Become a Fairy

Chapter 5105 Suspected

In a matter of moments, the number of skeletons that were originally less than 10,000 increased to more than 100,000. Looking around, there was a dense army of skeletons. The lotus clone was already surrounded by water.

Just when the ghost behind the scenes felt that he had a chance to win, the eyes of the Lotus clone showed a bit of cold murderous intent.

This ghost's strength is pretty good. If the opponent is making a small fuss and only controls thousands of skeletons, the extremely weak fluctuations when casting spells will be negligible in a place filled with the aura of corpses.

Even the Lotus clone cannot lock the opponent's location.

It seems that the Lotus clone can't escape from the trap even after rushing left and right, but it doesn't mean that it can't break through the opponent's skeleton army.

It's just that this ghost spent so much effort to deal with him. If he doesn't deal a cruel blow to the other party and severely injure him in one fell swoop, he doesn't know how much trouble it will cause later.

Even if the Lotus clone leaves this place, most of the ghosts behind the scenes will not give up. In this ghost realm, the Lotus clone does not feel that it can completely get rid of the opponent. This guy can control low-level skeletons. The Lotus clone wants to completely escape the opponent's attack. The difficulty of hearing and seeing is not ordinary.

The possibility of completely avoiding the opponent is too low. In this case, it is better to do it once and for all, but this process will be relatively dangerous.

However, judging from the current situation, the Lotus clone's plan was generally successful. The opponent controls thousands of skeletons and can hide them very well. In addition, their position is uncertain, and the Lotus clone is never able to accurately locate them. It's just that after the useless killing of the Lotus clone, it seems that the mood has fluctuated to a certain extent.

The ghost behind the scenes felt that the time had come, and no longer wanted to waste time with the lotus clone. The greater the strength used, the fluctuations caused will naturally increase.

While the opponent intensified the attack on the Lotus clone, the Lotus clone also vaguely sensed the approximate location of the ghost.

An army of hundreds of thousands of skeletons were arranged in a formation, attacking the lotus clone layer by layer, delivering bone spears and firing bone arrows in succession.

There are no gaps. In this dangerous environment, even a strong person in the realm of soul body has to pay a high price if he wants to break through.

It's just that the Lotus Clone never thought about how to break out from the beginning to the end. The strength of this mysterious ghost is not weak, and the Lotus Clone never thought of defeating an army of tens of thousands or even more skeletons by itself. At the same time, it also To deal with this hidden mysterious enemy.

Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, and capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as you deal with this insidious guy hiding in the dark, the predicament in front of you will naturally be solved.

Seeing more and more countless skeletons, the lotus clone calmly kneaded the magic formula with its hands.

Sword intent surged around him, and as the sword seals were struck out one after another, a shadow of a sword stele suddenly condensed into shape in the void. This shadow of the sword stele seemed to have various defects of different sizes in several places. One, but the incomplete shadow of the sword monument does not affect its power at all.

The vast and majestic sword intent spread out, and when the shadow of the sword monument was suppressed, the surrounding airspace seemed to have a layer of mysterious restraints. More than 6,000 skeletons in this area were cut apart by the vertical and horizontal sword intent. Into countless pieces.

A shadow escaped from the inconspicuous skeletons inside, looking at the shadow of the sword monument above in panic.

Buzz! The shadow jumped quickly, trying to get away from the dangerous and unpredictable place in front of it as soon as possible. However, it only managed to escape a little distance, but was bounced back by the sword spirit barrier condensed by the shadow of the sword monument.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? Even Xuantian's immortal weapon doesn't have such terrifying power." Youying cursed in a low voice. When he saw that his breakthrough was blocked, he immediately moved to another direction.

The result is naturally no different from before.

"This human friend, we don't know each other if we don't fight. If we continue to fight like this, we will both lose in the end and no one will be able to gain anything. Why don't you let me go and let's live in peace later?" Youying's breakthrough was blocked again, and he felt in his heart. After Gedeng made a sound, he begged the lotus clone for peace.

"When you are strong, you want to kill them all. When you are weak, you want to give up and make peace. How can it be such a good thing." The lotus clone shook his head.

"I can still gather an army of hundreds of thousands of skeletons, but you still want to fight against the entire army of skeletons under my command with just your own strength?" Youying said coldly, "If you really want to fight to the death, I may be strong. Injury, but you will definitely be the one who loses and dies in the end!"

"With my strength, I naturally cannot deal with you and the army of hundreds of thousands of skeletons at the same time. However, you have been trapped by me in the Sword Intention Barrier. This barrier has been completely disconnected from the outside world. You want to command the Sword Intent." The tribes outside the barrier are nothing more than wishful thinking. Just because you are not my opponent, you could have just stopped when you received my warning before. Since you have evil intentions, please spare your life."

The Lotus clone will not be intimidated by the opponent. He showed weakness before just because at this moment, he has already fallen into the barrier of his sword, and he dares to say harsh words. He really doesn't know how to live or die!

The lotus clone stretched out his hand and pointed, and the shadow of the sword monument began to slowly suppress the shadow.

The shadow was naturally unwilling to sit still and wait for death. It spit out several streams of forest white ghost energy and shot towards the shadow of the sword monument. But before it could get completely close to the sword monument, the shadow was split apart by the sword intent that rippled above it.

However, Shadow's counterattack was not completely useless. At least it slowed down the Sword Monument Shadow's approach to him to a certain extent, and Shadow was able to successfully avoid the opponent.

The Lotus clone's eyes flashed. Although the skeleton army outside was blocked by the sword barrier at this time, most of them fell into a state of disorder after losing the direct command of the shadow. There are still some who continue to attack the sword barrier. , which naturally caused a certain degree of pressure on him.

It is indeed quite disadvantageous for him that the two sides continue to be in such a stalemate. Shadow was obviously trying to wait for a change.

The Lotus clone snorted coldly. The other party had a good plan and he had to cooperate.

The lotus clone stretched out its fingers, and the seven swords of Zhenyin, Zhenshan, Zhenhai, and Zhenyang flew out one after another.

The power of the seven suppressing swords is not very outstanding for the current state of the Lotus clone. However, the seven suppressing swords can form a complete sword formation. The attack may be slightly lacking. It is used for defense and encirclement. It couldn't be more appropriate.

The shadowy image usually avoided the pursuit of the sword monument shadow before, and while moving around, it was quickly blocked by the Zhenyang Sword. Youying waved his hand and shot out a ball of ghost energy to fight against the Zhenyang Sword. This powerful flying sword cannot cause much damage to him.

However, when the shadow was about to pass by Zhenyang Sword, it was blocked by Zhenyin and Zhenhai Sword in time. Several sword intents came from behind him, and by the time he reacted, he was already surrounded by seven powerful swords.

Damn it! While the shadow was cursing, he felt anxious in his heart. The power of the shadow of the sword monument was unpredictable, and even part of the aura it exuded was enough to scare him.

With his speed advantage and strange behavior, as long as the Holy Sword Monument is not allowed to directly suppress him, it won't be a big problem.

But now the Seven Swords of Suppression have limited his speed and range of movement.

As long as he doesn't break out of the sword formation, his area of ​​activity will inevitably become smaller and smaller. When the encirclement formed by the seven swords is completely tightened, even if the speed of the sword monument is slightly slower, it is bound to fall completely on top of his head.

"Thousand-bone ghost jade kill!" Youying shouted lowly, and an extremely ferocious aura surged out of his body. In the blink of an eye, jade-colored bone corpses with vicious faces formed and rushed toward the Seven Swords.

The sword light stirred at an astonishing speed, and the jade-colored bone corpse's defense was better than that of most skeletons.

Even with the power of the seven suppressing swords, it was impossible to completely defeat these skeletons. However, the copper wall formed by the seven suppressing swords was still unbreakable. Even though it encountered great resistance, it could no longer advance as quickly as before, and the shadow was still restricted. within a relatively small area.

Facing the phantom of the sword monument that was getting closer and closer, the shadow's heart was beating wildly. It was not an option to continue like this. It would be impossible to break out, and it would only be a matter of time before it was suppressed by the powerful sword monument.

It's just that he is already under heavy siege. The skeleton army on the periphery has been completely isolated from him, and the role it can play is extremely limited. Maybe the other party cannot maintain this blockade for too long, but he may not be able to hold on for long.

The sword cultivator in front of him was extremely murderous, and it was too late for Youying to regret it.

When the shadow of the sword monument came closer again, the surrounding space seemed to start to become sticky. The shadow also encountered great ancestral power during its actions. What was even more terrifying was that the suppression of the soul made him want to use his own methods. It is also becoming more and more difficult.

Buzz, the phantom of the sword stele was suppressed, and the shadow had nowhere to hide. There was no time to direct the dozen or so jade-colored bone corpses that were released. The jade-colored bone corpses were pierced by the seven suppressing swords, and soon became one piece. Cut off the remaining bones.

The remaining power of the seven suppressing swords has not disappeared, and they continue to surround the shadow.

"No!" Shadow roared in horror. It's just that the shadow of the sword monument is getting closer and closer, and the suppression he receives is gradually getting heavier.

Moreover, he felt a terrifying sword intent in the shadow of the sword monument, which he could not resist. Before the opponent used this sword, he probably felt that the seven swords alone were enough to deal with him.

If I had known this, I would not have provoked this terrible guy.

Swish, swish, the seven great swords struck one after another. Shadow's defense was also excellent. It could hold on for a while at first, but it could not stop the continuous blows. The pain in the consciousness became more and more severe. The shadow has lost consciousness and is completely immersed in these sword intentions.

A wave of luck came over, and the lotus clone took it into the body. A moment later, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the lotus clone. Logically speaking, killing such a guy with a ghost body, the luck gained should be more than this. That's right. Could it be that the other party is still distracted elsewhere?

The lotus clone glanced away, and the dense army of skeletons around him collapsed. Most of them began to scatter into a pile of bones. However, a small number of people began to flee in disorder around them.

It turns out that this is the case. After observing for a while, the Lotus clone saw something fishy. This ghost had limited combat power alone. In order to save his life, he cultivated the supernatural powers of the ghost body of his mother and son.

What he had just killed was the most powerful mother body, but after all, the other party could use the child ghost body to rebuild itself. In this ghostly place, as long as there are no other powerful enemies chasing after him, there is still a chance to recover as before. of.

It's just that the time may be longer, but at least one life can be saved.

The Lotus clone reached out and made a move, and the shadow of the sword monument and the seven swords were submerged in the body.

This ghost land is extremely strange, and even if he wants to escape from it, it will not be easy. However, the Lotus clone is not in a hurry. He is not always being hunted by powerful men from all directions like the original deity, so he needs to devote all his energy.

There is nothing he can do about the current situation of the deity. Even if he has a breakthrough in cultivation and advances very quickly, it will not be of much help to the deity's current predicament.

The accident of his existence or Jiyun Demon Lord's existence is more likely to leave a way out.

Now all you need to do is improve your cultivation step by step. Killing powerful ghosts one after another in this ghost realm can also play a role in improving your strength. It's just that it's not that comfortable to stay in such a gloomy environment. These difficulties can be overcome.

The Lotus clone had no direct purpose and wandered around the ghost realm. It would be good to find a way out of the ghost realm. If you have a treasure you are interested in, don't rush out.

I have been walking through the ghost realm for several days. In this kind of ghost realm, if I release my aura, I will probably be attacked by the strong ghost tribe soon.

But once his momentum is completely controlled, some incomprehensible low-level ghosts will come to harass him one after another. It is not very dangerous, but it is quite disturbing.

Everything is difficult to have both ways. Whether you are walking in the ghost land or going to other places, the difference is not too big.

Hissing, a section was inserted diagonally into the pale bones in the ground, and several shadows flickered inside.

"Ghost bone?" The Lotus clone glanced around and quickly recognized the origin of this broken bone. It is the remains of a kind of shadow ghost left behind after its death. The remaining bones can play the same role as a photographic stone and can record some things that happened nearby.

The number of this kind of shadow ghost is extremely rare, and a broken shadow bone is not of much use to him. The lotus clone didn't pay attention to it at first, but when he saw an extremely charming and pretty face inside, he couldn't help but be startled.

Su Qing? There are actually people who look so similar in the world. Perhaps it is not too much to call them exactly the same.

As the most important clone of Lu Xiaotian, the Lotus clone is naturally no stranger to Amelia Su.

However, he was not immediately sure that this was Su Qing. After all, it was not like he had never seen someone who looked exactly the same.

Chi Lin, a secular disciple whom I had taken in during the Foundation Establishment Stage, and Hong Yue, an alchemy disciple whom I had taken in later in the spiritual world, not only looked exactly the same, but also had the same look and temperament. The person in front of me was exactly the same as Su Qing. , it may not necessarily be Su Qing.

At this time, the person who looked like Su Qing inside was being chased by several Daluo Jinxian-level ghosts. It looked like he was injured in the first place. Although his combat power was still there, with the eyesight of the Lotus clone, he could naturally see that Su Qing was injured. Unable to fully exert its own strength.

Without any other unexpected intervention, it would only be a matter of time before the person suspected of being Su Qing would be defeated or even die. (End of chapter)

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