Become a Fairy

Chapter 4728 Danger

"You swear now!" The Water Soul Monkey Demon said after his complexion changed. Although there is no treasure to make an oath, even an oath is not very binding on some treacherous people, the Water Soul Monkey Demon still wants to make one more for himself Seems like an unreliable guarantee.

"I swear by Dongfang Dansheng here. If you violate what I just said, your path will be blocked, and you will die from the power of the law." This is not the time to hesitate, and since you need more psychological comfort, Lu Xiaotian didn't delay.

"Since that's the case, why don't you give me the control of this array of flags." The Water Soul Monkey Monster muttered, and then reacted, "Oriental Alchemy? You are alchemy, what level of Alchemy?"

"Help me control the formation flag first, and you draw back all the breath in the formation flag!" Lu Xiaotian stared at him, this monster talks a lot, when is this, and you still have the time to talk nonsense with him?

"Okay." The water soul monkey monster reacted and smiled contemptuously. He knew that it was impossible for Lu Xiaotian to return the formation flag to him, and he had just been injured repeatedly. At this time, the injuries in his body were not serious. To him, I am afraid that it will be difficult to cope with the current situation.

At present, the Water Soul Monkey Demon completely withdraws his aura in the formation flag, and it is naturally possible to give Lu Xiaotian a certain amount of time to forcibly refine the formation flag, but the most lacking thing at this critical moment is time.

While withdrawing its aura, the Water Soul Monkey Monster taught Lu Xiaotian the method of controlling the Muyin Shuitianxumi formation, and found that Lu Xiaotian's aura entered the formation at a speed far beyond imagination.

"Couldn't this guy have studied this formation a long time ago?" The water spirit monkey monster was startled, and found that Lu Xiaotian's speed of getting started was several times faster than before.

puff! In the process of refining this formation, the dangerous environment around has not eased in the slightest, and there are still colored glaze soul flames coming here. At this time, the formation is roughly under the control of no one, and the defense is naturally strong. At the same time, two clusters of glazed soul flames, one large and one small, burst into the black cloud one after another.

The water soul monkey monster was startled, and its expression was full of panic. Jiuren Mountain and the Ksitigarbha Twelve-Winged Scorpion Demon have experienced many storms and waves. But he didn't dare to urge Lu Xiaotian at all, so as not to interrupt Lu Xiaotian's progress in refining the array flag.

"Scorpion Demon, Fellow Daoist of Jiuren Mountain, the two of you join hands, no matter what means you use, hold back that big glazed soul flame for me, otherwise we will all die here."

When Lu Xiaotian refined the array flag, he was still paying attention to the surrounding situation. If these two groups of glazed soul flames are allowed to scramble in the formation and cause too much damage to the formation, even if he completely refines the formation flag, relying on an overly broken formation to resist the tyrannical force outside The six-eared ape-jun is obviously dreaming.

"Okay!" Jiurenshan and Dizang Twelve-Winged Scorpion Demon were not the ones who hesitated. Immediately after hearing Lu Xiaotian's words, he started to shoot.

No tricks are needed to deal with this uncontrolled glazed soul flame. If you want to prevent the opponent from jumping around in the formation, you don't have any tricks, you can only stop it with strength.

With a movement of Jiurenshan's consciousness, a phantom of a palace appeared behind him, and mountains towered beyond the phantom. One after another, mountain shadows shot at the larger colored glass soul flame one after another.

Low puffs sounded one after another, and it was obvious that only a few mountain shadows could not completely stop the Liuli Soul Flame, but as the Ksitigarbha Twelve-Winged Scorpion Demon's magic knives slashed one after another, under the vigorous efforts of two Jinxian-level powerhouses, the group The speed of the larger glazed soul flame was finally stopped.

The Erosion Demon took a deep breath, no longer being suppressed by the formation, and began to regain control of his body with all his strength, expelling part of the power of the formation that had invaded his body before. As for the Water Soul Monkey Demon, he doesn't dare to beat his front lightly at this time. After being injured one after another, his state at this time is worse than that of the Corroding Heart Demon. He can only heal his injuries on his own. No matter how dangerous the situation in this formation is For the time being, he can't do much.

Even the Healing Water Soul Monkey Monster can't completely calm down for a while, life or death depends on whether Lu Xiaotian can stabilize the situation in a short time. When life and death are at stake, the Water Soul Monkey Demon doesn't have the concentration.

Chi! The back of the water soul monkey monster felt cold, and the formation had already been torn open by the glazed soul flame.

And the array flag in Lu Xiaotian's hand also began to emit auras of varying strengths and weaknesses.

Lu Xiaotian's expression was stern at this time, and he stretched out his hand, controlling the clear fire bottle to pour out from the edge of the formation, and suddenly a lot of glazed soul flames inside were poured out of the formation, although it had a certain impact on the edge of the formation, but Not the biggest crisis.

"Bastard, what are you doing? My wife and children still rely on the glazed soul flames to make alchemy!" The water soul monkey demon was still worried about the situation in front of him, but after seeing this scene, he couldn't help but open his eyes. The glazed soul flames were all poured out, so he took a clear flame bottle back for a fart.

The extremely angry Shui Po Monkey Monster rushed towards Lu Xiaotian desperately. On Jiuren Mountain, the two scorpion demons raised their eyebrows at the same time, and they wanted to deal with the water soul monkey monster.

Bang, in Jiuren Mountain, before the two scorpion monsters attacked, the water spirit monkey monster was forced to retreat by Lu Xiaotian's palm.

"Take it away and then collect it. You don't need the flame purification bottle, what can you use to collect the glazed soul flames that are leaping up in the formation!" Lu Xiaotian scolded angrily, seeing that the six-eared ape-lord had initially got rid of his own troubles and forced him to come here.

The Shui Po Monkey Monster was taken aback when he heard it, but he didn't expect Lu Xiaotian to have such an idea, so he couldn't help but retreat to the side in embarrassment.

In order to reassure the Shui Po Monkey Monster, Lu Xiaotian never poured out the glazed soul flame in the flame purification bottle, but stopped after pouring it for a while. At this time, Lord Six Ears is approaching, and Lu Xiaotian is not allowed to waste any time.

Lu Xiaotian waved the formation flag in his hand, and at the same time controlled the flame purification bottle to fly towards the slightly smaller colored glass soul flame in the formation that was out of control.

First collect the small group of glazed soul flames, and then put the larger group into the bottle.

"It seems that you are not very lucky, the formation has actually broken a hole." Mr. Six Eared Ape came to the front again, with a mocking smile on his face.

The giant ax in his hand swung again.

"Dongfang Dansheng, can you block the opponent's blow?" Jiu Renshan's expression also changed at this time.

"All of you attack in the direction my formation flag is pointing at, don't stop!" Lu Xiaotian's expression was serious, and he directly pointed at the formation flag.

On Jiuren Mountain, although the scorpion demon was puzzled, he still launched the most fierce attack possible.

hum! At this time, the formation rotated at a higher speed than before. boom! The six-eared ape-lord's huge ax fell again, and hit the black cloud in front of him directly. Originally, he wanted to cut in through the black cloud's opening, but the formation inside turned around, which made up for the opening to a certain extent. defect.

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