Become a Fairy

Chapter 5310: The Devil's Bone Wheel

"Evil Bone Magic Wheel!" The evil dragon Mo Tuo was aroused by the dragon in front of him.

After the successive attacks failed to work, he immediately used a more powerful killing move. With a wave of his sleeves, dozens of huge bone wheels rolled forward and crushed the opposite formation with amazing momentum.

These bone wheels are thousands of feet high, and ordinary people are extremely small in front of them. Each bone wheel is composed of countless skeleton heads.

These skeleton heads are mainly dragon skulls, and there are other monsters, ghosts, or human strongmen. Each skeleton head contains a large number of refined demon souls.

The creepy click sound made by the magic wheel when it rolled forward. A trace of gray breath lingered. In an instant, this piece of void seemed to be shrouded in great terror.

Although the evil bone magic wheel has not yet attacked the formation, the breath of destruction has completely enveloped this side of the void. The psychological impact on the dragons in the formation is also unprecedented.

Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao looked at each other. The evil dragon Mo Tuo was too fierce. The formation alone could not block the opponent's all-pervasive aura.

Those low-level dragons were weakened before they took action under the pressure of the opponent, and the formation masters of the Kongying clan were the same.

At this time, a dragon with strong enough strength needs to stand up. Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao are far less powerful than the evil dragon Mo Tuo, but even if they can only buffer part of the opponent's power, they can also let the low-level dragons behind and other formation masters breathe.

Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao released their own auras and tried their best to buffer the impact of the opponent. Suddenly, an extremely heavy pressure swept towards the two dragon masters, and the laws and mysteries of both sides began to clash.

The huge bone wheel rolled forward and began to hit the edge of the formation one after another.

There is no unbreakable defense in the world, especially since the formation and the secret realm behind are not integrated, there will inevitably be a certain gap in the connection.

At this time, it is unrealistic to rely solely on the formation to defend. Especially when facing a strong man like the evil dragon demon.

These formations are barriers against the immortal army and must not be easily destroyed by the opponent.

While the opponent was attacking, Kong Yan Bagua was also rotating, and soon the formation gate opened. At this time, the dragon warriors needed to withstand the attack of the evil dragon demon, so that the formation could get a precious breathing opportunity.

However, the pressure faced by the dragon clan was unprecedented, and the furious attack of the evil dragon demon was not so easy to block.

"The raging sea is rolling!"

"The golden sword is burning the sun!"

Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao slashed out with swords at the same time, and thousands of sword lights moved forward alternately. Thousands of dragons behind them also attacked at the same time, and thousands of dragon soldiers, mixed with a large amount of dragon breath, swept over.

Violent roars sounded one after another, and bone wheels moved forward alternately. The dragon clan also formed a battle formation. The torrent formed by thousands of dragon soldiers formed an amazing combined force under the guidance of Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao.

Fortunately, the Jin family dragons have opened up their cultivation techniques and resource supply in the past few years, and have gained enough experience in the battle with the virtual beasts.

At this time, the Jin family dragons have undergone a complete transformation. Although there have been no new Yuanshen body realm masters in the Jin family dragons in recent years, there have been many Daluo Jinxian, Jinxian, and Tianxian levels.

Among the thousands of dragons in front of them, there are as many as six Daluo Jinxians. These middle and high-level dragons have become the backbone of the battle formation. As long as there is proper guidance, they can gather into a huge force.

And Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao undoubtedly played the leading role. One after another, the bone wheels rushed over but were repelled one after another.

The evil dragon Mo Tuo was about to continue the attack and directly broke the battle formation composed of thousands of dragons. Kong Yan Bagua turned again. It was just the thousands of dragons led by Jin Muhai and Jin Tong who resisted the bone wheels.

Jin Muhai was mainly responsible for commanding the dragon battle formation. Jin Tong's role was relatively limited, but Jin Tong's higher combat power made up for this deficiency to a certain extent.

Then it was Jin Du again, and thousands of dragons under the command of Jin Ting took over the situation.

Rumble, after a series of fights, the attack of the evil dragon Mo Tuo looked terrifying, and the attack was indeed extremely powerful, but he never got beyond the line.

At this time, the evil dragon Mo Tuo calmed down after the initial rage. Although his repeated attacks failed, the opponent sent out more than 10,000 dragons one after another.

There were an astonishing six dragons in the body realm of the Yuanshen alone, and there were also five-clawed golden dragons and mad dragon bloodlines with strong bloodlines.

These dragons not only formed a battle formation, but also relied on the formation to fight. The defense was airtight. In such a fierce fight, the more than 30,000 Linlong Riders behind him were not only surprised by the opponent's amazing strength, but they did not dare to laugh at him.

Moreover, he had already made a series of moves, and the Linlong Riders behind him could not stand aside and watch the show.

Daozun E'ya's eyebrows jumped. He had sensed the consciousness of the evil dragon demon coming over, and instinctively felt that something was wrong. The opponent was afraid that the dragon rider would be sent to the battlefield.

In Daozun E'ya's view, the defense of the secret realm of the Kongyin clan was like a copper wall and iron wall, and the recovery ability was extremely strong.

If you want to achieve results, you need to mobilize enough troops to continue the attack. Otherwise, the attack like this will not be able to break the opponent's defense at all. In addition to increasing consumption or casualties, the effect is limited.

"Senior Demon Buddha, why don't you wait for the army behind to arrive and attack this place after you have enough manpower?" Daozun E'ya tried to send a message to the evil dragon demon.

"If you dare to say it again, don't blame this demon Buddha for disobeying orders before the battle and executing you on the spot." The tone of the evil dragon demon was gloomy.

Dao Zun E Ya's breathing stagnated. He had 30,000 elite dragon riders. Even if there was no formation to rely on, it would not be easy for Nie Long Mo Tuo to do anything to him.

However, the other dragon riders might not be able to react to the sudden attack of the other party. Moreover, with a powerful enemy at hand, if they quarreled among themselves, Dao Zun E Ya could not imagine the serious consequences he would face.

There were tens of thousands of powerful dragon warriors in the secret realm in front of him alone. It can be seen that even if the space treasure on Lu Xiaotian's body was sealed, it was probably not sealed thoroughly enough.

The other party can still mobilize a considerable number of dragons. When the other party takes advantage of the situation and rushes for a while, it may not be a massacre.

"I will obey your order." After weighing the pros and cons with an ugly face, Dao Zun E Ya finally chose to compromise with the other party. Without Chen Fufeng, he did not have the confidence to say no to Nie Long Mo Tuo.

"That's better. Organize the battle formation and prepare to attack the opponent's formation. This demon Buddha will try his best to create opportunities for you."

A trace of viciousness flashed in the eyes of the evil dragon Mo Tuo. If anyone dared to question his orders again and again, even if he finally gave in, he would have to teach him a lesson. The Linlongqi's combat power was not weak. It was foreseeable that they would cause casualties to the opposing dragon clan with his cooperation.

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