Become a Fairy

Chapter 5023 Failure

Except for the seven-leaf ice heart grass, the other preparations were extremely thorough, and there was even more than one serving.

Otherwise, the Wild Night Demon Lord would not try it easily.

A group of alchemy sages have deduced the entire elixir formula countless times, and the refining process was relatively smooth at first. It is not easy to remove the poisonous energy from Qingli Demon Concubine, and it cannot be done in a short time.

On the surface, the Wild Night Demon Lord asked Lu Xiaotian and others to use the elixir of this elixir to stabilize the poisonous gas for Demon Concubine Qingli, and later use the power of the elixir to gradually expel the poisonous gas.

Even if the refining goes smoothly and the elixir is produced successfully, the whole process is extremely dangerous. However, if it is controlled properly, it is possible for Qingli Demon Concubine to succeed if she has a deeper blessing.

It’s just that Demon Lord Huang Ye obviously wants to do everything possible to expand the chances of Demon Concubine Qingli awakening. If he just spreads the danger among others, Lu Xiaotian doesn’t think it’s a big deal.

But the other party wants to use the Nine-turn Heart-opening Pill Formation to make their consciousness assimilate with the pill energy to a certain extent in the process of controlling the pill energy.

Then, together with the Dan Qi, the poisonous gas in Qingli Demon Concubine's body was converted.

In this way, the danger of Qingli Demon Concubine can be reduced to a minimum, which is equivalent to using their lives in exchange for Qingli Demon Concubine's awakening.

Lu Xiaotian, Xuelin Alchemy Sage and others will naturally not seek death. To complete this last step, you need to be at least a fifth-grade alchemy saint, and you also need to have an extremely clear understanding of Qingli Demon Concubine's poisonous feelings. In this case, the Demon Lord of Wild Night would have to take action himself.

From the beginning to the end, Alchemy Sage Xuelin never revealed to him anything about Lord Wild Night's proficiency in alchemy. Even they didn't know the specific plans of Lord Wild Night.

The entire elixir refining time is not short, even if the progress is faster, it will last from tens to hundreds of years. In this process, the passage into the battlefield of immortals and demons will be completely stabilized.

During this period, whether it is the demon world, the demon world, or the fairy world, the ghost world is probably ready to enter the battlefield of immortals and demons.

For the time being, Demon Lord Huang Ye is not worried about any troubles that may occur while he is supervising the alchemy here. It is too late for the Emperor Xiao Demon Peng to prepare to enter the battlefield of immortals and demons, so there is no time to trouble him.

The bustling demon world in the past will enter a brief period of peace in the past hundred years. During this period, all major forces in the demon world and the immortal world that had already killed Hongyan in the Sea Soul Palace were greatly restrained.

Those seemingly brutal fights are nothing compared to the vast scenes of the battlefield between immortals and demons that are about to begin.

Compared with the short-term peace in other places, after thirty thousand years of cultivation, Lu Xiaotian has entered the treacherous waves.

As the alchemy energy coming out of the twenty-seven third-grade alchemy sanctuaries passed through the three alchemy saints Xuelin, Diewu, and Wu Muqun, and was further refined, it gradually gathered towards Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian combined these alchemy energies into one, and then separated them under his control. One turned into three, and the three turned into nine, forming the Nine Palaces Transformation Formation.

The entire alchemy array rises from the Alchemy Palace, covering a radius of 50,000 miles. The majestic alchemy energy emitted by dozens of third-grade alchemy saints and above, headed by Lu Xiaotian, shook the sky above the entire Huangqing Palace. The situation of the Dan Formation surged wildly, forming a strange phenomenon that almost covered the sky and the sun.

"This Eastern Alchemy Sage is indeed unique. After only 30,000 years of hard work, his alchemy skills have been so advanced."

At this time, Demon Lord Huang Ye, who was guarding near Demon Concubine Qingli, was also shocked. He had sent some fifth-level materials to Lu Xiaotian over the years. Lu Xiaotian’s elixir formation rate was pretty good, but there was nothing too surprising about him. .

As a fifth-grade alchemy saint, Huangye Demon Lord has his own pride. He had previously attached great importance to Lu Xiaotian, and secretly had a somewhat condescending attitude.

Maybe Lu Xiaotian's alchemy attainments are still not as good as his now, but just from the momentum displayed in front of him, he almost feels as if he is on par with him.

This momentum is based on Lu Xiaotian's understanding of alchemy and comes from the inside out. The Wild Night Demon Lord also went through this process back then.

"This guy is really willing to work hard to refine the Jiujiu Tongxinhuanling elixir, but it's a pity that it's not enough to save Qingli." Desolate Night Demon Lord quickly suppressed the little love for talent that had arisen again.

"If I don't show my all-out attitude, how can I explain it in front of this old monster, the Wild Night Demon Lord?"

Lu Xiaotian’s mouth curled up slightly. Once the omissions on his side show signs of ruining the entire alchemy process, the Wild Night Demon Lord will definitely deal with him as soon as possible, and there will be no second chance.

In the early stage of the entire alchemy process, Lu Xiaotian did not intend to hold anything back at all, but just tried his best.

As time went by, the aura of the Dan Formation that enveloped the sky over the Huangqing Palace continued to accumulate.

The strange behavior in the Huangqing Palace not only attracted the attention of the demon garrison, but also reached the Emperor Xiao Demon Peng through some channels.

Over the years, it has been known to the world that the Demon Lord of the Wild Night has gone to great lengths to save the Demon Concubine Qingli. Even Xiang Kuang, Luo Ping'er, and Zhu Qi later heard about the strange phenomena in the world caused by Lu Xiaotian's alchemy refining in the Huangqing Palace.

Lu Xiaotian held up his palm, and a damaged leaf of the seven-leaf ice heart grass flew out. The crystal-clear leaves exuded a strange beauty under the spiritual light.

At this time, the heart of Desolate Night Demon could not stop beating faster. The entire alchemy process has reached its final moment, and it will take up to seven years to reveal the truth.

The first ice leaf flew away from the branch, and a burst of snow drifted from the pill formation under the night sky.

This snowstorm has not stopped for several years, causing many buildings outside to be covered with a layer of white.

Chichi! The medicinal power formed by the ice leaves merged with the elixir in front of Lu Xiaotian. The flames and ice energy intertwined, and in the process of canceling each other out, they also merged at a slow speed.

The six ice leaves have been integrated into it. Although the entire alchemy process encountered several minor troubles, they were finally solved one by one.

The Wild Night Demon took a deep breath, and in order to replace the role of the last ice leaf, he prepared dozens of additional ice treasures.

At this time, Demon Lord Huang Ye couldn't help but feel annoyed. He had paid enough attention to the Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass. Not only did he send You Zhi and Shun Lei Demon Emperor, he even spent a lot of money to let You Zhi bring a half-step Xuantian level piece. Magic weapon. Another secret agent, Die Wu, was arranged.

A lot of energy was also spent on monitoring the several powerful people in the Yuan Shen Demon Body Realm under the command of Emperor Xiao Demon Peng. What I thought was a sure thing turned out to be because the strong men from the Ice Shadow Tribe ruined the entire plan.

The entire alchemy process went so smoothly. If not a single leaf of the Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass was damaged, perhaps the alchemy would have been a great success, and he could have successfully awakened Demon Concubine Qingli before entering the battlefield of immortals and demons.

It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation!

The ice and snow ridges cut across each other, and each magical plant transformed into the pure ice power. Dissolved into the elixir.

When different powers are mixed in, the elixir liquid suddenly rolls violently, like a burning fire cooking oil. The elixir energy also became disordered.

Lu Xiaotian's face was as dark as water, and he tried his best to control the balance of the alchemy energy. The situations that were about to get out of control were alleviated by Lu Xiaotian's insistence.

However, it is inevitable that some of the alchemy energy will be channeled through the entire alchemy formation to other alchemy saints.

"Not good!" Desolate Night Demon Lord lost his voice and his expression changed.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was still trying to maintain the situation, and the entire Dan formation was still generally under control. But in one incident after another, the alchemy energy transmitted to other alchemy saints is constantly accumulating.

Boom boom! The two alchemy furnaces exploded and black smoke billowed out. An old alchemist with a gray beard vomited blood and flew out.

Under the influence of the old man, the confidence of a deer-headed woman who was still able to maintain herself and a fat middle-aged man was greatly reduced. Although the alchemy furnace did not explode directly, fireworks were still rising.

boom! The pill formation covering tens of thousands of miles in the sky above the Huangqing Palace finally exploded, forming a huge shock wave.

Even though the original demon garrison had been evacuated to a certain extent, the entire Huangqing Palace still needed to be guarded, and it was impossible to leave it undefended. The violent explosion of the pill array still caused tens of thousands of casualties.

The elixir energy that Lu Xiaotian and thirty third-level or above alchemy saints had condensed for nearly a hundred years exploded out of control. Even those who were strong in the Yuan Shen Demonic Body realm would be severely damaged if they were in it. If they were not good enough, they would even die on the spot.

Not to mention the guards guarding the Huangqing Palace. Although he is also an elite member of the demon clan, it is unreasonable to be affected like this.

As the person who controls the core of the entire Dan array, Lu Xiaotian still suffered considerable trauma even though he managed to control the Dan array away when it was about to lose control and directly cut off the connection with the entire Dan array.

"What a powerful counterattack." Lu Xiaotian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. If it weren't for the tens of thousands of years of meditation, he would have been unable to sit still with the strength he had when he first emerged from the Demonic Abyss.

"Senior Dongfang, are you okay?" Xuelin, Diewu and several alchemy saints also suffered serious injuries, but fortunately they were only on the second level of the alchemy formation.

The risks and blows Lu Xiaotian takes when he presides over the core of the entire formation are completely different.

A few of them are more aware of how astonishing the backlash after the collapse of the Dan Formation is. After they stabilized themselves a little, they immediately rushed forward when they saw Lu Xiaotian's extremely pale face after vomiting blood.

Regardless of anything else, Lu Xiaotian has no selfish motives in guiding them in alchemy over the years. Several of them have improved a lot. Even Wu Muqun, who used to have a grudge against Lu Xiaotian, has also changed his mind a lot.

Although I still don’t think Lu Xiaotian can compare with the Wild Night Demon Lord in alchemy, Lu Xiaotian’s understanding of alchemy is far beyond theirs.

"It doesn't matter, you will be able to recover after practicing for a while." Lu Xiaotian waved his hand weakly, and then looked into the depths of the night sky, "I did not do my job well, so that I failed and failed, and let the devil down."

Xuelin, Diewu and others looked over and saw a shadow of the Wild Night Demon Lord floating out of the dim night. He was as heavy as water, and his whole body exuded an icy aura that had never been seen before. .

"Lord Demon Lord, I was too young to hold on, and the alchemy formation collapsed. Please forgive me, Lord Demon Lord!" The first old man who vomited blood and flew backwards fell to his knees in tears.

"Please forgive me, Lord Demon Lord." Xuelin, Diewu and others all apologized.

"Do your best and obey fate. You have done a good job. If the Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass had not been damaged, the success rate of this alchemy would have been high. No wonder you.

Even if the alchemy fails, you have no credit but hard work. I am just a little tired and have no intention to deal with matters for the time being. After my mood returns to normal, I will reward you based on your merits. "

"My subordinates dare not." Xuelin and others said quickly.

"You can go and rest on your own. If you need anything to heal your wounds, ask the Netherworld Demon Lord and he will deal with it directly." After finishing speaking, the shadow of the Desolate Night Demon Lord disappeared directly into the dim night.

When the other party's breath completely dissipated, Lu Xiaocai breathed a sigh of relief, and this level of difficulty was over for the time being.

If it hadn't been for the damage of the Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass, this alchemy would have really come to the last moment, and I'm afraid that the old poisonous man would have to take action himself to have a chance of survival.

However, given the power of the Desolate Night Demon Lord and the fact that he was within the Desolate Qing Palace, even if the old poisonous creature took action himself, the chance of safely escaping was still slim.

Emperor Xiao Mopeng really helped him a lot this time. If we have a chance to meet him someday, we must thank him in person.

"Don't be too happy too early. I know this person best, Lord Wild Night. No matter how hard you try, even if you enter the battlefield of immortals and demons, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of him.

I know that your true dragon body is extremely powerful, and it won't take long to repair your current injuries. But it's best not to be too obvious in front of the Wild Night Demon. Try to make him misjudge your strength. "

After hearing the results of the alchemy in the Qingguo Barrier, the old poisonous man reminded Lu Xiaotian like this, but he felt relieved in his heart.

"I took note of it." Lu Xiaotian nodded. Even if the other party knew that he had a teleportation treasure in his hand, he would never have thought of the existence of the Qingguo Barrier.

As for his personal cultivation and some characteristics of the true dragon's body, Lu Xiaotian didn't think he could hide it from the Demon Lord of Wild Night.

Many strong men in the demon world have seen him use dragon supernatural powers, including Zishu Yingying, Jinguang Immortal Lord, Heart-Destroying Ancient Buddha, Emperor Niao Demon Peng, and other soul demon bodies. There are countless Da Luo Jinxian level strong men. Lift.

After tens of thousands of years, no matter how slow the response of the Wild Night Demon Lord is, it is still enough to find out everything about his whereabouts in the demon world.

"It's useless to think about anything else. Now prepare with all your strength to enter the battlefield of immortals and demons. Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass can only be found in the demon world.

It was already extremely impressive for the Wild Night Demon King to have mastered one of them before. However, there is still a chance in the Fairy and Demonic Battlefield.

Whether it is to survive the catastrophe of reincarnation in this era or for the Seven-leaf Ice Heart Grass, the Wild Night Demon Lord must enter the battlefield of immortals and demons.

Other demon kings and even demon emperors will most likely enter, it's just a matter of time. "Old Poison said in a deep voice.

"Devil Emperor!" Lu Xiaotian took a breath of air.

At this time, the Demon Lord of Desolate Night alone made him feel invincible. As for the Demon Emperor of a higher level, even with his current cultivation level, it would be difficult to meet him.

There are only a few such existences in each interface, which shows how dangerous this reincarnation is.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but worry about the safety of Luo Qing, Lu Wushuang, Dongfang Yi and others.

The era of reincarnation is aimed at everyone. Luo Qing and the others will never be able to survive alone in the demon world, and they don't know what is happening to them now.

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