Become a Fairy

Chapter 489 Nine-Color Golden Elixir

As for the mana contained in the dantian, Lu Xiaotian couldn't fully take it into account for a while, but the master soul who is closer to the dantian has not been divided until now except for the first time, and the strength of the divine consciousness is far better than the other four primordial spirits. Responsible for maintaining the order of mana maintenance in the kidneys, he will also allocate part of his attention to barely maintain the five-line spiritual power surging around in the dantian.

A condensed gold pill has enough spiritual power for a cultivator with a nine-story foundation. I dare not even think about swallowing spiritual power of five different attributes into my stomach. I'm afraid only lunatics would do this, but lunatics generally can't get Ningjin Dan.

If someone is watching nearby at this time, you can see blood escaping from Lu Xiaotian's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and even the skin all over his body is cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye, with blood vessels protruding, which is extremely terrifying. The originally calm face also turned blood red at this time, and his body was slowly expanding as if pumped up. Lu Xiaotian's originally thin body now swelled into a giant fat man, and his figure expanded enough. nearly three times,

Lu Xiaotian opened his mouth and wanted to snort in pain, but he could only make a beast-like sound, because the blood in his throat had squeezed his throat due to excessive expansion, making him unable to make a normal sound.

Lu Xiaotian was holding on, his body was still swollen, until a moment later, it seemed that a needle pricked it, and Lu Xiaotian would be like a ball that was about to deflate, and Lu Xiaotian's original appearance could not be seen at all from the appearance.

Lu Xiaotian didn't know how long he lasted in this state, the collision of the five huge spiritual forces in his body made his consciousness even collapse, and he even forgot how to control the five spiritual energies. A part of the spiritual power went straight to the sky and made his consciousness become muddy and evil.

The five primordial spirits only rely on instinct to restrain the spiritual power passing through the five viscera. As for the five spiritual forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in the dantian, the main primordial spirit originally took care of it. Later, the main primordial spirit is stronger than the others , Acting as the fire brigade, but this process did not last long, Lu Xiaotian's consciousness began to blur due to the impact of spiritual power on his brain.

Before falling into a complete coma, Lu Xiaotian smiled wryly in his heart, feeling a sense of relief. After so many years of hard pursuit of the way of cultivating immortals, it is now a result, even though this result does not end in a perfect period, but Lu Xiaotian does not It's a pity that he did his best no matter what. fair enough.

With this thought in mind, Lu Xiaotian's consciousness completely fell asleep, and after the five primordial spirits independently maintained the order of spiritual power, the five spiritual powers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth that were originally intertwined have been derived from each other.

These spiritual powers are also slowly combined in the process of the collision between the meridians and the dantian, including the five-line spiritual power in the dantian and its own mana. The huge spiritual power is still swelling the body, making Lu Xiaotian's appearance more obese, and there is no trace of the previous face at all. Just an overweight fat man.

However, while these spiritual powers are stretching Lu Xiaotian's body, Lu Xiaotian's meridians and dantian are also restraining huge spiritual powers. The sun is rising, the rain is pouring, and the moon is shining. I don’t know how many days and nights I have experienced. One day, Lu Xiaotian’s body that swelled to the extreme, even if there is a little interference from external forces, it may explode because of it. But after the extreme, Lu Xiaotian’s body experienced wind, sun, rain and dew. Lu Xiaotian's body suddenly retracted a little bit.

It's just a tiny trace, even if someone looks at it from the outside, they can't see it. But this tiny trace is already a world of life and death. But at this time, in Lu Xiaotian's dantian, the extremely concentrated spiritual liquid kneaded the five elements of spiritual power.

That Xiaotian's body swelled more and more slowly towards the back, until it stopped completely, and then began to shrink, the five-element spiritual power in his body was also slowly changing. The five kinds of spiritual power intertwined, began to condense and solidify. The first thing to solidify is the spiritual power of the water taken first.

The blue water spirit power transforms into the green wood spirit power, with cyan in the middle. At the same time, the green wood spiritual power changes to the red fire spiritual power, and the middle is yellow.

In the process of solidifying the five kinds of spiritual power, the principle of mutual generation of the five elements is also followed, and the mana that Lu Xiaotian originally cultivated acts as a blending agent, integrating with the five kinds of spiritual power at the same time.

The five spiritual powers belong to the five colors. In the process of transition, the two colors interweave to form a new color.

Later, the five kinds of spiritual power solidified one after another, intertwined together during the solidification process, and became a brand new nine-color round pill. After the first drop of spiritual power was solidified, the spiritual power in the body seemed to have found another outlet for the body, besides stretching the body. Every time it returned to the dantian from the meridians, a part of it would be intercepted by the dantian and become the round shape. Dan part.

The Nine-color Pill continues to grow, and at the same time, the Nine-color Pill will also flow out a part of its incomparably pure power into the meridians, guiding the spiritual power of the five elements to flow back, making the Nine-color Pill's body shape continue to grow. And the magic bead of the crystal toad that has been kept in the dantian is also constantly absorbing the transformed mana.

There are also some mana flowing out of the Nine Color Pill to repair the damaged meridians.

At the same time, in the originally clear and blue sky, a large number of thunderclouds began to gather, thunder and lightning, and the mountain wind roared. It's just that these thunderclouds have not descended for a long time, which makes the mountain where Lu Xiaotian is located quite strange.

The foundation-building monks on several nearby hills looked this way in amazement, and wanted to come and take a look. However, Lanming City has regulations, and other people are not allowed to enter the place where other people pass through the catastrophe to watch without their permission. And the gathered violent thunderclouds also made many Foundation Establishment cultivators dumbfounded, but judging from the signs of thunderclouds surging, I am afraid that this thunderstorm is rare and powerful. It seems that the people who should be robbed are not very lucky.

Several nearby hilltops were covered by dark clouds. There is a great potential for rain.

Lu Xiaotian was awakened by the lightning flashing across the sky. He was shocked when he was originally muddy and evil. , a golden elixir that exudes a dense air. Gold elixir is not golden, but refers to the realm of a cultivator. Wood-type elixir is green, water-type elixir is blue, and only gold-type ones are golden.

Due to the mutual transformation of the spiritual power of the five elements in Lu Xiaotian's body, a gradient color appeared in the middle, showing the shape of nine colors.

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