Become a Fairy

Chapter 577

In normal times, Lu Xiaotian is probably not the opponent's few enemies. This giant dragon is also considered cunning, it should have discovered his existence in advance, and then saw him killing the stone-armed monkey, so he kept holding back, because the strength was greatly damaged, the mud beast hiding under the stone-armed monkey Condensed breath.

The giant flood dragon was covered by the mud and its own aura was well restrained. At first, Lu Xiaotian only focused on the stone-armed monkey, and he didn't notice that there was an even more terrifying existence below.

Originally, the giant dragon could have escaped successfully, but because it was cut by the sword energy when it forcibly broke into the space restriction, it was seriously injured, and then fell into the mudslide and rolled around. This kind of mudslide is hard for ordinary monsters to resist. , but for the giant flood dragon, it is only a slightly bigger trouble, the bad thing is the sword energy that has already invaded its body and is wreaking havoc.

Because of the unbearable damage from the sword energy, the giant dragon could not completely suppress the injuries in its body, which led to a leak of aura just now, which was noticed by Lu Xiaotian, and he cut it off with a single knife. The giant dragon knew that he could no longer hide, and simply flew out of the mud , just wanted to escape.

It's just how Lu Xiaotian would let go of such a god-given opportunity at this time. With his own strength, under normal conditions, there is no possibility of killing a ninth-order monster at all. What's more, it is a giant dragon whose combat power far exceeds that of monsters of the same level.

Without the slightest reservation, Lu Xiaotian directly summoned Di Kun, and at the same time swallowed the soul of an eighth-order demon tree locust tree at any cost, which greatly enhanced both attack and defense.

It was also the first time for Di Kun to face such a powerful ninth-level monster. Even so, Lu Xiaotian and Di Kun didn't dare to be careless, they grind around the giant dragon for more than an hour like grinding tofu with water, finally the huge body of the ninth-order giant dragon wailed, and fell down unwillingly.

Rao Lu Xiaotian was always in a calm state of mind, at this moment he couldn't help but put away the giant flood dragon primordial spirit with both earth and fire elements, and then decomposed the giant flood dragon's body into different spiritual things, including dragon blood, dragon tendon , the scales, and the pair of horns. This giant dragon's aura is so powerful, if it wasn't for the injuries on its body, how could it have obtained such a good opportunity.

After harvesting the materials from the giant dragon, Lu Xiaotian heaved a sigh of relief. As usual, Lu Xiaotian would immediately refine the giant dragon's primordial spirit at the peak of the ninth rank, but at this time he tasted the sweetness and realized that the opportunity is rare. Missing the opportunity in front of him, he would never want to collect so many high-level monster spirits. For Lu Xiaotian, these spirits of monsters and beasts mean lasting combat power.

Lu Xiaotian quickly disposed of the giant dragon's body, and then quickly flew to other places, carefully searching for other monsters that were exhausted, half-dead, or dead in the mud.

The luck in the future is not as good as before, and there are only four or five monsters that still have breath, and dozens of other monsters they encountered have died, and their primordial spirits do not know where they have gone, but the golden core The primordial spirit of super monster beasts is also extremely precious, Lu Xiaotian didn't waste them, and put them all away.

Generally speaking, since he stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, he has never encountered such good luck. Almost every time he has to fight the enemy for several times, or survive from death, in order to gain something. It's unbelievably cheap right now.

"Mammoth monster!" After traveling for dozens of miles, Lu Xiaotian saw a huge monster corpse lying in the mud, his eyes lit up, and he was about to fly to the front. After flying for a while, he suddenly found that the mammoth was away There is always a distance from myself, as if I can't get close.

"Not good!" Lu Xiaotian woke up suddenly, his body retreated violently, and several sharp stone thorns shot upward from the mud, shooting past the position where he should have been standing just now.

The speed of the stone thorns is astounding.

Lu Xiaotian narrowly avoided the stone thorn again and again, without a moment's hesitation, twisted his waist, and twisted a strange arc again. A few cold light figures were like blades, slashing across Lu Xiaotian's waist, passing by only a hair's breadth.

In a flash of light and flint, Lu Xiaotian avoided more than a dozen ultimate moves one after another. There were all kinds of attacks. Lu Xiaotian, who had calmed down a little bit, had a cold sweat on his forehead. With his eyesight, he could naturally tell that the one attacking him at this time was not a monster, but touched some kind of powerful restriction. Otherwise, if Monsters, or attacks from other monks, in such a dangerous situation, Lu Xiaotian had released Di Kun long ago. In fact, once Di Kun was released, he would not be able to help him if he acted impulsively. May trigger more powerful bans.

Lu Xiaotian was suspended in the air, only a few feet above the muddy ground, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't dare to make any changes. Seeing that he has unknowingly fallen into the place where the restriction is not far from the core, Lu Xiaotian can only smile wryly. At his level, if he pays more attention, he will not go deep into the restriction so much without noticing it. People die for money, birds die for food, Lu Xiaotian used to think that he could keep relatively calm when facing the temptation of profit, but judging from the current situation, he is not so calm, and he keeps harvesting some Jindan level monsters Once, twice, and three times without encountering danger, Lu Xiaotian's mental state unconsciously relaxed a little. The more materials he harvested, the method of boiling the frog in warm water unconsciously made him go deeper into the restriction.

Lu Xiaotian didn't panic either, at least the ban had stopped attacking at this time,

Although he knew that a slight change could lead to catastrophe, he, who is proficient in formations, also knows that any formation has its weaknesses. The gate of death, but there is also a gate of life, but Lu Xiaotian can constantly control the transformation of the gate of life, even a person who is proficient in this formation cannot escape from the gate of life at all.

The forbidden attack in front of him looks sharper than the Eight Diagrams Locking Demon Formation, but it is not as good as the Eight Diagrams Locking Demon Formation controlled by him, and can be changed according to his control. It is relatively easy to find the law of non-artificial formations and restrictions.

Of course, this is only a relative term. In fact, recklessly breaking the ban will definitely attract a lot of attacks. For ordinary people, it is impossible to survive in this kind of place calmly when their eyes are darkened.

It was a little careless before, but now that he has realized the existence of the restriction, Lu Xiaotian naturally cheered up.

Lu Xiaotian gazed intently into the distance, his pupils narrowed, the barren world formed by the mudslides under his feet before, at this time, a thin layer of ice had quietly formed on the mud and swamp.

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