Become a Fairy

Chapter 5148 Law Spirit Soldier

"It is such a person who avoids the truth and is able to cultivate so many laws and mysteries to perfection at the same time. This is the only time in my life that I have seen it. The eight series of mysteries form a big cycle, and the changes in the world and all things are all within it. It is really extraordinary. But your guy’s secrets of the law are still a little bit meaningless. You haven’t really fully understood the secrets of the Five Elements.”

The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons sighed, and was not angry for the moment when the attack failed to work. Countless blue venom masses floating in the void formed a huge thousand-legged venom spider under the control of his divine consciousness.

"The mysteries of laws are transformed into spirits, and several different mysteries of laws are blended together to form living beings. This method is the creation that conquers the world."

The huge thousand-legged venom spider spits human words from its mouth, and with every move it makes, everything from the poisonous mist between heaven and earth to the entire ocean below is attracted by it.

There was a surge of venom, and countless venom spiders took shape. In the blink of an eye, they formed a mighty army and rushed towards Lu Xiaotian.

"Law Spirit Soldier?" Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed, but there were not many surprises. At the level of the Immortal Lord, he formed an army with his own power. Even if he did not move, his divine mind could also control the secrets of the law to complete many incredible things. Variety.

If there is no corresponding means, these law weapons alone are enough to kill him. The poisonous energy contained in the giant law spirit headed by it has reached a terrifying level. The other party is not only able to command such a large army, but it is even more elusive in its territory.

The huge venomous spider thrust its long sharp legs straight into Lu Xiaotian's forehead, and it reached Lu Xiaotian's door in a flash of lightning.

Compared with the palm strike just now, the opponent's attack strategy has obviously changed. Once trouble is launched, various means emerge in endlessly.

It seemed that only one of the sharp legs was attacking Lu Xiaotian's front door. In fact, there were hundreds of sharp legs attacking Lu Xiaotian at the same time.

Even the way of change has no chance of escaping in the territory of True Monarch Ten Thousand Poisons at this time, and it can only avoid disaster in a very short period of time.

After all, this is the territory of True Monarch Ten Thousand Poisons. Moreover, the opponent has now changed his tactics and used the law spirit weapons. Even though he has the ability to change a lot, he cannot withstand the temptation of countless venomous spiders.

There was a blue poisonous mist all around, and under its cover, countless sharp-footed shadows ferociously attacked Lu Xiaotian.

Kong Shan, the Golden Gu Demon Monk, had a solemn expression on his face, not to mention how fast and fierce the sharp foot pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows was, and they could barely block it even after spending their entire lives.

With their eyesight, they could also see something unusual in the blue mist, which contained a violent storm of attacks. Everyone knows to defend, but they don't know how to block this attack.

He couldn't even take care of the immediate situation, so he had no time to take care of other dangers. As for the army formed by the law soldiers, he had no energy to stop it.

After the first move, the Buddha's light around Lu Xiaotian's body had been destroyed layer by layer, either stabbed open by the sharp legs of the venom spider, or corroded and disintegrated by a large amount of poisonous gas.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was surrounded by layers of crises, each of which was fatal. A slight negligence could result in death on the spot.

Lu Xiaotian was not in a hurry, and with a move of his hands, the giant face of the All-Poison Master in the void suddenly moved his jaw. He looked up and saw a huge flow of luck rolling in, but even his Ye Poison Sea could not deal with it. It blocks.

Before Master Wandu could react, the aura on Lu Xiaotian's body had already merged with this luck.

Then an extremely blazing purple-gold radiance vibrated away, and suddenly the surrounding poisonous gas surged like a tide, and was pushed hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye.

"Wuxianzhang six golden bodies!" Zhenjun Wandu's face was filled with surprise.

"You are lucky. Seeing that you are about to lose, you can actually get the luck from the secret realm of the ancient Buddha and be penetrated by the great power of the Tantric inheritance. However, it is not easy to inherit this luck and power. It may help you survive this disaster, but it may also become a life-threatening poison."

True Lord Wan Du went deep into the secret realm of the ancient Buddha, so he naturally understood what this change in energy meant for Lu Xiaotian. The other party had already been recognized by this Buddhist realm to a certain extent. Obtained the luck left by the ancient Buddha and the original power passed down.

This includes the original power of the formless six-foot golden body. Not only did Lu Xiaotian practice this technique, but his aura was broad and tolerant. He instantly absorbed this power into his body and used it for his own use.

The other party was obviously forced into a considerable dilemma due to this kind of fighting, otherwise he would not have acted like this.

Lu Xiaotian did not respond. This was the aura fed back by the tantric inheritance elixir furnace. There was indeed a powerful ancient Buddha sitting in the vortex of the Buddha Realm.

When the inheritance pill furnace reaches a certain level, it can sense the other party's presence.

Lu Xiaotian also absorbed part of the origin left by the ancient Buddha because of the inherited alchemy furnace. Through the inherited alchemy furnace, the majestic and pure power transcended the limitations of region and space and directly merged with Lu Xiaotian's body.

Lu Xiaotian was also able to use this power to fight against the enemy. For a while, Lu Xiaotian also obtained the ancient Buddha's understanding of the Wuxiang Zhang Six Golden Body from the inheritance pill furnace. Although it was not taught directly, it also gave Lu Xiaotian some inexplicable feelings.

For a time, the power of the magical power of Wu Xiang Zhang Six Golden Body reached an unprecedented height in his hands.

"Great Brahma Heaven Suppressing Demon Seal!" Lu Xiaotian's palm movements changed. At this time, under the blessing of this extremely heavy force, Lu Xiaotian felt that the power in his body had reached an unprecedented level. It seems that there is a mysterious and closer connection between myself and this ancient Buddha's secret realm.

Bang bang bang.

As Lu Xiaotian's palm prints struck out one after another, the sharp feet hidden in the blue mist were repelled one after another.

Amidst the sheets of purple-gold brilliance, spiritual soldiers formed by the power of laws emerged in groups. Face each other's large number of enemy troops.

Judging from Lu Xiaotian's current strength alone, there is still a certain gap between the individual combat power of the condensed law spirit soldiers and the Wan Du Zhenjun.

"If you haven't reached the level of the Immortal Lord, even if you can manage to gather this Law Spiritual Soldier, it's just a show. Dongfang Dansheng, if you don't have any other means, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand this second move."

Zhenjun Wandu sneered, he really thought that because of his extraordinary talent, he could imitate everyone else's methods.

Even the several Buddhist magical powers that Lu Xiaotian is currently displaying are all unique skills, and may still be somewhat intimidating in the eyes of ordinary strong men of the same level.

But in Du Jun's eyes, it seemed a bit flashy. No matter how profound the secret knowledge is, it cannot pose a fatal threat without sufficient foundation to support it.

Lu Xiaotian smiled indifferently. The individual combat power of the law spirit soldiers he had gathered now was indeed insufficient, but his spiritual consciousness was stronger than that of the Ten Thousand Poisons True Monarch.

This gap can completely win back the victory in command and control. Moreover, Lu Xiaotian's current goal is not to compete with the opponent, as long as he can ensure that he will not be defeated by the opponent.

His own Law Spirit Soldiers are not a single series. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and waved these Law Spirit Soldiers who emerged in groups to form a battle formation.

On the periphery is Lu Xiaotian's most famous five-element formation, which consists of lawful spiritual soldiers formed by gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The battle formations are also linked together.

They are closely connected with each other, and the resilience they display even surprises the old monster, Lord Wandu.

Two armies of law spirit soldiers from different camps collided with each other, and everyone suddenly fell on their backs. At first glance, Wandu Zhenjun looks extremely fierce.

As soon as they fought, they overpowered Lu Xiaotian's side. In terms of scale and individual combat power, they are much better than Lu Xiaotian now.

However, after a slight extension of time, it was discovered that the battle formation on Lu Xiaotian's side was neat and orderly. Although the casualties in the early stage were not small, the damage done by Zhenjun Wandu seemed to be a bit more serious than the opponent's.

Once the law soldiers under Lu Xiaotian were injured, even on such a chaotic battlefield, whenever they encountered larger casualties, they would withdraw in a relatively orderly manner to make repairs. After a certain amount of law power is added, these law soldiers will fill in vigorously again.

The intensity of the fighting between the law warriors on both sides was even worse than the ordinary confrontation between the two armies.

The disdain in Zhenjun Wandu's eyes turned into shock, and the other party actually blocked him.

Although it seemed to be in danger, the front line was about to be completely broken several times, and it seemed that it could no longer hold on, but it always saved the day and blocked it.

"The Law Spirit Soldier can actually be used like this." Although the other party's cultivation level is much lower than his, seeing Lu Xiaotian's dispatch of the Law Spirit Soldier, he couldn't help but feel something new and exciting.

However, Zhenjun Wandu soon discovered that this method could only be used by Lu Xiaotian himself, and even with his soul, he would not be able to achieve Lu Xiaotian's level.

On the one hand, Lu Xiaotian’s own cultivation of the power of laws is relatively complete, and each of them has been cultivated to perfection.

On the other hand, it is certain that the strength of the soul of the boy in front of him has surpassed him.

Although this discovery shocked True Lord Ten Thousand Poisons, at their level, it was far more difficult than expected to improve the soul. Even True Lord Ten thousand Poisons couldn't remember how many years his soul had not been touched.

Every time the battlefield of immortals and demons comes, if enough luck cannot be plundered, it will even be weakened in the calamity of the five declines of heaven and man.

Even at their level, cultivation is like sailing against the current. An existence that is almost immortal in the eyes of ordinary people actually has its own troubles.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhenjun Wandu wouldn't have believed what he saw.

The battle between the two was like a battlefield, and the momentum was so huge that all those watching were stunned.

Huanyin Mustard Tower was frightened for a while, but fortunately he didn’t put up much resistance when Lu Xiaotian forced him to surrender, otherwise even if the Wan Du Zhenjun returned soon, he might not be able to save him in time. The strength of Dongfang Dansheng is really terrifying.

"Amitabha, using the body of an ordinary soul to fight against a powerful Immortal King, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, Dongfang Dansheng's feat is unprecedented."

The Golden Gu Demon Monk clasped his palms together and sighed slightly. While sighing, he couldn't help but feel shaken.

He originally thought that the distance between him and Lu Xiaotian would be narrowed after he advanced to the next level, but he didn't expect that the gap would become wider and wider.

Even if Lu Xiaotian's current cultivation level is not as good as that of his opponent, the aura he displays is enough to compete with the Ten Thousand Poisons True Monarch.

The Golden Gu Demon Monk feels that after he advances, there will be a period of rapid improvement before his cultivation becomes stable, and he is currently at this stage.

But once this stage is passed, the improvement will enter a long and slow accumulation period.

It’s just that Lu Xiaotian doesn’t seem to be at such a stage. It seems that since he got to know the other person, the other person has been in a state of rapid improvement, and there seems to be no bottleneck.

After blocking the Law Spirit Soldier of Lord Ten Thousand Poisons, the biggest crisis was halfway over, and all that was left was to block the attack of this huge venom spider.

Although the attack of this huge venom spider was rapid and violent, it was always blocked by Lu Xiaotian with various magical powers.

Boom, as the sharp long legs of the giant venom spider stabbed like dense raindrops.

Lu Xiaotian stood there and struck out one palm after another. Perhaps realizing that the law spirit soldiers would be difficult to defeat Lu Xiaotian in a short time, the venom spider's attacks became more and more violent.

The intensity of the fight between the two sides was far beyond imagination, and it was not difficult to keep up with the reaction of the Golden Gu Demon Monk and others even after the fight.

Even if they want to escape from this old monster, they must seize the time to use some of their own methods, instead of confronting the True Monarch of Ten Thousand Poisons like this.

Boom, another violent shock wave shook outwards. Lu Xiaotian's body flew back hundreds of miles, and a large amount of poisonous gas shook out.

After the second move finally came through, Yan Ping, Kong Shan and others all breathed a sigh of relief. Several times they almost thought Lu Xiaotian couldn't hold on anymore.

And now Lu Xiaotian was only pushed back a certain distance, and he didn't seem to show any signs of injury.

Judging from the current situation, the first two moves have been sustained, and there is still hope for blocking the third move.

Lanyun Bamboo Monk and Golden Gu Demon Monk think so. Su Qing narrowed her eyes slightly. Her realm was only one step away from the body of the soul, but the realm in front of her was too far away from Su Qing.

The chaotic secrets of the law have troubled Su Qing for quite a long time. For a while, I could only see that Senior Brother Lu was at a slight disadvantage.

However, considering that the powerful person with the Immortal Lord level that Senior Brother Lu faced could still fight with the opponent, Su Qing was worried and couldn't help but feel excited, hoping that Senior Brother Lu could successfully block the old monster's final blow.

"Kill this guy!" Phantom Mustard Tower had been forced into a very embarrassing situation by Lu Xiaotian before. When he got the opportunity, he naturally wanted to take revenge on the opponent. It would be great to kill this guy.

Being able to practice Buddhist skills to such an astonishing level, and possessing more inheritance than imagined, Lu Xiaotian is a better prey for Huanyin Mustard Pagoda than Su Qing and Yin Peng Tuo Corpse.

I just don’t know if Lord Ten Thousand Poisons will share some benefits with him after killing this guy.

Just as everyone watching the battle had different thoughts, a black arc-shaped scimitar flew from the sky, and the opponent broke through the fog with extreme agility.

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