Become a Fairy

4562--Andrew Bone Stairs

Su Qing screamed, and in the sound wave, there seemed to be countless space-eating ghost ants spreading out, gnawing on the skull's head.

The thunder stormed in the void, and the blue and red clouds shook, but Luo Qian and Yun Xiao also shot, with a clear target, and at the same time, the speed of cleaning up the skull heads around them soared.

boom! When one of the bull-headed skeletons exploded, an obsidian ghost crystal with the face of a baby escaped, turning into a black light and trying to escape.

"Want to leave? Stay here." The python's mouth was opened by the python's head phantom shadow old man, and the huge vortex attracted the obsidian ghost crystal with astonishing pulling force, causing its speed to attenuate.

At the same time, Yun Xiao waved his hand, and several blue and red cloud walls fell down, as if to isolate a cage around him.

"Senior Brother Luo, I'm covering for you to take the Obsidian Ghost Crystal!" Su Qing secretly sent a voice transmission to Luo Qian. I saw his fingers move together, and the dense phantoms of space-eating ghost ants rolled away, and even climbed along the cloud wall, forming a huge ant ball while the obsidian ghost crystal was escaping, covering the surrounding space in it.

Luo Qian took the opportunity to escape into the formic ball, stretched out his hand and grabbed the obsidian ghost crystal in the palm of his hand.

The three wolf monsters and the black-robed golden eagle ghost suddenly looked disappointed. Originally, they planned to take advantage of the chaos to snatch this thing, but they didn't expect Luo Qian and Su Qing to cooperate so tacitly, and they didn't take advantage of them at all. Opportunity.

"Quickly, crush the obsidian ghost crystal!" The black-robed golden eagle ghost snarled.

Luo Qian could see that after grabbing the obsidian ghost crystal, the heads of skeletons in the distance roared restlessly, so densely packed that it was hard to count, he had no choice but to exhale the energy in his palm, and the obsidian ghost crystal cracked in response, emitting A series of black ripples vibrated away. Where the black ripples passed, the black beams of light from the eye sockets of the skull heads began to fade. The surroundings fell into a brief and rare peace.

"Senior Brother Luo, do you feel anything strange?" Su Qing asked secretly.

"It seems to be able to faintly sense the existence of other obsidian ghost crystals. The black ghost sources contained in those skull heads are of different strengths. Even if they explode, part of the risk can be avoided by this, but nothing else." Luo Qian said. audio channel.

"It's enough to have these, no wonder two of the three wolf monsters look extremely disappointed."

"Fellow Daoist must have already sensed the location of other obsidian ghost crystals. Quickly take us to the next place. We must get another piece of obsidian ghost crystals before these skeleton heads riot again." The three wolf monsters urged .

"I've already sensed it, but don't you want to tell me what's going on with this obsidian ghost crystal?" Luo Qian's face was calm, unmoved at all.

"Time is running out, I'll talk to you later when it's relieved." The three wolf monsters just urged, and didn't mean to reveal too much to Luo Qian.

"In this case, the four of us are enough, you two can do what you want." Luo Qian sneered, naturally he would not be easily prevaricated by the other party.

"That's right. You obviously have a certain understanding of this, but you are avoiding it. Don't you think that the old body and the four are easy to use?"

"Let's go, without these two guys, we can still resolve the crisis." In front of other ghosts, Yun Xiao and Luo Qian entered together, consciously rejecting the existence of other people who broke into the tower together.

"We also heard about this obsidian ghost crystal from other ghosts. The specific source is not clear, but we can roughly guess that it has been relying on obsidian ghost crystal to survive. After breaking the game one after another, there is a certain chance that we can find Xuanyao ghost pool. .” The black-robed golden eagle ghost sighed, knowing that the other party would not bother the two of them without revealing something.

"It's good to be so early, but you'd better tell us what you have hidden in advance. If people think you are unreliable and have other plans later, don't blame us for being rude." Su Qing chuckled.

A group of five moved quickly under the leadership of Luo Qian, and ushered in a relatively peaceful period under the influence of the obsidian ghost crystal.

Still following the black-robed golden eagle demon's method, a group of six fought all the way, and encountered a lot of dangers in the middle. These skeleton heads rioted again. Fortunately, they found other obsidian ghost crystals to replace them in time to save the day.

After repeating this for more than ten times, the group of six were all exhausted. Fortunately, before the last obsidian ghost crystal was consumed, the surrounding skeleton heads became thinner. What appeared in front of the strong men was a series of stairs, and the bone stairs went up layer by layer, which seemed to be another layer leading to the skull tower.

"What is this?" Su Qing looked at the two black-robed golden eagle ghosts.

"How do we know that there is no turning back right now, and the obsidian ghost crystal can barely survive in the skull head area, and cannot let us get out of the tower. Although the bone staircase looks weird, it seems that there is no way to find out. There is no other choice." The heads of the three wolf monsters shook at the same time.

"Let me come." Luo Qian came here according to the guidance of the obsidian ghost crystal all the way. With Su Qing's cooperation, he basically obtained the obsidian ghost crystal. A faint feeling.

"I'm with you." Su Qing and Luo Qian stepped on the bone ladder side by side.

The old women with python-head phantoms haven't noticed any abnormality yet, Su Qing and Luo Qing only feel a burst of hallucinations around them. Like huge waves hitting the shore, like landslides and ground cracks, like breeze blowing bamboo, thousands of kinds of rhythms form ripples like waves of water.

Each sound wave feels like being in one world. Countless sound waves are intertwined together, giving people a sense of contradiction in many worlds. It seems that the soul is about to be split, making people unable to tell where they are. .

Luo Qian was startled. He and Su Qing were originally walking side by side on the Bone Stairs, but since then, he has been unable to sense Su Qing's existence. Looking around, there are only up Bone Stairs in the void. The black-robed gold-carved ghosts and demons behind him had long since disappeared.

At this time, there is not even a single enemy around, but Luo Qian feels that it is far more dangerous than meeting any enemy. If he can get rid of the sense of contradictions and confusion like being in countless worlds, I am afraid that his soul will sooner or later It will be exhausted because of this sense of contradiction and dislocation, and eventually become a walking corpse on this ladder of bones.

Yuanshen died of exhaustion, and Luo Qian felt a burst of fear for no reason. This fear did not originate from himself, but from worrying about Su Qing.

Rumbling, as Luo Qian's thunder gun swung, the sound of thunder pillars bursting in the void was terrifying, enough to easily tear apart a fairy-level ghost, but for the surging sound waves, there was no sound. Can play a little role.

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