Become a Fairy

Chapter 4969

This is the Yunyou Demon Palace, even if it is a pile of people, this damn Eastern Alchemy Sage will be piled up to death.

Lei Yicheng himself has cultivated the Law Demon Physique for many years, and he is a rare strong man in this realm. It is natural to know that even the power of law in the body of a strong man at the level of the law magic body, the magic element is by no means endless.

It is not uncommon for a strong man of the primordial spirit and demon body to be consumed by a dense army on the battlefield of immortals and demons.

The vast majority of people will have their own inertia-like cognition, which was the case with Wuyu Huoyan before, and the leader of Jinwu Demon Bull.

The same is true for Lei Yicheng at this time. This is the experience they have accumulated in countless battles and battles, and it will not be easily shaken by a little change from outside.

Although Lei Yicheng's cultivation base is higher than Lu Xiaotian's, but just now the first fight, the shadow of being restrained by the means that has always been relied on cannot be completely eliminated in a short time.

Fighting with Lu Xiaotian at this time will naturally feel a little bit tied, and he can't do whatever he wants like before. Under such circumstances, it is barely enough to display sixty to seventy percent of one's strength.

In comparison, Lu Xiaotian's fighting spirit in a desperate situation has been sublimated to a new level. In the fierce battle, he can do whatever he wants freely, and the majestic and vast power of the dragon totem will continue to replenish him.

Even in the Yunyou Demon Palace, under the siege of the opponent's army, Lu Xiaotian's combat skills are still running around like a wild horse.

A series of screams rang out one after another, and Lei Yicheng quickly realized the helplessness and bitterness of Jin Wu's demon cow boasting.

Lu Xiaotian in front of him was almost unstoppable, and even Lei Yicheng felt that the strong person in the Yuanshen Demon Body Realm was close to him, and in this army of demons, he might not be able to perform better than Lu Xiaotian.

The snow-winged Thunder Eagles culled from all around were killed in groups, their bodies split in two and fell off from time to time.

Where Lu Xiaotian passed by, a bloody storm set off, making the bloody fighting spirit lingering around more intense and mighty.

If the Snow Wing Thunder Sculpture wanted to besiege Lu Xiaotian, it had to first enter this bloody battle field. Before the battle, it was already timid for three points, but it was only a little distracted. With a palm shadow, there were dozens of Snow Wings Lei Diao's head was blown apart.

Seeing that the tribesmen who rushed towards Lu Xiaotian were beheaded or severely injured in pieces, and seeing the increasingly bloody fighting spirit, many Snow-winged Thunder Eagles felt fear in their hearts. It just spat out thunder pillars from a distance and bombarded Lu Xiaotian.

The power of these thunder pillars intertwined is not weak, but there is still a certain gap compared to Lei Yicheng's previous attack with the thunder stick that breaks the sky, and it was swallowed by the phantom of the green dragon rising from behind Lu Xiaotian.

While Lu Xiaotian withstood Lei Yicheng's counterattack all the way, he kept beheading the snow-winged Thunder Eagles that were massacred up from all around.

This feeling of being oppressed by Lu Xiaotian and watching his tribe's subordinates continue to die makes Lei Yicheng feel like a knife is twisting his heart, but he spends his whole life of cultivation and all his combat power, but he can only watch this happen repeatedly in front of his eyes.

This feeling of powerlessness is fatal to the shock to his self-confidence.

"Rush forward, together with the Snow Winged Thunder Sculpture, besiege and kill the Eastern Pill Sage, the mere four Great Luo Jinxians, if we let the other party rush out of the Yunyou Demon Palace, what face will we have, and why will we explain to Lord Demon Lord!"

Wu Desire Fire Salamander is not sure when Lu Xiaotian will be exhausted, but judging by Lu Xiaotian's current state, he will never dare to charge up easily.

But this does not prevent the Desireless Fire Salamander from driving those Zai Jinwu Demon Bulls whose confidence has been shattered.

Lu Xiaotian and Kong Shan almost broke through in a straight line, and the momentum of the breakthrough has been unstoppable. After all, there are few opponents, so it is destined to look extremely sharp, and the damage caused is relatively limited.

At this time, the Jinwu Demon Bull can still gather 70,000 people. He will gather other demon powerhouses to find a way to hold back Lu Xiaotian's advance, and try to give Jinwu Demon Bull, Snow Wing Thunder Sculpture, and others who are still on their way. The large demon army creates opportunities for encirclement and suppression.

No matter how brave and capable the opponent is, in the face of this dense and never-ending siege, even the strongest of the primordial spirit and demon body have to confess here.

Desireless Fire Salamander is to drive these demon armies to constantly test Lu Xiaotian's bottom line.

At this time, ordinary words and actions could no longer cheer up the fighting spirit of these Jinwu Demon Bulls whose confidence had almost been shattered.

The only way to rekindle their fighting spirit to a certain extent is to oppress them with the Demon Lord Di Niao Mopeng.

"On the battlefield of immortals and demons, there are even strong men at the level of immortal kings, who have been besieged to death by our demon army. No matter how powerful these people are, they can't match the immortal kings. This is the Yunya Demon Palace. What are we afraid of?"

The voice of the Desireless Fire Salamander vibrates away, which contains the way of bewitching the Desireless Fire Salamander.

Some of the Jinwu Demon Ox and the Snow-Winged Thunder Sculpture, who originally had fearful faces on their faces, have already reacted, either affected by their emotions, or affected by the desireless aura of the Wudeshuo Salamander, and their expressions are firm again. The culling came up.

Although the momentum of Lu Xiaotian's assault remained unabated, the resistance he encountered was clearly felt to have increased.

The army of demons who can guard near the Yunyou Demon Palace must be the elite troops under the command of Emperor Niao Mopeng, and it is an inevitable process to react after the initial depression.

In contrast, Kong Shan, Yan Ping, and the golden Gu Demon Monk were the three who felt the most. Fortunately, they checked and made up for the gaps behind Lu Xiaotian, saving considerable consumption.

But at this time, as the demon army reacted, killings came from all directions one after another. Three suddenly felt pressure suddenly increased.

Only Lu Xiaotian was still tireless in rushing around, which could be regarded as giving Kong Shan and the others a sliver of confidence.

"Dongfang Dansheng, another army of four-winged centipedes has entered the Yunyi Demon Palace." At the same time as the pressure increased sharply, Kong Shan and Yanping found that the situation was even worse.

Even if Lu Xiaotian's sudden attack is still sharp, it can't change the fact that the surrounding demon armies are killing more and more people.

"Take these pills first, and stay away from me. After I have wiped out most of the demon army around you, you can follow up with your camera."

Lu Xiaotian stretched his fingers and flicked, and the detoxification pills flew towards Kong Shan at the same time.

The three of Kong Shan still didn't understand what Lu Xiaotian was planning. At this time, Lu Xiaotian had already pressed Lei Yicheng who was injured in several places and continued to charge forward.

The most urgent task right now is to kill to the edge of the formation of Yunyou Demon Palace. The formation that can be deployed here by Emperor Niaomopeng must be very important, and it cannot be easily broken by Lu Xiaotian in a short time.

However, the opponent has mobilized a large army of demons here, and the entrance and exit of the passage are the easiest places for him to enter and exit.

If you just want to fight out from the entrance, you will undoubtedly need to penetrate all the influx of the demon army, and the difficulty can be imagined.

That is, when Lu Xiaotian has several kinds of totem powers, limited to his own cultivation, the combat power he can display is always constant.

The number of enemies killed has never been able to catch up with the speed of reinforcements from the army under the command of God Niao Mopeng. Naturally, it will also form a situation where the demon army around them kills more and more.

If you can't come up with effective means, even Lu Xiaotian will be trapped here to die. Although the power of the dragon totem has been accumulated over the years, the current consumption is extremely astonishing, even with the power of the dragon and wolf totem. , and cannot continue indefinitely.

And I learned from Qixing Longque that there is more than one strong soul and demon body under Di Niao Mopeng's command.

If it drags on for a long time, the situation will get worse sooner or later. It is to mobilize the dragon army in the Qingguo Barrier, although it can alleviate the situation in front of it to a certain extent. But the population has just shown an upward trend, and it is bound to suffer a heavy blow here.

At this time, the demon army of various tribes was also aroused to a certain extent by the tragic casualties.

Other dragons are not like Lu Xiaotian, they cannot avoid severe casualties in the melee with these demon armies. It's not worth the candle.

As long as the other party's strong man in the primordial spirit and demon body doesn't come over for the time being, Lu Xiaotian is not in a desperate situation, at least he still has a killer trick in his hand.

Facing the army of various demon tribes who came to kill them densely, Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed a gloomy look. Since the other party is not afraid of death, then let them be fulfilled!

When Lu Xiaotian punched and exploded the bodies of dozens of Snow-winged Thunder Sculptors, he lifted his palm, and the alchemy furnace inherited from Tantric Buddhism appeared in the palm of his hand, which contained a large amount of poison gas from old poisons.

Lu Xiaotian also took a detoxification pill himself, and then a large amount of poisonous gas was released to the surroundings under the dumping of the pill furnace.

The bodies of hundreds of snow-winged thunder sculptures around where the poisonous gas passed were directly dissolved into a pool of poisonous water.

The strength is tyrannical, although there are several love injuries, Lei Yicheng, who is extremely tenacious and straightforwardly blocking Lu Xiaotian, is also the first to bear the brunt.

Lu Xiaotian knew the other methods of the old poison, at least the poisonous gas was indeed not so powerful, and Da Luo Jinxian could not escape being poisoned when he entered it.

Lei Yicheng in front of him was caught off guard and was doused with poisonous gas. With Lei Yicheng's strength, he would not be poisoned immediately.

But with such a strong poisonous gas, and without the detoxification pill, Lei Yicheng also felt like needles pricked everywhere on his body surface, and ordinary battle armor couldn't stop the poisonous gas at all.

Whoosh, taking advantage of Lei Yicheng being infected by the poisonous gas, reacting suddenly and lowering the defense, Lu Xiaotian Fang Tianhua halberd directly slashed from Lei Yicheng's Tianling cover to the next step. Amidst the screams, Lei Yicheng split into two halves and flew to both sides.

"The patriarch is dead?" A large number of Xue Chi Lei Peng were stunned at this time.

The patriarch, who had always been brave and invincible in his impression, was cut down by the halberd in such a tragic way.

The snow-winged Lei Peng with Lu Xiaotian as the center directly turned into poisonous water. There is no resistance.

A very small number of snow-winged Lei Pengs who have reached the Golden Immortal level, or the Daluo Golden Immortal level, can maintain it under the continuously diluted poisonous gas, but it is not so realistic to resist Lu Xiaotian who is rushing over for a while.

The few who happened to be in front of Lu Xiaotian were suddenly killed by Lu Xiaotian all the way, and they were either killed or injured without any suspense. As for those who were farther away, they were lucky enough to escape unharmed.

Seeing that Lei Yicheng, who was not weaker than himself, was beheaded by Lu Xiaotian, the Wuyu Huoxin, who had been falling behind, couldn't help being taken aback. He secretly rejoiced that he didn't intercept Lu Xiaotian prematurely, otherwise the current Lei Yicheng would be his. end.

In his eyes, he has become increasingly unable to see through Lu Xiaotian, and he dared to feel that the other party had always been reserved when fighting with him before, otherwise, with the poisonous gas released in front of him, even if he had the turbid fairy pot in his hand, it would be hard for him to win the other party.

On the contrary, he was unprepared, and once he was exposed to this amazing poisonous gas, Lei Yicheng had already demonstrated bloody consequences.

Kong Shan, Yanping, and the golden Gu demon monk took the pills that Lu Xiaotian had improved. The effect of resisting poisonous gas is good, but it also requires that the person who takes the pill has sufficient cultivation, Kong Shan and the others obviously meet the conditions.

Even after taking the elixir, he still couldn't stop his heartbeat when he entered the poisonous gas.

A strong sense of discomfort still surged from all around all the time. Several of them could feel that although the detoxification pill had a certain effect, it did not completely block the erosion of poisonous gas.

From time to time, there was a dull pain on the body surface. Fortunately, the surrounding monsters were either poisoned or their combat strength was greatly reduced. At this time, they can no longer be effectively blocked.

Without enough strong men to sit in the town, coupled with being overwhelmed by the shocking poisonous gas that suddenly spread out, the formation of Snow Wing Lei Peng's army was quickly collapsed by Lu Xiaotian and the others.

After all, the speed at which the poisonous gas diffused was relatively limited, and the four of them with Lu Xiaotian as the arrow fought hard to kill the Xueyi Lei Peng army in front of them.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian has no interest in entangled with the demon army in front of him any longer, and the elite troops under the command of Emperor Niao Mopeng are coming one after another. If you can't break through in a short time, you may fall into an endless battle later.

Facing the slaughtered four-winged centipede clan, the head of the patriarch was a little less powerful than the previous Jinwu Demon Bull, so it was naturally more difficult to block the poisonous gas.

The leader of the four-winged centipede was also prepared after seeing Lei Yicheng's tragic situation. Withdrew to one side first. He didn't try his best to block Lu Xiaotian and the others like Kuawu and Lei Yicheng before.

This made it relatively easy for Lu Xiaotian to reach the entrance and exit. Before the formation was completely closed, Lu Xiaotian led Kong Shan, Yanping, and the golden Gu demon monk straight out of the Yunyou Demon Palace.

At this time, there are still a large number of demon troops rushing in, but in a short period of time, it is difficult to gather together to form enough joint forces like before in the cloud demon palace, and naturally there is no way to stop Lu Xiaotian and the others in a hurry.

On the other hand, Wuyu Fire Salamander was always hanging behind his buttocks, his expression changed several times, and in the end he could only watch Lu Xiaotian's unabated fighting power, leading Kong Shan to make a few breakthroughs along the way.

"Transformation Demon Abyss? You really have a lot of guts." Wuyu Huoxun's face twisted for a while, even if he dared to go to Transformation Demon Abyss with his cultivation base, it would be very dangerous. Lu Xiaotian is so familiar with the road, he must have got the Seven Star Dragon Sparrow Guidance from Yuanshen.

"Wuyu Huoxin, what's the matter with you, I haven't seen you do anything from the beginning to the end!"

The boastful voice of Jinwu Demon Bull came over unexpectedly. He didn't forget how the Desireless Fire Salamander ran on him before.

Thinking that he led the tribe all the way in a bloody battle, and almost lost his life, but Wuyu Huoxin has been shrinking back and intending to sit back and enjoy the benefits, Kuawu was very angry.

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