Become a Fairy

Chapter 4690 healing

As the power of the elixir dissipated in the body, the majestic dragon energy surged from the muscles and bones to the power of the ancient symbol of the broken thunder stone. The body was reduced to a battlefield, Lu Xiaotian snorted, even with his body, there were still bursts of tearing pain under the impact of these two completely different forces.

The stubbornness of this boundary-breaking thunder stone ancient seal is still unexpected. It's really hard to deal with.

After some tug-of-war battles, although a small part of the power of the seal was consumed, Lu Xiaotian's dragon body also became weaker.

And when the Dragon Yuan in Lu Xiaotian's body was exhausted, the power of the ancient rune unexpectedly began to slowly recover again. Lu Xiaotian's complexion changed, the power of this ancient rune actually has the ability to self-recovery, which has not been shown in the big formation before, could it be that the power of the ancient rune has also been suppressed to a certain extent in the big formation ?

When such a thought flashed through Lu Xiaotian's mind, the power of the dragon totem in Fang Tian's painted halberd flowed towards his left arm by itself. Although the power of the dragon totem at this time is far from the profound foundation that has been accumulated for thousands of years. However, the dragons brought by the Dragon King of the East China Sea have not entered the Qingguo Barrier for a short time, and they have not yet believed in Lu Xiaotian to that extent, and they are not enough to draw a halberd to gather the power of the totem to Fang Tian.

However, Lu Xiaotian himself has realized the level related to the luck of the dragon clan, and the power of the totem condensed in Fang Tian's painted halberd has not changed much in a short period of time. But the quality has begun to change to a certain extent.

At this time, it merged with the dragon element in Lu Xiaotian's body, and Lu Xiaotian realized a more majestic vitality than before.

Zizizi! After the power of the totem fused with Lu Xiaotian's own Dragon Yuan, it wrapped the power of the ancient rune in the body layer by layer. When the two conflicted with each other, a blue smoke directly rose from the surface of Lu Xiaotian's body.

Seeing that the power of the ancient rune is completely suppressed, although the runes in this group of power are flickering, it will continue to recover by itself, making Lu Xiaotian feel a kind of endless energy. But the speed of its self-recovery can't keep up with the consumption. According to this progress, it is only a matter of time before this alien force is wiped out.

But the flashing runes inside aroused Lu Xiaotian's interest. It's really incredible that this power can be so condensed by just relying on talismans, and it can be continuously derived and restored.

Lu Xiaotian didn't have much research on Talisman Dao, but Xiang Qingcheng was a master of Talismans, and there were tens of thousands of people in Qingguo Barrier who were influenced by Xiang Qingcheng to study this Dao deeply.

After pondering for a while, Lu Xiaotian completely recorded the process of changing and disappearing the flickering runes in this ancient rune.

At this time, the power of the ancient runes in the body is gradually dying out, and it will be extinguished step by step in the future, and a part of the primordial spirit will be separated to take care of it.

In the green fruit barrier, there is a lot of vitality at this time. A large number of human races and monster races haunt the habitats they have long been accustomed to. The races here have already regarded the world in the green fruit barrier as their family heritage. Hunting, training, meeting the other half, etc. here.

At this time, the eagle turtle demon, the black unicorn, the horned bear demon, the six-armed bull-headed monster Tu You, and other fairy-level monsters have been ignored by Lu Xiaotian since they were forcibly taken into the Qingguo Barrier, and they were directly isolated by Lu Xiaotian in a closed space within the area.

At this moment, they didn't even know where they were, let alone that there was such a place as the Green Fruit Barrier. It's just that he was taken to a place isolated from the world by Lu Xiaotian, a Golden Immortal Dragon Clan.

"Senior is finally willing to show up." When Lu Xiaotian's figure reappeared, Mo Qilin and the others couldn't help being ecstatic.

"I don't know how the seniors plan to deal with us."

"Senior was able to get out of trouble through the teleportation array, and the small party is considered a little meritorious. I don't dare to ask for too much benefit from the senior. After all, it won't trap us little monsters here instead." Make no effort to hide your dissatisfaction. He didn't have many lifespans left, how much would a monster not far from the limit be afraid of Lu Xiaotian, a dragon? Nothing more than death.

"You monsters are either not far away, or you have been traumatized in your soul and it is difficult to improve your cultivation. I keep you here to give you a fortune. If any of you don't want to, wait for me to deal with the matter at hand. After that, I will let you go."

Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed. These Celestial-level monsters in front of them have already cultivated to a certain level. If they are given the opportunity to hit the Golden Immortal-level realm, there is still a certain hope that they can successfully advance to the rank.

Of course, this requires treasures such as the Ksitigarbha Sanyin Spring, or the Nirvana Yinyang Spring. As for the effect of Long An Tian Soul Liquid, it is not inferior to these two genius treasures, but Long An Tian Soul Liquid is extremely limited. Lu Xiaotian also didn't want every monster under his command to be contaminated with dragon spirit from the top.

To establish a relatively stable foundation in the demon world, only rely on Gu Xueqin, and the Youyue King Mang whose territory is far away from here. After all, the hands are too thin.

If these monsters can be used for their own use, even if only a few of them can successfully advance to the rank, it will be a great help in the future.

"Send us a fortune? What do you say, senior?" Yin-winged Sanmu Peng suddenly became quite excited.

"I will solve the defects in your primordial spirit, but you will be used by me in the future, including after promotion."

"That's natural. As long as the senior can push us to a new level, as long as the senior gives an order, the junior will definitely go through fire and water." Silver-winged Sanmu Peng said without the slightest hesitation.

Mo Qilin and the vulture and tortoise demon also readily agreed.

"There are tribes behind the younger generation, and the elders of the clan have treated the younger generation well in the past, so I'm afraid they won't be able to compete with the seniors." Fang and the hot-tempered horned bear demon hesitated at this time, and it would be fine if they had to pay other prices , but he has his own relatives in the demon world, and the tribe needs shelter, so it is unlikely that he will serve Lu Xiaotian.

"Forget it, you guys think about it for a while before you talk. After I recover from my injury and solve my troubles, I will personally refine the Nirvana Yin-Yang Pill. Or other medicines that can help you restore your soul."

"Thank you senior."

After Lu Xiaotian nodded, he continued to inspect other places.

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, as well as his original tribe, are practicing new skills through the dragon totem. Lu Xiaotian engraved all the dragon skills on the dragon totem. These tens of thousands of dragons are practicing new skills in this way, which will invisibly deepen their connection with the dragon totem and strengthen their recognition of the green fruit barrier.

Lu Xiaotian also specially left a distraction to guide the cultivation of these dragons in this green fruit enchantment. It is also accelerating the sense of belonging of these dragons. Only in this way can the Dragon Totem grow faster.

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