Become a Fairy

4610--Andrew Hidden Corpse Soul

The Six-Eyed Lin King and the Black Dragon were fighting together. At this time, the Yuanshen was not suppressed, and the Six-Eyed Lin King was finally able to display his true strength.

"I don't count on Long Antian Soul Liquid, but it has been rumored how powerful your Dragon Clan is without being suppressed by the Heavenly Court. Today is just a chance to see it." A trident fought fiercely with the black dragon.

Lu Xiaotian flew directly towards the Longangtian soul liquid surging in the great void. At this time, there was no one to stop Lu Xiaotian, and the Longangtian soul liquid that these several Golden Immortal level powerhouses were fighting for was already close at hand.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to grab the liquid ball, but this thing that looked like a liquid ball was like an invisible thing. The hand passed through the liquid ball, but it didn't catch a trace of it.

This thing is indeed similar to the rumors, Lu Xiaotian is not surprised but happy, Long Angtian soul liquid is not an ordinary liquid, but a kind of soul liquid. If Ji didn't get his approval, he would be like him just now. Even if he was in front of him, it was not easy to collect it. This soul liquid is in the shape of a soul body, which can be seen but not touched.

Unless it is to use the primordial spirit to resonate with this soul liquid, it is especially difficult to get a certain degree of approval from the other party. Although the corpse soul refined a part of the Yinggou phalanx, it is not a dragon itself. The reason why it wants to plot against them is that apart from cultivating the supernatural powers of the corpse, Lu Xiaotian, as a dragon, has long been willing to kill him. within the list.

It's just that things backfired, and the other party also failed to expect that Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit has exceeded the limit that a Jinxian-level powerhouse can achieve. What's more, he didn't expect that the dragon totem power in Lu Xiaotian's body could support him in long-term fighting. As a result, not to mention the loss of the new body of the Iron Winged Corpse Dragon, he was also seriously injured and escaped. If it weren't for the amazing defensive power of the intercepting hook and remnant bones, Lu Xiaotian's last halberd would have killed his corpse on the spot.

The corpse in Yinggou's phalanx obviously has been entrenched here for so long and has not been fully captured. It can be seen that it is not an easy task to take away the support of Long Fentian.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to fish several times, but without exception, he caught nothing.

After pondering for a while, Lu Xiaotian closed his eyes and sensed the existence of Long Antian Soul Liquid in front of him with his spiritual sense after looking at the Long Antian Soul Liquid for a while.

hum! The existence of Long Antian Soul Liquid in his mind suddenly became vivid. A series of dragon chants came into my mind, forming a certain resonance with Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian's expression brightened immediately, but before he could react, the Long Antian soul liquid suddenly opened up, and a vague corpse aura came from inside.

Lu Xiaotian was taken aback immediately, thinking that after Ying hooked his fingers into the ice coffin and escaped, the matter would be settled, but he didn't expect that the other party actually dug a hole here. He has sinister intentions.

At this time, it was too late to think, Lu Xiaotian directly condensed a sword shadow of soul essence to meet him.

The roar of the dragon's corpse screamed, and the fluctuations caused by the shock of a terrifying spiritual consciousness swayed away, and the black dragon who was still fighting was shocked, and the six-eyed Lin King was startled, and quickly stopped to look at Lu Xiaotian's side. In the surging Long Antian soul liquid, a stalwart corpse appeared and disappeared from time to time. And behind Lu Xiaotian, a phantom of a green dragon also appeared.

The corpse's face was as thin as a ghost, and suddenly it was the face that had appeared on the ice coffin before. It was wearing a nonchalant battle skirt, under which there was only a python-like tail and no legs.

At this time, the corpse pointed at Qinglong, and the six-eyed Lin Wang felt a chill go straight to his forehead. Originally, he also thought that after the ice coffin and the hooked bones escaped, he and Lu Xiaotian were the only ones to compete for the Longantian soul liquid. Who knew that the soul controlling the ice coffin would have a backhand, if Lu Xiaotian hadn't come to collect the Long Antian soul liquid, he would definitely have been tricked, with such a powerful Yuanshen fluctuation, he would undoubtedly die if he confronted with the Yuanshen alone.

"What a powerful dragon soul! No wonder the dragon master's dragon soul battle suit has been cultivated so quickly, and it is so strong." The black dragon also made a sleepy voice.

Wave after wave of soul shock waves produced by the confrontation between the two sides.

Whoosh, another sword shadow of soul essence slashed down, and the soul shadow with the spirit of winning the corpse and Lu Xiaotian confronted hundreds of times in a few moments, and finally couldn't hold on at this time, and was pierced by a sword.

"I didn't expect your dragon soul to be so strong. I'm afraid it's almost at the level of a fairy. I'm not wronged!" After the soul shadow said this sentence with difficulty, it shattered and disappeared.

Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although the spiritual confrontation between the two sides was short-lived, it was more dangerous than the previous fight.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian had a thorough understanding of the layout of the souls in this area in Yinggou Fingerbone. The reason why the opponent was able to use part of the power of the eyes of the Long'an Tian Soul Liquid array was that part of the corpse soul was integrated into the Long An Tian Soul Liquid. Originally, this dragon thing was extremely repulsive to the opponent's corpse, but the owner of this corpse found a different way. It is estimated that he killed many dragons, refined the dark dragon iron chain, and absorbed a certain amount of dragon soul. It has a certain dragon breath.

Only in this way can a part of the power of the formation eye be controlled, but it cannot be completely refined.

After all, the eyes of this array belong to the Dragon Clan, and they are extremely exclusive. But if Lu Xiaotian doesn't come, let the corpse soul kill some dragons to absorb the dragon soul, maybe the corpse soul will succeed in the end.

Among the bloodlines of the four great corpse ancestors, Yinggou is stronger than Yuanshen. This rumor is indeed true. Even if the opponent is only a part of the corpses here, absorbing only part of the power of the formation eye, even with the strength of Lu Xiaotian's Yuanshen, just now Being attacked by the opponent is also dangerous

Change to the Six-Eyed Lin King, or the black dragon is definitely going to be tricked. After killing the opponent's corpse, the resonance between Long Antian's soul liquid and Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit was more obvious at this time, and it actually formed a dragon shadow to swim and play with the phantom of the green dragon manifested behind Lu Xiaotian.

Seeing this scene, the Six-Eyed Lin King completely gave up, and he just gave up and put a considerable distance away from the black dragon.

"If your dragon master doesn't die prematurely under the suppression of the Heavenly Court, your future will be limitless."

"Heavenly Court doesn't even know that there is such a number as Dragon Lord. If you want to kill Dragon Lord, go eat shit." Such a huge mountain could be crushed at any time, and even the green fruit barrier might be crushed to pieces.

"Really?" The Six-eyed Lin King smiled when he heard the words, and did not argue with the black dragon. Although the dragon clan has been extremely oppressed throughout the ages, it is not uncommon to see people with amazing talents and stunning beauty. Until now, the survival situation is getting worse and worse. It's so bad, it's not easy to shake the four heavens.

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