Become a Fairy

Chapter 5175 Evil Dragon Waters

Originally, Lu Xiaotian planned to explore the black pool, but after hearing what the Mirage Ghost Mother said, he didn't dare to stop at all.

The size of the location where the magic-killing magic pool appears is not static. The size may change due to some unexpected changes.

Since even the powerful people at the Immortal Lord level have experienced falling into it, Lu Xiaotian thought that his cultivation level was far behind the Immortal Lord, so it was natural to stay as far away as possible.

Stopping far away from the Magic Pond, Lu Xiaotian had a thoughtful look in his eyes. This pond was extremely dangerous, but it had a really strange effect on the power of law.

There are many laws and secrets that Lu Xiaotian cultivates, but no matter which one comes into contact with the other party, they will inevitably disappear.

This magic-destroying magic pool does not directly swallow the power of the law, but directly makes the power of the law disappear out of thin air, but the speed of this disappearance is generally relatively stable.

If there were no other changes, Lu Xiaotian thought that he could understand it by constantly testing the Magic Pond.

However, the changes in the Magic Pond are unpredictable, and Lu Xiaotian doesn’t know when he will understand the secrets. He cannot delay it forever. The most important goal later is to find the Huang Yang Divine Essence and refine it.

After staying some distance away from the Magic Pond, Lu Xiaotian sat down and adjusted his breathing. The confrontation with the Magic Pond had consumed a lot of energy in his body. Lu Xiaotian had to try his best to restore himself to a normal state.

After some breath adjustment, the strength in the body became full again. Lu Xiaotian suddenly let out a light sigh, and deep in his dantian, in addition to treasures such as the Dragon Soul Flying Sword, there were three circles formed by yellow halos.

These three yellow circles were made by him using the essence of the Yellow Sun. They were originally pure crystal yellow, but now the innermost circle has a little gray color, which is actually the same as the one on the side of the Magic Extinguishing Demonic Pond. The smell is somewhat similar.

Lu Xiaotian's face was solemn, this surprise was no small matter.

The three circles of yellow halo were the basis for his fight against the Dragon-Slaying Shadow. If something unexpected happened to the Magic Pond, the only means he could rely on at the moment would be in vain.

Facing the methods of the Four Heavenly Courts in the Immortal Realm behind him, he has almost no resistance, unless he can obtain other Huangyang Divine Essence to refine in a short period of time.

It is really not easy to refine this thing. Considering Lu Xiaotian's current cultivation level, if it were not for the help of the dragon totem, Lu Xiaotian would be unable to do almost anything while refining the Huang Yang Divine Essence.

With the existence of the green fruit barrier and the power of the dragon totem, Lu Xiaotian was able to save a lot of effort. During this period of time, there has been little pause in the various battles.

Lu Xiaotian checked several times in this slightly pale yellow halo, and found that the power of law in his body and this gray aura were perfectly integrated. The cycle formed is unbreakable.

How can this be? After reacting, Lu Xiaotian was inexplicably surprised.

The strange aura in the Magic Pond has a strange ability to swallow up the power of law. How could it be fused with the Huangyang Divine Essence that he had already refined.

And after the fusion, it actually became stronger than before. After the Huang Yang Divine Essence was refined, in addition to being an extremely mysterious treasure between heaven and earth, Lu Xiaotian also incorporated a large amount of his own law power into it.

At this time, after the innermost yellow halo merged with the aura in the magic-killing magic pool, in terms of its own toughness, it actually exceeded the other two by a large margin.

Even before using it, Lu Xiaotian still had extremely clear feelings.

In addition to the Huang Yang Divine Essence, it seems that the new power of law in the body has become more resilient than before after repeated baptisms.

Even though Lu Xiaotian was well-informed, he couldn't see clearly the situation in front of him for a while.

"In this way, although staying near the Magic Pond is inexplicably dangerous, it also presents great opportunities."

Lu Xiaotian took a breath. He originally planned to stay away as soon as possible, but the sudden change made him hesitate again.

Maybe staying here is not another opportunity for him!

After thinking about this, Lu Xiaotian did not rush to find the Yin Xu Realm immediately, but stopped near the Magic Pond. Every once in a while, he would get close to the Magic Pond, and then move away from it for a while.

After repeated attempts, Lu Xiaotian found that he had really adapted to the Magic Pond. A trace of deathly gray breath continued to blend into the body.

In the early stage, after the strange aura invaded the body, it continuously blended with the power of its own laws and conflicted with each other. After offsetting it, some subtle residues were integrated into the Huangyang Divine Essence. The speed of integration into the power of the laws within the body was not very fast. , and naturally improved a lot later when I was conscious.

Soon the gray aura incorporated into the three yellow haloes in the dantian was stronger than before, and the yellow halo was larger than before.

The power of law in the body seems to have begun to change significantly, and it seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation. Although Lu Xiaotian doesn't know the reason for this change, as long as it is good for him.

As the gray aura fused by these three yellow haloes is about to become saturated, the aura on Lu Xiaotian's body becomes more and more rounded, and a vague Hunyuan Tai Chi pattern is looming in Lu Xiaotian's body.

Two subtle chirping sounds sounded at the right time, and Lu Xiaotian felt blessed in his heart, without opening his eyes, using his spiritual consciousness as a unique perspective. I saw two silver-grey deers with marks of wind, snow and lightning appearing on their bodies.

The two fawns were like children who were inexperienced in the world. They were not afraid at all because Lu Xiaotian was a stranger. After running briskly around them, they trotted towards Lu Xiaotian with great ease.

These two fawns gave Lu Xiaotian a very strange feeling, as if the other one was an elf in the world. Even in a special place like the Demonic Death Realm, there was still an inexplicable aura.

The opponent came within three feet of Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm to hold it, and several red fairy fruits slowly floated out. The deer opened his mouth happily and swallowed the fairy fruit. Then he came closer to Lu Xiaotian, already within reach.

Lu Xiaotian reached out and touched the deer's head. The deer did not move away. Instead, he enjoyed rubbing Lu Xiaotian's palm.

Then two soft qi energies sank into the palm of Lu Xiaotian's hand. They were no different from the gray aura he had absorbed into his body before, but they were purer than before.

Is this the spirit of law that naturally exists in the Demonic Death Realm? No, it looks more like the opposite of the power of law.

Lu Xiaotian was surprised by the kung fu. The various laws of power in his body were operating at a certain speed. Without the fusion of the Huang Yang Divine Essence and the gray aura, the power of his own laws and this mysterious aura formed a huge vortex.

Lu Xiaotian didn't know the specific reason for this weird change for a while, but when he realized the aura of the two fawns, he couldn't stop it. It seemed that the power of laws in the body was not resistant to this aura.

Hope it's not a bad thing. As Lu Xiaotian shook his head, he suddenly felt a peeping gaze. Then a familiar sound of wind chimes sounded.

Changlong bell! Lu Xiaotian opened his eyes, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

He has encountered the Changlong Bell several times, and he is already very familiar with this kind of ringtone. This is a person from Heaven who comes specifically to find the Dragon Clan.

Because of the Magic Pond, he stayed here for nearly three months. It seemed that the time was not short, but people from the Sifang Heavenly Court passed on the news, and then sent people to search for his traces, and in Shen Mo To find him in the realm of death, the time is extremely short.

Lu Xiaotian traveled all the way here and knew how vast the area where Shen Mo died was, and finding someone in a place like this was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But the other party came directly to him. He obviously had some magical powers that he didn't know about.

The pleasant sound of the Changlong Bell that appeared this time was also extraordinary. When it reached his ears, the dragon essence in Lu Xiaotian's body began to vibrate slightly.

For the time being, this little movement will not have a big impact on Lu Xiaotian, but the other party is not using all his strength. If he really takes action, it will probably be a different situation.

"In order to block Dongfang Dansheng, Immortal Lord Shi Jing and others set up many checkpoints in the secret territory of the ancient Buddha. The four heavenly courts mobilized troops and generals. Unexpectedly, Dongfang Dansheng made a false shot and diverted to the Death Realm of Sinking Demon."

A hoarse voice sounded, seemingly coming from all directions at the same time. Lu Xiaotian searched the area with his spiritual consciousness for several times, but could not find the other party's hiding place for a while.

The opponent has a treasure that is good at hiding his body in the realm of the Sinking Demon Death, and his own cultivation level is also extraordinary.

Moreover, even the situation inside the secret territory of the Ancient Buddha is so clear. Obviously, Lu Xiaotian is no stranger to the commotion caused by Lu Xiaotian in the secret territory.

Under such circumstances, if he dares to pursue him, he must be relying on something. The Qingguo Barrier is already an open secret to the outside world, and the other party must have plotted against his army of dragons and dragons and wolves.

The other party would not come with such a large elite army of immortals. No matter how elite the army of the immortal world is, it is impossible for the entire army to move faster than Lu Xiaotian alone. Lu Xiaotian is confident in this aspect.

Unless the other party finds a way to deal with the Qingguo barrier. The original Broken Realm Blood Sky Stone could seal the Green Fruit Barrier. With the size of the entire Immortal Realm and the depth of the Four Directions Heavenly Court, no matter how precious the Broken Realm Blood Sky Stone was, the Immortal Realm could always take it out or have similar treasures. This aspect has to be guarded against.

"Broken Realm Blood Sky Stone?" Yanji's face was solemn when she learned about this object from Lu Xiaotian.

"In this case, let me out first. If the passage to the Qingguo Barrier is really blocked, I'm afraid I won't be able to go in and out freely. If you can't resist, I won't be able to help you even if I want to."

Yanji pondered for a moment and said, "But once my identity is exposed, the fairy world will definitely pay more attention to it. Next time the other party comes after me again, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for you to deal with."

"Get through the current hurdle first, and we'll talk about the future later when we encounter it." Lu Xiaotian shook his head with a wry smile.

Even if Immortal Realm uses the tactics of adding fuel to the fire, the cumulative losses in his hands have reached an extremely astonishing figure, but it is insignificant compared to the huge foundation accumulated over countless years.

Yanji's trump card is powerful enough to dominate any position, but once it is exposed, the fairy world will definitely use stronger means. Yan Ji will also lose the corresponding deterrence.

Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, and suddenly there was thunder and wind and snow.

Under the cover of this celestial phenomenon, Yan Ji quietly came out of the Demon Suppression Tower, her body turning into a snowflake flying in the sky, looking extremely inconspicuous in the wind and snow.

Lu Xiaotian felt a little relieved. Since the other party did not bring a large number of elite immortal troops, Yanji was released at this time. At least there would be no big problem in this level.

"Hide your head and leave your tail behind. Since you don't show up, I'll leave." Before Lu Xiaotian finished speaking, he flew up and flew directly into the distance.

Before he flew far, circles of black ripples rippled in front of him, making Lu Xiaotian feel like he was stuck in mud. Huge suction force comes from all directions.

This huge adsorption force is like maggots attached to bones, constantly spreading towards Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, and purple-gold radiance emerged from his body, and the strange strength under Wuxiangzhang Liujin Body was directly dissolved.

It's not easy to stop him without showing up.

"Nielong Waters!" Just as Lu Xiaotian continued to rush forward, the deep voice sounded again.

Then there was a dragon's roar with a vicious tone. The Changlong bell rang, and ten fierce-looking black dragon shadows swam out from it. There is nothing but violence and bloodlust in the eyes of every dragon shadow.

Lu Xiaotian looked at these ten dragon shadows. These dragon shadows were not virtual objects, but were made by dissolving real dragon bodies and then refining them with the power of law and other means.

Lu Xiaotian tried to move in other directions, but it was not easy to get out once he fell into the waters of the evil dragon. These ten black dragons had already pressed forward.

Ten destructive dragon breaths were the first to double-team, instantly blocking any room for Lu Xiaotian to move.

As soon as the black dragon's breath touched the purple-gold Buddha's light, it made a sizzling sound like water and fire meeting, and small pieces of the purple-gold Buddha's light began to be polluted. There was no direct method to break through Lu Xiaotian, but this penetration method was used to attenuate the effect of the Purple Gold Buddha Light.

It seemed that the progress was slow, but in just a moment, the purple-gold Buddha light polluted by the dragon's breath had reached a quarter.

With Lu Xiaotian as the core, the closer to the internal defense, the stronger it becomes. But if it continues at this speed, Lu Xiaotian's Wu Xiang Zhang Six Gold Body may not be able to sustain it for more than three to five moments before it will be completely broken.

"How do you think Dongfang Dansheng will be effective in using your Dragon Clan's methods to deal with the Dragon Clan?" A proud voice came from the viscous waters, followed by ten indifferent figures appearing around.

"Being so careless, not only hating the dragon clan, but also painstakingly studying the dragon clan's methods as the most important magical power, it is extremely hypocritical." Lu Xiaotian said calmly.

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