Become a Fairy

Chapter 5161 Great Brahma’s Demon-Suppressing Mysterious Light

Later, there were hundreds of pieces of purple-gold light that were being divided one after another. Most of them had been extinguished, and only eighty-one pieces remained.

They appear to be scattered everywhere in disarray. The corners of Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched slightly.

Following his slight scolding, the eighty-one divided groups of purple and gold Buddha light suddenly burst into glory, each emitting an astonishing beam of light.

A huge humanoid shadow was formed under the intertwined beams of light, and the shadow gradually materialized. In its place, Lu Xiaotian, who had been under fierce siege before, suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

This light and shadow hit the Buddha's seal and suppressed it. With a palm that had been preparing for a long time, the entire void was shaking violently.

The surrounding flocks of headless black birds were directly torn apart by the violent force, and a blank area was instantly cleared with this materialized body as the center.

The power of the palm prints became more and more powerful, and with a boom, a large hole was opened in the void, and the palm prints were directly submerged into it. Then a muffled groan came out, and a strong, headless figure with his upper body exposed fell out of the distance.

The opponent had no head, only a vivid crow's head on his bare chest, and his eyes stared at Lu Xiaotian fiercely. There was a trace of blood on the corner of the portrait's mouth, which looked quite strange.

"Headless undead, Hao Ya?" Lu Xiaotian's eyes moved slightly, "To be able to develop such a large group of people in this Demonic Death Realm must have cost a lot. I have important things to do, and I don't want to get entangled with you. The clan has withdrawn and everyone is in peace."

"I have hurt so many members of my race, and I have also been injured. It is too late to stop now. A Buddhist strongman in the realm of the soul body still practices the most advanced Buddhist inheritance. If I can With this body of yours, my cultivation will surely reach a higher level."

Hao Ya chuckled. Although he was injured by Lu Xiaotian's blow, he did not show any timidity at all. His pair of gray eyes with a hint of scarlet looked even crazier than before.

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it. Hell has no door but you break in. Since you insist on dying, I will help you."

Lu Xiaotian's eyes were dull, and he did not feel a trace of anger because of the other party's rejection. He seemed to be just talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Great Brahma Heaven's Demon-Suppressing Mysterious Light!" Following Lu Xiaotian's low voice, the purple-gold brilliance suddenly shrouded forward quickly.

There are eighty-one rays of light, large and small, and the beams of light of different thicknesses contain different figures.

These figures either cleft their palms or fisted, forming an extremely mysterious Buddhist technique, and finally turned into a giant palm of ordinary light and shadow.

When they had just broken through the opponent's hiding place and forced out the Hao Ya's appearance, the headless black sparrows from all around were not too many. At least for a strong man like Lu Xiaotian, it was still far away from affecting the situation of the battle. Not nearly enough.

In an instant, the small number of headless black birds were directly dissolved by the Buddha's light, and only the leader of the crows was left in the surroundings.

Hao Ya also didn't expect that a strong Buddhist man he met randomly would be as terrifying as a human being. How could a guy who practiced Buddhism have such strong magical powers?

In my haste, I didn't have time to worry about all this mess. I had to block this blow first!

The wings behind Hao Ya waved, and dozens of pairs of wings appeared in an instant. It looked like dozens of bodies fused together. The waves of these wings made a series of marks, which collided tit-for-tat with Lu Xiaotian.

The dead gray light waves and the purple-gold Buddha light collided hundreds of times in an instant, forming a huge shock wave that swept away.

Some low-level headless black sparrows around them came up for reinforcements for a while. Without forming a battle formation, even self-protection would be a problem in a short period of time.

The headless black sparrows that originally came up by instinct died one after another.

Later, I realized that this method was not working, and began to gather separately under the leadership of some headless black sparrows with acceptable cultivation. Only then did they begin to gradually stabilize their position. At this time, the battle between Lu Xiaotian and Hao Ya had reached a fever pitch.

Although the conflict broke out in a very short period of time, Lu Xiaotian launched an extremely domineering attack, and the attack was intensive without any interruption. At this time, Hao Ya felt like a small boat under the roaring sea.

Gua! A strange cry sounded, and the body of the headless crow was thrown away, leaving only a piece of broken feathers behind. There was already a huge palm print on his chest.

Lu Xiaotian took a step forward and was about to pursue him when countless headless black sparrows swooped in from all around.

With the previous lessons learned, these headless black sparrows formed an extremely tight formation, advancing layer by layer under the command of their respective leaders. Although they still suffered heavy casualties in the process of flying forward, they were able to perform well. Offset the impact of the purple and gold Buddha light.

It defused part of the impact for Hao Ya and gave Hao Ya a precious chance to breathe. At critical moments, the army under his command can still play a great role.

Otherwise, Haoya will never be able to escape from Lu Xiaotian's hands this time. Even if he usually escapes with a life, the price paid will be at least several times greater. If he is unlucky, it is impossible to confess on the spot.

Hao Ya was frightened for a while. After staying in the realm of Shen Mo Death for so many years, he had encountered many opponents. However, except for a very few existences that he did not dare to provoke, this was the first time that he was forced to do this in just a few rounds. Dilemma.

"Surround him and kill him!" Hao Ya is vengeful by nature, especially towards enemies who have hurt him.

The mysterious Buddhist strongman in front of him was indeed very capable, and his strength was much stronger than his own, but so what.

The opponent is alone and trapped in his tribe. Not to mention his current strength, even if he is twice as strong, he still has to be kept within his tribe.

His tribe's performance was a little poor at first. That was because Hao Ya didn't see how powerful his opponent was. From being forced out by Lu Xiaotian to the fight between the two sides, the whole process was short and rapid. The tribe was a little hesitant for a while. The number of casualties involved in the fighting was not small.

It was a moment of chaos, caused by disorderly command. Now that he, Haoya, is personally taking command, the situation is naturally different.

For such a powerful opponent, catching the opponent alone and surrounded by his own tribe is a rare opportunity.

Even if the other party is an Immortal Lord or a close relative of a Demon Lord, he still wants to meet him. Even if it is the Emperor of Heaven and the son of the Demon Emperor, Hao Ya will kill him here today.

However, Hao Ya must have made a miscalculation today. Just as this thought flashed through his mind, suddenly a green light surged around him, and then a field of green bamboo grew, and another powerful aura exploded on Hao Ya's left side.

In the blink of an eye, a sea of ​​bamboo formed all around, and a monk in green clothes appeared with his hands clasped together.

It was Lanyun Bamboo Monk who was more unpretentious than before. Now when he attacked, his aura was much stronger than when he fought with Lu Xiaotian.

Lanyun Bamboo Monk has not been in the barrier for long, but his strength has improved faster than Lu Xiaotian expected.

Even the newcomers like Golden Gu Demon Monk, Kong Shan, and Yan Ping can't compare. The dragon clan strongman Wen Tingdao, who has just broken through the realm, is progressing at the same speed as Lanyun Bamboo Monk.

However, Wen Tingdao has just made a breakthrough, while Lanyun Bamboo Monk is a strong Buddhist who has been promoted for many years, so the two are not comparable.

In the final analysis, Lanyun Bamboo Monk was able to get rid of the predicament of survival in the past. Seeing the new atmosphere of Buddhism in the Qingguo Barrier, Lanyun Bamboo Monk unconsciously became a little more energetic than before, and seemed to be more spiritual. A share of sustenance.

He enjoyed the process of teaching other monks their cultivation experience and discussing the Tao while sitting in the Qingguo Formation.

In addition, he dabbled in more advanced Buddhist techniques and communicated with the Golden Gu Demon Monk and the Bear-headed Demon Dharma. Lanyun Bamboo Monk also benefited a lot, so that his strength improved very quickly in a short period of time.

Once this action was taken, it was not too sharp, but it brought unprecedented pressure to Hao Ya.

Countless bamboo leaves shuttled through the void, causing death and injury to the headless black sparrows wherever they passed.

Several of the palm shadows struck, forcing Hao Ya to have no choice but to intercept them in a hurry.

Bang bang bang, the fluctuation caused by the brief and rapid fight was slightly weaker than the previous fight with Lu Xiaotian. Hao Ya was forced to retreat step by step, and at the same time he felt even more frightened.

Judging from the current situation, Lanyun Bamboo Monk seemed to have only a slight upper hand, but this was a fight with him while killing a large number of headless black crows.

Calculated in this way, the opponent's advantage is extremely obvious.

In Hao Ya's view, even if Lan Yun Bamboo Monk's strength is not as strong as Lu Xiaotian, I'm afraid it won't be much different.

With his current injured body, he thought it would be easy to trap and kill Lu Xiaotian with the help of the power of the clan. Now that there is another one, and he is still unprepared, there is naturally not much hope.

Moreover, the opponent can release a Lanyun Bamboo Monk, but Weiseng cannot release other strong ones.

Hao Ya was completely unsure about Lu Xiaotian now, and he was thinking of retreating, but Lu Xiaotian had already taken the step forward again.

A huge Buddhist seal once again enveloped the head, confronting Lanyun Bamboo Monk to the left and right, giving him no chance to escape.

Hao Ya was horrified and made certain preparations for him. He would use the clan as a cover to deal with these two powerful Buddhists. Even if he might not be able to keep each other in the end, he would not suffer too much loss.

One Lu Xiaotian was so powerful that it was okay, but now there was suddenly another Lanyun Bamboo Monk, which completely exceeded expectations. Under attack from both sides, the assistance the clan could provide was relatively limited, and Hao Ya was naturally unable to resist being attacked from both sides.

Gua! A shadow of the natal crow flew out of Hao Ya's body, and its wings spread out, completely blocking the body behind it like blocking out the sky and the sun. At the same time, they flew towards Lu Xiaotian. The cost of releasing such a natal crow shadow is definitely not small, but Hao Ya has no other choice but to make this move.

Just when he thought he could block Lu Xiaotian's domineering blow, there was a slight tremor in the void in front of his eyes. When he realized that Lu Xiaotian was still in front of him, but a more powerful aura came from behind.

"No, the magical power of space!" Hao Yao's heart was beating wildly. It was not easy to use the power of the law of space to use teleportation magic not far away from him.

Although the power of space law is strong, it will also be affected by it. It’s just that Lu Xiaotian’s methods are obviously more superb than him.

Another source of crow shadow flew out of the body. This was his life-saving means, and the substitute was extremely powerful.

After all, he was a strong man of the same level, so he was really difficult to kill. There was a burst of surprise in Lu Xiaotian's eyes. This time he did not use teleportation magical power, but directly stretched out his hand to hold it. Seven huge black lotuses grew from around Hao Ya's body, and the blooming lotus petals closed towards Hao Ya.

Hao Ya suddenly transformed into dozens of bodies and hurriedly avoided the attack of the Unbounded Black Lotus.

Lu Xiaotian had already exploded the original crow shadow with one palm, and hit its body. The Hao crow's body exploded into two halves, but both halves turned into a headless black crow at the same time, which was no different from its original body.

The other party had no intention of staying any longer. After splitting his body into two, he fled directly into the distance.

As for everything else including the ethnic group, he no longer cares about it.

Judging from the current situation, even a moment's delay may mean the difference between life and death.

Both opponents are surprisingly strong, especially this young man with silver hair, who is even more capable of thunderbolts.

Hao Ya ran away with all his strength, half of the split body was still wrapped in a blooming black lotus.

The petals on the Unbounded Black Lotus were stretched and twisted from time to time, but the opponent was not an opponent in its heyday. Using this splitting method, although it was unexpected, could be used to escape, and the possibility of survival was greatly improved.

After the split, it also means that the strength is greatly weakened. Once trapped within Lu Xiaotian's Unbounded Black Lotus, there is no possibility of escape.

In just a short moment, the opponent was subdued within the Unbounded Black Lotus. Lu Xiaotian hesitated for a moment and did not kill the guy directly, but brought him back to the Green Fruit Barrier.

After arriving at the Qingguo Barrier, the boundless black lotus opened, and the headless crow, whose strength had declined by nearly half, was ecstatic.

I originally thought that the other party would place certain restrictions on him and then open the cage, but I didn't expect that this guy was so confident that he dared to let him out directly.

At this time, after the fission of Hao Ya's soul and body, only half of the original form was left. No matter which half escaped, he could still escape with his life.

Although the loss was huge, Qingshan was still left. It is better to spend some money, a lot of time and the hope of repairing it later than to die directly.

Now that there is a chance, this part of him will naturally try its best to escape. After reuniting with the other half, the injuries suffered will not be a big problem at all.

But soon Hao Ya's body froze. When he wanted to take the opportunity to escape, the pressure from all around him came over him one after another, and actually restrained him in place.

Even if only half of his strength is left, he is still a strong man in the realm of soul body. The opponent can directly restrain him, leaving him unable to resist. Such strength is too terrifying.

It seems unrealistic even for an Immortal Lord or a Demon Lord to achieve this level. Has the other party already surpassed the realm of the Immortal Lord? This is absolutely impossible.

"It seems that you have calmed down. Now you can listen to what I say." A light flashed in front of his eyes, and then the form condensed by Lu Xiaotian's consciousness appeared in front of him. (End of chapter)

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