Become a Fairy

Chapter 5003 Dragon Talisman Ancient Seal Script

"I wrongly blamed the Wuming City Lord just now. If I can escape from this place later, I will apologize to the Wuming City Lord." Feeling the unprecedented solemnity, which was far worse than before, Lu Yuanzi said apologetically to the Lotus clone.

"I can't blame you for the situation just now. It's useless to talk about it. Let's work together to break the formation in front of you first. Even though we are within the formation, it doesn't mean that Master Penglin can definitely win. If that is the case, how can it be used? Continue to carry out those machinations."

The Lotus clone shook his head. Now he only cares about his own safety and the remaining fragments of the sword tablet in the formation.

"If you want to break the formation, go ahead and dream. You all have to die here." The master of Penglin Palace laughed ferociously. He had just wiped out half of his soul. Even if he still had backup in other fragments of the sword tablet, this kind of loss would Not too big either.

Ten light and shadow white dragons roared and charged again. The mighty white flames lingered around the light and shadow white dragons. The momentum was several times greater than before. Everything in their consciousness and sight was completely white.

The ten white dragons of light and shadow actually gave people a sense of majesty and majesty as thousands of troops and horses were rushing forward. Even Lu Yuanzi and Bingyuan Palace Master couldn't help but feel insignificant.

"Let's join forces to block its momentum first." Seeing the slightly weaker Lu Yuanzi, the momentum of Palace Master Bingyuan was completely suppressed.

The face of the Lotus clone changed slightly. If they could not block the opponent's power, Lu Yuanzi and Lu Yuanzi lost their morale, and once their joint efforts broke down, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although the Lotus clone also arranged Xiao Yu as a back-up, it still needs a certain opportunity to break the formation from the inside out.

The strength of him and Yiyang Immortal Lord alone is not enough to withstand all the risks in this formation.

The enemy in front of us is indeed extremely powerful. At this time, any power that can be won cannot be easily squandered.

Yiyang Immortal Master could naturally see that the situation was urgent at this time, and released the flaming golden crow and blood-evil cloud smoke without any reservation.

The sword energy on the lotus clone also rose into the sky, and a sword shadow shot out, suddenly like the spring breeze turning into rain, and all things growing, like the scorching summer with torrential rain, or like the crisp autumn air and the cold wind.

It was the new sword intention that the Lotus clone realized from the fragments of the sword stele. As the Lotus clone swung the sword, the fragments of the sword stele that were originally integrated into the body had been turned into nothingness bit by bit, completely integrated into every part of its body. .

"As expected, using the swordsmanship in the Holy Soul Sword Monument can also secretly react with other related sword intentions."

When the Lotus clone activated the sword intent in its body to a considerable extent, it once again sensed the existence of other similar sword intents in the formation.

Although this feeling is vague and insignificant in the fierce battle, it is real.

Although he is trapped in a large formation, not all situations are under the control of the master of Penglin Hall. Lotus calms down his mind and body. It is extremely difficult to break this formation. He is not very sure now, but this sense at this time is somewhat It still gave him some hope.

The two sword tablets, one large and one small, were obviously hostile. The smaller one was trapped in a prison, and was suppressed by the slightly larger sword tablet, unable to escape for the time being.

However, the larger fragment of the sword tablet was also restrained near the prison, and it was not easy for the opponent to completely free his hands.

After having a certain understanding of the situation here, the Lotus clone completely let go of its hands and feet, fully displaying the newly acquired sword intent in the body.

In addition to this majestic sword intention that changes like the four seasons, another sword intention suddenly condensed. It was the new sword power that the lotus clone had realized by merging the sword intention of the soul element with the sword intention in the sword tablet.

As soon as the flying sword came out, the powerful oppressive force that shocked the soul was released. The unparalleled sword pointed directly at the remaining soul of Penglin Palace Master in a white flame.

The master of Penglin Palace was also shocked. Unexpectedly, he was hidden in the white flames of this formation and moved to several places. The lotus clone could actually identify its location in an instant.

"Both parties must have refined some fragments of the sword stele, and they have developed some mysterious feeling. Just as the other party has no way to hide in front of him, as this guy's sword intention improves, even though he has this big formation as a cover, , and it is impossible to completely cut off the connection between the two." The master of Penglin Palace looked ugly for a while, feeling that there seemed to be some imperfections in this almost fatal situation.

The lotus clone is the variable in this killing situation.

The murderous intention in the heart of the master of Penglin Palace suddenly increased, and with a slight movement of his spiritual consciousness, the white flames like a tsunami condensed into a sea of ​​blazing swords, rushing towards the lotus clone. The entire space within the formation was distorted by this sharp sword edge.

In addition, he also summoned four light and shadow white dragons to wrap around him, trying to injure the lotus clone in one fell swoop. As long as the unpredictable threat of the Lotus clone is solved, in the eyes of the master of Penglin Palace, the other three are not afraid. They can kill each other with just a little more effort.

"We must share a certain amount of pressure for the Wuming City Lord. Once the Wuming City Lord makes a mistake, we will all die in this formation!"

Yiyang Immortal Lord and others are naturally not ordinary people. The problem that the other party can see is that they are also very knowledgeable. When they see that a considerable part of the opponent's attacks are directed at the lotus clone, Yiyang Immortal Lord directly shouts Voice.

Both palms were as dignified as mountains and pushed forward, and immediately another Golden Crow Bead flew forward.

"The second Golden Crow Pearl!" Master Penglin's heart skipped a beat. In his early years, he had heard about Yiyang Immortal Master obtaining the Golden Crow Pearl, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had more than one in his hand. For such a rare treasure to be obtained by one person alone, this guy's chance is quite extraordinary.

Before the Master of Penglin Hall could marvel for long, the second Golden Crow Bead turned into a raging fireball and flew into the void. In the middle of the fireball was the shadow of a Golden Crow, like a Golden Crow in the sun.

The shadow cast by the Golden Crow's virtual shadow gradually merged with the flaming Golden Crow just now. The movements of the two were surprisingly consistent. With the wings waving, a large number of Burning Cloud Flame Immortals surged out, hitting those white flames like endless rain of fire. The mighty sword energy transformed into.

The two kinds of flames, Chi Chi, intertwined together, and the fierce conflict was jaw-dropping. Fire rain spattered, and the sword shadow turned into nothingness.

Overall, the large amount of white flames gathered by the power of the formation still had a certain upper hand, but the offensive was dragged down visibly to the naked eye.

"Seeking death!" Seeing such a sharp blow being dragged down by Yiyang Sword Master in this way, Master Penglin couldn't help being shocked and angry.

Just now, I paid too much attention to the lotus clone, but I underestimated the threat of Yiyang Immortal Lord. After cultivating to such an extent, it is indeed not easy to deal with.

Yiyang Immortal Lord was undoubtedly extremely consumed by the attack just now. If we could take advantage of the situation to kill him or seriously injure him, the same effect would have been achieved. The remaining three people alone were far from enough to withstand the entire formation. .

The master of Penglin Palace's mind was spinning, and a large number of white flame flying swords were slashed at him. At the same time, three white dragons of light and shadow were separated to attack Yiyang Immortal Lord.

Buzz! A line of smoke appeared around Yiyang Immortal Lord at the right time. The smoke was like a wall. It was the blood evil cloud smoke. It blocked the light and shadow white dragon in one fell swoop. However, Yiyang Immortal Lord was obviously reaching his limit, and his face became extremely red.

"Think of us two as mortal enemies, you traitor. Today we will definitely break this formation by joining forces."

Lu Yuanzi's anger was still not dissipated at this time. While using his antler staff to resist a white dragon of light and shadow, he stretched out his hand and shot it out again. The two immortal talismans turned into giant deers and rushed towards the attacker of Xuexie Yunyan with thunderous hooves. The White Dragon of Light and Shadow greatly relieved the pressure on Yiyang Immortal Lord at a critical moment.

As for the Bingyuan Palace Master, he restrained the two light and shadow white dragons and dealt with some of the white flame flying swords. It is difficult to have much spare time to support Yiyang Immortal Lord. Just some harassing attacks from the side.

But on the lotus clone's side, the sword intent is rising steadily. The sword intent showing the changing seasons traps two light and shadow white dragons. The remaining sword shadows have been cut directly into the white flames, attacking the soul of the master of Penglin Hall. And go.

With Yiyang Immortal Lord helping to share the pressure, the attack of the lotus clone was able to be unleashed even more forcefully.

The sword shadows that frightened the soul passed through each other, and the master of Penglin Palace was so shocked that his soul trembled, and he hurriedly retreated.

Just as the Lotus clone sensed before, another part of his soul is still attached to the slightly larger fragment of the sword stele, but it is trying to suppress the smaller fragment of the sword stele. It is temporarily difficult to free up enough energy there. energy.

Otherwise, how could these four people be allowed to be so rampant?

The outbreak of Yiyang Immortal Lord and the rising sword power of the lotus clone have already made the master of Penglin Hall feel that the situation is deteriorating.

"It's not that there is no chance. At least in this kind of fierce battle, the consumption will not be small, but the power of the formation is much stronger. If the opponent cannot break the game in advance, even the consumption will consume these guys to death. ." Soon the master of Penglin Palace looked ferocious again.

Whoosh, after a sword shadow was hit by the light ball spitted out by the white dragon's shadow, its power was greatly reduced. However, the sword shadow had already reached his side during the chaos, and it still caused his soul to feel a splitting pain. .

"Death!" The master of Penglin Palace shouted in pain. Four white dragons of light and shadow suddenly intertwined, and the strong and slender dragon body formed a huge twisted rune pattern cover.

"Dragon Talisman Ancient Seal Script!" The lotus avatar opened his eyes. It was that he had many dragon heritages, including some dragon talismans, and there was no secret method about the Dragon Talisman Ancient Seal Script. At this time, he actually saw it in the hands of Master Penglin.

This ancient mulberry seal struck down, and several sword shadows collapsed one after another. The lotus clone also felt that there was nowhere to hide. It seemed that this dragon talisman and ancient seal script was part of the entire formation. He was inside the formation. , no matter which direction he fled, he would be under the shadow of this rune.

"Not good!" Yiyang Immortal Master also changed his expression. Among the several Da Luo Jin Immortals, only his strength is closest to the lotus clone. Naturally, we can see how powerful this strange rune with the dragon's breath is.

With the current strength of the Lotus clone, it is impossible to completely block or avoid it.

Lu Yuanzi and Bingyuan Palace Master also looked frightened. The power of this blow was beyond the ability of any of them. Even when they were restrained at this time, they were still able to rescue the Lotus clone. insufficient.

At this moment, the Lotus clone also felt a breath of death coming towards its face.

There is no way to avoid it, no way to retreat, so we can only face the difficulty and move forward. The lotus clone frowned and looked at the twisted talisman that enveloped him. As a clone of his original form, it was extremely difficult for him to get to where he is now. He had to overcome many difficulties with his own efforts and a little bit of luck.

He didn't know whether it would be his last battle. At this moment, Lotus's body and mind had neither fear nor excitement, but only the talismans formed by the twisting of several light and shadow white dragons that caught his eye.

At this time, the whole body of the Lotus clone flashed with spiritual light, and turned into a giant sword from behind to face the difficulty.

At this moment, the lotus clone completely radiated the sword intention in its body without any reservation, and its lifelong cultivation was condensed into this sword.

Buzz, the giant sword collided with the talisman, causing ripples to vibrate all around.

"Unknown City Lord!" Seeing the last moment, facing this nearly invincible enemy, the Lotus clone still attacked without flinching. At the cost of burning itself, the power of the sword was also heightened to an unprecedented level.

Lu Yuanzi, the master of Bingyuan Palace, and Yiyang Immortal Lord were all moved.

The rumored Lotus clone, as the heir to the Seven Great Sword Swordsmen, has an astonishing talent in swordsmanship. He had an open and secret fight with the former city lord Jiu Renshan, and finally obtained the position of city lord through some means.

People who had some friendship with Jiuren Mountain in the past had some criticisms of the Lotus clone who had never had any human contact with the world.

Later, Jiuyang City was destroyed and became a place where demons roamed. The lotus clone still leads the immortal army to fight against demons. This persistence lasted for nearly 20,000 years, killing countless demons and making great achievements in battle. This has made some people have a different view of the Lotus clone.

At this time, Lu Yuanzi, the master of Bingyuan Palace, and Yiyang Immortal Lord only saw a person who was fearless and sincere in the way of swordsmanship in front of powerful enemies.

If such a person does not die, with his amazing talent, he will sooner or later become a giant in heaven.

The pure fighting spirit of the Lotus clone has infected everyone present. Lu Yuanzi couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he thought that he had suspected the evil intentions of the Lotus clone before.

Such a person who is sincere about the way of cultivation and has no fear of life and death is such a scheming person.

It's a pity that such a talented person is about to die here.

The lotus clone collided with the huge flying sword without any tricks, and cracks began to appear on the blade of the flying sword visible to the naked eye, obviously unable to withstand such terrifying pressure.

There was a snap, and the Feijian's blade was crushed for a section under such heavy pressure, and the dragon talisman ancient seal made of twisted light and shadow white dragons advanced a lot forward.

A trace of blood spilled from the cracks in the sword body. With the cultivation of Lu Yuanzi and others, they could feel the breath of the lotus clone with their eyes closed.

"This is a life-and-death struggle. Even if we die in battle, we will never let the traitor, Lord Penglin, have an easy time."

Lu Yuanzi roared violently, and his whole body was filled with energy. The extremely pure power of law poured out, and Lu Yuanzi's body instantly transformed into a law fairy body with eight arms and a deer head.

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