Become a Fairy

Chapter 4733 Alchemy

In order to refine the Liuli Xinsoul Pill, apart from the Liuli Soul Flame that Houtong worked so hard to collect, he also needed part of the blood and water in the body of Houtong's wife and children as a guide.

After Lixue Mingshui enters the body of the Shui Po Monkey Demon, it will produce some different changes according to the injuries in its body. It seems that only one kind of Liuli Xinsoul Pill needs to be refined, but if the injuries of his wife and children are very different, it needs to be based on the two methods. The situation is separated to practice.

"I've met Dongfang Dansheng." Yan Ning and his son Hou Qian saluted Lu Xiaotian while dragging his weak body.

"You don't need to be too polite." Lu Xiaotian nodded, then stretched out his fingers to face Yan Ning across the air, and Hou Qian pressed his forehead.

After all, Yan Ning is also a golden fairy-level monster. Even though he is severely injured now, he still has a superhuman sense, but under Lu Xiaotian's finger, there is not much room for reaction. He is inevitably surprised. As for his son Hou Qian, he is not a fairy-level monster. Self-cultivation, he couldn't react at all.

He felt an extremely gloomy force in the two bodies constantly suppressing his monster blood, and that gloomy force was still spreading to the limbs and bones. However, the overall degree of diffusion is about the same. There is no need to refine the elixir separately.

"The situation is neither good nor bad, but within a hundred years we must refine a batch of pills, otherwise our lives will be in danger." Lu Xiaotian said.

Houtong thumped in his heart, "Is Dongfang Dansheng sure?" He saw that Lu Xiaotian had already spent a lot of energy on repairing the formation cloud, and he had made good progress. broken.

"It's not a big problem. Give me the other things needed for alchemy."

"Yes, yes, as long as Dongfang Dansheng can save my wife and children, the matter of Dongfang Dansheng will be my business. I will never refuse." Houtong suddenly looked excited.

"Then it will be up to Dongfang Pill Sage. As long as I can regain my life, I will work for Dongfang Pill Sage with my husband until Dongfang Pill Sage leaves Sea Soul Palace."

Yan Ning is also inexplicably excited, although Houtong has never seen the other party really concoct alchemy, but from the process of getting to know each other before coming here, and with Lu Xiaotian's strength, there is no need to deceive them at all, after all, they need Lu Xiaotian to solve it Only then can it take effect for it.

The key point is that the fourth-rank alchemist in the family has been injured, even if he is willing to make alchemy for them, the chance of becoming an alchemy is very small. In this case, they have no other good choice except to trust Lu Xiaotian.

"You guys rest and recuperate for a while, I will continue to deduce the alchemy formula first." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and after signaling the other party to sit down, he temporarily finished repairing the cloud. In the process of fighting against the two Jinxian-level soul stone demons, Renshan fought hard.

In particular, Jiurenshan's method of derivation of the law of native gold, which is comparable to Jiurenshan's strength, and even stronger Jinxian-level powerhouse Lu Xiaotian has experienced a lot. But if you want to say touch, it is that the law of evolution is even greater.

The five elements generate and restrain each other. What Lu Xiaotian came into contact with since he set foot on the way of cultivation is the way of the five elements in the "Hunyuan Jing". The transformation of the five elements that he understood at that time was only at the most superficial level, but at this time it was the power of the law. The transformation and derivation between species origins are completely incomparable between the two.

After Lu Xiaotian was influenced by the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree, although he cultivated the power of several laws to the perfection of the profound meaning, he more or less relied on foreign objects. Although the foreign objects were completely consistent with Lu Xiaotian's own aura, they were not completely Lu Xiaotian's aura after all. You can understand it yourself.

Even at this time, the other several laws and profound meanings are making progress, but he has cultivated too much power of laws, and it is too far away to cultivate all of them to perfection, and even Lu Xiaotian himself does not know how many years it will take.

However, if one can comprehend the way of derivation of this law, the situation will be different. Once one steps into this threshold, the law of the five elements, and then derived to the mutual transformation between ice, wind and thunder, may cultivate the profound meaning of these laws to a perfect state than imagined. To save a lot of time.

At this time, he saw another feasible path from Jiurenshan, which made him inexplicably excited. Overjoyed to see Lie Xin, Lu Xiaotian even temporarily put aside the repair of Array Cloud.

At this time, Jiurenshan didn't know that his method had touched Lu Xiaotian so much. The scorpion demon also stopped cultivating at this time, and his eyes occasionally passed over Jiurenshan with a thoughtful expression.

After the alchemy formula was almost deduced, Lu Xiaotian didn't delay, he directly stretched out his palm, and a pill furnace like white jade flew out.

After seeing Lu Xiaotian's actions, Houtong couldn't help being excited, but at the same time couldn't help being a little worried. According to his thinking, if Lu Xiaotian can rest for ten or eight years, as long as it doesn't take too long.

The other party had already started to repair some of Zhenyun's wounds before, but now they did it after resting for less than half a month, which is too fast.

If you care about it, the monkey boy will inevitably worry about gains and losses. It's just that what he said about alchemy doesn't count, and his strength is no match for these guys in front of him. The dialogue is based on the situation of equal strength. Right now, he has no right to speak at all.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Lu Xiaotian had already put several materials into the alchemy furnace. At the same time, a force held the Jingyan bottle and flew towards the top of the alchemy furnace, and when it fell down Jiuren Mountain, the scorpion demons couldn't help but stare. Seeing the glazed soul flame still can't help but feel lingering fear.

Zizi When the glazed soul flame was poured into the pill furnace, the powerful flame made the pill furnace feel overwhelmed, and the aura of the entire pill furnace was unstable for a while. Lu Xiaotian invested no less than a hundred kinds of fairy materials, demon plants, etc. without rushing. The medicinal power emitted by these materials fused together, making the glazed soul flame calm down.

At this moment, Yan Ning and Hou Qian had already sat cross-legged near the alchemy furnace under Lu Xiaotian's instruction, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm and slapped the two of them one after another. Under this gentle palm strength, the bodies of Yan Ning and Hou Qian began to slowly rotate. On the other side, the speed at which Lu Xiaotian puts various alchemy materials into the alchemy furnace has not decreased in the slightest.

"No wonder you said that the fourth-rank alchemy saint in the clan was injured and could no longer refine this alchemy, even if his cultivation level is a little lower."

Erosion Demon took a look at Houtong, Yan Ning and Houqian were both eroded by Lixue Mingshui in their bodies, and they needed to stabilize the tempered Liuli Soul Flame in the form of elixir, and then swallowed it in their bodies.

It's just that even if something like the glazed soul flame is moderated, its power is unquestionable. If the amount is too small, the corresponding effect cannot be achieved. Once the amount is too large, the harm will be much more than that of Lixue Mingshui, which is enough to burn Monkey Thousand and Yan Ning to ashes.

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