Become a Fairy

Chapter 5189 Defeat

The sound of collapse was louder than the other, and the battle between Lu Xiaotian and Kui Min continued.

In the fierce fight, no one was willing to give in easily. A huge suction force came from the gap in the space, directly pulling Lu Xiaotian and others into it.

The chaotic space power around them makes the environment for fighting even worse.

boom! Two ice hammers struck Lu Xiaotian one after another, and at the same time Kui Min's snake spear stabbed at him again. Another palm print struck out, directly hitting Lu Xiaotian's heart.

The three strong men took action at the same time, directly blocking any space for Lu Xiaotian to move.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian was about to be hit, suddenly several people felt that Lu Xiaotian's body was twisting in front of them.

"Oops, I missed it. The opponent actually used teleportation in this environment!" Kui Min was shocked. Even if he practiced the law of space, it would be difficult to do this.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, the other party still did it. Kui Min was the strongest and had the fastest reaction, so he immediately retreated.

Amidst the violent explosion, Lu Xiaotian's punch was blocked by Zang Shuo, and Zang Shuo was immediately shocked and flew backwards.

Zang Shuo's eyes were full of shock. Entering this chaotic space crack, the opponent's combat power actually increased compared to before.

"Kui Snake Emperor Underworld Sword!" Yinchi roared alone, and slashed at Lu Xiaotian with a terrifying dark green long sword.

Lu Xiaotian changed his position extremely quickly just now, and his reaction was not slow either. At this time, they have all fallen into the space crack.

With Lu Xiaotian restrained, it would be difficult for them to escape. The only way was to repel Lu Xiaotian a certain distance first, otherwise no one would be able to leave easily.

The huge sword light roared towards him, mixed with the powerful power of law, but Lu Xiaotian took his time, stretched out his fingers, and directly caught the falling magic sword.

Then he punched out and knocked back Yin Chi alone. At the same time, Lu Xiaotian was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, but Kui Min's attack had already followed.

Lu Xiaotian sighed in his heart. The collapse of this space just now allowed him to see a certain opportunity and really fight. His combat power has been improved with the blessing of this part of the space, but his opponent has also exploded with considerable potential. , although Lu Xiaotian had a slight upper hand for a while, there was nothing he could do about these guys.

The two sides are still at a deadlock at this point in their fight, and it is currently unrealistic to break the situation. After all, the other party is a strong person whose cultivation level is not much weaker than his.

After seeing that he couldn't help these guys, Lu Xiaotian moved outside the space crack.

"Lord Snake, the enemy is powerful. If we don't take advantage of the demon lord to leave now, we may not have a chance to leave later."

Kui Min followed Lu Xiaotian and moved all the way out of the space crack, and then sent a message to Lord Qingkui Snake.

Lord Qingkui Snake's eyes flickered. The tribe troops under his command were coming in a steady stream, but the other side was also constantly dispatching troops from space treasures. The two sides were fighting until now, but his side was at a disadvantage.

It's all because of Nielong Tianzun, who was too helpless and was plotted against by that woman. His original strength was not as good as Yanji's. If he was caught up again, he would have lost the ability to deal with her.

Based on Nie Tianlong Tianzun's condition at that time, if there was no accident, it would only be a matter of time before Yan Ji caught up with him.

Yan Ji may return at any time, leaving them not much time, but now the armies of both sides are killing each other, and Lord Qingkui Snake is still fighting against the Golden Thread Bat King Wei.

There is no problem in escaping by oneself, but it is beyond the power to help the army under his command to escape. The price paid by hastily organizing a retreat will definitely be higher.

They mobilized a large number of troops to come, and they had previously taken up with Kui Shewei, but in the end they did not get any benefits. Instead, they lost troops and generals. Thinking of this, Lord Qing Kui Snake couldn't help but feel depressed. There was some hesitation for a moment.

"Withdraw!" After feeling entangled in his heart, Qingkui Snake Lord gritted his teeth and chose to stop the loss. If you don't cut off the flesh now, you will be eliminated. Later, Yan Ji will have cramps and bones.

"Fight if you want, leave if you want, what do you think of us? Kill!" Wen Tingdao quickly received Lu Xiaotian's instructions, swung his sword and slashed, the mighty ocean surged, and the wave directly overturned hundreds of green snakes Guard warrior.

When the opponent fell from the tide, he was already riddled with holes from the impact of the sword intent inside.

Fang Tian, ​​the phantom of Lu Xiaotian who was transformed by the spirit of the totem, retracted his halberd and no longer took charge of the charge personally as before. He would only go into battle again when he encountered a massive counterattack by the Green Snake Guard.

Using the power of the totem alone to support the entire battle formation would be too exhausting, and it would be difficult to reserve the power of the totem. The battles that would come later would probably become more dangerous, and it would be far from time to use them at will.

Hum, Jiu Renshan took a step forward, separated directly from the group, and walked to the point where the power of the Law of the Void intertwined into a huge palace. Pieces of pumice flew out from inside, hitting the Kui Snake Clan warriors on the opposite side. All that passed was a mass of death and injury.

Yanbei moved his hand quietly under Jiuren Mountain and walked in the void. The Wind and Fire Blade Wheel constructed by the power of law was denser than the flying stones.

Huo Xiao relied on his extremely amazing defense and recovery capabilities of the Ice-Blood Holy Body, and he went on a rampage. As long as he was not a strong person with the Soul Body, he would hardly pick an opponent.

These Daluo Jinxian-level powerhouses just follow the battle formation, and are actually relatively independent individuals. Not bound by battle formations.

When necessary, with their understanding of the battle formation, they can also be integrated into the battle formation.

But relatively speaking, they still like to fight independently. After all, the army in the Qingguo Barrier was not brought up by them alone, but more of them obeyed Lu Xiaotian personally.

At this time, there is no restraint when fighting, and you can kill wherever you want.

A group of Daluo Jinxian-level strongmen charged and killed wantonly, becoming an extremely sharp arrow on the entire battlefield. Together, they were able to defeat even the powerful Yuanshen body strongmen of the Kui Snake clan, which was a strange scene on the battlefield. .

Although the Qinglin Kui Snake Clan is powerful, they are unable to mobilize such an elite Daluo Jinxian to form a strike team in a chaotic battle. Their numbers seemed small, a drop in the ocean compared to the armies on both sides, but the destructive power they could cause was truly astonishing.

After several battles between Lu Xiaotian and Kui Min, he would also pay attention to the Daluo Jinxian team of Jiureshan and Yanbei from time to time.

The large-scale battle formation between the two armies is the basis, but the sharp knife effect formed by such a small team cannot be ignored.

If there is a strong person with the body of the soul to lead the team, the effect will undoubtedly be better, with a perfect combination and a surprising victory. The performance of Jiu Renshan and others gave Lu Xiaotian some inspiration.

"Damn it!" Kui Min and others got angry and frequently used killing moves on Lu Xiaotian, hoping to take the opportunity to force Lu Xiaotian away and then organize the army to retreat slowly.

The losses would be too great if we retreat like this. The dead and wounded were all their clansmen. Although the Green Scale Kui Snake tribe was strong, they were by no means without enemies in the Sinking Demonic Death Territory. They had lost too much blood now, and others would inevitably take advantage of them in the future.

In addition to the extremely elite Green Snake Guards of the Green Scale Kui Snake Clan, the Red Snake Guards, Ice Snake Guards and other large armies are also extraordinary. He held back powerful men such as the Lanyun Bamboo Monk and the Golden Gu Demonic Monk, and also fought with the Qingguo Barrier Alliance and Yanji's army.

It is no longer realistic to end this chaotic war without paying a certain price. But the meaning of which force is left is clear to everyone who is not confused.

Whoosh, a cold wind howled, snow fell from the sky, and icebergs rose from the ground. Countless giant snakes whose bodies emit light from ice crystals are wrapped around the iceberg.

The ice mist shrouded and spread rapidly outwards under the strong wind.

"Qianshan Bingkui!" A dull voice sounded from inside, and the extreme cold spread.

The first ones to enter the formation were Jiurenshan, Huo Xiao, Yanbei, Luo Ping'er, Lu Wushuang, and Xiang Kuang, a group of Daluo Jinxian-level powerhouses.

They were fighting heartily along the way. These people were powerful and their eyesight was naturally very sharp. They could see the opponent's intention before the Ice Snake Guard formation was fully deployed. Once the formation is completely formed, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble.

So before the rest of the army could fully react, Luo Ping'er, Lu Wushuang, Xiang Kuang and others had already rushed in.

Boom boom boom! The destructive power of these people was extremely astonishing. The Ksitigarbha Twelve-Winged Scorpion Demon swung out his sword, and the shadows of the sword poured out, causing several icebergs in front of him to collapse.

The two stick figures of Huo Xiao and Xiang Kuang were not far behind. Once they rushed in, they immediately cleared a relatively empty area.

As for the Kui snakes at the front, even the mountains were destroyed one by one. Naturally, those Kui snakes were torn to pieces without much reaction.

Before the Ice Snake Guard could make any more moves, more people came in from behind.

The leader of the Ice Snake Guard twitched his lips. He set up this large formation to block the enemy and create enough opportunities for the main force to retreat.

But before it could play a sufficient role, the battle formation was poked by the group of guys in front of them.

But do you really think that destroying these icebergs will break the formation? How naive.

Although the Ice Snake Guard is not as good as the Green Snake Guard, and was treated as an outcast on the battlefield this time, the Ice Snake Guard has not yet reached the point of being defeated at the first touch.

"The ice is endless, the ice is endless!" The commander and deputy commander put their palms together, and the mist around them surged outwards. It spread out instantly like a mountain range. The ice peaks that had just been defeated stood up again.

"Looks like we've encountered a tough situation, but this is the fun." Xiang Kuang laughed, and a large number of ice snakes came from the surrounding ice peaks. Xiang Kuang raised his long stick, and countless dragon shadows roared out, and they instantly fought with these ice snakes. Together.

At this time, the Green Scale Kui Snake tribe had begun to evacuate the battlefield in batches in an orderly manner. Lu Xiaotian frowned, and then relaxed.

He is now entangled with Kui Min and others and has no time to escape. He really wanted to keep the Kui Snake tribe, but they were determined to leave and used this tail-cutting tactic, so he really couldn't keep them.

That’s all, let’s keep as much as we can. After putting aside these thoughts, Lu Xiaotian concentrated on dealing with the enemies in front of him.

Even if the opponent wants to escape completely, it is impossible to leave one or two behind. I really thought that just sending an ice snake guard to cut off the rear would be enough. It is a wishful thinking.

At this time, there were several entanglements on the battlefield, and part of the Kui She clan army broke away to a certain area.

Qingkui Snake Lord's face was cold. At this time, he was tightly entangled by the Golden Thread Bat King Guards headed by Ji Ting. However, as long as he was not completely restricted to the battle formation, Qingkui Snake Lord had great influence on whether he should leave or stay. autonomy.

Originally, when the two sides were fighting, the overall strength of their armies was at a certain disadvantage, but it was not very obvious. As the two sides continued to fight, the outcome could not be determined immediately. Both sides suffered losses. Now it is obvious that the other side is much smaller.

Seeing that the tribe continued to make unnecessary sacrifices, even though his heart was as hard as iron and he had long ignored life and death and regarded life as nothing, he hated this feeling of being almost humiliated by the enemy.

"There were too many surprises this time. I don't know the details of the enemy at all. I will regroup later and recruit a strong ally to avenge this arrow!"

Seeing that quite a few of his subordinates had escaped, Lord Qingkui Snake stretched out his palm and deflected Ji Ting's spear, and then the endless green flames behind him poured down like a vast ocean, rushing towards the Golden Thread Bat King Guards on the opposite side.

The lethality of this demonic flame was astonishing, but it was helpless against the Golden Thread Bat King Guards. A series of sword lights and sword shadows came out alternately in the formation, directly opening dozens of passages in the sea of ​​​​fire, suppressing the flames and retreating like a tide.

However, Lord Qingkui Snake had already submerged into the sea of ​​fire. By the time Ji Ting led his troops to fight through the sea of ​​fire, Lord Qingkui Snake had already put a considerable distance between himself and his opponent.

"Where are you going, Mr. Snake?" Suddenly a calm voice sounded,

Qingkui Snake Lord's expression suddenly changed. Yan Ji had left and returned, and now she was in big trouble.

"Let's just make peace with each other. You can leave the Demonic Death Realm as long as you can. How about I not put any obstacles in your way?"

"The blood feud has been forged, and even if I were willing, my subordinates would not agree. It is too late for you to regret it now. I said that there will be no fight between the two sides. If we do, your Green Scale Kui Snake tribe will be in ruins."

Yanji chuckled lightly, waving her big sleeves, the color of the sky and the earth changed. Endless wind and thunder threatened to roll in with heavy sword light, which also carried dense bat shadows.

At this time, Yanji had completely gained the upper hand in terms of momentum and came with the general momentum. Qingkui Snake Lord's original strength was almost as different as that of Yanji, but the army was weak and it was inevitable that he would be distracted. The momentum was inevitably suppressed by Yan Ji.

you! Lord Qingkui Snake's face turned red with anger. He had not fallen into such passivity for many years, but no matter how angry he was, Yanji's attack would not be delayed by half. Lord Qingkui Snake could only bite the bullet and fight again.

Boom boom boom! The powers of different laws collided and annihilated at an astonishing speed between the two powerful men.

Ji Ting watched the fight between the two powerful Immortal Lords and couldn't help but secretly thought that it was a pity. Naturally, it was impossible for him to compete with Yan Ji. He immediately drew his spear and led the Golden Thread Bat King Guards directly to kill the Ice Snake Guards who were responsible for cutting off the opponent's rear. past.

"Failed!" Not only the chief and deputy commanders of the Ice Snake Guard, but also the other strong men of the Green Scaled Kui Snake Tribe wailed in their hearts. At this time, the Ice Snake Guard, who was responsible for cutting off the rear, was in a melee with the opponent, barely able to stabilize the situation.

However, with the release of the Golden Thread Bat King Guard, the situation has completely turned to the opponent. Not to mention that the Ice Snake Guard, who was struggling to support them, had no time to change their formation and collapse. Even those of them who were already some distance away from the battlefield were also in danger. No one was present. The army can be faster than the Golden Thread Bat King Guard.

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