Become a Fairy

Chapter 469 Fu Dongming

Lvkui Island covers a large area, with a radius of hundreds of miles. The aura is not much different from most places in the world of Wangyue Xiuxian. Unexpectedly, there are only a few Qi-refining monks here. It seems that the cultivation environment in the Blue Devil Sea is compared to Mochizuki's world of cultivating immortals is much better.

At least Lu Xiaotian came all the way from the sea, except for the island of the blood gourd Taoist, the aura in other places is relatively strong.

Lu Xiaotian naturally moved into Guirong's ancestral house, which is located at the foot of a mountain near the sea. Dozens of mountains are too high to block most of the sea breeze, and the surrounding trees are shady. It is a good place to live. Rong said that there are often monsters here, so there are relatively few people living here, but with Lu Xiaotian's strength, he can handle ordinary monsters. Lu Xiaotian is very satisfied with this kind of residence, and immediately decided to live. Confess Guirong some things.

Including inquiring about information, as well as buying some spiritual objects for refining formations through Tianhai Pavilion.

Hearing the errand given by Lu Xiaotian, Gui Rong looked like he was willing to do the work of a dog and a horse, and at the same time he was overjoyed. He did so much, didn't he just want to serve under Lu Xiaotian? Being able to saddle up a foundation-building cultivator is an honor that even a thousand monks on Luhuai Island do not have. Based on this, it is estimated that he will have no problem walking sideways on Luhuai Island in the future.

"Do things honestly, don't make useless things, I don't like trouble." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Gui Rong and said.

"Yes, I would like to obey the orders of the seniors. If the juniors have nothing to do, they must disturb the seniors as little as possible." Gui Rong felt his heart tremble when he heard this, and nodded quickly. However, Gui Rong also opened his mind a little. Senior Xi Jing, as long as he doesn't cause too much trouble outside, he can come to the door.

Not long after, the news of a foundation-builder cultivator coming to Luhuai Island spread like wildfire, and Lu Xiaotian was not surprised by this. After all, Guirong's cultivation base is not high on Luhuai Island, and he wanted to give him a gift on the island. To do things more smoothly, you must rely on the name of the foundation-building monk. Only other forces will sell face, and it will be much easier to inquire about news.

In Chaochu, people from the Golden Shark Gang, Luanxing Gang, and Tianhai Pavilion also came to visit, and all of them were turned away without exception. Later, a few lunatics from the Luanxing gang, because they were drunk, did not believe that there were really foundation cultivators in this humble courtyard, and they tied Gui Rong and arrested them in front of the courtyard for a while, causing a lot of people to come Watching the excitement, some monks wanted to take the opportunity to see if there was really such a thing as a foundation-building monk. After all, for several months, they had only heard rumors of a foundation-building monk, and had not seen the existence of a real person.

Even Gui Rong was arrested and beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. These few drunk lunatics are all late stage Qi refining and Dzogchen monks. Very arrogant. Just without yelling a few words, a big hand that looked square appeared out of nowhere in the seemingly inconspicuous courtyard, and grabbed several people directly.

When these lunatics looked at the horrific big hand, their souls trembled, they were so frightened that all the alcohol in their body woke up, their bodies trembled as if they were sifting grain, they knelt down and begged for mercy. It's just that the big hand that was caught in the air didn't stop, and directly slapped several people on the ground into a paralyzed flesh. The terrifying aura that erupted in the small courtyard even caused some people with lower cultivation bases to go limp and kneel on the ground.

Since then, no one has ever doubted the existence of foundation-building monks in this small courtyard. Not only are there, but they also have powerful methods, which are very rare among foundation-building monks. Although they never go out, they are fierce and dare to offend people He didn't even have much chance to beg for mercy, so he was killed on the spot.

However, after the big hand killed several lunatics of the Chaotic Star Gang, it grabbed the rope on Guirong's body and disappeared, and no more movements were seen. It's just that after this incident, everyone knew the existence of this foundation cultivator. Although Gui Rong was beaten, it was obvious that there was a Foundation Establishment cultivator behind him.

After this incident, no one in the entire Luhuai Island dared to trouble Gui Rong again. Several high-level members of the Luanxing Gang left Luhuai Island in a boat trembling overnight, and the rest of the gang rushed away. Scattered, most of them joined the Golden Shark Gang, and some became ordinary casual cultivators. The two gangs on Luhuai Island in the past became one overnight. And the Golden Shark Gang strictly ordered all gang members not to appear within a few miles of the small courtyard where Lu Xiaotian lived, and those who violated it would be dealt with directly according to gang rules. And Gui Rong also became the VIP of the Golden Shark Gang.

For this phenomenon, Lu Xiaotian is very happy. Gui Rong will send a copy of the collected information to Lu Xiaotian every once in a while, and occasionally send some formation refining materials purchased through Haitian Pavilion.

Most of the time, within a few miles of the small courtyard where Lu Xiaotian is located, except for Gui Rong, everyone else will deliberately avoid it.

It's just that on a sunny day more than ten years later, the sky was blue, but Gui Rong's complexion was a little bitter. Behind him, there was a rich middle-aged man with a delicate complexion and a slightly pudgy appearance, and a young girl with a beautiful face.

"This fellow Taoist, Fu Dongming, the deacon at Xiatianhai Pavilion on East Sturgeon Island, heard that fellow Taoist is staying here, so he came here to pay a special visit." Fu Dongming cupped his hands and raised his voice towards the small courtyard.

It's just that Fu Dongming yelled several times in a row, but there was no response in the small courtyard. Fu Dongming's face sank. He was a nine-story foundation-building monk anyway, and Dongshui Island was a rare large island within a thousand miles. The monks in the late stage of foundation establishment would have to be polite when they saw him. If it weren't for the fact that the formation materials purchased by Luhuai Island have become more and more advanced for more than ten years, and have even reached the level of fourth-level superior formations, the little man in front of him The monk in the courtyard is very likely to be a very brilliant formation mage, how could he condescend to come to this remote island.

But the monk in front of him might be a little too big, Fu Dongming felt a little uncomfortable, but the girl next to him, Fu Jiaojiao, said angrily, "Father, this nameless monk is too big, and Daddy is in Donghe. The island is full of well-known people, who came to ask for an interview, but this person didn’t even make a sound, seeing me smashing his broken door, forcing this person out to ask why, it’s so impolite.”

"No, this person's attainment in formation is very important, and he cannot be easily offended." Fu Dongming quickly stopped his daughter's actions, but his eyes turned to Gui Rong who was beside him.

"Senior Fu, the seniors here are very mysterious. For more than ten years, every time this junior has only handed over the things requested by the other party to the designated place, and has never stepped into the small courtyard, let alone seen this person come out. In the past, when I delivered things, there was a quick response. Since the senior gave orders a few days ago, I have not responded since I came back. This senior is mysterious, and the junior does not know where he has gone, let alone what is inside. Is there anyone?" Gui Rong said with a bitter face.

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