Become a Fairy

Chapter 4800 Convergence

Little White Dog, Nirvana Ant, Little White Python and others also came one after another. Stay near Xiang Qingcheng.

As for the fog and dragon general, there are many dragons who are not low in strength.

"I didn't expect that General Tuo would cultivate the power of his law to perfection so quickly, and he could also merge with the power of his own blood to such an extent." Ying Lin said with emotion, with envy in his eyes.

"Yeah, after these guys were brought back into the enchantment by the Dragon Lord, we haven't practiced well for so many years, and our cultivation base is not small. I didn't expect that this guy would be the first to attack the Golden Immortal realm."

Ying Feng couldn't help but say something. He, Ying Lin and the Dragon King of the East China Sea belonged to the dragon clan of the same era. Now that the younger generation is starting to hit a new level, on the contrary, they are still at the original level. It is naturally quite unpleasant to compare.

"It seems that we two old bones have worked harder, otherwise we will only be left behind more and more." Ying Lin felt that the pressure on his body was a little heavier.

"How old are you two, you are so old-fashioned."

Ying Xuanming said carelessly, "In terms of strength, we are not necessarily inferior to the general, it's just that he advances one step ahead, and we will have this time sooner or later. We will compare after we advance to the Golden Immortal Dragon Clan. It is not certain who is strong and who is weak."

"Who are you talking to, kid?" Ying Lin slapped Ying Xuanming on the back of the head angrily.

"Although this kid talks too much, there is still some truth. The time before and after breaking through the realm is not absolutely related to the strength of strength." A rough voice sounded, and all the dragons heard it and looked.

"Great Elder, Second Elder, Third Elder, Dragon Lord!" All the celestial dragons immediately looked solemn when they saw the condensed figures of Black Dragon, Ao Ming, East Sea Dragon King, and Lu Xiaotian.

"Go back a little further, it is no small matter to hit the realm of the Golden Immortal Dragon Clan. If you are affected and eroded by the rotten aura in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, let alone hit a higher realm in the future, you will not be able to maintain your current strength. Difficult." Heilong scolded.

"Yes, Great Elder." Ying Lin, Ying Feng and dozens of Celestial Dragons retreated to a further area.

"Unknowingly, our dragon clan can also gather so many golden immortals and celestial immortals, and gather the power of all dragons to form a totem. It is a new phenomenon. As long as we can continue to develop, the prosperity of the dragon clan is just around the corner."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at the situation in front of him with great interest. After presiding over the East China Sea Dragon Palace for so many years, the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace naturally has far more dragons than those in the Qingguo Barrier.

However, compared to the lifelessness of the East China Sea Dragon Palace at that time, although the number of dragons in the Qingguo Barrier is small, it gives people a sense of vitality.

If you want to gather so many Golden Immortal Dragon Clans, it is impossible to let the Celestial Immortal Dragon Clan advance.

"It's still far from the prosperity of the Dragon Clan. Just a few of us going out to compete with the powerhouses of the other clans is not much different from nothing."

The black dragon pouted, just one branch of the Xiaoyue wolf clan he stayed in before was enough to crush tens of thousands of dragon clans in the Qingguo Barrier.

"The development of these dragons in the enchantment alone is still too slow. The dragon master has to bring the dragons in the previous secret territory into the enchantment as soon as possible."

"The entrance to the Dragon Clan's secret realm has been found, but I can't get in for the time being." Lu Xiaotian shook his head. It's not too late for this matter, but he is also at his wits end right now.

"Why?" Black Dragon asked curiously.

Lu Xiaotian hesitated for a while, but still told the situation of the outside world to the Black Dragon and other dragon clans.

The rise and fall of the dragon clan is related to the fate of the whole clan, and it should not be decided or borne by him alone.

The Black Dragon, Ao Ming, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, several Jinxian-level dragons, and other dragons should also undertake the same mission.

Even if they are not needed to fight for the time being, at least they must feel enough pressure. The Qingguo Barrier is a place where the dragon clan can revive, away from the flames of war, but it is not a place where they can enjoy themselves in peace.

"Sea Soul Palace! Win Gou who has one of the bloodlines of the corpse ancestor!" After hearing the danger in the Sea Soul Palace, several of them all had serious expressions.

"Damn it, we don't know when we will be able to show up to the outside world." Heilong said bitterly.

"Win the hook?" Ao Ming frowned suddenly.

"You know how to win the hook?" Lu Xiaotian saw that Ao Ming's tone was different.

"I encountered some things related to Yinggou when I was on an adventure with my uncle." Ao Ming's face showed a little reminiscence.

"Yinggou stole the Yuxuan Heavenly Court good fortune jade stele back then and fled to Honghao Heavenly Court. It is said that he was chased and killed by several immortal-level powerhouses from the two heavenly courts. Later, he used his own bones to create a clone to lure the enemy away. Get out of trouble."

"However, even if he was out of trouble, Yinggou was still severely injured and disappeared."

"So that's it." Lu Xiaotian nodded. What Ao Ming said did not directly help Lu Xiaotian alleviate the predicament in front of him, but Ao Ming's words also confirmed why he was in the Tiansang Wasteland, or in the Pill Soul Pagoda at this time. Win the hook.

"Win the Holy Soul Isolation Dafa?" Just when Lu Xiaotian felt that it would not help him much, these words suddenly popped up in his mind. It was one of the massive messages sent to him by the remnant soul of Zhulong under Longyuan.

The other party alarmed several immortal-level powerhouses from the two heavenly courts to encircle and suppress them, regardless of whether they were several immortals, or a few old monsters who had cultivated into the body of the primordial spirit and were in the same realm as the immortals.

In this case, you can get out, and the method used to win the hook is obviously not trivial.

If Yinggou used this method to get away, it would not only be a few broken bones from the body that would be injured, it is very likely that the primordial spirit would also be inexplicably traumatized.

Controlling countless soul corpses through the saliva soul stone essence may not mean that they want to provide themselves with enough corpse souls to recover from injuries through this way of shepherding.

Zhulong is an existence older than Emperor Qinling, so it is understandable to know the secrets that are older than Emperor Qinling.

If this method is really used to escape, Yinggou's real body is probably hidden somewhere in the extremely icy place of Qianye Soul Palace, otherwise so many corpses and souls, under the accumulated resentment over the years, would be extremely difficult for a strong man like Yinggou. Not easy to deal with.

It's also fortunate that this guy actually hid in the Qianye Soul Hall of the Sea Soul Palace, otherwise he might not have been able to escape the hunt, and he might have fallen long ago.

In this way, it would be of great help to Emperor Qinling in finding the real body of Yinggou later.

"Yes, the information you provided is very useful to me." Lu Xiaotian patted Ao Ming on the shoulder.

"Sharing the Dragon Lord's worries is what I should do." Ao Ming immediately sighed again, "It's a pity that I can't fight the dangers from the outside world with the Dragon Lord."

"There will be this opportunity."

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