Become a Fairy

Chapter 4612 Image, prepare

"No wonder it was so easy to integrate into the Dragon's Heaven Soul Liquid and cultivate the body of a real dragon. The dragon soul is inherently stronger than other dragons, so I can go with peace of mind."

"Senior, I will return the Long Antian soul liquid, you..." Such a dragon ancestor who is not inferior to Zhulong, even if it is just a wisp of remnant soul, the value of its existence is inestimable. It is obviously not worthwhile to let the other party's remnant soul dissipate just for the sake of this Long Antian soul liquid.

"Don't waste time. Originally, I was going to disappear in smoke. Even if you don't come, that corpse will steal Long Antian's soul liquid. It's just a matter of time. Fortunately, you arrived in time, which shows that my Dragon Race is strong Not yet."

"Based on your current level, breaking through to the Golden Immortal Dragon Clan is only a short step away. The undead Dragon Qi over the Dragon Tomb can cover you. I don't know if the Dragon Clan treasury left over from the past is still there. I will leave some of the Dragon Clan's exercises and some of the Dragon Clan's past to you. Maybe most of the Candle Dragon guy has passed it on to you once, so let's count as much as it can play now."

The old voice interrupted Lu Xiaotian's words, before Lu Xiaotian could respond, one after another images were demonstrated on Lu Xiaotian's body.

Some of them are kung fu formulas, and some are dragon shadows that come and go, or some dragon soldiers, the method of refining dragon treasures. There are also some about the Yaozu.

Lu Xiaotian was filled with inexplicable feelings, he had never met this remnant soul before, but the other party had no reservations at this time, and passed on to him the things he had tried his best to preserve for countless years, without asking the origin or source, just A kind of recognition of the Dragon Race, in addition to the formulas of the exercises, this kind of fire has been passed on, and the sense of racial identity has been raised to a new height in Lu Xiaotian's heart.

A considerable part of the inheritance of the skills, Lu Xiaotian has indeed seen it at Zhulong, but the dragon warriors demonstrated by this remnant soul, the way of refining other treasures, and the cultivation of dragon souls are also used by others. place. Lu Xiaotian was also fascinated by watching, completely immersed in this evolution.

Regarding the dragon soul battle suit, there has been a new change in this remnant dragon soul. Previously, Lu Xiaotian cultivated his supernatural powers of the dragon soul battle suit through his speculation about the Absolute God robe, and later improved it through the exercises provided by Zhulong. But at this time, Lu Xiaotian saw another change here. In addition to defense, this dragon soul battle suit also carried a fierce attack.

It seems that this remnant soul's way of using the dragon soul is especially superior to the candle dragon. Many dragon skills and supernatural powers focus on the dragon soul.

Until the remnant soul of the dragon clan completely disappeared, Lu Xiaotian did not recover from the many changes in the evolution. In other words, Lu Xiaotian didn't want to wake up from it. In fact, his spiritual consciousness spread out. After further understanding the context of the entire Dragon Clan formation here from the Dragon Soul, Lu Xiaotian's understanding of this Dragon Clan formation has reached an unprecedented level. Lu Xiaotian can wake up from this state at any time as long as he wants to, or if he is in external danger.

I don't know how long it took before these hundreds of thousands of images stopped evolving and finally disappeared into nothingness.

Lu Xiaotian had a pensive look on his face. In addition to the exercises, what shocked him more was the way of refining some dragon warriors. Even Fang Tian painted a halberd as a dragon totem. In the subsequent promotion, Lu Xiaotian also had a lot of insights.

After obtaining these, Lu Xiaotian realized that in fact, this ray of dragon remnant soul was far beyond the control of the corpse soul that controlled the ice coffin. The reason why the opponent failed to strike in time was not because of how powerful the corpse soul was, but because after the opponent invaded the dragon's heavenly soul liquid, the remnant dragon soul itself existed for too long, and at the same time, the fluctuations caused by the counterattack were easily detected by the heavenly court. . At that time, the entire sea area controlled by the East China Sea Dragon Palace is estimated to be overturned several times by the Heavenly Court, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan will also suffer a great blow.

If not, that corpse soul would have been wiped out countless times.

But now Lu Xiaotian took action to destroy the corpse soul, and completely controlled the situation, which can be regarded as fulfilling part of the last wish of this dragon clan remnant soul.

At this time, in the entire Kuanglong sandy area, countless gravels surged and began to block all the leakage of breath. Whether it was the dragon tomb or the dragon's breath in the Long Anxia area, the dragon's breath began to flow in a certain pattern.

"Dragon Lord?" The Dragon King of Jiudu looked at the depths of the void with a feeling, and he sensed Lu Xiaotian's vague aura in this fluctuation.

"Well, I am going to choose a day to attack the realm of the Golden Immortal Dragon Clan. Even if the Kuanglongshayu starts to block the leakage of breath with all its strength, once the realm is attacked, the movement will never be small. I am afraid that Honghao Heavenly Court will dispatch a large army afterwards Come here, the Dragon Tomb of the East China Sea may cease to exist, so be prepared on your side."

At this time, Lu Xiaotian is in the soul liquid of Long An Tian, ​​which is where the core of the formation eye is located, but the mad dragon sandy area, the dragon tomb, and the Long Anxia area are integrated into one. Lu Xiaotian controls the formation eye at this time, and his spiritual consciousness can reach Anywhere in the law, especially the remnant soul of the dragon clan just now gave Lu Xiaotian the way to change the formation here.

Some places that were difficult to reach in the past are now smooth. Of course, this is also based on the fact that Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit is strong enough, otherwise the Black Dragon, or the Dragon King of Jiudu would be far from being able to do this.

"The dragon tomb has existed for so many years, and the dragon clan is getting weaker and weaker. This kind of existence is meaningless. If you can use the entire East China Sea dragon tomb in exchange for a new life for the dragon clan, what a pity to die." The Dragon King of Jiudu resolutely said, "In Before the Dragon Lord is promoted, no matter if there is any strong enemy coming, all the undead dragons in the dragon tomb will stop for the Dragon Lord."

"Thank you, senior." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and he was not too polite to the Dragon King of Jiudu. Except for the Longhai Dragon Tomb to be covered by the large array here, Lu Xiaotian couldn't find any other better place to hit a new level.

Leaving aside the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man, even in Yunzhong City, Lu Xiaotian may not be so relieved. At this time, as a dragon clan, he trusts the existence of the Dragon King of Jiudu who has fallen once.

In addition to the undead dragon clan in the dragon tomb, the power in the Qingguo Barrier and the dragon clan formation here are his greatest reliance. In a hurry, even Honghao Tianting should have difficulty mobilizing such a large and powerful force to expedition to the Dragon Tomb in the East China Sea.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was inevitably a little excited. Since Muye smuggled into the fairy world, he finally started to hit the golden fairy level. Once this moat is passed, a whole new world will surely be ushered in. Regardless of whether there are greater chances in that world, or more bloody fights and challenges, Lu Xiaotian will face it calmly.

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