Become a Fairy

Chapter 531 Stormbird

"Back!" When everyone saw that it was Storm Bird, their first reaction was to retreat violently.

After He Yousheng hit the storm bird, the strength of the storm bird is not too strong, and the strength of a single storm bird is not terrible, but the storm birds in groups, even if they are not seventh-level, are just some low-level Monster birds are also enough to threaten the lives of Jindan monks.

boom! When He Yousheng killed the storm bird with a hairpin, the storm bird suddenly exploded like a gunpowder barrel. Will fight fiercely with the enemy. Until one party completely falls down. Once it encounters an enemy whose strength exceeds it, especially when it receives a major attack, the Storm Bird will explode all over, turning into countless sharp wind blades, cutting everywhere.

Although the storm bird that He Yousheng killed was only a sixth-order monster, even if it blew itself up, it would not be able to easily cause them harm. Dozens of storm birds screamed and flew towards this side. As the wind-type demon birds, especially the wind blades issued by the same race, the storm birds are extremely sensitive, avoiding the attack of the wind blades at an extremely sensitive speed, and showing to everyone The monk rushed over.

Ordinary hundreds of low-level monsters may not be able to threaten a Golden Core cultivator, after all, the difference in rank is huge, but hundreds of Stormbirds are enough to pose a fatal threat to a Golden Core cultivator, especially Most of the storm birds that rushed towards me were fifth- and sixth-order, and there were even two seventh-order storm birds among them. The individual strength was not strong, but it was not like other monsters and monsters. Fear, there is a possibility of escaping, but this kind of monster bird that explodes when it moves is unreasonable. Facing these storm birds, once the number of opponents is enough to threaten one's life, it will often be them who have their own schemes. Thoughtful monk.

Everyone fled in the woods. Most of the woods were tall and tall spiritual trees that had grown for a long time, and they were not so easy to damage, otherwise they would have been chopped off by the soaring wind blades.

The monks fought and fled, and a large number of blasted wind blades shot around. Although some fifth- and sixth-tier storm birds self-destructed for the time being, they could not threaten them, but there were screams from behind, and they were already connected, and the number was no less than a thousand. as much as possible.

Lu Xiaotian also used the ground-splitting knife to continuously kill dozens of fifth- and sixth-order storm birds. Every time he killed the storm birds, the wind blades generated by the explosion swept across the surrounding area and hit the body shield that Lu Xiaotian sacrificed again and again. , although dozens of wind blades of this level can't hurt him, but the explosion when a seventh-order storm bird was killed by Chi Yunsang with the Chihei Pagoda threw him and the weaker Zhao Nanxing apart. After a somersault, the spirit hood on his body collapsed under the violent wind blade.

A hint of fear flashed across Lu Xiaotian's face. The full blow of a seventh-level monster is completely different from the power of self-explosion. The power is not the same. There will be no time, and it is not inferior to the full blow of the eighth-order monster. At this time, Lu Xiaotian has neither used the soul-swallowing method nor used the formation. With his own strength, he is just an ordinary The monks at the early stage of Jindan couldn't resist. Fortunately, Chi Yunsang's Chihei pagoda has grown in size, blocking most of the attack power, otherwise Lu Xiaotian would be caught off guard by this blow alone, and he might be seriously injured. It's a pity that the set of fire dragon scale armor has been damaged in the Golden Dan Thunder Tribulation, otherwise it is not strong to deal with this kind of impact, and the sharp cutting damage of the wind blade alone is perfect. After the spirit hood collapsed, Lu Xiaotian also had wounds of various sizes, two of which were fortunately blocked by the black and white double bowls he sacrificed in time, otherwise they might have cut into the dantian, and the consequences would be disastrous.

In contrast, Zhao Nanxing, whose strength is not much stronger than Lu Xiaotian, is even more embarrassed. It is Yang Cuiyun, and the other Yu Xiao who looks very handsome. He might not be able to avoid this catastrophe even though he was injured, but at this time, more and more flamingoes were being killed one after another. Even these two Tianhai Pavilion monks in the mid-Gold Core stage couldn't care less about the already injured ones. Zhao Nanxing, who was injured on the top, these storm birds are not strong individually, but they come at an extremely fast speed.

The defensive magic weapon on Zhao Nanxing's body was also broken by the wind blades one after another.

At the critical moment, Chi Yunsang sacrificed the extremely sturdy Chihei Pagoda to block the large number of wind blades invading in time, saving Zhao Nanxing's life.

"Thank you Equator for your life-saving grace." Zhao Nanxing looked at Chi Yunsang gratefully. Although he had his own thoughts, he did not hesitate to spend mana to save Chi Yunsang. few.

"Why does Fellow Daoist Zhao do this? Let's all come together. We must help each other in times of crisis." Chi Yunsang said, "This is not the time to be distracted. Go to the place where the green gourd monster bee was! The monsters here have their own territories. We are not many in number, once a large group of storm birds rush into the territory of the green gourd bee, it will definitely cause the green gourd bee to counterattack with all its strength, and we will wait for the opportunity to escape!"

After all, Chi Yunsang went uncharacteristically and flew towards the place where the Green Gourd Demon Bee passed by before in a hurry. Everyone is willing to lag behind by half a point at this time, even though they know that the danger level of the Green Gourd Bee's territory is not low, but it is relatively easier to deal with these troublesome and unreasonable Stormbirds. The instant damage caused by the wind blade is their group of Golden Core cultivators. In addition to their extremely strong strength, especially Chi Yunsang who holds the Scarlet Black Pagoda with both offensive and defensive capabilities. When dealing with the storm bird's self-destruction, it seems that there is still enough strength, and other people, even the monks in the middle stage of the golden core, are more than enough to protect themselves under the successive self-destruction of the storm bird, and they are somewhat powerless to rescue others.

Although Lu Xiaotian had killed mid-stage Jindan monks before, it was not his own strength, including the Soul Swallowing Dafa, and he only temporarily relied on the power of monster spirits. At this time, he encountered such a chaotic situation, and his cultivation base was not high. Fortunately, he still has the black and white double bowls he snatched from Liu Jingchuan. After several years of hard work, he has cleared Liu Jingchuan's aura. Although it is not as easy to use as Liu Jingchuan, Stormbird His attack method was only relatively sudden, and he didn't have much skill at all. At this time, it was much safer to wrap his body inside like a turtle shell. Lu Xiaotian, who stayed in the black and white double bowl, was slightly relieved.

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