Become a Fairy

Chapter 5324 Blood Pool

Although some of the immortal soldiers were puzzled by this arrangement, they naturally did not dare to resist due to military orders.

In fact, most people also knew that except for those with a certain chance of recovery from minor injuries, basically those who entered the medium-injured camp were sentenced to death.

Some of the immortal soldiers also felt that the arrangement was made because they were afraid that the fear of death would spread and affect the morale of the immortal army. Unexpectedly, things were completely different from what they imagined.

At this time, the seriously injured camp not only had immortal soldiers outside to maintain order, but also strictly prohibited outsiders from entering. There were also dozens of formation flags to form a ban isolation.

Most of the wounded at this time did not know what they would face, and many of them were even wondering about the strange arrangements above.

After all, even if they were wounded, they belonged to different camps such as the Dragon Seeking Division or the Dragon Robbery Prison. Under normal circumstances, they must be recuperated separately. But now they are mixed together.

Suddenly, a group of black aura surged in, and a huge black dragon head emerged from it. The dragon head's eyes were blood red, full of madness and killing.

The entire seriously injured camp was in a panic, and they all felt the strong killing intent coming from each other.

The Nine Difficulties Demon Dragon is extremely secretive, and only a few people in the entire Dragon Prison know about it. As for the Dragon Seeking Division, even fewer people know about it.

This time they came to slay the dragon, but suddenly such a powerful dragon alien appeared in the camp, how could they not be surprised.

"I only took these wounded to deal with this demon, but it's barely enough." The black dragon head said in a muffled voice, and then opened its big mouth, sucking hundreds of nearby immortal soldiers into its big mouth, and screams followed one after another as it chewed.

A greater panic spread quickly to the entire seriously injured camp like a plague.

The Nine Difficulties Demon Dragon swam its dragon body comfortably, rushing around in the seriously injured camp, and every time it opened its mouth, hundreds of immortal soldiers would be swallowed by it.

"Damn it, this was deliberately let in by the higher-ups, thinking that we are in the way, or even using us as a sacrifice!"

These immortal soldiers are naturally not stupid. How could such a powerful demon dragon suddenly appear in a heavily stationed camp? While the other party was showing off his power, the immortal army strongmen did not react at all.

The entire immortal army camp was as solid as a rock. Even if a powerful immortal king sneaked in, he would be discovered in nine out of ten cases, not to mention the killing of the demon dragon. How could Chen Fufeng, Bai Taiyuzhu, and the evil dragon Motuo not notice it? The only possibility is that it was deliberately done by the higher-ups.

"I want to go out and kill all those high-ranking officials!" Many immortal soldiers roared hoarsely.

Later, all the immortal soldiers roared angrily, and all kinds of emotions such as unwillingness, despair, and resentment permeated the entire seriously injured camp.

However, no matter how much these immortal soldiers hated and were unwilling, they could not change the reality in front of them. There were only more than 30,000 immortal soldiers, not to mention the seriously injured, and they were unprepared. Even if they were all intact, they would never be the opponent of the Nine Difficulties Demon Dragon.

In addition to these amazing resentments, more than 30,000 immortal soldiers were unable to leave anything and were eventually swallowed up by the Nine Difficulties Demon Dragon.

"Jiunan, now that you are here, you have eaten. Now, let's go with me to attack the secret realm of the Kongying Clan." Just as Jiunan Demon Dragon was still not satisfied, a shadow appeared, and it was none other than Bai Tai, the prison master.

"The number of people is not bad, but they are all seriously injured, their blood and qi are seriously damaged, and there is a strange smell in the Devil Pond of Destruction." Jiunan Demon Dragon smacked his lips.

"It's already good. Chen Fufeng and I took a huge risk to eat these wounded.

If you really want to have a good meal, you can go to the enemy side. Let's not talk about the more than 10,000 dragons. The Kongying Clan warriors alone are extremely rare in the world. Their elite level is higher than that of most immortal armies. I believe they can meet your needs." Bai Tai, the prison master guided.

"Of course I will go, but don't have too much hope in me. Even you, Chen Fufeng, the evil dragon Motuo, and millions of immortal soldiers have stopped moving forward, so I may not be able to play a big role." It is true that Jiunan Demon Dragon is violent and bloodthirsty, but he is not a fool.

He is not a real dragon, but the blood left by the combination of an immortal army general and the dragon clan.

He grew up in the Jielong Prison since he was a child, so he has no sense of belonging to the dragon clan. There are many people in the same situation as him. The previous masters of the Jielong Prison put them together with a large number of dragon clan souls and devoured each other, and only he survived in the end.

Or he has become a complex now, and he can't even tell whose soul is more on him.

But these are no longer important. What matters is that he survived successfully, which is enough. Surviving from the brutal fight and mutual devouring, Jiunan Demon Dragon is bloodthirsty and extremely cherishes his life. But he has no idea of ​​sacrificing himself for justice and using himself to open the way for the immortal army.

"The two sides have been fighting for so long, and the other side doesn't have many cards left. Sometimes the last straw is the one that breaks the camel's back. You are much more important than the straw.

Even if you just appear at the edge of the battlefield and don't take action, you can still put great pressure on the other side." Bai Tai, the prison master, was mentally prepared for this, but he didn't ask for too much.

"That's great." Jiunan Demon Dragon nodded with satisfaction, and his figure flashed out of the seriously injured camp. At this time, the immortal army responsible for the expedition outside had already formed a neat formation with flags and banners.

The battles with the Kongying tribe army became more and more frequent. After paying a large number of casualties, the immortal army formation looked neat, but in fact it was still a little less strict than when they first came.

After all, the proportion of wounded and killed is not low. It is extremely troublesome to replenish troops in the Devil Pond of Destruction, and it takes a process for the replenished personnel to integrate into the original team. Overall, the Immortal Army seems to have a large number of people, but the combat power is continuously declining.

The only consolation is that in the previous tragic wars, some people in the Immortal Army have been tempered enough to stand out. The base of millions of Immortal Army is here, and every few days someone will break through the original realm.

However, it is not only the Immortal Army that has improved its strength. The opposite Dragon Clan and Kongying Clan have stronger talents than the Immortal Army, and they will be promoted from time to time. In this regard, the Immortal Army will not get any advantage.

Fortunately, the Immortal Army still has the advantage of numbers and can continuously consume the opponent. The only trouble now is that there are many restrictions in the secret realm of the Kongying Clan, and there is no space for the Immortal Army to display. The two sides are just consuming, and the Immortal Army has never gained an advantage.

However, Chen Fufeng and Bai Taiyuzhu both believe that the Kongying Clan and the more than 10,000 Dragon Clan can temporarily stop the Immortal Army with the advantage of geographical location.

As time goes by, as the enemy's casualties rise to a certain level, the army is stretched to the limit, and even the manpower to guard these restrictions is insufficient. At that time, the war situation will inevitably usher in a breakthrough.

What the Immortal Army has to do now is to attack and attack again, not giving the enemy any chance to breathe. The Immortal Army's expedition to the Devil Pond of Destruction is destined to have a lot of casualties.

When the Immortal Army made some changes, Lu Xiaotian had already noticed it through the Sky Son Cauldron.

At this time, the Immortal Army had already established its position in the Devil Pond of Destruction and had a stable base. The Kongying Clan warriors were always on the defensive due to limited manpower, and rarely counterattacked under his control.

It's not that Lu Xiaotian didn't want to, but the main reason was that the power he could use was too limited, and every point had to be carefully calculated, and there was no room for abuse.

Chen Fufeng and Bai Taiyuzhu were not easy to deal with. The Immortal Army's absolute advantage in manpower allowed them to make many mistakes. Even if the attacks failed again and again, the enemy could continue to regroup. But once the Kongying Clan reveals a flaw and is caught by the other side, it will be difficult for them to turn around.

Nine formations have been conquered by the immortal army in the secret realm. What is blocking the immortal army at this time is the Nine-bend Coiling Dragon Formation.

The nine camps responded head to tail, and the immortal army has attacked for no less than dozens of times in succession, and has lost soldiers and generals but failed to make further progress.

The free blood in the void is constantly being sucked away, and at this time, a huge blood pool has condensed in the depths of the Kongying Clan's secret realm.

The blood pool is surrounded by restrictions, and the surging blood is restrained in it. You can vaguely see shadows moving in it.

Wow, an arrogant figure rises from it, and a strong breath pours out. Huo Xiao's eyes are red, full of madness, and the terrifying murderous thoughts are madly sweeping around.

At this time, Huo Xiao is almost out of control. Suddenly, dozens of waves in the blood pool rise one after another and rush towards Huo Xiao.

Huo Xiao punched out, and with a loud bang, the bloody waves shattered one after another, turning into a bloody rain. Huo Xiao was about to rush out, but suddenly the bloody rain condensed into ice, freezing Huo Xiao directly.

A Zen sound that made people feel calm and peaceful came from the void, and the Buddhist seals sank into the huge bloody ice.

I don’t know how long it took, but Huo Xiao’s bloody and crazy eyes began to calm down. At this time, his eyes were still red, but they looked like a deep bloody pool, giving people a sense of bloodthirstiness and war, but also unusually calm.

And in the bloody ice, several faint dragon shadows began to sink into his body, and Huo Xiao’s breath was completely stabilized.

“Thank you.” Huo Xiao, who had regained consciousness, had a fluctuating mind.

"No, these are what you fought for with your own life. After you overcome this calamity, you will be able to have a bright future. But before that, you have to help me fend off the attacks of the immortal army."

Lu Xiaotian's shadow appeared outside the blood pool. Seeing that Huo Xiao had completely stabilized, he was quite satisfied.

Huo Xiao, who had the Ice Blood Holy Body, almost failed to break through, or was already on the verge of failure.

After seeing Huo Xiao's state, Lu Xiaotian suddenly had an idea. He used his own understanding of the blood system law, plus the strength of the real dragon blood, to let the other party soak in the blood pool, not only to help him break through the realm in one fell swoop, but also to merge with the blood pool in front of him to a certain extent.

At this time, Huo Xiao's Ice Blood Holy Body had changed to a certain extent on the original basis. And comprehended Lu Xiaotian's understanding of the blood system law. It has embarked on a completely different way of cultivation from the raw materials.

Speaking of which, this is also Huo Xiao's fate. Lu Xiaotian set up restrictions and used the Kongtianzi Ding to control these restrictions to continuously absorb the free blood in the battlefield and gather them together to form this ocean-like blood pool.

The blood and energy gathered here are from the Kongying Clan, the Dragon Clan, and more from the Immortal Army, from the Immortal Level, to the True Immortal Level, and even the Soul Body Powerhouse. A large amount of blood and energy generated when injured or fallen is collected. Among them is some of the True Dragon blood and energy injected by Lu Xiaotian himself.

The strength of the Immortal Army is too strong. Although he has repeatedly repelled the opponent's attacks, Lu Xiaotian still has a strong sense of crisis.

Chen Fufeng and Bai Tai, the prison master, are not easy to deal with. They will definitely find ways to break through the secret realm, or draw other strong men from the Immortal Realm to help again.

Lu Xiaotian also had to make as many arrangements as possible. This blood pool was originally used as bait to guide the group of virtual beasts to break through the restrictions of the Immortal Army.

It is difficult for the Jianxu Beast Herd to defeat the powerful Immortal Army on the frontal battlefield, but the strength of the Beast Herd is far from what the Immortal Army knew. Although it was defeated by the Immortal Army last time. In the final analysis, the export of the herd is limited, and its numerical advantage cannot be fully utilized.

During the battle where the Immortal Army sealed the beast herd, the beast herd they saw was just the tip of the iceberg. Lu Xiaotian has stayed here longer and knows more carefully. He also knows that there is a rather powerful being in the Jianxu Beast.

The opponent is not attacking the fairy army with all its strength now. On the one hand, the fairy army is indeed powerful, and on the other hand, the beast group has other prey that is easier to capture. When faced with multiple choices, it is natural to choose foods that are relatively easy to obtain.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Xiaotian could not control the group of inter-empty beasts, so he had been collecting blood energy from the beginning of the battle between the two sides, and studied the inter-empty beast passage through the Kongtian Ziding.

If the Kongying clan's secret realm cannot stop the attack of the immortal army, the Jianxu beast group will be an extremely useful chess piece.

As for Huo Xiao, it was a complete coincidence, or it could be said to be an unexpected surprise. It is extremely difficult to break through. If it weren't for the existence of this blood pool, death would be inevitable.

Just absorbing part of the true dragon's blood energy and integrating with this blood pool, Huo Xiao received great blessings.

The source of blood energy in the blood pool is too complicated, and it is born with the energy of war. Huo Xiao refined it and passed through the gate of hell again and again.

After breaking through the realm, his strength increased rapidly, but his own strength alone could not catch Lu Xiaotian's eyes. For the time being, the opponent could not get rid of the blood pool and was still within Lu Xiaotian's control.

The blood pool was created because of this battle. After the battle, Huo Xiao completed his transformation and would reach his peak.

"Has the battle situation changed?" Before Huo Xiao finished speaking, the blood energy in the blood pool began to stir up waves, and he sensed the changes in the energy of Lu Xiaotian's phantom.

"After experiencing so many setbacks, the Immortal Army has been building momentum for a long time. It is not surprising that it will make big moves. This battle will be dangerous and unpredictable even if you take action."

Lu Xiaotian nodded. The aura of the Nine Difficulties Demonic Dragon was not stronger than that of the Evil Dragon Demon Tuo. However, with the addition of such a strong person to the Immortal Army camp again, one can imagine the pressure on Lu Xiaotian.

In dealing with the Evil Dragon Demon Tuo before, the Seven Prison Guards used various means to resolve it. Here comes the Nine Difficulties Demonic Dragon. Without Huo Xiao as a variable, Lu Xiaotian would indeed be extremely passive, but now he still has some ability to resist.

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