Become a Fairy

Chapter 5195 Cave Mansion

A dragon gate occupied by ten dragons blocked the front, and the majestic dragon aura shook from behind.

"Ten Thunder Dragon Gate?" Lu Xiaotian saw the origin of Dragon Gate at a glance. Ten dragons were swimming slowly inside.

Lu Xiaotian's body swayed and turned into a green dragon, and the green dragon's figure suddenly changed and flickered.

The dragon soul is awakened! It was Long Jun's most proud method, and it was displayed in Lu Xiaotian's hands with a special charm.

Although it is still not comparable to the level of Long Jun, after the skills are completed, many places that were previously stagnant will become easier.

In addition, I had a fierce battle with the thunder dragon transformed by Long Jun, and I personally fought with such a strong man, and got enough inspiration from the other party.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian used Dragon Soul Jingzhe as if he had practiced for many years and was extremely proficient.

One dragon shadow after another sank into the Ten Thunder Dragon Gate. When enough dragon shadows gathered inside, Lu Xiaotian did not need to take the initiative to enter the Ten Thunder Dragon Gate. There was a huge suction force from inside, which seemed to drag Lu Xiaotian inside.

Lu Xiaotian was about to enter it when suddenly an abnormal fluctuation came.

Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly. He and Yanji left the Demonic Death Realm without much delay. Logically speaking, the Three Saints of Fulong and Lord Qingkui did not dare to pursue them directly. They must be accompanied by a large army to be confident.

After all, the armies under his and Yanji's command were elite enough, and without enough troops to accompany them, one or two Immortal Lord-level experts alone could not do anything to Lu Xiaotian now.

However, Lu Xiaotian is not without his weaknesses. Now that Yan Ji and the Golden Thread Bat King Guards have entered the green fruit barrier, the Three Saints of Fulong and Nielong Tianzun arrived and were extremely passive.

Heaven has a way to seal the green fruit barrier, but the Three Saints of Fulong and the others should not be so bold.

This is the Sinking Demon's Death Realm. If the Fulong Army is left alone, there are not enough strong men to take charge. Even if they are as elite as the Fulong Army, they are just a delicious dish in the Sinking Demon's Death Realm.

Although it is not so easy to enter, the most indispensable thing in the Sinking Demon Death Realm is a pack of hunters like wolves.

It's just that theory is one thing, reality is another. Lu Xiaotian has indeed sensed the aura fluctuations from the outside world, and the person who comes is definitely not weak.

I originally thought I could save the trouble and collect the treasures left by Lord Long, but I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. After all, there were still other people who wanted to come and interfere.

Ignoring the guys outside for now, go in and take a look. Lu Xiaotian swayed and entered the door.

Kaka, a skeleton with a body like white jade, a dragon head and a human body came from the depths of the void. Some bones were missing from the opponent's body, and two green flames flickered in the empty eye sockets.

It seemed that his movements were extremely slow, and he seemed to be very old. After just a few steps, he had already arrived at the place where the dragon pattern was shining just now.

"After so many years, someone has finally opened the ban on this place. Mr. Lei Zhelong, your lair will not be saved. If you don't open it, I won't be able to hold on even with my old bones."

The dragon-headed skeleton chuckled strangely, "The cave of Lord Thunder Hidden Dragon has been silent for so many years without any leakage. The power of the restriction inside is still there, and a few little devils have to go ahead."

As soon as he finished speaking, the skinny hand of the dragon-headed skeleton made a hollow move, and then six gray auras flew in.

"Follow us and see what's going on inside. The aura of the dragon clan junior who just entered is not weak. Since the decline of the dragon clan, I haven't encountered a junior with such amazing aura for a long time. If I can take away his bloodline, I should be able to recover." Partial ability.”

"Snake, if you don't want to fight me to the death, you'd better stay away from me." After saying that, the dragon-headed skeleton looked back again.

"Old monster withered dragon, we two have been fighting for so many years. I don't know how much you weigh?" A dark red cloud appeared behind him, and he didn't take the threat of the dragon-headed skeleton too seriously. .

"That was the old home of Lord Thunder Hidden Dragon. You should know very well what it means to me. Don't force me to fight with you."

The dragon-headed skeleton snorted coldly, and took a step directly towards the restriction without making any excuses.

Lu Xiaotian was able to enter the cave because he mastered the method. As for others, it will take a lot more effort.

If the restriction hadn't just been opened by Lu Xiaotian, they wouldn't even be able to sense the location of the entrance.

Now that the entrance has been opened once, things are much easier to handle. Just follow the breath of forbidden fluctuations and go all the way.

Chi Chi Chi! The dragon-headed skeleton stepped into the flashing formation and felt that it encountered great resistance.

His six disciples are struggling with these formations. Each of his subordinates has to deal with five or six formations, which seems extremely difficult. Obviously, even if the secret realm of the cave left by the Dragon Lord is exposed, it is by no means The body of the ordinary soul can easily peek into it.

"As expected of the restriction left by that old guy Lei Zhe. This old ghost has been dead for so many years, but the restriction can still retain this kind of power. Fortunately, there was someone in front, otherwise it would be difficult to enter even if the entrance is found."

The withered dragon made a tsk-tsk sound in his mouth, and flicked his withered palm forward, and a guzheng made of white bones appeared in front of him.

When he reached out and flicked it, a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling followed.

The harsh sound waves that could even disturb the soul vibrated away, and invisible hands seemed to stretch out to drag the restricted formations.

The formation patterns were extremely tough and showed no signs of collapse under this attack, but the attacks they received varied in strength.

As a result, one or two of the formations are distorted, or the connection between them is not so tight, and the problem of a slight gap between the formations can be easily solved.

Before the formation could recover, Kulong and his six subordinates passed through the gap one after another.

"This guy is actually a bit stronger than before. It seems that he is bound to get the treasures in Lord Thunder Dragon's cave."

For a short moment, Kung Fu Snake looked around with a gloomy expression, and then sneered.

The opponent was one step ahead of him, but after interfering with the operation of the formation, he had completely removed the power inside, and even the traces of breaking the restriction had been erased. Obviously, he did not want to make it easy for him, a latecomer.

But he can naturally do what Ku Long can do. He is also very determined to find the treasures in Thunder Dragon King's cave.

The body of the snake flashed and turned into several snake shadows entwined with these restored formation patterns.

Hua Hua, there was a continuous heavy rain all around, and the thunderclouds gathered into a group that was so thick that it seemed as if it would drop to the ground at any time.

The heavy rain poured down, and each raindrop looked crystal clear inside, with a tiny flash of thunder and lightning inside.

Raindrops fell from the void, and tiny lightning bolts connected together. It looked like there were countless thunder dragons of different sizes swimming in the void.

As for the rainwater that gathered below, under the thunder and lightning, it was like an extremely huge thunder dragon dormant. Although the other party had not moved yet, the pressure it put on people was unparalleled.

The six subordinates of the dragon-headed skeleton withered dragon passed through the second level of restrictions and officially entered the cave. They felt greatly suppressed. This power of thunder and lightning restrained them almost instinctively.

Before they could really fight against the restrictions in this place, they were already suppressed in terms of momentum alone.

If it weren't for the withered dragon holding down the formation from behind, all six of his subordinates would have the urge to turn around and leave at this moment.

"Master, what if we don't want to attack that dragon clan?" The phantom of the bone dragon loomed in the gray aura that spoke.

Following the other party into the cave, this dragon clan lost the greatest value of its existence. He naturally knew that his master was interested in Lu Xiaotian.

The most important part is that there is no way to compete with Master Ku Long, but the opponent's cultivation level is higher than the six of them, and he can enter the cave alone. Just getting some scraps from Lu Xiaotian can benefit them a lot.

"Okay, you go and find out his background." Ku Long stood with his hands tied.

The origin of Lu Xiaotian is extremely mysterious. Originally, Ku Long wanted to let the other party explore the way in front. This boy is obviously very familiar with the cave, so it is a good choice to have him as an outpost.

However, this guy Solo Snake followed him all the way, disrupting his original plan to a certain extent. At this time, Lu Xiaotian's familiarity with the cave became a threat. He did not have that much energy to deal with these powerful enemies at the same time.

Moreover, the restrictions in this cave are not trivial. If Lu Xiaotian is lost later and the opponent falls into the hands of Sora Snake, it will be too late for Kulong to regret it.

"Yes, Master!" Ku Le was respectful in front of the Master, but when he turned to Lu Xiaotian, his expression quickly turned into a ferocious one.

As soon as he finished speaking, whoosh, whoosh, hidden in six gray auras, the looming bone dragon rushed towards Lu Xiaotian at the same time.

Suddenly, a chaotic atmosphere of destruction, erosion, violence, etc. overwhelmed the sky and earth, seeming to swallow up Lu Xiaotian in an instant.

Lu Xiaotian didn't panic, and tapped his palms one after another, and the sound of dragon roars rose up all around.

"Deadwood Liuhe!" Ku Le, the leader, shouted, and the six bone dragon phantoms accelerated at the same time, besieging Lu Xiaotian in the middle at an astonishing speed.

The opponent's dragon claws are like white bones, like dead branches of old trees, giving people a rotten aura that penetrates deeply into the soul while still being sharp.

Ku Long watched from one side and nodded secretly. He was able to bring six disciples in, so he naturally had certain confidence in their strength.

We don't know what enemies we will encounter later, but judging from the current situation, these six disciples can still play a big role. Otherwise, how could he watch the battle so calmly, waiting for Sora Snake's possible methods.

"Something's wrong!" Kulong, who had been watching the battle for a while, suddenly had green flames flashing in his eyes. This guy, Sora Snake, had clearly cracked the formation pattern and could arrive here at any time, but the opponent kept shrinking back.

Even Lu Xiaotian, who had always looked cold, was full of something strange. He had not sensed it before. After all, the power of thunder and lightning around him was too abundant, which to a certain extent affected Kulong's perception of the surrounding situation.

It would be fine if Lu Xiaotian showed a stronger attitude, but judging from the current progress, he might be killed by the Ku Le Six before long.

This was a little too smooth, and there was no trace of panic in Lu Xiaotian's always calm eyes.

It’s easy to understand that this guy Tan Snake wants to come over and pick up some bargains at any time. Lu Xiaotian’s current behavior is a bit too abnormal.

Ku Long's empty eyes were staring at Lu Xiaotian. Whenever the other party made the slightest move, he planned to take action personally. Although Ku Le's six disciples were a little ineffective, their combined strength was not weak, and they could kill quite a few of them. trouble. It cannot be lost easily.

As soon as this thought came into Ku Long's mind, several dragon claws grabbed Lu Xiaotian one after another.

"No, the thunder figurines have moved!" He hadn't been able to see it before. The moment Lu Xiaotian was attacked, Ku Long noticed something fishy.

As soon as he reacted, Ku Long took action, stretched out his fingers and moved forward. Countless big hands grabbed Lu Xiaotian amidst the shrill roar, and tried to build a barrier in front of the six disciples of Ku Le.

Chi la

The continuous heavy rain all around suddenly gathered, forming thick water columns, and the flashing thunder arcs in the water columns were even more eye-catching.

In an instant, these forty-nine water columns intertwined into a prison, and an astonishing suction force came from inside.

Whoosh, Lu Xiaotian, Ku Ni, and Ku Ai disappeared at the same time, while the other few were left behind by Ku Long.

Ku Long was immediately furious. The other party actually kidnapped two of his disciples under his nose.

Although he can sense the general direction of the opponent's movement, it may not be too late to save him.

The six disciples were practicing the combined attack formation. It seemed that Lu Xiaotian only took two away, but without being able to use the combined attack formation, the threat of his six disciples was reduced.

It took a lot of effort to train several juniors, but the other party just kidnapped two of them. How could the dragon remain calm?

After playing the bone zither several times in succession, the sharp and high-pitched sound waves instantly shattered less than half of the thirty-six water columns, which was as powerful as destruction.

Ku Long stepped out and was about to enter the restricted area from this prison. Unexpectedly, a huge dragon claw was clawed out from inside, and the withered dragon had no choice but to fight back.

With a palm strike, with a loud explosion, all the remaining water columns collapsed, and even the surrounding restrictions were destroyed. For a moment, Kulong's sense of the restrictions just now became very vague, and he was unable to lock on it. accurate direction.

It would not be difficult to clarify it and find it again, but it would take time. His two abducted disciples might not be able to hold on for so long.

Damn it! Ku Long cursed secretly, having underestimated the previous dragon clan junior. Although his strength had not yet reached his level, his actions were indeed treacherous, and he planned every move he made.

"Being so familiar with the restrictions in the cave and even being able to use them directly, it seems that this dragon clan has a close relationship with Thunder Dragon Lord. He might have inherited the mantle of that old man."

A voice sounded from behind. It was the Sole Snake who originally planned to watch the fire from across the bank and reap the profits. Judging from the current situation, it may not be so easy to take advantage.

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