Become a Fairy

Chapter 520 Trapped and Killed

(Well, the recommended votes reached a new high of 188 votes yesterday, which is nothing to those with good grades, but it is the first time for Hammer. Book friends who have tickets in their hands should not keep them. During this period The work is really busy, and there is no extra time to add updates. As long as the recommendation tickets continue to grow and the work slows down later, Hammer will try to add more updates. Now that subscriptions are not strong, recommendation tickets are the only motivation for Hammer.)

Lu Xiaotian didn't care what Liu Jingchuan was thinking, seeing Liu Jingchuan escaped from the tortoise shell at this time, just as he wanted, the ground-splitting knife in his hand flew directly towards Liu Jingchuan, and he took out the fire dragon bow and arrow in his hand.

Just as Liu Jingchuan blocked the astonishing saber energy of the Earth Splitter, the Fire Dragon Arrow rushed towards him again. Liu Jingchuan held a black and white bowl in each hand, and tried to block the astonishing fire arrow again, but he swung one bowl, but was blocked by the air bubbles spit out by Yin Yu, and his movements were extremely slow.

At this time, Yang Yu flicked his tail from the Kunmen, and several sharp gold-type air blades split over.

Lu Xiaotian quickly approached while shooting arrows.

Liu Jingchuan was attacked several times, and couldn't help being horrified, the black and white double bowls in his hands danced like phantoms, even Lu Xiaotian couldn't see it clearly. In a blink of an eye.

In just a split second, Liu Jingchuan escaped the first wave of crisis by chance, but his whole body was already drenched in sweat, and even he himself didn't know how to get through this disaster. It's just that Lu Xiaotian killed again at this time, taking advantage of Liu Jingchuan's ability to dodge several attacks just now, Lu Xiaotian has already bullied him, put away the fire dragon bow and arrow, held the handle of the ground-splitting knife with one hand, and swung the knife in mid-air in a circular arc to cut down .

Liu Jingchuan waved his bowl again to block it, but at this time the corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched slightly, his right leg swung over at an incredible angle, and his toes pointed directly at his abdominal dantian.

Liu Jingchuan frowned, and wanted to dodge, the sharp gold energy from several directions had already rushed to his body, causing Liu Jingchuan's skin to hurt.

There is no way to advance or retreat, and Lu Xiaotian's speed is extremely fast, the ground-splitting knife in his hand is faster than one knife, and the power of the knife that integrates mana and soul power is amazing. Liu Jingchuan blocked the black bowl behind him, and the white bowl blocked the ground splitter. But the formation and the power of this knife made Liu Jingchuan feel so uncomfortable that he vomited blood again.

The golden knife slashed the white bowl with amazing defense power again. It's just that Lu Xiaotian suddenly abandoned the Earth-Splitting Knife at this time, twisted his body in a strange arc, bypassed the black and white bowl, and went straight to Liu Jingchuan himself, and the Earth-Splitting Knife was under the control of another sub-primordial spirit at this time, There is no delay in the attack with the Eight Diagrams Locking Monster Array. Every attack is deadly enough.

Liu Jingchuan didn't expect that Lu Xiaotian would adopt such a desperate style of play. Even if he could barely block the power of the formation and the ground-splitting knife, it would be difficult for him to deal with Lu Xiaotian who was already close at hand.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and grabbed Liu Jingchuan's throat directly, like a python's head ready to go, swiftly and swiftly.

Liu Jingchuan quickly leaned back, and had to take into account the attacks of the Earth Splitting Knife and the Eight Diagrams Locking Monster Array. At this time, he was already in a hurry. As a Jindan monk, Liu Jingchuan knew his danger at this time, his eyes sharpened, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, Avoiding the blow to the throat, he counterattacked towards Lu Xiaotian crazily.

"Even if it is death, I will hold you back!"

Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, the claw stretched towards his throat didn't grasp firmly, his gesture changed slightly, he sank down, stepped sideways, and swung his elbow out, the move was fatal! While stepping, point your toes toward the opponent's calf.

Click! Liu Jingchuan's leg bone was broken, and he groaned in pain. Before he had any more reactions, when Lu Xiaotian swung his elbow to the opponent's chest, he was dodged by the opponent, but when the opponent's leg bone was cracked, Lu Xiaotian stepped down and kicked his feet , the whole person has been ejected like a cannonball and hit his chest with his shoulder.

Liu Jingchuan didn't care about the severe pain in his legs, and hit Lu Xiaotian's head with both hands, as if he was going to die together, but at this time Lu Xiaotian clasped his hands together, moved forward, separated his hands, and then shouldered It hit Liu Jingchuan's chest firmly.

With a muffled bang, Liu Jingchuan vomited blood and flew backwards, and the ground-splitting knife had passed through Liu Jingchuan's back at this time. A knife pierces through the vitals and kills with one blow. Lu Xiaotian reached out to recall the Earth Splitter, and then took Liu Jingchuan's storage bag. As for Liu Jingchuan's Yuanshen sneaking out and trying to escape, he was swallowed by the wandering Yin Yu.

After taking the storage bag, Lu Xiaotian withdrew the formation again.

"Senior's miraculous skills are so powerful that he killed Xiao Xiaoliu Liu Jingchuan in just a few moments. The junior and others were also careless for a moment. They were deceived by Liu Jingchuan, so they would help him. Please spare your life, senior!" At this time, Bazihu ​​and other monks summoned by Liu Jingchuan never thought Such a formidable Jindan powerhouse, who even overwhelmed the leader of the Silver Knife Gang, unexpectedly survived for only a short moment before being completely destroyed. Seeing Liu Jingchuan's fate, how could they dare to have any other thoughts. In front of this terrifying silver-haired monk in front of them, they couldn't even think of running away. No matter how fast their speed was, could they still be faster than Liu Jingchuan, a Jindan cultivator?

"Senior Lu's mana is really unpredictable, this junior is amazed, I don't know what to do next?" Luo Ping'er also recovered from the shock at this time.

"Who else here needs my shot? While I still have some time, I will take care of it for you." Lu Xiaotian glanced at all the foundation building monks present and said,

"The biggest trouble has been solved, and the juniors will take care of some trivial matters. After the affairs in the workshop have stabilized, the juniors will come to bother the seniors." Luo Pinger's heart trembled, knowing that Lu Xiaotian wanted to sell her a favor, maybe it was for The matter of cutting silkworm treasure clothes before. It's just that for people like Lu Xiaotian, Luo Ping'er would rather the other party not take action on ordinary trivial matters. After all, favors are used less and less, and keeping them may have a greater effect in the future. Once Liu Jingchuan died, others would know that she had invited Lu Xiaotian, a more powerful Jindan cultivator, to sit in charge, and some forces that Liu Jingchuan had painstakingly managed would naturally collapse. He can handle this.

"Alright, remember the promise, don't come to see me if you don't have anything special." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaotian flew towards the hill with the most aura in Lingjiufang. At this time, there were some guards arranged by Liu Jingchuan near the hill. When these people saw Lu Xiaotian stepping in the air, they couldn't help but startled. After all, the battle between Lu Xiaotian and Liu Jingchuan was within the formation just now, and the mana fluctuations did not come out. In addition, the fight ended quickly, and after the end, the monks with the mustache did not even dare to escape under Lu Xiaotian's suppression, so the fear has not yet spread to the surroundings.

"Get lost!" Looking at these Foundation Establishment cultivators, Lu Xiaotian scolded in a low voice. Dozens of foundation-builder cultivators of different levels guarding the hill suddenly dispersed. Although I don't know why there are other Golden Core cultivators in the main workshop where the Great Elder sits, but the Golden Core cultivator who appeared in front of him is obviously a newcomer. If they are not good, they can't deal with them alone. Although Elder Liu may not be able to afford to blame him afterwards, it is better than staying directly to die.

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