like Chi Yunsang. The requirements are relatively less stringent.

Lu Xiaotian thought about it for a while, he said that the magic weapon on his body is not too much, or too little, and he was thinking about when to repair the Fire Dragon Bow to make up for the recent war. And farther away, the Zhenyao Pagoda is a good choice. Although I haven't seen the situation when the Buddhist monk used this tower, the kung fu formulas in the Zhenyao Pagoda are unpredictable, and they are no better than "Tuota Scarlet Flame Demon Art". "Difference. The magic weapon Chi Yunsang used was still fresh in Lu Xiaotian's memory, it integrated attack and defense, and it was extremely powerful. And with the silver-leaf photong as the main body, Lu Xiaotian is also thinking about what kind of magic weapon should be refined into after the silver-leaf photong absorbs the Vatican spirit fire.

Moreover, the Zhenyao Pagoda can also be refined into a complete set of magical weapons, "Seven-level Buddha!" ​​However, the conditions for both refining and using the seventh-level Buddha are extremely strict. Seven town demon towers. Moreover, the spiritual objects for refining the seven demon-suppressing towers must be exactly the same, otherwise they will not be able to exert their due power, and will instead lead to spiritual conflicts. In severe cases, forceful use will even lead to terrible backlash.

Not to mention the refining of the seventh-level pagoda, even the refining of a spiritual object in a demon-suppressing tower is extremely rare. If you want to gather the materials for the seven demon-suppressing towers, I am afraid that even the strongest of the transformation god level may not be able to do it.

However, after refining, it is a complete set of seven-level pagodas to be stored in the body, which is very coherent and consumes much more energy than an ordinary magic weapon, but it is definitely not equivalent to accumulating seven magic weapons at the same time. Otherwise, even a genius monk would not be so bold if he cultivated seven magic weapons at the same time. After all, a person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to spend all of them on magic weapons. The most important thing is his own cultivation. Otherwise, one's own cultivation will not improve, and no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it will not be able to exert its due power.

But more importantly, the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, which was refined with thousands of years of silver-leaf paulownia, as long as the time has accumulated enough, coupled with the increasingly powerful mana, there is almost no hindrance, and it can be promoted to become a psychic magic weapon. A complete set of seven-level pagodas, plus several rare spiritual objects, has the hope of becoming a magic weapon.

Lu Xiaotian had a bit of hope in his eyes, although it was a pity that he didn't get the Yingying Pill in his hands at the first time, but it was very good to get such a set of exercises.

It's just that although the seventh-level pagoda is good, this matter has to be put aside, at least he can only think about it after he has solved the problem of his injuries.

By the way, there is another stone tablet. Lu Xiaotian took out the blue stone tablet that was about ten meters square, but after seeing the sword formula on the blue stone tablet, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness on his face. It seems that what Luo Zhongting said There are quite a few truths in the words, the Buddha monk actually stole Venerable Piao Miao’s sword formula stone tablet, or an unheard of sword enlightenment stone tablet, when Lu Xiaotian just immersed his mind in it, there was no formula in it, only The sword qi going back and forth, one after another sword qi shuttles back and forth, ethereal and indeterminate, seemingly without rules, but there is a faint pattern, which faintly follows the trajectory of the sword sliding through the air.

There are no complicated moves, no obscure formulas, only the sword aura that makes people feel normal, as if this sword aura should exist here naturally. As soon as Lu Xiaotian's consciousness came in, he felt this strange beauty. Other than that, nothing was found. When Lu Xiaotian's consciousness was withdrawn from the Enlightenment Sword Stele, he casually sent the Enlightenment Sword Stele to the barrier.

However, Lu Xiaotian soon couldn't help but let out a little sigh, feeling that the level of agitation of the misty sword energy in his body had slowed down compared to before. This discovery immediately surprised Lu Xiaotian inexplicably. The Piaomiao sword energy in his body was emitted from the sword embryo left by Venerable Piaomiao. It is the invincible sword intent of Venerable Piaomiao. As far as Lu Xiaotian can bear, if he didn't use the mana in the magic bead to heal part of the injuries in his body after a period of time, Lu Xiaotian would not be able to persist until now. But the healing of the ice is only useful for the healing of wounds, but it cannot dispel the sword energy in the body. Until now, Lu Xiaotian is still suffering from helplessness, so he shifted his attention to the stone tablet and the jade slips. He was also a bit sick The mentality of going to the doctor in a hurry, but I didn't expect that the Enlightenment Sword Stone would be really effective.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was truly relieved. Now that he had discovered the magical effect of the Enlightenment Sword Stele, Lu Xiaotian would not let it go, and further immersed his spiritual consciousness in it, to understand the floating sword energy in the stele, and to ponder the vague laws of uncertainty.

The other sub-primordial spirits are also performing their duties, and at the same time they are deducing formations and cultivating Ruyi battle armor. At this time, there is also an undercurrent in Yueyin Villa, and it is guaranteed that Lu Xiaotian, who is concentrating on retreating in the bamboo building at this time, cannot notice it for the time being.

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