Become a Fairy

Chapter 5186 Kui Sha Snake Pupa, Blue Turbid Soul Thunder

Buzz, Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with the opponent's eight-foot snake spear. The eight-foot snake spear bent in an astonishing arc, but the feminine man did not retreat at all, and Lu Xiaotian also felt a huge force backlash.

The opponent's cultivation level is not weaker than his own, the only difference is that the endurance of the snake spear is not as strong as Fang Tian's painted halberd. The opponent's hand is also a half-step Xuantian level magic weapon, which is still inferior.

Naturally, there is not only one strong person in the Soul Demonic Body Realm in the Green Snake Guard. There are three other strong people in the same realm, each of whom is more powerful than Wen Tingdao. They are also from the Kui Snake clan and can integrate well into the battle formation.

It is not without reason that Qingkui Snake Lord relies on the Green Snake Guard. Even if it is not as powerful as Yanji's Golden Thread Bat King Guard, it is not much different.

The clash of battle formations is not a time for personal bravery. Once the opponent's spearhead is eliminated, Weilong's battle formation will be solved.

As a member of the Kuishe clan, being able to defeat the Weilong battle formation in front of you is more meaningful than defeating the Golden Thread Bat King Guards.

Dragons are naturally capable of suppressing other demons, snakes and pythons, and the truly strong will be more willing to overturn this shackles.

As soon as the leader Kui Min took action, the other three either transformed into giant Kui snakes and spit out venom to restrain Lu Xiaotian and Wen Tingdao, or whipped them down with the sharp Kui Meng Ice Thunder Whip, and there was a loud roar of wind. The golden ax came in several attacks.

"Dragon Lord, I'm here to take this golden wind axe!" Wen heard a clear whistle from Dao, but before he could finish his words, a blue flying sword came out from under the surging tide.

In addition to the condensed power of water laws, the flying sword also contains a little gold and purple color.

Wen Tingdao has also practiced several different laws and secrets. Although he is not like Lu Xiaotian who has practiced all the laws and secrets to perfection, he can integrate his skills and his own understanding of the way of cultivation. The power of this flying sword Ability cannot be underestimated.

However, there is still a certain gap compared to the Golden Wind Gang Ax of the powerful Nakui Snake Clan. After all, there is a certain distance between the cultivation levels of the two parties.

Facing such an opponent, Wen Tingdao was extremely stressed. However, Lu Xiaotian, as the core of the entire Weilong battle formation, was able to fight against the crowd with one man. He was also responsible for commanding the entire battle formation, so the pressure he endured was far greater than any other person present.

The purpose of Kui Min and several strong men from the Kui Snake Clan is very simple. Even if it is unrealistic to destroy the entire Weilong Battle Formation in a short time, they still want to entangle Lu Xiaotian.

Let him control the battle formation with his free body, and the Green Snake Guards behind him can swarm in and fight against the dragon soldiers and generals.

This Weilong Battle Formation looks amazing, but in fact it relies too much on Lu Xiaotian as its leader. Such battle formations usually don't take long to prepare, or they don't have enough background.

Kui Min and several strong men have seen this kind of situation a lot in the past, and some emerging races often have such flaws.

Given enough time, the other party can make up for this shortcoming, but now is wartime, and Kui Min and the others will only take advantage of his illness to kill him.

As the chief and deputy commanders of the Green Snake Guard, Kui Min and others hit the point directly. The Golden Thread Bat King Guard dared to challenge the Snake Lord's majesty. After they broke through the Weilong battle formation, they went to learn the opponent's methods.

The Weilong battle formation in front of them is just an appetizer for Kui Min and the others. Only by taking down the stronger Golden Thread Bat King Guard can their value be demonstrated.

As the most elite guard of Qingkui Snake Lord, they have been in the Demonic Death Realm for many years. Only a few dare to confront them. The few outsiders who dare to challenge their existence must be suppressed bloodyly.

Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly. Kui Min and the others had very sharp eyesight. They immediately attacked him as soon as they took action. They had grasped the key to the entire battle formation.

Kui Min's cultivation level alone was no weaker than his, and there were two others who were slightly less powerful next to him. The cumulative effect was quite impressive.

It’s not that Lu Xiaotian doesn’t have ways to deal with it, he just has to be forced by the other party to use more methods.

Lu Xiaotian must be the one to command this Weilong Battle Formation. No one else can take Lu Xiaotian's place. Even if Wen Tingdao improves his strength in the future, he is still a little behind.

After Lu Xiaotian was trapped by Kui Min and others, the command of Weilong Battle Formation would inevitably be greatly affected. Even as Lu Xiaotian was restrained more and more seriously, the entire Dragon Clan Battle Formation would be completely leaderless.

It seems that this is indeed the case, but the other party somewhat underestimated Lu Xiaotian's strength. He had already cultivated the totem spirit. At this distance, Lu Xiaotian's control of the totem spirit was not much different from his own.

Clang Clang Clang.

In the fierce fight between the two sides, a whip shadow struck Lu Xiaotian, and at the same time a palm shadow followed closely. Faced with such a violent storm of attacks, even Lu Xiaotian had to take care of the battle formation, and he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

He was hit twice in succession, but with such a fierce attack, Lu Xiaotian's body only shook slightly, and the overall appearance was not affected much.

Kui Min and Yin Chijiu's expressions changed when they saw it. The dragon in front of them not only had amazing cultivation, but also had a body of defense that was simply unbelievable in the realm of the soul body.

But so what, the opponent will soon be unable to hold on any longer. Once the Dragon Clan's battle formation is broken, the opponent will face the situation of being besieged to death alone.

"Encircle this person completely and never let him have a chance to breathe." Kui Min smiled sinisterly, and his body drifted back a little, and did not choose to confront Lu Xiaotian.

Now they have to face a series of tough battles. After the Weilong battle formation, there is also the Golden Thread Bat King Guard, so they need to save some combat power.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be an extremely embarrassing scene later. They don't have a lot of totem power to use like Lu Xiaotian. Battles must be fought carefully.

"Charge towards the opponent's left wing with the battle formation. Remember not to confront the enemy head-on." Lu Xiaotian told Wen Tingdao.

"Dragon Lord, you." Wen Tingdao's face was full of worry, and he could naturally hear Lu Xiaotian's intention.

The other party wanted to stay and fight one against four. Kui Min's cultivation level alone was almost the same as that of Lu Xiaotian, not to mention there were three others.

It had only been one and three attacks before the flaw was revealed. He was attacked several times in succession, but he only managed to survive by relying on his strong physical body.

The level of Lu Xiaotian's physical defense is indeed extraordinary. But no matter how strong the defense is, it will be broken sometimes.

It's too risky to fight one against four. The clan members are important, but they can be easily lost unless absolutely necessary. But Lu Xiaotian, the dragon master, is more important than other dragons.

"It doesn't matter, don't forget that I still have the three-headed and six-armed Sacred Rock Dharma." Lu Xiaotian replied to the other party.

The three-headed and six-armed flame man has been continuously strengthened since being enshrined by the power of the totem, and his foundation has deepened day by day. It is no longer a big problem to overpower the ordinary soul body.

Before he finished speaking, a dark blue flame rose up from behind Lu Xiaotian, and a flaming man with three heads and six arms appeared inside, with a body like a mountain, and struck down with a palm seal, the Great Panding Mountain Seal!

boom! Directly beating the opponent in Wending Mountain back and back again and again.

A powerful and oppressive aura also appeared in the void. A light and shadow man with the same outer frame as Lu Xiaotian reached out and made a move. The Fangtian Painted Halberd in Lu Xiaotian's hand flew into his hand. This light and shadow man was transformed by the spirit of the totem. It is most suitable to use Fang Tian Hua Ji.

Taking advantage of this moment of effort, Guangyingren and Wen Tingdao led the dragon battle formation and continued to charge forward, causing people to turn on their backs wherever they passed.

Even the elite Green Snake Guards were caught off guard by this unexpected incident, causing numerous casualties.

"How brave!" Yinchi Du shouted loudly. Lu Xiaotian dared to provoke other people when he was one against three. This was the other party's arrogance and contempt for them.

Yinchi pushed forward with his palms, and the knife wheel with two snake shadows, one ice and one fire, flew out. At the same time, he slashed at Lu Xiaotian's arms.

Lu Xiaotian and Fangtian Huaji are not here, even if the Green Snake Guard suffers some losses, as long as they can kill Lu Xiaotian, the culprit, it is completely worth it even if the Green Snake Guard suffers some casualties.

Once Lu Xiaotian dies or is seriously injured, the light and shadow man probably won't be able to last long.

If you rely on your physical defense to fight one against four, then you have to risk your life!

Kui She Ice Fire Knife Wheel!

"Thousand Kill Kuihun Spear!" Kui Min, as the commander of the Green Snake Guard, was even more angry at this time. The enemy's contempt can only be washed away with his blood!

Kui Min held the gun with both hands and raised it above his head. Suddenly, thousands of figures appeared in the void, and a gun shot toward Lu Xiaotian's eyebrows.

In an instant, only the shadow of the gun was seen in the sky, and the power of the law was transformed into the shadow of the gun. The opponent's attacks were everywhere, and Lu Xiaotian was unable to avoid this shot.

The opponent's thousands of gun shadows began to gather at an alarming speed, and each time they gathered together, their momentum became stronger.

Facing Kui Min, the strongest member of the Green Snake Guard, Lu Xiaotian also looked solemn. The opponent integrated the power of the law he had cultivated into this shot, and Lu Xiaotian did not dare to catch it easily with his bare hands.

His ability to choose one against four was not entirely based on his own strength. In addition to the powerful attack and defense of the true dragon body, which gave him a unique advantage in battle, the key was the power of different totems.

This allows Lu Xiaotian to temporarily not be afraid of consumption, and at the same time, the three-headed and six-armed Holy Rock Dharma can also be used as a strong man of the same level. The powerful soul allows him to be distracted and multi-purpose.

Otherwise, Lu Xiaotian would not be so bold.

As Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm and slowly pushed out, the dragon soul flying sword was flying into the abyss, the sword shadow flickered, and it faced the opponent's spear tit for tat.

Kui Min's expression changed. The power of the Dragon Soul Flying Sword was still within an acceptable range for him, but the artistic conception of swordsmanship contained in it made him feel like he was standing on a high mountain.

The pressure of Fang Tian's painted halberd alone was as if it were coming from nine heavens, and the Dragon Soul Flying Sword was equally bad, its vast pressure was like the boundless ocean with surging waves.

Ordinary souls and treasures of this level may not be able to obtain one in their lifetime. The strong dragon clan in front of him actually dominated the two.

There is also the light and shadow clone that controls the dragon battle formation for him, as well as the three-headed and six-armed Holy Rock Dharma. These important treasures are gathered in one person. It is no wonder that the other party dares to face several strong men of the same level on his own. If he had such a background, I would be afraid. will make the same choice.

Chichi, gun shadows, and sword shadows collided with each other. There was no crisp sound when the weapons clashed. There were only low or high sounds when the powers of different laws on both sides were intertwined.

In addition to the pure power of law and the fusion of spear intention, every blow of Kui Min's Thousand Kills Kuihun also exerts an extreme pressure on the soul.

It would be difficult for an ordinary soul's body to withstand the endless snake spears, or once the spears are launched, the souls of the ancestors of the Kui Snake clan would suppress them.

Anyone who shows any flaw will be defeated by Kui Min. Even if Kui Min's cultivation level has not reached the level of Ji Ting, it is not as huge as Ji Ting's potential. But in the Green Scale Kui Snake Clan, apart from Snake Lord, there are also Countless strong men.

At this time, the fight with Lu Xiaotian was completely real, and he was defeated by one against four. Even if this guy is a rare dragon strongman, this is also contempt for their Kui Snake tribe.

"Kui Sha Snake Pupa Array!" Seeing that the Thousand Kill Kui Hun Spear could not help Lu Xiaotian, Kui Min used his killing move again. Thirteen snake pupae covered in golden and green armor appeared all around in a green brilliance. He neighed and ran towards Lu Xiaotian.

The opponent has the three-headed and six-armed Sacred Rock Dharma Form, as well as the totem spirit. Although they have not cultivated a Dharma Appearance clone with such powerful single combat power, the combined combat power of the Kuisha Snake Chrysalis Formation is not weak.

No matter how strong Lu Xiaotian is, he will still be severely constrained by one enemy. At this time, every additional point of strength may become the weapon that crushes the opponent.

"The sky rises and falls, and the earth has many gaps!" The three-headed and six-armed sacred rock form suddenly appeared majestic.

The three pairs of hand gestures suddenly changed, and stones flew out from the side of the holy rock. A burst of stone energy surged, and the surrounding landscape instantly formed a small city, which was modeled after the original Dique City.

As the entire city gradually took shape, a terrifying gravity suddenly appeared from inside. And when the thirteen Kuisha snake pupae chased Lu Xiaotian and passed over Dique City just now, they happened to be dragged by this gravity.

Although the gravity in the previous Shenyin Snake World was not low, it did not have much restraint on the powerful people at the Daluo Jinxian level, mainly those at the Jinxian level and below.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian possessed the heart of Dique, and he reproduced the city of Dique in this extremely streamlined way, and injected his own powerful power of law into it. It only acted on a very small number of individuals, and its power was immediately reflected. .

Even if a strong person with a spiritual body suddenly falls into it, he will be restricted for a certain period of time in a very short period of time.

This time is not long, but it is enough for Lu Xiaotian to do a lot of things.

While Kui Sha Snake Chrysalis was greatly affected, Lu Xiaotian, who seemed to be avoiding the siege very quickly, suddenly stopped and then shot backwards.

"How dare you!" Kui Min opened his eyes immediately, and a tiny blue-white arc of electricity hit Lu Xiaotian.

"Blue Turbid Soul Thunder!" It looks like it has ordinary power and causes little movement. In fact, it specifically attacks the soul and is extremely poisonous.

Ji Ting, who was the orthodox guard of the Golden Thread Bat King, looked back in surprise. The green soul thunder gave him a great sense of oppression.

Even though there was no direct confrontation, Ji Ting felt wary from the bottom of his heart. There are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Shen Mo Death Realm. Even the powerful Immortal Lord may not have such power of thunder.

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