Become a Fairy

Chapter 4697 confrontation, countermeasures

Blood splitting, turbulence, rage, condensation, soul storage and other different laws and secrets are intertwined in Bailong's body, and at the same time, the different bloodlines that Lu Xiaotian has comprehended spread to any place in Bailong's body with the shock of blood energy .

The body of the white dragon was like a pool of stagnant water, without even a single ripple. But neither Ao Ming nor Lu Xiaotian are the ones who give up easily. Still trying again and again.

During such frequent explorations, the jet-black man's face was completely gloomy. Although the dragon kid who subdued him was far less powerful than him, his body was indeed huge, and his cultivation of the power of the blood law was also very important, obviously stronger than his. Some of the monsters and dragons I have encountered are deeper and more deeply involved.

That guy Ao Ming is also quite courageous. With the mutual cooperation of the two sides, it is really possible to awaken the vitality in the dragon's body in a short period of time.

Once Lu Xiaotian accomplishes this, the attention will naturally shift to him. Although the possibility of escaping from this small world is not great, but Lu Xiaotian is restrained for a while longer, and the mysterious man will have a little more chance to break the situation.

This search took five years, which was longer than the time Lu Xiaotian spent recovering from his previous injury.

"It's in this area." After searching for a period of time, Lu Xiaotian finally locked a relatively secluded area in Bailong's body, or in other words, the ray of vitality left in Ao Ming's body was well received by the black and green man. protected. After all, this mysterious man also wanted to take his body before. It is still important to maintain a trace of vitality in the dragon body. However, under the restriction formed by the poisonous gas that the mysterious man has diluted countless times, Lu Xiaotian still spent a lot of effort in locking his area.

Ao Ming was also assisted in this process. Just by one person, even by the current strength of his primordial spirit, I don't know how much time it will take.

"Dragon Lord, how do we break the restriction left by that mysterious man?" Feeling that he was getting closer and closer to holding the dragon body again, Ao Ming said excitedly.

"It's not to break the restriction left by the other party, but to awaken the vitality that has been sleeping for a long time and merge with your current remnant soul. The supernatural power of the dragon soul battle suit has been taught to you, even after the successful merger, The power that the mysterious man keeps in your body can make you stronger, but at the same time, it will also pose a considerable threat to you. Whether you can stick to your heart depends on yourself."

Lu Xiaotian didn't say what he said later, the black and blue man spent a lot of time and energy repairing Ao Ming's dragon body, only to use it for his own use because it could accommodate the more powerful power of law.

After this five-year search, Lu Xiaotian sensed the spiritual consciousness left in his body by the black and blue man several times, but the position of the restriction formed by the other party through the poisonous gas is uncertain and can be shifted at will.

The reason why the opponent didn't do anything to extinguish Ao Ming's remnant soul was because he was afraid of Lu Xiaotian's presence. Later, during the process of Ao Ming regaining his physical body, Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness is bound to withdraw from Ao Ming's dragon body. This is the time when it is really dangerous for Ao Ming.

If Ao Ming is finally eroded, Lu Xiaotian can only take action to imprison Ao Ming in the green fruit barrier.

"Success or failure depends on one move. If I don't keep my heart, for the sake of the dragon clan's plan, the dragon master will not be soft at critical times." Ao Ming's tone was determined.

"It depends on the situation, maybe the situation will not be as bad as we imagined." Lu Xiaotian nodded, it would be best if Ao Ming realized this.

The voice fell slightly, and a large amount of blood law power moved forward, spreading everywhere in Ao Ming's body pervasively. Envelop the area where the trace of vitality exists. At this time, the poison gas restraint left in Ao Ming's body by the black and blue man played an obvious role in resistance.

The power of law of the blood system cultivated by Lu Xiaotian is far more tyrannical than the power of law that has been completed such as fire and thunder. ,

In addition to the stronger dragon body and abundant blood, the more important thing is that there are as many as twelve kinds of blood mysteries, and Lu Xiaotian has cultivated several kinds of blood mysteries. Naturally, the power of his bloodline law became stronger.

It's just that under the restraint of the poisonous gas of the black and blue man, Lu Xiaotian felt that the power of his blood law was not so strong. Many times he was stubbornly blocked by the opponent, and even in the opponent's counterattack, his own blood law The power is constantly being eroded.

Lu Xiaotian even had to dissipate part of the power of the law of knowledge. To prevent the opponent's poisonous gas restraint force from spreading further and directly attacking Lu Xiaotian.

At this time, Ao Ming's white dragon body has become a battlefield. The offensive and defensive momentum alternates from time to time.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian himself was standing not far from Bailong's body, his eyes were looking at the body of the black and blue man's primordial spirit from time to time, and the two clouds of poisonous gas that had been forcibly separated.

Even under the pressure of Lu Xiaotian in the Qingguo Barrier, these three parties are still trying to come together.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's main energy was on Ao Ming's dragon, and he didn't have the time to separate the two poisonous gas clouds and the black and green man further apart.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes were filled with thought, the poison gas restraint left in Ao Ming's body by the black and green man, and the law power of the two sides continued to confront each other, Lu Xiaotian discovered that the law power of the black and blue man did not belong to gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice. Any kind of wind and thunder, but it has an inexplicable connection with several of them.

The opponent's power of law within the restriction is not considered strong. After all, he can only gradually figure out Ao Ming's white dragon body, and cannot inject too much power into Ao Ming's body at once. At this time, the body of the mysterious man's primordial spirit was imprisoned on the other side.

Even in this situation, relying on the poisonous gas restriction, the opponent still fought back and forth with Lu Xiaotian's power of the blood law.

After a lot of back and forth confrontation, Lu Xiaotian realized that in addition to the more pure power of the law of the opponent, the more important thing is that the two sides' understanding and control of the power of law are not at the same level at all. Only then will there be such a big gap in front of you.

No matter how ordinary vegetation is in the hands of the strong, it is a murderous weapon.

Even if the sword of a magic weapon falls into the hands of ordinary people, it is no different from rotten wood.

Lu Xiaotian is not comparable to this black and blue man now, but just to deal with the situation where he stays in Ao Ming's body for restraint, the strengths of both sides will be reversed, but after all, they are inside Ao Ming's dragon body, and Lu Xiaotian can't completely Let go. With scruples in their hearts, neither of the two sides can do anything to each other for a while.

"I'm afraid it's unrealistic to find the opponent's flaws, but the body of the black and green man is trapped after all. The consciousness left in Ao Ming's body is not much. Even if it is consumed, the opponent's body will be exhausted." A ray of spiritual consciousness is exhausted." After repeated confrontations, Lu Xiaotian began to care.

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