Become a Fairy

Chapter 5303: Continuous Killings

"Not slow to react, but too late." The Lotus clone didn't care about being seen through by the other party.

As long as no one breaks through the sword formation, the two are already fish on the chopping board, but it will take some time to kill them.

The Lotus clone did not directly control the main body of the sword monument to attack the two, but fully stimulated the aura of the sword monument, sweeping out the powerful sword intent that made the soul tremble.

The sword monument has been damaged for many years. After all, the treasure has a spirit. After being broken for so long, it is eager to be restored.

The sword monument fragments in the body of Nanyun Cave Master and Basuan Sword Master seemed to sense an instinctive call, and the intention to leave the body became more and more obvious.

The two hurriedly bound the sword monument fragments in their bodies. They all spent a lot of effort to refine these two fragments. Once they lost them, not only would their combat power be reduced, but the other party would undoubtedly be able to go further after gathering the complete body of the Holy Soul Sword Monument.

The two were already in a very difficult situation. With one rising and the other falling, I am afraid that even the current situation will be difficult to maintain. For the pitiful glimmer of life, the two fought hard.

Buzz! In the main body of the sword monument controlled by the lotus clone, a trace of invisible sword energy rippled around like water waves. And the huge vortex also affected the two people all the time.

For a while, the two sides fell into a brief stalemate, but the advantage of the lotus clone was becoming more and more obvious.

"I can't hold it back." The weaker Nanyun Cave Master was panicked. As the main body of the sword monument continued to approach, the fragments of the sword monument in his body became more and more agitated, and he was already on the verge of being out of control.

"Wuming, let us go, and I'll give you the fragments of the sword tablet. Even if you kill Yun Gu later, the fact that you have collected the Holy Soul Sword Tablet will sooner or later be known to others.

Afterwards, no matter how stupid others are, they can guess that you have killed me and the Lord of Nanyun Cave, and you will not be able to explain to the Heavenly Court at that time."

The situation of the Eight-Suan Sword Master is slightly better, and he can still hold on for a while, but if the Lord of Nanyun Cave is lost, he will be alone and live a little longer.

At this time, the Eight-Suan Sword Master only wants to leave this place alive, and he no longer dares to covet the fragments of the sword tablet. One move behind, the disciple can do nothing.

"If you can hand over the fragments before entering the formation, I can still let you go. Isn't it too late to say these things now?

I want the fragments of the sword monument. You have good luck, which can help me to impact the level of the immortal monarch. As long as my strength is improved, the influence behind you will be nothing."

The lotus clone sneered. No one can tell when the immortal and demon battlefield will be closed. He must collect as much luck as possible before it closes to impact a higher realm. Once this opportunity is missed, it will be several times more difficult to improve later.

"You will definitely not escape the punishment of the heaven." Ba Suan Sword Master's face was gray and he stopped persuading the other party.

Before he finished speaking, with a low puff, the bloody fragments of the sword monument flew out of the main body of Nanyun Cave, and merged with the main body of the sword monument in a flash of lightning.

The master of Nanyun Cave had a bloody hole on his body, and his body suddenly shriveled.

"No!" With a panicked scream, the Nanyun Cave Master could no longer resist the huge suction force of the vortex. His whole body was sucked into it and was crushed by the heavy sword shadows.

The soul barely escaped from the vortex. If it was placed in the outside world, the soul of the Nanyun Cave Master would also escape, but this was inside the sword formation.

After fleeing around in panic for a while, the soul of the Nanyun Cave Master was finally sucked into the vortex and turned into ashes.

The Basuan Sword Master saw the end of the Nanyun Cave Master with a sad face. The power of the entire sword formation acted on him alone. Under the sudden increase in pressure, he could not hold on for long and followed the footsteps of the Nanyun Cave Master.

An unprecedented powerful aura swept out like a mountain torrent. At this moment, the lotus clone felt that his soul had been sublimated.

It seemed that he had been promoted to another level. Looking at the mysteries of the laws between heaven and earth, the vision of the sword was completely different.

After many twists and turns, at this moment he finally put together the Holy Soul Sword Monument. A complete sword monument, like a majestic mountain, stands tall and straight.

The sounds of various swords resounded throughout the world. At this time, the Lotus clone felt as if he was the master of this world, and no one could challenge him in this sword domain.

But in the end, the shadow of the sword monument merged into the void in front of him, and it seemed that it was still expanding its influence. The Lotus clone felt that he became smaller under the giant monument.

"The sword way backfires!" When the Lotus clone initially comprehended the sword way in the fragments of the sword monument, he still integrated it with his own supreme sword way.

However, as a thing left by a powerful demon emperor at the level of the Sea Soul Palace, how could the Holy Soul Sword Monument really succumb to a small soul body so easily?

The Supreme Sword Way of the Lotus Clone had a slight advantage before, because the sword monument was incomplete and the sword meaning inside was incomplete. This was the loophole taken by the Lotus Clone.

Now that the Holy Soul Sword Monument has appeared in its complete state, the aura that sweeps across everything will naturally not be willing to surrender. At this time, the challenge for the Lotus Clone has just begun, and the danger is far greater than the previous battle to kill the Nanyun Cave Master and the Eight Sword Masters.

"One wave has just subsided, and another wave has risen. That's it. Since I can subdue you once, I can also subdue you a second time." The Lotus Clone's eyes were bright, and the infinite fighting spirit that burst out of his body was far greater than the previous battle.

It is true that the main body of the sword monument was incomplete, but his cultivation and understanding of the sword are also different from the past.

The Lotus clone sat cross-legged for hundreds of years. The area around him had become a mess, with gullies everywhere, and the ground was full of interlaced cracks or canyons.

These were caused by the accidental release of the sword in the Lotus clone when he was fighting against the Holy Soul Sword Monument.

He bled several times and became a bloody man. The sword marks crawled all over the Lotus clone like spider webs. He was about to be torn into pieces by the crazy sword intent, but in the end the Lotus clone held on.

After the whole process alternated for eight hundred years, the sword marks on the Lotus clone slowly faded. Looking at the completely healed sword monument in front of him, there was no trace of cracks and it had shrunk to less than three feet, but it still felt like a towering, insurmountable mountain.

The Lotus clone sighed slightly. Until now, he still couldn't subdue the Holy Soul Sword Monument. At this time, both sides were in a strange state.

He couldn't do anything to the Holy Soul Sword Monument, but after all, he had refined the main body of the sword monument before, and now he could use some of the sword intent in it.

Generally speaking, the Holy Soul Sword Tablet could have destroyed the Lotus Clone. If the Holy Soul Sword Tablet had not restrained itself at the critical moment, the Lotus Clone would have been torn into pieces by the chaotic sword energy.

It was just that during the competition between the two sides, the Holy Soul Sword Tablet was also frightened by the Supreme Sword Dao, or it was excited to see the prey, and had regarded the Lotus Clone as an excellent whetstone. Therefore, the Lotus Clone was spared.

Looking at the Holy Soul Sword Tablet that had temporarily returned to peace in front of him, a trace of complexity flashed in the eyes of the Lotus Clone. He did not expect that he had finally pieced it together, but it brought him such a great crisis.

As the sword tablet healed, an autonomous consciousness awakened inside to prevent him from refining this thing. It should be a little consciousness left by the Sea Soul Palace Master in the past. Perhaps the other party had been severely injured and his consciousness was in an unconscious state.

In fact, his danger was far from over, and he only got a little breathing time for the time being.

He was able to survive because the Holy Soul Sword Tablet saw the merits of the Supreme Sword Dao. He must constantly improve his swordsmanship, so that the Holy Soul Sword Monument will always feel that he has something attractive to it.

Until one day he completely overrides the autonomous consciousness in the sword monument, or regains its recognition.

Otherwise, once the Holy Soul Sword Monument feels that the Lotus Clone has stopped cultivating and loses interest in it, it will completely strangle this guy who once tried to refine it.

The Lotus Clone's eyes were calm. He formed the complete body of the Holy Soul Sword Monument, but brought such a disaster to himself. He did not regret it much.

Although the current strength of the Sword Monument is indeed a bit tricky, having such a tyrannical existence to inspire him can promote him to improve his swordsmanship at a faster speed.

Compared with the original body facing the pursuit of the entire fairy world, his clone only needs to deal with a Holy Soul Sword Monument for the time being, which is already very good.

The Lotus Clone stood up. The matter of the Holy Soul Sword Monument came to an end for the time being. Now it is time to collect Yaoxuechanyu.

Previously, he killed the Skeleton-Headed Blood Bat, and successively killed the two powerful Yuanshen Body masters, Nanyun Cave Master and Bashuan Sword Master, with swords. Although the Lotus Clone has been competing with the Sword Monument for nearly 800 years, the luck he has gained is not small.

The two powerful sword intentions have really shocked many creatures in the altar space for hundreds of years, so that he did not encounter any obstacles in the process of searching for Yaoxue Chanyu, and it did not take long to collect enough Yaoxue Chanyu.

Then the Lotus Clone left the Blood Altar and went to find the immortal army under his command. He was silent in the Blood Altar for more than 800 years. In the process of competing with the Holy Soul Sword Monument, the Lotus Clone's understanding of the sword is also changing with each passing day.

The complete Holy Soul Sword Dao and the several times of wandering on the edge of life and death have given him great experience. After this period of silence, the Lotus Clone needs to practice with some powerful people of the same level.

After the immortal army led by Xiao Yu, Xun Yangzi, and Guan Yuehe destroyed the main force of the Nanyun Immortal Army in Luoyang Gorge, they obtained a large number of Five Elements Luo Crystal Stones and a small number of Five Elements Luo Wang Crystals. This greatly improved the combat power of the millions of immortal troops.

In order to avoid possible revenge from the Nanyun Cave Master, they stayed in Luoyang Gorge for a while and then moved to the edge of the Qingwu Desert, using the large number of demons in the desert to train their troops and wait for the Lotus Clone to join them.

But after year after year, there was still no news, and Xiao Yu, Xun Yangzi and others were very anxious. If it were not for their limited strength, they would have gone to find the Lotus Clone long ago.

After all, I am only a Daluo Jinxian. Not to mention that I can't help much if I go, it's unknown whether I can successfully find the Lotus Clone through the many obstacles on the battlefield of immortals and demons.

Fortunately, the Taixiao Immortal Sword has not made any movement, and it is still full of immortal energy, which makes Xiao Yu and others feel a little relieved. If the Lotus Clone has an accident, the immortal sword, which is second only to the Holy Soul Sword Monument, will definitely feel it.

There are constant sounds of killing near the Qingwu Desert. Xiao Yu is just sitting in the central army. She will not move easily if there are demons that are not strong enough, and she will let the immortal army under her command to experience. Time flies, until one day several figures broke through the air.

"Where is the leader of the Taixiao Immortal Army?" The leader has a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Several people are wearing Xuanqing Immortal Armor, and the bloody aura on their bodies is amazing. At a glance, it can be seen that several people must have experienced a series of bloody battles.

"I am Xiao Yu, I wonder if the senior has any advice." Xiao Yu, Xun Yangzi, and Guan Yuehe went out to greet them.

"By the order of the Lord of the Cangku Star, I am recruiting your Taixiao Immortal Army to go to the Qianhe Realm to fight against the demons." The middle-aged man took out the Jade Order of the Lord of the Cangku Star and said with a serious smile, "Commander Lao Xiao will break camp immediately and follow me. Go ahead.”

"Sorry, the Sword Master ordered me to lead my troops here to wait for his return. Our troops cannot move lightly without the Sword Master's order." Xiao Yu shook his head.

She also knew this person, Xing Kui, one of the five star generals under Lord Zangku. The other party obviously had no good intentions in transferring them to the Qianhe Realm.

There are armies from both worlds of ghosts and demons gathered there, and strong souls appear and appear from time to time. Their fairy army is simply being treated as a herd, and one mistake will cause heavy losses or even annihilation of the entire army.

"How dare you disobey Star Master Zangku's order? Don't think I don't know. Your Taixiao Sword Master has not returned for more than a thousand years, and now his life or death is uncertain. Even if Taixiao Sword Master is here, he will not obey our Star Master's orders. You have to think twice before acting, let alone the commander of a small immortal army." Xing Kui said angrily.

"We only obey the sword master's orders, or Senior Xing Kui can ask the Immortal Lord to come here. Otherwise, please go back." Xiao Yu pushed back with a calm expression.

"How brave. It seems that if I don't give you any clues, you don't know your own worth. Even if I take care of you, I'm sorry you don't dare to complain." Xing Kui laughed ferociously.

"Senior Xingkui, maybe he thinks that our Taixiao Immortal Army is just a show-off. If you dare to take action, you won't be able to leave alive today."

Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe smiled when they heard the words, stretched out their hands and made a move. More than 100,000 immortal troops around them heard the sound and moved, and a battle aura came over them.

The expressions of Xing Kui and the other three people changed greatly. The Taixiao Immortal Army's battle formation was obviously much more powerful than when they met a thousand years ago. With only his soul body and two juniors under his command, he dared to cause trouble in the army. Once the other party has murderous intentions, they really can't leave this place alive.

"Very good. Taixiao Sword Master is very evil, but you still dare to be so rampant. Let me see how you deal with it in the future. When I go back and report to Star Master, I will slowly play with you." Anger appeared on Xing Kui's face. Turn around and leave.

"Report——" At this time, an immortal army rode in on a thunder eagle. It was the spy sent out by Xiao Yu to inquire about the enemy's situation and see if there were any large demon army movements around. At the same time, he collected any information about the lotus clone. .

The visitor's name was Wu Yuncheng, one of the former swordsmen of the Lotus clone. The look of ecstasy on his face could not be concealed.

"Lord Commander, we have heard about the sword master!" Wu Yuncheng was not yet aware of the atmosphere at the scene. The Taixiao sword master was the soul of their immortal army. At this time, his whole body was filled with great joy.

"What? Where is the sword master?" Xiao Yu and others looked excited. Judging from Wu Yuncheng's reaction, it was undoubtedly good news.

"Three years ago, the sword master entered Yinlang Mountain and killed the Yinwei Demon Mother with his sword. Seven months ago, the sword master crossed Jinsha Lake. On the way, he encountered the Xutuo Ice Demon from the Demon World and his demon army. He took advantage of the terrain and set up a sword formation to defeat Its 100,000 demonic army.

Chasing the Xutuo Ice Demon to Jinyang Valley, he encountered the ghost world and a melee between the immortal army. The sword master killed the Xutuo Ice Demon in the chaos, wounded the Dark Crocodile Ghost Master and retreated. "

"Jinsha Lake?" Xiao Yu and others looked ecstatic. Although Jinsha Lake was not close to here, judging from the route of the Lotus clone, it must have come to join them. But there were a lot of obstacles along the way.

Xing Kui was shocked when he heard this. He went to Jinsha Lake seven months ago, and he should be back soon by now. Thinking of the arrogance he had given Xiao Yu and others just now, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

He couldn't afford to kill a powerful person with a body of soul within a few years. Such a being was something he couldn't afford to offend. With the other party's momentum, even Zangku Star Lord might not be his opponent. If he was taught a lesson here, no one would be able to help him regain his place.

"Senior Xingkui, do you still want to force our troops to go?" Xun Yangzi asked with a smile on his face.

"Since Master Taixiao Sword Master will not be returning soon, I won't bother you anymore and say goodbye!" Xing Kui's face turned green and red for a while. He was unwilling to stay any longer. He cupped his hands and took the two of them before turning and leaving.

"Let's go to Jinsha Lake now." Xiao Yu couldn't help but said after Xing Kui and others left and got the news about Lotus's clone.

"No need, the sword master is here alone. He should return in a few days. There is too much noise from our army breaking out of camp, so we just need to wait here for the sword master.

If we leave soon and the sword master cannot find anyone when he returns, it will be even more troublesome. "Xun Yangzi had a smile on his face. As long as the Lotus clone returns, their army will have a backbone.

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