Become a Fairy

4587--Andrew Trapped in the array

If it was normal, Yan Jiu would naturally try to find her out, but now that she has arrived at the area where Long Anxia is, and she is getting closer and closer to Long Anxia, ​​Yan Jiu doesn't seem to want any twists and turns in the matter.

The other party doesn't plan to trouble him for the time being, and Lu Xiaotian naturally wishes for it even more.

Following Yan Jiu and others all the way through this land full of rosy light for more than a few days, Lu Xiaotian suddenly noticed something was wrong, it seemed that the aura of Yan Jiu and the others had completely disappeared. And the surrounding rocks reflecting the rays of the sun are constantly changing.

"It turned out to be a formation." Lu Xiaotian looked surprised, and fell into the trap of Yan Jiu and the others. It is estimated that the other party also found out that he was following him, and even peeped at their recent situation, and the conversation made him feel relaxed. alert. Then use the large formation here to trap him, but underestimated them.

It seems that the formation here should be set up by Honghao Heavenly Court, or by Xunlong Division, there is not much difference between the two for Lu Xiaotian.

It seems that the Xunlong Division's tentacles have been here for a long time, and they have such a large formation without making a sound.

"Following us all the way is very happy. How are we doing? Are you satisfied?" A light flashed on a stone on the ground, and the image of Chen Zhaofeng appeared inside. The other party looked at Lu Xiaofeng jokingly. sky.

"It's okay, you actually hid it from me, but I underestimated you guys." Lu Xiaotian said truthfully, before he somewhat thought that Chen Zhaofeng's behavior should be the most edgy among the three, but now it seems that it is just a part of his appearance It's just a layer of camouflage, and I guess I'm not the first to be fooled.

"Seeing that you look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, you really want to knock open your brain to see what's inside. We've always been the only ones who look for the dragons to trouble the dragons. You are the first one who dares to follow us .”

Chen Zhaofeng snorted coldly, "What are you doing with us all the way? Who ordered you? Honestly, I can keep your whole body, otherwise it's still good to send it to the Dragon Slaying Platform. We have ten thousand ways to make your life worse than death." The way."

"Really? I really want to see the power of your large formation. The Earth Tower Jinyin thick soil formation, the formation is highly consistent with the ground veins, and has eliminated the traces of its own formation. The method of formation is really superb, but Can your cultivation bases, understanding and application of the laws of the earth system really support the operation of the entire formation?"

There was a playful smile on Lu Xiaotian's face. This formation was integrated into the ground veins here before it was activated. In addition, it was surrounded by the glow of Long Anxia. Before it was fully activated, it was indeed difficult for Lu Xiaotian to feel the existence of the formation.

In the final analysis, Lu Xiaotian's own attainments in the cultivation of the laws of the soil system are still lacking. If the profound meaning of the laws of the soil system is complete, coupled with his spiritual sense induction, he may be able to see some clues.

However, although the concealment of this formation is extremely high, the requirements for those who operate the formation are also not low. It stands to reason that it is difficult for heavenly-level powerhouses, and even some golden-level powerhouses, to get out of trouble, but Lu Xiaotian is not alone now , Behind him is a tyrannical and highly cohesive force in the Qingguo Barrier.

Let alone Yan Jiu, Chen Zhaofeng, and Wu Fang, even if the immortal formation master who personally set up the formation is here, there is no way to trap him.

No matter how strong the formation is, there is a limit to its tolerance. When the strength is not enough, it may not be possible to escape the danger even if you rack your brains for some difficulties. When the strength reaches a certain level, many conspiracies and tricks can be directly broken. At this time, Lu Xiaotian had the confidence.

"Don't be ashamed, don't say that you are just a mere celestial dragon, even if your cultivation reaches a higher level, you will never want to leave this place today." Wu Fang, who seemed more mature and steady at this time, could not help but be aroused by Lu Xiaotian's words A bit of murderous intent.

"Then come on, let me see how well you can control this formation." Before Lu Xiaotian finished speaking, he had already taken a step forward.

"Start formation!" Yan Jiu shouted lightly, forming a small circle with Wu Fang and Chen Zhaofeng, sitting opposite to each other, in front of each of the three were three formation flags that were khaki-yellow with a bit of brilliant gold.

Yan Jiu pinched the magic formula with his hand, and stretched his fingers forward to connect the dots. Suddenly, the formation flag in the middle glowed with celestial light, and Chen Zhaofeng and Wu Fang also moved one after another. In the spiritual light, I saw that the guy with the dragon head was moving mountains and stones around. The sleeping earth seemed to wake up and move.

Not only the ground, but even the floating clouds in the sky that were originally full of rays of light gradually turned into rocks at this time, with sharp cone-shaped rocks descending one after another, and the topography of the ground was also changing rapidly, cracking one after another from time to time , or a series of spikes. For a while, no matter in the air or on the ground, people felt that it was hard to stand up, as if no matter where they went, they would be attacked endlessly.

Moreover, this kind of attack is more like a natural disaster, endless, even if the people of the formation do it, there will be a sense of insignificance and powerlessness that has no opponent, as if they are wrestling with heaven and earth.

These are either falling or rising sharp cones. From time to time, there are bursts of killing breaths in the earth and rocks. From time to time, there was a strange force of gravity and repulsion alternating from the ground.

Gold born from native? The transformation of the power of this law is ingenious. Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt a pity that it wasn't the immortal master who set up the formation to run the formation himself.

If the Immortal Formation Master did it himself, he would be able to feel the mysterious transformation of the power of the Earth Law from the Earth Element to the Metal Element.

And although the current formation is working delicately, for a picky person like Lu Xiaotian, it still doesn't make much sense.

Although Lu Xiaotian's own soil law has not been cultivated to perfection, he has reached a considerable level. After wandering around in the formation for a while, it seems that from the void to the landlord are surging mountains and rocks, boundless and endless, with Lu Xiaotian's relatively small figure It seems that it should always be trapped in it and it is difficult to escape.

At least that's how Chen Zhaofeng and Yan Jiu felt. The power of this great formation is almost endless to the three of them, and even a Jinxian-level powerhouse should be difficult to compete with the power of this great formation, but Lu Xiaotian gave them a kind of power that would break out of the formation at any time. abruptness.

"The formation is a good formation, but it's a pity that the people who control the formation can't do it." In the image of the nine formation flags intertwined with aura, several people suddenly saw Lu Xiaotian's eyes looking at them calmly.

Even after seeing Lu Xiaotian in this landslide and landslide, walking forward like a stroll in a courtyard in an aura of destruction, no matter how fierce the attack is, it seems that it is difficult to touch Lu Xiaotian's body. Lu Xiaotian still just walked forward as usual, with sword intents slashing out around his body, or dragon-shaped phantoms wandering around, blocking these ferocious attacks from outside.

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