Become a Fairy

Chapter 552: Ice Healing

At a critical moment, Lu Xiaotian used the power of the formation to block himself. Once he was knocked out of the formation and the formation was broken, it would be really bad luck this time.

"It's not dead yet!" Wang Tuoguai was also in a panic at this time, seeing Lu Xiaotian being put down by the yin-yang fish, Wang Tuoguai's eyes almost popped out. He almost couldn't believe his eyes, Lu Xiaotian's vitality was so strong, he was very confident about the crucible just now, not only the attack power was strong, but also by surprise, it was a late Jindan cultivator who was so severely injured, It may also be unconscious, not to mention Lu Xiaotian in front of him.

"You should be the one who died." Lu Xiaotian looked at the veteran withered vines who came over again. At this time, Di Kun was already slamming him again from embarrassment, and his three tails danced cracklingly, as if he wanted to split the void. Out of general. The three-tailed tail fought fiercely with the veteran withered vine behind the king camel monster.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was seriously injured, and he couldn't mobilize all his magic power, so he couldn't participate in this battle at all. Fortunately, he could use his sub-primordial spirit to mobilize the power of the Eight Diagrams Locking Monster Formation to fight with the king camel monster again. The yin-yang fish wandered around in the gate of the formation, constantly blocking back the king camel monster who was about to break out of the formation. However, although the king camel monster was also injured, but the injury was much lighter than Lu Xiaotian, and at this time trapped in the formation, under the strong desire to survive, it also broke out with 12 points of combat power, behind the king camel monster The strange withered arm of his body is extremely long. Moreover, it can change the direction and angle at will like a tree vine, and its power is not small, and it is also inextricably fighting with Di Kun.

The power of the gossip lock demon array is astonishing, but for the strong king camel monster in the mid-Gold Core period, it is easy to block the injured king camel monster, but it is even more difficult to kill it. The hunchback rushed towards Lu Xiaotian several times, but Lu Xiaotian controlled the power of the formation to move his almost paralyzed body away. Seeing that Lu Xiaotian couldn't be killed, Wang Tuoguai took second place, only hoping to break through this weird formation as soon as possible.

Lu Xiaotian was anxious for a while, if the king camel monster breaks out, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future, this battle the king camel monster knows his details clearly, and if he offends such a powerful enemy, he will definitely die The legacy is endless. Not only was he injured at this time, but the Fire Dragon Bow had also been broken in the fierce battle just now. Even if he recovered from his injuries later on, his combat power would inevitably decline without an attack weapon in his hand. If he encounters the king camel monster again in the future, it will be good if the other party doesn't trouble him. And with his physical condition at this time, he simply couldn't bear the powerful load on his body from performing the Soul Swallowing Dafa.

After entering the golden core stage, the skills awakened by the magic beads in the dantian are not offensive skills, otherwise the onslaught just now would be enough to suppress the king camel monster.

Dharma bead skills! By the way, Ice Healing! Lu Xiaotian suddenly thought of this passive healing skill. At this time, the injuries on his body were too serious to be healed by ordinary pills in a short time. Lu Xiaotian thought of the magic beads, and mobilized the power in the magic beads without hesitation.

Healing from the Ice! When Lu Xiaotian activated the dharma bead, a cold breath flowed from the dharma bead, wandered from the dantian along the economy, and spread throughout the body. Some places with minor injuries are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye after the cold breath flows through. Even where several bones in the chest are broken, Lu Xiaotian can also feel a slight itching at the wound. It is the feeling brought by the growth and squirming of new meat. The broken bones and cracks are also rapidly recovering, and the recovery speed of the body at this time is extremely astonishing. Although there is still some distance from full recovery, the ability to act has been restored. Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being overjoyed. Originally, he was a little disappointed with the skills of magic beads after entering the golden core stage, but now it seems that this kind of skills that can restore physical trauma is not directly helpful for fighting skills, but it is for the recovery speed of the body. The speed is simply jaw-dropping, otherwise, with his current cultivation base and ability, it would take at least a year and a half to fully recover from such a serious injury. According to the current trend, I am afraid that he will be fully healed within three to five days, and more importantly, what it means to recover mobility at this juncture is naturally self-evident.

Lu Xiaotian took a deep breath, and used his primordial spirit to guide the flow of icy energy to the position of the serious injury. With the guidance of his spiritual consciousness, the recovery speed of the injury was accelerated a lot.

At this time, the fierce battle between the Eight Diagrams Locking Demon Formation and the King Camel Monster has not stopped for a moment, and the King Camel Monster is also getting more and more frightened at this time. The power of the formation is almost endless. He is not only injured, but also consumed. Mana is also irreparable in a short time.

While dealing with the attack of the gossip lock monster formation, the king camel monster was thinking about how to escape the danger. Originally, the ground-splitting knife, which had lost its mana concentration, had been suspended in the air, but the king camel monster changed the direction of breaking the formation back to the ground When the knife was struck, the ground-splitting knife suddenly burst into golden light, and the knife came towards the back of the king camel monster's neck fiercely.

Wang Tuoguai felt the astonishing saber energy behind him, and was shocked immediately. The hand of the withered vine grabbed the ground-splitting knife in a desperate situation. However, Di Kun was not willing to let the other party do anything. The tiger pounced forward, and pressed the withered vine hand to the ground with its two strong front paws, and its three tails curled forward, locking the long arm of the withered vine hand.

The tiger-headed sword before the big sword also lost its spirituality, and temporarily lost its combat power. At this time, Wang Camel Monster's injuries were not serious, but it was better than Lu Xiaotian before. Dragging the injured body, the Tiger Head Saber could not be used for the time being, and it was still tied with Di Kun and the Eight Diagrams Locking Monster Formation, but at this time the Earth Splitter became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Although the king camel monster wanted to dodge his body as hard as possible, but the hand of the withered vine was restrained by Di Kun at this time, and he himself was also facing a large number of air blades under the full attack of the Yin-Yang fish. Can't get away at all. All the dead souls could only feel the sharp saber energy getting closer and closer to him.

With a bang, there was no way to avoid it, and the ground-splitting knife slashed across the neck of the king camel monster. Seeing the blood rising from the king camel monster's head, Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. This battle can be said to be his victory. It was the most difficult battle since the golden core monk. The strength of the king camel is not only strong in the middle stage of the golden core, but also the hunchback that he has been wearing all the year round is just a place to confuse others. The opportunity for the monster to attack behind him was just about to kill the king hunchback in one fell swoop. Who would have thought that the hunchback was fake, but what was hidden in the clothes was a strange hand of withered vines. Time to prepare and react.

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