Become a Fairy

Chapter 4943 join forces

The white gold branch was whipped out like a magic python, bringing out several phantoms, and the golden light shattered wherever it passed. The golden Gu demon monk tried his best to smash two of the shadows, but he saw the third phantom lashing towards his chest.

Bang, the Golden Gu Demon Monk was whipped until he vomited blood and flew backwards. A bluish-white flying knife broke through the waves of flames at the right time under the threat of the fire of no desire, and slashed towards the golden Gu demon monk.

The golden gu demon monk suddenly felt a chill all over his body, golden light burst out around his body, and his cassock rolled, forming a golden light Buddha cover.

hum! The Qingbai flying knife slashed on the Buddha cover, and the tip of the knife pierced through it in a blink of an eye. The Golden Gu Demon Monk's face was horrified. At this time, the whole body was enveloped by the saber energy, and the platinum branch struck again. It is not so realistic for him to retreat now.

Yanping, the chief and deputy city lords rushed to rescue, bang bang bang, but the other platinum branches lashed out fiercely.

Although it was blocked by three, the terrible frenzied aura from the Zhuoxian Pot caused Yanping's three auras to become disordered for a while.

Without the Buddhist voice of the Golden Gu Demon Monk, the three of them seemed a little embarrassed under the influence of the aura of the Zhuoxian Pot.

puff! The Qingbai flying knife broke through the blockage and pierced the golden Gu demon monk's chest.

The Golden Gu Demon Monk grasped the blade with his right hand in amazement, his palm was dripping with blood immediately, the fat face of the Golden Gu Demon Monk twisted for a while, feeling that his palm would be cut off at any time, the pain didn't affect him much.

The key is that the fire of desirelessness in the blade is spreading along the wound to the body of the Golden Gu Demon Monk.

The Golden Gu Demon Monk's body shook for a while, and it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on, and suddenly a Buddha's seal floated in the void. Bang bang bang, platinum branches slapped on the Buddha seal, and the huge swastika seal rippled like ripples.

The platinum branches rolled back, and the golden Buddha seal also began to shatter.

"Who dares to destroy the old man's good deeds?" Wuyu Huoxun's face darkened, the other party also used Buddhist supernatural powers, but it seemed to be more pure and profound than that of the Golden Gu Demon Monk.

Without the threat of platinum branches, the magic energy in the Golden Gu Demon Monk's body surged, and a golden cricket Gu shadow viciously bit the Qingbai flying knife and flung it away, and the crisis of the Golden Gu Demon Monk was resolved. temporarily resolved.

"Dongfang Pill Saint!" After seeing the person coming, not only the Golden Gu Demon Monk, Yanping, but Wuyu Huozhan and several demon heads from the side of Emperor Niao Mopeng also froze at the same time.

Although the Wuyu Huoxun had another purpose, he was also looking for Lu Xiaotian's whereabouts along the way, and spent a lot of energy during this process, but he has always gained little.

Ever since He Pengxiao and He Pengguang escaped back, they have completely lost any clues about Lu Xiaotian.

I didn't expect that I couldn't find it when I tried my best to find it. Instead, I sent it to my door by myself, and it was still at such a critical time.

Ning Qinghe and the others looked ecstatic. They had been waiting for Lu Xiaotian for a while. They originally thought that Lu Xiaotian would be good enough to cooperate with alchemy, but they didn't expect that the other party would be unambiguous in their actions. crisis.

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Dongfang Danshen has great supernatural powers. Seeing once is as good as hearing a hundred times." The prison lion let out a long laugh, and under the successive slashes of the cloud-turning lion's halberd, the shadow of the halberd like a pillar of the sky kept hitting back at the dragon-scaled star bird .

With the wings of the seven-star dragonfinch waving, the momentum of the dragon-scale starbird stone changed abruptly, and it was distributed in a formation of seven stars.

From different directions, it hit the prison lion one after another, and from time to time, it shot out beams of light that were as sharp as knives and alternated with each other.

Even though the Prison Lion's magic body is really strong, its own fighting ability is not weak. Seven Star Dragon Sparrow is also confident that sooner or later it will be able to break through the opponent's defense.

Right now, no one can do anything to anyone, but as long as the prison lion can be dragged and prevented from going to other places to disrupt the situation, the goal will be achieved.

Among the powerful people present, only the chief and deputy city lords of Yeyuan City had always stayed in the Wanghun Market, and they were closed to news outside of the Wanghun Market.

I have never heard of the so-called Eastern Alchemy, but judging by the posture in front of him, once this Eastern Alchemist appears, he can cause emotional changes in so many strong people present, so he must not be an ordinary person.

"This Dongfang Pill came at the right time. Let's work together to destroy this beast first. I will thank Ye Yuan City later." The city lord Ye Yuanhao gave a long laugh.

To be so valued by the guys in front of him, with the title of Alchemy Sage, it can be seen that Lu Xiaotian's achievements in alchemy will never be weaker than his current cultivation base.

There are strong people in Wanghun Ruins like a forest, and each of them takes advantage of the danger to separate their own side. Although there are not many strong people at their level, there are always some. It is rare in Wanghun Market, even in the entire Demon Realm.

If they can win over such a powerful fifth-rank alchemy, it will be of great benefit to them.

"Okay, then let's work together to deal with the Wuyu Huozhan first." Lu Xiaotian nodded, looking at the Wuyu Huozamander solemnly.

Right now, they have an absolute advantage in terms of their hands alone, but the Zhuoxian Pot in the hands of Wuxihuo Salamander is really domineering.

When he had already shot just now, he originally wanted to rescue the golden Gu demon monk. Right now, the goal can only be regarded as half achieved, although people have been saved. But the Golden Gu Demon Monk was severely injured, and he was no longer able to pose a sufficient threat to the Desireless Fire Salamander.

"Since you have come to your door, the old man just cleans up with you, so you don't have to spend time looking for it elsewhere." After being surprised, Wuyu Huoxin quickly looked at Lu Xiaotian with murderous eyes. The Buddhist gods are extremely amazing, and I happened to see them today."

Before Wuyu Huoxun finished speaking, in front of the Zhuoxian pot, countless gray sand dust gathered and whistled, forming a huge sand-armored figurine, which was struck down by palms like hills.

At the same time, the magic sound of the surrounding noises became louder and louder, and the frantic and violent aura spread to the surroundings at an even more alarming speed.

Because of Lu Xiaotian's sudden appearance just now, the Bing Ye Demon who had calmed down a little bit fell into a state of madness again at this time. Either tearing himself apart or frantically attacking the tribesmen on the side. The killing that started at this time was even worse than before.

Previously, Wuyuhuo Salamander still had some reservations about using the Zhuoxian Pot. The power of this magic weapon was far beyond the expectations of a group of strong people.

Ye Yuanhao, Bing Baitang, and Yanping each had shortness of breath.

Even if they tried their best to resist such a demonic flame as the Fire of No Desire, they could still resist it. But the Zhuoxian Pot is a half-step Xuantian-level magic weapon bestowed by Emperor Niao Mopeng, and the aura of bewitching the soul is really hard to guard against.

"Amitabha, it's a pity that the poor monk's cultivation is superficial. At this time, he is already unable to protect himself, so he can only rely on the Eastern Alchemy." The golden Gu demon monk retreated to the side trembling to save his life.

Lu Xiaotian's consciousness moved slightly, and a Buddha shadow appeared behind him, sitting cross-legged in the void, with his left palm erect in front of his chest, and his right hand beating the wooden fish, a mighty Sanskrit sound came out. Immediately, Ye Yuanhao, Bing Baitang, and Yanping's complexions returned to normal, much more sober than before.

Facing the giant palm that was slapped down, Lu Xiaotian raised his palm slightly, and the dragon sound roared, and he raised the dragon seal upwards to meet him.

boom! The giant palm shot by the huge sand armored figurine collided with the dragon seal of Tuotian, and both sides collapsed.

Lu Xiaotian retreated more than ten miles. However, although the palm prints taken by the sand armor figurines were scattered, several platinum branches in the scattered dust came towards Lu Xiaotian with the fire of desirelessness.

Just now, the platinum branch was directly hidden in the body of the sand armored figurine.

There was also a burst of blood in Lu Xiaotian's body, and then he looked at the opposite side in surprise. The strength of this Wuyu fire salamander was originally stronger than him now. Lu Xiaotian can do it now.

Even with the fighting skills of the two sides, the Buddha's voice uttered by the Buddha shadow behind Lu Xiaotian can only cover Ye Yuanhao, Bing Baitang, Yan Bing and a few others, and it is far from being able to cover more Bing Ye demons. At this time, the speed of death and injury of the Bing Ye Demon under the power of Wu De Huo Rong was faster than before.

The frantic and violent aura in the Zhuoxian Pot blows like a gust of wind, and even Lu Xiaotian's physical strength seems to have no good resistance to this aura.

However, with the strength of Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit, as well as the dragon soul battle suit he has practiced and Buddhist skills, this frenzied and violent atmosphere has a certain influence on Lu Xiaotian, but the influence is not great.

It's just that the sand armor figurines and the mighty strength under the attack of the platinum branches are what Lu Xiaotian needs to be more wary of.

There were several loud bangs again, but it was Ye Yuanhao, Bing Baitang, the chief and deputy city lords, and Yanping who shot one after another. The ice crystal gossip disk rotated in the void, and a large amount of ice mist spewed out, containing amazing The sword glow, strangling one after another narrowly blocked several attacks from the platinum branch.

However, Yanping's scarlet jade flame pillars intertwined, but blocked the attack path of the sand armored figurines, giving Lu Xiaotian a chance to breathe.

Although it was the first time for several strong men and Lu Xiaotian to join forces, the timing of their mutual cover was just right. It didn't leave any flaws for the Desireless Fire Salamander.

There were frequent vibrations in the void, Ye Yuanhao and others were also repelled one after another, and each retreated to Lu Xiaotian's side.

"Dongfang Dansheng is responsible for helping us block the terrifying frenzied aura. Let's retreat to the depths of Yeyuan City. We must rely on the layout in Yeyuan City to resist the monstrous demonic power of the desireless fire salamander." Ye Yuanhao said in a deep voice.

"That's right, as long as Dongfang Dansheng can help us block that frenzied aura, this battle will still be fought."

Bing Baitang also nodded and said, for her, Ye Yuanjiao, and Yanping, the most troublesome part of the Zhuoxian Pot is the amazing breath of this half-step Xuantian magic weapon, which can pollute people's mood. ,

Even these devils are hard to escape under its influence, and they can barely restrain themselves in a short period of time, but they will show their flaws after a long period of fierce fighting.

Right now Lu Xiaotian has shown the strength to resist this frantic turbidity, but he is not at all sure how long he might be able to resist it.

If it's like the Golden Gu Demon Monk, then you don't need to think about joining forces to fight against the enemy, and just start planning a retreat.

"Since the two city lords don't mind this, I will naturally accompany you to the end. Under the frenzied atmosphere of the Zhuoxian pot, I can guarantee that a few people will not be affected by it. It is not a big problem to add a few other friends. The sand armor figurines and those platinum branches are extremely powerful, and I can't resist them." Lu Xiaotian naturally knew the meaning of Bing Baitang's words.

"Haha, if the Eastern Alchemy can block the filthy demonic breath from the Zhuoxian pot, it's like losing his arm. As for the Zhuoyao Xianxian whip and the sand armored figurines, we are not vegetarians." Ye Yuanhao laughed out loud.

"Our Bingye demon clan can gain a foothold in a chaotic place like Wanghun Ruins and lay the foundation of eternity. It is definitely not achieved by bowing to the strong. Even if the emperor Di Xiao comes in person, we can't make us surrender. What's more, it's just a dog under him."

Then Ye Yuanhao sneered again, "Going back to Ye Yuan City, I want to see if the other party can beat my Ye Yuan City's power to lift the city with a half-baked turbid fairy pot!"

"Then I will have to trouble the two city lords." Yan Ping smiled upon hearing this.

The Fire Salamander's strength is already extremely strong, and with the Zhuoxian Pot in hand, even if the four of them join hands, they will fight extremely hard, and it is estimated that there is not much chance of winning in the end.

However, Yeyuan City has been able to stand in Wanghun Market for so many years without falling down, and there is a reason for its existence. Ye Yuanhao must have had considerable confidence in making such a statement. Even the other party didn't mind that there would be so many casualties if they retreated into Yeyuan City, so there was nothing for her and Lu Xiaotian to delay as outsiders.

Amidst the violent explosion, several resisting sand armor figurines retreated all the way while beating the fairy whip.

With the approaching of the fireless fire, under the terrifying aura of the Zhuoxian pot, many of the surrounding Bingye demons could not bear the frenzied aura, and many of them exploded to death due to the blood in their bodies and the riot of demonic elements.

Ye Yuanhao and Bing Baitang let out a long howl at the same time, and the crowd of Bing Ye demons farther away responded, and the voices roared into a tsunami, forming a huge momentum and rushing towards the Zhuoxian pot.

Wuyu Huoxin and Lu Xiaotian's eyes froze at the same time. For Wuyu Huoxin, although a large number of Bingye demons were killed under this attack, it was not for the entire huge Yeyuan City. The Bingye demon who died in battle is still just the tip of the iceberg, and has not been shaken to its root.

Originally, they were about to suppress Ye Yuanhao, but they were killed by Lu Xiaotian, and the other party was able to block the overwhelming momentum of the Zhuoxian Pot. At least from the situation in front of him, Lu Xiaotian did not have the slightest sign of exhaustion. Desireless Fire Salamander couldn't help but cast a shadow over his heart.

It is true that the Zhuoxian Pot can't exert its full power in his hands, but the Wuyu Huo Salamander itself, relying on the Wuyu Fire that has been cultivated for many years, can counteract the terrible breath of the Zhuoxian Pot.

But his flame of desireless is not strong enough, he needs to collect more desireless demons, and the cold power in the body of Bingye Demon is the best raw material for desireless demons.

Combined with his desireless fire, it will coincide with the way of yin and yang, and in the future, the power of the turbid fairy pot will definitely be brought into full play.

Right now, due to Lu Xiaotian's appearance, something happened by chance. Desireless Fire Salamander felt annoyed for a while, the way of Desireless he cultivated was not completely reaching the point of having no desires and desires, but more about controlling the will of the enemy. As for the desireless fire salamander, he still wants to pursue a higher realm.

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