Become a Fairy

Chapter 5288 Azure Dragon Appears

The ghost talisman turned into a purple ghost mantis eagle-beaked beast, which had a mouthful of sharp fangs compared to normal ghost beasts.

These talisman beasts rushed out from time to time to besiege Wen Yan, who had transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon. Once they were slightly injured, they would retreat back into the ghost talisman and disappear.

When they rushed out again a moment later, they had recovered as before. For a while, Wen Yan was helpless in the fight with them.

Wen Tingdao was also suppressed by two powerful enemies. The sharp mantis arm shadows slashed at Wen Tingdao, and they were in a fierce confrontation with their sword energy all the time.

Wen Tingdao's sword intent had been suppressed in a relatively small area.

The two were temporarily at a disadvantage, but they would not be defeated for a while, but Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao were both worried.

The two of them could still hold on, but Jin Muhai and the others were exhausted after a long battle, and the situation was even worse when they were injured.

More than 10,000 dragon troops fought with the ghost hall hawk-beaked monsters responsible for interception, which gave them some advantages, but they were far from getting rid of their opponents.

Unless they quickly defeated the enemy and escaped, once they were restrained, it would be a dead end for the dragon tribe present.

Mantis sneered, still too impatient. With the news passed by Mantis Mingshang, he subconsciously felt that this dragon army was trapped and intercepted and had become a dog without a home.

And the opponent's strength was indeed not enough to threaten him. With a preconceived concept, Mantis underestimated the enemy for a while and was injured by the opponent in a fleeting opportunity.

But this was the only chance. Now that he had recovered, even if he did not take action, these tribes had successfully restrained the opponent.

It was also because he was too excited after hearing that the five-clawed golden dragon and the mad dragon appeared one after another, and he was injured for a while.

This is also a rare lesson, but that's all.

Whether it's the tribe led by Tang Mingshang or his direct lineage that arrives one after another, they are enough to get rid of this dragon army

Now that he is injured, he no longer needs to go into battle in person, just command the army to stop the dragons.

Tang Yue now only has the five-clawed golden dragon Wen Yan in his eyes. This dragon bloodline is too noble, and it will be difficult to meet it again if you miss it.

If his men can't stop Wen Yan from breaking through, he will naturally have to take action at the critical moment. Although he is injured, he is confident that he can stop Wen Yan alone.

On the surface, Tang Yue's calculations are not wrong, but this battle has something that the ghost mantis eagle-beaked monster army could not calculate from the beginning.

Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao looked at each other. The situation has reached a stalemate. With their strength, they are not enough to repel the enemy. Now they can only rely on external forces. This external force is undoubtedly the Dragon Lord.

The sub-cauldron phantom that Lu Xiaotian gave to Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao before was not just used to sense the direction. Since they found the secret dragon clan, they have already fed back the news to Lu Xiaotian.

"Do it!" Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao shouted at the same time, and sacrificed the sub-cauldron phantoms in their bodies.

The two sub-cauldron phantoms merged into one, covering the entire space. Even Mantis Yue behind him could not react in time and failed to completely avoid it.

What the hell is this? Mantis Yue was shocked and angry at once, he hated everything unexpected.

The huge and indifferent sub-cauldron phantom did not seem to have much lethality, but a terrifying aura inside had already appeared.

"Dragon, a powerful Dragon King!" Mantis Yue shuddered.

He was not sure that the other party had reached the Dragon King level, but the overwhelming pressure made him feel almost suffocated.

It was not only Mantis Yue and the other ghost mantis eagle-beaked monsters who were alarmed. There were also Jin Muhai, Jin Ting and other secret dragons.

When they looked up, a vortex appeared above the giant tripod phantom, and a vigorous green dragon phantom swam out from it.

These dragons could not tell what kind of blood the other party had for a while. The body shape alone looked inconspicuous, but from the moment the other party appeared, the aura had swept across the entire battlefield.

Some low-level ghost mantis hawk-beaked monsters that were close could not withstand such a strong pressure and their bodies burst directly.

Is this the Dragon Lord you are talking about? While Jin Muhai muttered to himself, he was ecstatic.

No matter what blood the other party has, the aura alone is so terrifying, and he is definitely a strong man who has reached the level of Dragon King.

Since the inheritance of their secret dragon clan was cut off, there has been no such strong man appearing. Generation after generation, only four dragons in the body realm of Yuanshen, including Kuang Long, are left, and they can only rely on the secret realm to barely continue.

If they can surrender to a strong Dragon King, no matter what kind of difficulties they will face, at least their ability to resist risks will be much stronger than before.

The morale of all the dragons present was greatly boosted. Although they had encountered powerful enemies one after another, they were not isolated and helpless.

First, Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao came to rescue them, and now there was another dragon with even more terrifying strength. Even if the number of reinforcements was very small, they appeared at the critical moment every time.

Especially the appearance of the Azure Dragon, whose aura was comparable to that of the Dragon King, its significance was by no means replaced by a large army of dragons or a few dragons in the body realm of the Yuanshen.

The appearance of a strong man at the level of the Dragon King symbolized that the dragons had the ability to dominate one side.

It symbolized that they no longer had to hide like before, and even the ghosts like the Ghost Mantis Mouth Monster, or any tribe in the Devil Pond of Extermination could step on their heads.

As for the suppression of the dragons by the fairy world, it was not within their consideration at this time. Before, they couldn't even deal with the Ghost Mantis Eagle Mouth Monster, so how could they consider the more distant fairy world.

"You ghosts are quite courageous, you actually dare to attack people of my clan."

Lu Xiaotian doesn’t like to call himself a king, but at this time, nothing is more intimidating than the word dragon king, whether it is to improve the morale of the dragon clan in the secret realm or to scare the ghosts in front of him.

When the green dragon transformed by Lu Xiaotian spoke, his tone was like rolling thunder, and the eight tones of the heavenly dragon were activated at the same time. One claw directly struck at Mangyue who was huddled behind, and the shadow of the claw carried boundless power.

Since the appearance of the green dragon manifested by Lu Xiaotian, Tangyue has been frightened. At this time, he only brought some of his elite troops. Not the main force.

Before, I was afraid that the dragon clan would escape early. Out of the need to intercept the opponent, as long as I could stop this dragon clan, it would be victory.

Except for the battle between the powerful ones in the realm of soul body, this elite ghost mantis hawk beak monster is at a disadvantage in the battle with the dragon tribe. This is especially true since the appearance of the Qinglong manifested by Lu Xiaotian caused a change in the morale of both sides.

Even Tang Yue was already losing his sense of proportion, let alone his tribe. Seeing the Qinglong with the terrifying aura take action, Tang Yue trembled and retreated back in fear.

Lu Xiaotian had the upper hand from the beginning. Not only were the two sides very different in level, but before that, Mangyue had also been injured by Wen Tingdao and Wen Yan who had taken the opportunity to join forces with the Dragon Clan Battle Formation.

In this case, how could Tangyue dare to fight against Lu Xiaotian, who was much stronger than him.

It's just that this space is covered by the phantom of Ziding. It's not easy for Tangyue to avoid Qinglong's attack. He can't see any changes in the opponent's moves, but the shadow of his claws is getting closer and closer.

Zhang Yue had no choice but to parry against this powerful blow.

He saw his hands slashing forward, and a pitch-black bone knife drew an arc in front of him. Amid the loud explosion, Tangyue looked in front of him in disbelief.

This terrifying attack was shattered by him with one strike. The other party was just a feint, or the green dragon was not as powerful as imagined.

But soon, Tangyue secretly thought that something was wrong, and a claw shadow came from behind, from the left, and from the right at the same time.

With Tangyue's reaction, he was unable to fully resist in a hurry. If you want to escape, you can't catch up with the opponent at all.

Naturally, these strong ghosts were not willing to sit still and wait for death. The auras of these claw shadows were extremely powerful, and it was impossible to tell the truth from the truth. Tangyue did not dare to let any claw shadow attack him easily.

Tangyue slapped the back of his head, and a mist of green feathers shimmered, turning into a pair of giant roc wings to cover Tangyue's body.

These wings are flashing with formation patterns. They are the most important protective treasure that Tangyue relies on. They will never be used easily unless it is a critical moment.

However, just at the moment when the wings were about to be completely closed, a shadow of a green dragon's claws undulated strangely, penetrating through the almost negligible gap, and then a scream came from inside.

The next moment, Zangyue stumbled out and saw Lu Xiaotian gritting his teeth, "You are not here in person, and your combat power is only this."

At this time, Zangyue was extremely annoyed. Even if the opponent's combat power had reached the Dragon Lord level, Zangyue was indeed inferior to the opponent. But the problem was that Lu Xiaotian was just a projection clone. He was actually frightened, otherwise he would never have been so easy. Hit hard again.

"So what, you woke up too late." The Qinglong manifested by Lu Xiaotian smiled lightly.

Zang Yue was already injured originally, but it was still extremely difficult to capture Zang Yue with just a projection clone.

After all, this guy is not far away from the Immortal Lord level, and his strength is slightly weaker than Kongyan and his ilk.

It's just that the fighting is determined by comprehensive factors and is not limited to the combat power of both parties.

Lu Xiaotian's own realm is higher than that of the other party, and he had a clear understanding of the situation before taking action. Before taking action, he started to gain the upper hand. From his momentum, Tangyue thought that he was a powerful Dragon King, and he became mentally afraid.

The first time he took action, Zangyue counterattacked with all his strength and easily defeated the clawed shadow. He was already seriously injured, but was tricked by Lu Xiaotian into taking action with all his strength. By the time he reacted and fully defended, it was too late.

With Lu Xiaotian's grasp of fighter planes, how could he give Zang Yue a chance to breathe?

Zhan Yue was even more afraid. Even if the opponent's shadow clone's combat power was not as high as expected, his fear of Lu Xiaotian was still at its peak.

The opponent is not only strong and powerful, but also very calculating, and his reaction will be calculated as soon as he takes action.

It only lasted a few breaths from the time the opponent took action until now, which seemed extremely short. Looking back now, the technique was not particularly clever.

But being able to grasp his thoughts so accurately in such a short period of time, especially the aura revealed by the opponent's attacks, made him feel nothing unusual. It seems like it was an understatement to hit him hard, but it is really difficult to do it.

It’s just that it’s too late to react now. After being seriously injured by the opponent again, Zangyue no longer has the strength to compete with Lu Xiaotian’s blue dragon projection.

Before Zang Yue could recover, the green dragon's claw shadow suppressed him again.

Within the shadow of Ziding, as long as there is no magic to break the shadow of Ziding, it is impossible for Zangyue's cultivation level to be faster than the Qinglong manifested by Lu Xiaotian.

Bang bang, after parrying a few times in a hurry, he was caught on the left shoulder by a claw shadow, which directly tore off Zangyue's left arm. Zangyue ran away frantically, and Qinglong had caught up with him again. Amidst the screams, a claw Sweeping across, Zang Yue was caught at the waist.

The tragic situation of the clan leader made the ghost mantis hawks under his command feel disheartened. They could not resist the dragon army with high morale.

Jin Muhai, Jin Ting, and Jin Du joined forces to strangle an enemy with a soul body. The enemy had no intention of fighting and originally wanted to escape.

As a result, because Lu Xiaotian and the pursuer Tang Yue blocked the enemy in front of him, he had to change direction. In a panic, he fell into the siege of Jin Muhai and the other two.

He struggled to hold on for a while, but Jin Du found a flaw and hit the opponent's chest with the dragon scale mace. Amid screams, Jin Muhai killed the opponent on the spot with a knife.

Boom, in the violent explosion, the barrier formed by the sub-cauldron phantom could not withstand the surging murderous aura and violent fluctuations during the battle between the two armies, and was stretched and burst.

Tang Yue's half-remaining body was overjoyed when he saw this. He had no power to resist in the sub-cauldron phantom, and even escaping was a luxury.

Now that the phantom was broken, he also figured out the strength of the blue dragon transformed by Lu Xiaotian. The opponent also consumed a lot in a series of pursuits.

There is still a way out, although it is unknown when it will be restored to normal in the future, and it is even possible that the position will be taken away by subordinates. At least there is still a glimmer of hope for now.

Tang Yue fled madly to his subordinates in the distance, passing between Tang Mei and Tang Guang, two powerful Yuanshen ghost body realm masters.

Tang Guang, as his confidant, swung a knife at this time to help Tang Yue relieve some pressure. Tang Mei did not move at all, but used her palm to force Wen Yan back, and at the same time opened up some distance from the Qinglong projection.

She also saw that the Qinglong projection was weak. However, for safety reasons, she still did not attack the Qinglong projection.

At present, the morale of the dragon army is high, and she is very likely to be hit by the battle formation if she delays a little.

Wen Yan, Wen Tingdao's cultivation is not as good as hers, but Tang Mei saw with her own eyes how Tang Yue was injured by the opponent before.

If he was not careful for a moment, it could lead to serious consequences. If Wen Yan and Wen Tingdao had not caught the opportunity to injure him and affected his combat power, he would not have been so unbearable when facing the Azure Dragon Mantis Yue manifested by Lu Xiaotian.

"Let's go!" The Azure Dragon projection had consumed most of its power at this time, and it was even unable to deal with other powerful Yuanshen Ghost Body Realm masters.

After taking the lead, the morale of the dragon army was high, and they defeated several times the number of Ghost Mantis Eagle Mouth Monster elites in one fell swoop, killing many of them.

It was time to stop while we were ahead and leave the battlefield as quickly as possible. It didn't matter how many ghosts we killed at this time. The two Ghost Mantis Eagle Mouth Monster armies were rushing here. Now we can only count on having more time to breathe, and we are not completely out of danger.

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