Become a Fairy

Chapter 5374 Soul Calling

"You came here alone, facing my army of demon rocs. You said you wanted to fight alone, so I'm going to do what you want?" Emperor Niao Demon Roc snorted coldly, "I can lead the Demon Roc army to destroy you."

"Everyone knows that I have a space treasure. With your injured tribe, you are really no match for my dragon army.

I originally wanted to leave a way out for your demon roc tribe. If you want to start a war with a large army, then I will do as you wish."

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and the demon tower in the void rose sharply. In an ancient silver light, large armies of dragons appeared, and the mighty dragon energy was released.

"It's bad!" Zi Tan Demon Emperor said in his heart.

People only heard that Lu Xiaotian had a space treasure that could accommodate a large army, but when he really released such a powerful army, the inexplicable impact was a shock that could not be described in words.

The Purple Tan Demon Emperor is an old monster with deep calculations, otherwise he would not have taken the opportunity of Lu Xiaotian in the Huasheng Demon Abyss to eliminate the rival Cangmu Wang Niao in one fell swoop.

His strength has gradually improved over the years, and his vision has also been much higher than before. He can't tell what realm Lu Xiaotian is at or what level he has cultivated.

However, there is no doubt that the dragon aura of Jin Tong, Wen Tingdao, Wen Yan and others is strong.

Even if they are at the same realm, he can hardly match such a dragon. There are several of them when the opponent comes, and there are more dragons in the Yuanshen body realm in the Weilong battle formation.

Once the opponent rushes over, the consequences will be unimaginable. Although the Purple Tan Demon Emperor has been in battle for a long time, he doesn't think he can resist it at all.

The morale of the Demon Peng army was originally affected by Lu Xiaotian, and now seeing the aura of the Weilong army was suppressed again.

"The Weilong battle formation!" In comparison, Emperor Niu Mo Peng's eyesight is naturally much better than that of his tribesmen, and he recognized the origin of this battle formation at the first time.

But after seeing this, Emperor Niu Mo Peng's heart became even more flustered.

Although the number of Weilong battle formations in front of him is quite different from that of his tribesmen. But things on the battlefield are never simply determined by the number of people.

The Mo Peng army suffered heavy losses in succession, and its morale was greatly affected. It would be good if it could exert 60% to 70% of its original strength.

Moreover, Lu Xiaotian's army is not only the one in front of him. In addition to the dragon army, other armies such as the dragon wolf tribe and the shale stone tribe appeared one after another.

The total number is still inferior to that of the Mo Peng tribe, but the difference is not as great as before.

At this time, the Mo Peng alliance can no longer gain any advantage by fighting alone with the army.

"Emperor Niu Mo Peng, after so many years, your strength has improved slightly, but your courage has decreased a lot. Since you are hiding, I will take action."

Lu Xiaotian laughed heartily. These words seemed to have no lethality, but they were definitely not nonsense.

Emperor Niu Mo Peng's hesitation for a while was quickly disintegrating the morale of the Mo Peng army. Lu Xiaotian needed his tribe to get enough experience, but he didn't want them to suffer too serious losses, so he had to spend more time thinking.

Lu Xiaotian's consciousness radiated out, strengthening the detection of the surrounding space, and did not find any traces of other powerful forces appearing here.

Without other people intervening, Emperor Niu Mo Peng would definitely lose.

After growing up to now, even if the opponent was a demon king, Lu Xiaotian had a considerable psychological advantage in facing such a strong man.

This psychological advantage came from both his past achievements and the many immortal king-level strong men he had seen, especially the confrontation with Kong Rong Old Monster and Yong Ze Demon King.

To be frank, Lu Xiaotian had seen the methods of a half-step emperor-level strongman, and he was closer to Yan Ji. At this time, Emperor Niu Mo Peng was no longer ranked in his eyes.

However, it was this cognition that almost made Lu Xiaotian suffer a great loss.

Since he decided to take action, Lu Xiaotian was not vague. With a wave of his hand, the law of heaven and earth surged, and the law of spiritual soldiers like mountains and seas appeared again.

There were very few tribesmen in the Mo Peng tribe who had seen such a situation. They all escaped from the devastating weather.

Seeing this familiar scene again at this time, he couldn't help but tremble, and a burst of fear came from the heart.

Fear sometimes spreads like a plague, just like now.

"Well, I want to see what methods the Eastern Dan Sheng, who is famous in several worlds, has."

Emperor Niu Mo Peng had no choice. He waved his wings, and a demonic energy surged, and the magic-free feather seemed to fly out of it.

These feathers turned into a purple-black army of demon rocs in the blink of an eye, and they flew at an astonishing speed with their wings spread.

"What a law demon soldier!" Lu Xiaotian's eyes lit up.

Regardless of the other means of Emperor Niu Mo Peng, this one alone is no weaker than the previous evil dragon demon.

However, since Lu Xiaotian perfected the law of space, his own magical powers have undergone many changes.

Compared with the decisive battle with the evil dragon demon, he has made great progress, and Emperor Niu Mo Peng does not have the most threatening dragon-slaying guillotine in his hand.

To deal with such an enemy, Lu Xiaotian can naturally let go.

Unlike his law demon soldiers, who have a rigorous battle formation and seamless cooperation, the opponent has a big gap in the control of the battle formation compared to Lu Xiaotian, but has found a new way to integrate the power of the totem into the law demon soldiers.

Coupled with the extremely fast speed of these law demon rocs, they actually fought back and forth with Lu Xiaotian's law spirit soldiers for a while.

As expected of a demon king, those who can be crowned as a king have their own unique extraordinary means. After these strong men entered the battlefield of immortals and demons and gained enough benefits from it, their strengths have improved.

Even other ordinary Yuanshen bodies have greatly increased the number of half-step Xuantian-level treasures they possess, so they can no longer look at people with the same eyes as before.

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the law spirit soldiers controlled by Lu Xiaotian formed a formation to fight, attacking and defending in moderation.

Killed the opponent's law demon rocs one after another. In terms of killing alone, Lu Xiaotian's law spirit soldier army is still extremely sharp, obviously better than the opponent.

However, Emperor Niu Mo Peng obviously also has enough means to deal with it. Seeing that the previous wave of law demon rocs were defeated, they actually used the method of self-destruction. The violent explosion formed a huge impact on the five elements spirit soldier army. For a time, the tight battle formation was blown out with huge gaps one after another.

"Your law spirit soldiers are just like this!" Emperor Niu Mo Peng used this method to turn the situation around a lot, and couldn't help but mock Lu Xiaotian.

The Emperor Niao Demon Peng used the Law Demon Peng to clear the way, and then a large number of Demon Pengs came roaring at an incredibly fast speed. Even though Lu Xiaotian was able to dispatch the Spirit Soldiers, he was unable to take care of them for a while.

After all, these explosions and the Demon Pengs in the back came too fast. The speed was much faster than that under the control of the evil dragon demon. It was a complete fight of fast and chaos.

If they couldn't beat Lu Xiaotian in the height of the battle formation, they would drag both sides into the quagmire of chaos.

In this way, the two sides were roughly at the same level, and Lu Xiaotian's original advantage was almost gone. On the contrary, those Law Demon Pengs had the upper hand in the chaos.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered. He originally thought that his Law Spirit Soldiers Corps was already unique, and there would not be many Immortal Lord-level strongmen who could compete with him. Now it seems that this idea is still a bit naive.

Lu Xiaotian was not angry, but rather somewhat happy. Only by discovering problems can we solve them. This is the meaning of fighting and killing.

Since his spiritual army still has flaws, it is naturally better to find them as soon as possible. It is not too late to make up for the loss.

If he really encounters an enemy who is as strong as himself or even stronger than himself, it will be extremely fatal to expose his weaknesses during the battle.

Before, the evil dragon demon had used a similar method, but the method of the Emperor Niao Demon Peng was more violent and effective.

When the law demon peng contains the power of totem, the self-destruction power is stronger. Even after the explosion, there is a strong and violent demonic aura lingering.

After the law demon peng absorbs this breath, the self-destruction lethality will become stronger.

However, Lu Xiaotian is no longer the same as before. The law spirit army alone is not enough to defeat the opponent, but it is no problem to block its attack. At present, he only uses the five elements law spirit soldiers.

With a slight movement of his spiritual consciousness, there was a flash of lightning and thunder, ice and snow were flying, and in the whistling wind, dark clouds flew to the opposite side.

Above, the three-system spirit soldiers of ice, wind and thunder walked on the clouds, and a wind system, lightning and thunder swords slashed forward one after another.

The wind, snow and lightning in the void caused great interference to these law magic pengs, which delayed the momentum of the other party's self-destruction.

It's a pity that the law of space has not yet been integrated into the soul, otherwise the law spirit army would not be restrained by the means of Emperor Niu Mo Peng.

"Mo Peng Soul Realm!" The giant peng phantom incarnated by Emperor Niu Mo Peng slowly uttered a few words.

Its huge figure spread out from the top of its head, and its figure began to fade, as if it had completely integrated into this world, but it was everywhere.

Lu Xiaotian looked around with surprise, and for a while he couldn't find the figure of Emperor Niu Mo Peng.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Emperor Niu Mo Peng is still around him at this time, and did not take advantage of the time to restrain him to attack the dragon army.

In the eyes of the millions of demon rocs and the dragon army in the outside world, the state of Lu Xiaotian and Emperor Niu Mo Peng at this time seemed dangerous and weird.

The two demon king-level strongmen were facing each other in the air, and it seemed that countless phantoms had already fought, and the two original bodies seemed to be standing still.

It seemed that they were not far away, but if they really wanted to get close to these two strong men, they felt like they were at the edge of the sky.

The vast demonic energy combined with the power of the law spread all around, and the power of the law controlled by Lu Xiaotian was also fiercely competing with the other party for control of this airspace.

"Eastern Dan Sheng!" Emperor Niu Mo Peng suddenly called out in a low voice, and the whole world was filled with this voice.

With Lu Xiaotian's strong soul, he still felt that his entire soul was shaken, and it seemed that there was a weird feeling in his body that was about to be called out by Emperor Niu Mo Peng.

"Eastern Dan Sheng!" The call sounded again, and Lu Xiaotian had a voice in his heart that seemed to want to agree to the other party.

As this thought came up, Lu Xiaotian felt that there was a faint and almost imperceptible shadow of the Demon Peng in the depths of his soul.

"Eastern Dan Sheng!" This strange call came not only from the outside, but also from the shadow of the Demon Peng in Lu Xiaotian's body.

Two calls sounded at the same time, and the sound waves vibrated inside and outside the body, as if to shake his soul out of the body completely and take the opportunity to steal the control of his body.

This shock was not trivial. The means of the Emperor Niao Demon Peng were far beyond his cognition. The attack was powerful and strange, and it could affect his entire soul without him noticing.

It made him feel that it was difficult to resist, and he didn't know how to resist. Obviously, the other party gave him the feeling that the soul fluctuation was not too strong.

"Eastern Dan Sheng!"

This was the fourth call, and the vibration of the soul was more obvious than before. The surrounding void was shrouded in black smoke and clouds, and the shadows of the demon rocs appeared faintly in it.

Pairs of green, blood-red, and dark purple eyes looked cold and bloodthirsty, surrounding Lu Xiaotian like the stars in the night. It made Lu Xiaotian feel like he was being pointed at by thousands of people and was isolated and helpless, and the oppression of the soul became more and more obvious.

No, cultivation can be improved in a short period of time, such as Yan Ji, but the improvement of the soul is not easy. The soul of Emperor Niu Mo Peng should not be so strong.

The other party must have used some method, but this method was too strange and he could not detect it for a while.

For the time being, he could not detect the other party's means, so it was naturally impossible to crack it in a targeted manner. If he could not attack Emperor Niu Mo Peng, he could only start from himself as much as possible.

Not knowing how his means sneaked into his soul, Lu Xiaotian raised his hands, and the mysteries of the eight laws intertwined around him, forming a huge sphere, using the powerful power of the law to completely isolate himself from the outside world.

However, the other party had already branded him. With the Peng shadow deep in Lu Xiaotian's heart as a guide, it was like having an extra guide inside. It was not easy for Lu Xiaotian to completely isolate him.

The voices that shook people's hearts continued to rise and fall, and even Lu Xiaotian was inevitably greatly affected.

"Dragon Soul Battle Suit!" Lu Xiaotian shouted in a low voice. Ordinary means could not isolate the other party's connection, so Lu Xiaotian directly used the dragon clan's magical power.

The spiritual consciousness condensed on the surface of the body, forming a layer of battle suit emitting red gold light, and the voice in the body was reduced a lot in an instant.

Whoosh, a flying knife with cold light instantly passed through the shackles of space and reached Lu Xiaotian's eyebrows.

The opponent's speed was no different from teleportation. With the power of the law as a prelude, this magic knife was within the law of the Emperor Niu Mo Peng, and it really flew into the sky and hid the ground, killing the enemy in just a breath.

Lu Xiaotian didn't even have time to use other treasures. He just stretched out his left hand and clamped the flying knife with two fingers. The knife energy burst, and his left hand was cut by countless knife energy, and a burst of severe pain came.

Lu Xiaotian's body is indeed stronger, but this flying knife with Peng pattern has already entered the level of Xuantian magic weapon, and the direct controller is still Emperor Niu Mopeng.

"Good method, good knife!" Lu Xiaotian praised sincerely, and flicked his two fingers to shake the knife that was only three inches long and flew out. (End of this chapter)

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